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重庆市第七十一中学2018级八年级上期英语第一学月定时检测(总分:150分,时间:120分钟)卷首语:亲爱的同学们,学习英语已经有一年多了,在这段日子里,我们一起努力,一起奋斗,一起欢笑,享受着英语世界的无穷乐趣,老师心中充满了对你们的期待,请扬起你们自信的风帆,运用你们智慧的钥匙,沉着,冷静,成功一定属于你们,加油!第I卷 (共100分)I 听力测试(30分)A. 情景反应,念一遍。(每小题2分,共10分)1. A. She often goes to the movies. B. She went to the movies yesterday. C. She is going to the movies this weekend.2. A. Last week. B. Once a week. C. For a week.3. A. I dont like junk food. B. I like to play basketball. C. I watch TV three times a week.4. A. 20%. B. Very often. C. Sounds great.5. A. Yes, they do. B. How come? C. No, I dont think so.B. 对话理解,念一遍。(每小题2分,共10分)6. A. Tom. B. Toms brother. C. The girl.7. A. Once a day. B. Twice a day. C. Every week.8. A. 20%. B. 50%. C. 40%.9. A. Helps with housework. B. Does his homework. C. Does some farm work. 10. A. Yes, she is. B. No, she is very busy. C. No, he is quite free.C. 长对话内容,选择正确的答语,念两遍。(每小题2分,共4分)11. How often does the bus run on Saturday? A. Once an hour. B. Twice an hour. C. Three times an hour.12. How far is the school from here? A. About 5 miles. B. About 15 miles. C. About 25 miles.D短文理解,念两遍。(每小题2分,共6分)13. Lucy exercises _.A. every evening B. every day C. every weekend14. Lucy loves _ but hardly ever eats it.A. fruit B. vegetables C. junk food15. Lucy wants Amy to _. A. write back B. learn from her C. study betterII 单项选择。从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳答案。(每小题1分,共20分)16. Sam, take umbrella with you when you go out. A. a B./ C. the D. an 17. Where did you go _ vacation, Lana? -I went to Beijing _ my family. A. of, with B. on, for C. on, with D. on, of18. -Can you speak Japanese? -Yes, but only . A. little B. few C. a little D. a few19. he is very tired, _ he goes on working in the field. A. Though, but B. But, / C. Though, / D. /, /20. Im going this winter vacation. A. to interesting somewhere B. to somewhere interesting C. interesting anywhere D. somewhere interesting21. the bad weather, no one to yesterdays sale. A. Because of, came B. Because of, comesC. Because, is coming D. Because, come22. I think eating more _ food can help you keep in good _.A. health, health B. healthy, healthy C. healthy, health D. health, healthy23. The food is _, so I have _to buy it.A. expensive enough, enough money B. cheap enough, enough moneyC. enough expensive, enough money D. enough expensive, money enough24. The book is _. I feel _.A. boring, boring B. bored, boring C. boring, bored D. bored, bored25. Our English teacher tells us that it is good _ learn English _ speaking more.A. to, by B. for, by C. at, with D. with, to26. The Greens arrived _ New York _ a sunny day.A. in, in B. at, in C. in, on D. at, on27. -_ do your friends _?-About once or twice a week.A. How long, plays football B. How long, drank juiceC. How often, do housework D. How often, having lunch28. Mary studies _. She _ goes to bed early at night.A. hard, hard B. hard, hardly C. hardly, hardly D. hardly, hard29. I have _ housework today so I dont have any time to watch TV.A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too 30. He doesnt like to go shopping at all. So he _ goes to the shopping center.A. often B. sometimes C. usually D. hardly ever31. Dont forget _ a rest at least once every hour when you go online.A. having B. to have C. have D. had32. It is said _ of the students like _ the game shows in their free time.A. most, watching B some, watch C. one, to watch D. many, watches33. Here _ the results _ the student activity survey in No. 71 Middle School.A. is; with B. are; of C. is; of D. are; with34. I have to go now, My parents want me _ back home by ten oclock. A. get B. to get C. gets D. got35. -We need more drinks. Could you buy some? - I dont have any money. A. Yes, sure. B. No problem. C. Of course. D. Sorry, but. 完型填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)通读全文,从A, B, C, D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。It was a Sunday afternoon in summer. It was very 36 and nobody wanted to stay at home. Mike decided 37 swimming in the river. His brother, Jim, wanted to go with him. 38 him with you, Mike, said their father. He will do what you say, I think. They got 39 the river quickly. A lot of people were 40 in it. Mike told Jim to play on the bank(岸边), then he jumped into the water. 