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English Drama Club 英语剧社,英语剧社成立啦! English Drama Club is established from today!,?,Whats Drama Club?,lets watch 看一看,English short play the tiger and the fox AX,What is needed 表演需要什么,Actor, actress 男演员,女演员 Play writer 编剧 Director 导演 Singer, Dancer 歌者舞者,Scene, sound, music, 场景设计,道具,音效,音乐 Costumes 服装 Video recording,postproduction 录像, 后期制作,What is needed 表演需要什么,Our plan 我们的设想,Story Telling, poem reciting in English 英语讲故事、诗朗诵 English Drama 英语话剧,小品 English Fairy tale 英语童话剧 English Musical play 英语歌舞表演 Other games that we like 其他我们喜欢的英语活动,How to start 怎样开始,Stage performing skills 舞台表演技巧 Vivid oral language 生动的语言表达 Exaggerated Facial expression 夸张的面部表情 Magnified Body language 丰富的身体语言,How to start 怎样开始,Basic English 基础英语 English games 英语游戏 Emotionally reciting skill 有感情地朗读 Learn and memorize actor lines 学习和背诵台词 Adapt stories, fairy tales 改编剧本 Write script 原创剧本,分组活动 Group activity,Read and understand the situation 读场景,理解和想象场景与感情 Discuss the feeling and what actors lines and behavior can express the situation 讨论怎样表现情感,用什么台词,动作 We are here to help you 有疑问尽管提出 Decide who are going to perform the situation, and practice in your team 决定演员,讨论怎样演,并在组内练习 - Show US!,分组活动 Group activity,Act 1 Happy surprise 惊喜 Imagine: After school, I go back home, suddenly find that theres a gift on my desk! I like the gift very much!,分组活动 Group activity,Act 2 Angry 生气 Imagine: I have a cat. One day, when I go back home, I find that my cat break my favorite ( cup, PSP, MP4, cell phone),分组活动 Group activity,Act 3 Sad moment 悲伤时刻 Imagine: My best friend is going to leave, his family is going to move to US, we are in airport,分组活动 Group activity,Act 4 Sleepy 瞌睡不想起床 Imagine: I sleep very late last night. Now its 7 oclock in the morning, I am still in bed, my mother come, try to wake me up, I am so sleepy,You did a wonderful job! 大家都很棒!,我们一起来 We do it together,Everybody is the owner 每个人都是剧社的小主人 Looking for good- Drama script Stories Fairy tales Songs Poems Games,This file is used for engli


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