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,Unit 6 An Unusual Day Part A,执教者:武夷山市湖桃小学 曹怡婷 指导教师:武夷山市湖桃小学 金美雪,闽教版小学英语六年级上册,three oclock,seven oclock,Say the times,Its,7:20,8:45,five thirty,half past five,Late, late.,It was an hour late.,:,late,An unusual day,不平常的一天,Why?,Listen and answer.,Q2:How does he usually go to school?,Q1:When does Wang Tao usually get up?,Q3:When does he usually get to school?,Read and fill in.,7:30,took a taxi,8:00,Wang Tao usually gets up at half past six.,walk,He usually walks to school.,walks,usually,talk,get to school,gets to school,7:20,usually,He usually gets to school at seven twenty.,But this morning he got up at half past seven.,take a taxi,This morning he took a taxi.,took a taxi,this morning,get to school,got to school,8:00,this morning,This morning he got to school at eight oclock.,s unusual day,Group work,1.在下列调查表中选出几项活动调查你的伙伴; 2. 说说他(她)“不平常的一天”。,Linlin,gets up at 7:00,got up at 7:30,has breakfast at 7:30,had breakfast at 8:00,Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy. ( 早睡早起身体好。),Dont be late for class, early to bed and early to rise . ( 早睡早起,上课别迟到。),Homework


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