41 an hour, Mike swam to the bank with a fish in his hand. Jim was very 42 . He found a bottle and put the fish in it. Jim did nothing but watch the 43 that evening. Suddenly(突然) Mike 44 Jim crying in the room. He ran to him and asked, Whats wrong, Jim? The fish has died . Jim said, It was swimming in the bottle all the time. I thought it was 45 . So I took it out of the bottle and put it on the chair. I only wanted it to have a rest. 36. A. warm B. hot C. cool D. cold 37. A. going B. go C. to go D. goes 38. A. Play B. Sing C. Take D. Arrive39. A. to B. at C. of D. for 40. A. singing B. running C. hiking D. swimming 41. A. Before B. After C. At D. Ago 42. A. happy B. angry C. sad D. sorry 43. A. dog B. fish C. Mike D. river 44. A. heard B. listened C. sounded D. looked 45. A. thirsty B. free C. tired D. busy .阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 A MONDAY 19:0-0:30 English learning ProG White Would you like to improve your English?(2 weeks) TUESDAY 17:30一19:00 Photography MrGreen Learn to take good photosBring your own camera with youThis is for middle school students(4 weeks) WEDNESDAY 18:O0-19:00 office 2000 ProWang Lan Learn how to use the new software(软件)(10 weeks) FRIDAY 19:00-20:30 Painting Miss Yang Jing Would you like to learn painting? Its for beginners only(1 6 weeks) SATURDAY 15:O0 -16:30 Cambridge Young Learners English ProJBrown This course is for the children at primary school(20 weeks) SUNDAY 10:00-11:00 Swimming club Coach:Liu Xin Want to swim as fast as a fish?(9 weeks)Happy Childrens Palace(少年宫)46. If you want to improve your English, you can learn from . A. Miss Yang Jing B. Dr. J. Brown C. Pro. Wang Lan D. Pro. G. White47.If you are interested in painting, Miss Yang Jing can teach you . A. from 19:00 to 20:30 on Monday B. from 17:30 to 19:00 on Tuesday C. from 7:00 to 8:30 on Friday evening D. from 18:00 to 19:00 on Wednesday48. Which of the following statements(陈述) is right? A. Pro. G. White gives a talk about English learning for students on Monday Morning. B. You can go to learn how to use Office 2000 from Pro. J. Brown. C. If you want to learn swimming, you should go there on Sunday afternoon.D. Pro. J. Brown teaches children English from 3:00 to 4:30 on Saturday afternoon. B Mrs. Green was eighty years old and healthy. She had a car, and she always drove to the shops on Saturdays and bought her food. She did not drive fast because she was old. She drove well and never hit(撞) anything. Sometimes her grandchildren said to her, Please dont drive your car, Grandmother. We can take you to the shops. But she always said, No, I like driving. I drove for 50 years and Im not going to stop it now. Last Saturday she stopped her car at the traffic lights because they were red and then the car could not start again. The lights were green, then yellow, then red, then green again, but her car did not start, What shall I do? she said. Then a policeman came and said to her kindly, Good morning, Madam. Dont you like any of our colors today?49. is right. A. She liked driving. B. She drove her car for 60 years. C. Mrs. Green liked one of the colors. D. Last Saturday she stayed at home.50. Mrs. Green said What shall I do? It means . A. she didnt see the traffic lights B. she didnt know how to start the car again C. she forgot what she was doing D. she had nothing to do51. Her grandchildren didnt want her to drive because . A. she always drove fast B. she was very ill C. she had not a car of her own D. she was too old52. Mrs. Green liked driving because . A. she had a beautiful car B. she didnt like to stay at home C. she never hit anything D. she wanted to keep the habit of drivingCThe food in England is very different from our Chinese food. People in England eat a lot of potatoes. They like to eat them every day. They eat bread for breakfast and usually for one other meal. They eat their bread with butter(黄油), maybe cheese, or jam(果酱)that we dont eat much in China. Cheese and butter are made from milk. People in England drink a lot of milk, too. They drink cold or hot milk, and they put in their tea. They put sugar in their tea, too. They are the worlds biggest tea drinkers. They like Chinese tea, but they drink mostly strong black tea from India and Sri Lanka. They dont eat much rice. For their main meal(正餐), they like meat or fish with potatoes and one or two vegetables. After the main meal they often have something sweet. They call this dessert(甜点). They dont have dumplings in England.53. From the passage we know English food is _ Chinese food.A. always the same as B. quite different from C. nicer than D. worse(更糟)than54. We dont eat _ much in