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专题课件单元检测(八)No Drugs.阅读理解AAre you looking for a large vehicle to take your family out for long drives and trips?Do you want a nice little car that can be driven through the thickest traffic with ease?Here, at The Clean Machine, our range of used vehicles has something for everyone.Over the years, we have realized that used car businesses always go for big sales but seldom offer an acceptable level of customer service. We decided to be different from that and put customers interests first. Here are some of our attractive offers.Low on credit? No problem!If you want a used car but your credit score is in a bad state, we can make it easier for you! We know just how difficult times can get. That is why we do not do a credit check. We know that a customers credit score is not the only measure of his/her ability to buy a car.Inhouse financingWe offer 100 percent inhouse financing to our customers and do not rely on thirdparty lenders. With this, customers also get a Buy Here Pay Here offer. For example, if we have a 5,000 used vehicle, we would typically require half the cost as a down payment. The remaining would be paid at 200 or so per month.Low down payment dealsBased on the number of used cars we have at the time, we even offer low down payment deals for some cars less than 5,000, allowing customers to pay as little as 1,000 as a down payment.Call us today to find out just how close you are to owning your own car! 3604237054语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章是一则关于二手汽车销售的广告。1What does The Clean Machine provide?ARegular trips.BDriving lessons.CTraffic information.DSecondhand vehicles.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Here, at The Clean Machine, our range of used vehicles has something for everyone.”可知,The Clean Machine销售二手车辆。2A credit check is unnecessary at The Clean Machine because _.Apeople are losing their jobsBthere is less trade than usualCa credit score is not so importantDpeoples credit scores keep changing解析:选C推理判断题。根据“Low on credit? No problem!”部分中的“We know that a customers credit score is not the only measure of his/her ability to buy a car.”可知,这家汽车销售公司认为一个人的信用积分并不是衡量他们是否有能力买车的唯一标准,言外之意,这个信用其实也说明不了太大问题,并不是很重要的依据。3How much will a customer pay immediately for a 5,000 car?A2,700. B2,500.C2,300. D1,000.解析:选B细节理解题。根据“Inhouse financing”部分中的“if we have a 5,000 used vehicle, we would typically require half the cost as a down payment. The remaining would be paid at 200 or so per month”可知,如果买一辆5 000美元的二手车,首付需要一半的价格,即2 500美元。BChildren who are given pocket money are less likely to save up as adults than those who have parttime jobs, according to a report by economists. They said parents can shape their children by encouraging them to carry out some paid work such as delivering newspapers, babysitting or washing a neighbours car.The research team from the University of Sheffield in the UK asked more than 3,200 local children whether they had a parttime job or relied on their parents for pocket money, and then they compared spending habits of the two groups. The research found there was a distinct difference in the influences of these two different income sources on their saving behavior.The research concluded: One percent increase in the childs allowance (零花钱) is connected with 18 percent decrease in the probability that the child saves. In contrast, the weekly pay that the child receives from parttime work is positively connected with the probability of saving. The research also found that working had positive longterm effects on the possibility that a child will grow up to be good with money. Whether a person saved during childhood has a large effect on the probability of saving in adulthood, according to the report.Children are legally allowed to work from the age of 13, with the exception of children who are paid for modeling or acting in TV shows. Adrian Roper, from the National Federation of Retail Newsagents, said, “Delivering newspapers is a wonderful opportunity for children looking for the first job, because it is simple and safe, although the income may not be so high.” But he added that new rules have made it more difficult for children to do this type of work, such as only being allowed to do one hours work before school and not before 7 am.语篇解读:研究发现,做过兼职工作的孩子比单纯用父母零花钱的孩子更懂得节省开支。4Which of the following statements is TRUE about the research?AChildren from other countries also participated in the research.BIt was conducted by a researcher from the University of Sheffield.CIt was conducted to study the amount of pocket money children have.DThose 3,200 children were studied based on the sources of their pocket money.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段中的“asked more than 3,200 local children whether they had a parttime job or relied on their parents for pocket money”可知,在这项调查中,对这3 200名孩子按照零花钱的不同来源(来自自己的兼职收入或来自家长给的零用钱)进行研究。5Delivering newspapers is highly recommended by Adrian Roper because _.Ait does not demand much skillBit can be done in a quiet placeCchildren can make a lot of money from itDchildren dont have to follow any new rules解析:选A细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“it is simple and safe, although the income may not be so high”可知,送报纸这个工作相对来说简单、安全,虽然收入不会那么高。6According to the last paragraph, in the UK _.Achildren under 18 are forbidden to workBchildren get no payment for acting in TV showsCits easier for children to deliver newspapers than beforeDthe opportunities for children to do a parttime job are decreasing解析:选D推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可推断在英国有新出台的规定,而这些规定对小孩打工有了更严格更细致的要求,所以在这样的背景下,想找一份兼职零工对小孩来说越来越困难,机会也越来越少。7The text is mainly about the relationship between _.Achildrens study and their futureBchildrens growth and their worriesCchildrens pocket money and their saving behaviorDchildrens pocket money and their parents income解析:选C主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句可以推断出,本文是围绕孩子获得零花钱的途径与他们养成的储蓄习惯之间的关系展开说明的。.完形填空Over the past six years my life has changed. I moved from a _1_ neighborhood to a neighborhood where drugs were of higher value than _2_.Every time I saw the violence in the street, I _3_ to study hard. My determination was what _4_ me to work hard at my lessons. I do let the negatives influence me (_5_, right?). I let them influence me in a way that makes me try very hard for something better. I refuse to be the beggar and drug taker at the corner, _6_ endlessly, asking for a dollar in order to see another _7_.My parents want the best for me. They are both _8_ to me and it was sad to learn that their marriage broke up. Seeing them both in pain is something that I have to _9_. There are times when I feel like I could have done something different to _10_ the situations.I like playing baseball. It is _11_ to me. One day, I felt a sharp pain in my _12_. It kept me from _13_ entirely. A yoga (瑜伽) teacher _14_ me. She said, “That is some knot (硬结), Sean! Youre _15_!” At that moment, tears filled my eyes. The yearlong suffering seemed to _16_ at once. That knot in my back was more than just a _17_. It meant the pain that I felt but nobody could _18_. It was a symbol for how greatly my _19_ affected me. I needed someone to _20_ me, someone to push that knot out of my back.语篇解读:生活中许多不如意的事让作者非常痛苦,但是他决定要让它们给他带来好的影响。1A.distant BlargeCpoor Dsafe解析:选D由第3空前的“violence”可知,作者原来住的社区非常安全,但是现在这个地方充满着暴力和毒品。2A.survival BmoneyCeducation Dhope解析:选C从第3空后的“study hard”可知,在这个地方,毒品比教育更重要。3A.decided BrememberedCprepared Dagreed解析:选A根据下一句中的“determination”可知,每次作者看到街头的暴力事件,他都会决定要刻苦学习。4A.taught BpushedCallowed Dbegged解析:选B从上一句作者的行动判断,他的决心激励着他努力学习。5A.strange BdifficultCobvious Dsimple解析:选A由本空前的“I do let the negatives influence me”可知,作者要让这些消极的事情影响他,这听起来很奇怪,不是吗?6A.sleeping BcryingCcomplaining Dshaking解析:选D从本空前后的“at the corner”和“asking for a dollar”推断,作者可不想成为那个缩在角落的流浪汉或吸毒者,在那里瑟瑟发抖。7A.solution BfriendCday Dpoint解析:选C这个人缩在角落里乞讨,活一天算一天。8A.familiar BsimilarCtrue Dimportant解析:选D从“it was sad to learn that their marriage broke up”可知,父


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