China. A. dumplings B. rice C. vegetables D. bread with butter55. Most English people drink tea from_.A. China B. India and Sri Lanka C. America D. Japan56. Which of the following isnt English peoples favorite?A. Rice and dumplings. B. Fish and meat. C. Milk and tea. D. Potatoes and bread.D We each have a memory(记忆). Thats why we can still remember things after a long time. Some people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things by heart, but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again. Many of the great men of the world have got surprising memories. A good memory is a great help in learning languages. Everybody learns his mother language when he is a small child. He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their parents in foreign countries. They can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear, remember and speak two languages every day. In school it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the students have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too. But your memory will become better and better when you do more and more exercises.57. Some people can easily learn many things by heart because . A. they always sleep well B. they often eat good food C. they read a lot of books D. they have very good memories58. Everybody begins to learn his mother language . A. at the age of six B. when he is a small child C. after he goes to school D. when he can read and write59. Before a child can speak, he must . A. read and write B. make sentences C. hear and remember the sounds D. think hard60. Your memory will become better and better . A. if you have a lot of good food B. if you do more and more exercises C. if you do morning exercises every day D. if you get up earlyV. 情景交际。(每空分,共5分)从方框中选出填在句中空白处的最佳选项,其中有2项为多余选项。A: Winter holidays will begin in a few months. What are you going to do?B: 61 We are visiting our grandparents there.A: Oh, theyll be very happy to see you again, I think. B: Sure. 62 A: Maybe my parents are taking Dick and me to a few cities in China.B: 63 . What cities are you visiting?A: Maybe Shanghai, Nanjing, Shandong and Xian.B: Oh, 64 . I think youll have a good time.A: 65 . A. Im sure we will.B. What are you doing for the vacation, Mary ? C. Im doing homework at home.D. That sounds very interesting.E. Theyre all famous places in China.F. Dad is taking me to our hometown(故乡).G. Its sunny today. 第II 卷 (共50分)VI. 任务型阅读。(每个问题2分,共8分) Television is good. Youd like to watch it all day and night. But too much TV is very bad thing. Scientists found that children who watch too much TV may have more trouble learning to read. They cant focus(集中) on their work.Kids learn language skills best by reading, talking and playing with others. If they spend too much time watching TV, theyll have less time for those things.Watching too much TV is bad for peoples health. People dont move much while watching TV. Whats more, they may eat a lot of food while watching. This can make them heavy. We call these people couch potatoes.Fighting on TV is a big problem for kids. Young people are good at following. Scientists found that those who watch a lot of fighting shows are more likely(可能的) to fight.66. Can children find it difficult to learn to read if they watch too much TV? _.67. How do kids learn language skills best? _.68. What dont people do while watching TV? _.69. What are the kids more likely if they watch a lot of fighting shows? _.VII按要求完成下列句子。(一空一词,每空分,共10分)70.The children did something interesting on the school trip.(改为否定句) The children _ do _ interesting on the school trip.71. She forgot to study for a test last night.(改为一般疑问句) _ She _ to study for a test last night.72. Many kids eat junk food once or twice a week.(对划线词提问) _ _ do many kids eat junk food?73. Watching too much TV is not good for you.(同义句转换 _ not good for you to _ too much TV.74. 我的父母根本不上网。 My parents _ go online at _. 短文填空,一空一词。(每空2分,共16分)There is an old English saying. It tells us that we must go to bed 75 in the evening and get up early in the morning. Then we will be 76 . We will also be rich and clever. This is true. The body must have 77 sleep to be healthy. Children of young age should have ten 78 sleep every night. If they dont have enough sleep, they cannot do their work 79 and they may not be healthy. The body also needs exercise. Walking, running, jumping and 80 games are all exercise. Exercise helps t


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