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Projection of planes 平面的投影 Characteristics of plane projection 平面的投影特性 Exercises 练习题,Projection of Planes for a Solid 立体上平面的投影,请点击相应标题显示其内容,Projection of planes 平面的投影,Planes of a solid are formed by a number of lines. 立体上的平面是由若干条线围成的平面图形。,请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容,Example 1. Construct three projections of ABC. 求作平面ABC 的三面投影。,1.Parallel plane projection 投影面平行面,Definition 定 义,Characteristics 投影特性,请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容,Characteristics of plane projection 平面的投影特性,H-plane, horizontal (水平面) If it is parallel with the V-plane, it is called a frontal plane. (正平面) W-plane, profile (侧平面) 与某投影面垂直的平面称为该面的平行面。,The projection on its parallel projection plane shows the true shape. 在所平行的投影面上的投影反映实形。 Projections on both of the other two projection planes converge to a line. 在另外两个投影面上的投影均积聚为直线。,Horizontal plane 水平面,Frontal plane 正平面,Example 2 例 2,Characteristics of plane projection 平面的投影特性,2.Vertical plane projection 投影面垂直面,Definition 定 义,Characteristics 投影特性,请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容,H-plane, H-perpendicular (铅垂面) If it is vertical to the V-plane, it is called a V-perpendicular plane. (正垂面) W-plane, W-perpendicular (侧垂面) 与某投影面垂直的平面称为该面的垂直面。,The projection on its orthogonal plane converges to a line and shows the oblique angles between two other projection planes. 在所垂直的投影面上的投影积聚为直线,反映与另二投影面的倾角。 Projections on the other two projection planes are similar shapes. 在另外两个投影面上的投影均为类似形。,V-perpendicular plane 正垂面,H-perpendicular plane 铅垂面,Example 3 例 3,3.The general plane 一般位置平面,When the plane is oblique with the three projection planes, it is called a general plane. 与三投影面均倾斜的平面称为一般位置平面。,Its three projections are all similar shapes. 其三面投影均不反映实形,而为类似形。,The general plane 一般位置平面,Definition 定 义,Characteristics 投影特性,请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容,Characteristics of plane projection 平面的投影特性,1. Given positions of plane P, Q & R, label its projection in view and fill the vacancy. 已知立体上平面P、Q、R 的空间位置, 在投影图中标注其投影位置,并填空。,请点击题目显示其内容,Exercises 练习题,2. Given two projections of plane, draw the third view and fill the vacancy. 已知平面的两个投影,求作其第三投影, 并填空说明是什么平面。,本 章 结 束,谢谢您的认真学习!,退出,前一页,1. Given positions of plane P, Q & R, label its projection in view and fill i the vacancy. 已知立体上平面P、Q、R 的空间位置,在投影图中标注其投影位置,并填空。,Horizontal plane 水平面,H-perpendicular plane铅垂面,W-perpendicular plane侧垂面,请 点 击 解 答 显 示 其 内 容,r,r“,q“,p,p“,q,r,q,p,W-perpendicular 侧垂,H-perpendicular 铅垂,(,),2. Given two projections of plane, draw the third view and fill the vacancy. 已知平面的两个投影,求作其第三投影,并填空说明是什么平面。,请点击解答显示其内容,Steps 作图步骤:,(1) According to distance from W, determine the position of other two projections. 根据距W 面距离确定另二投影的位置。,(2) According to characteristics of projections, draw other two projections of ABC. 根据投影规律, 求 ABC 的另二投影。,2. The profile plane ABC from W10 , draw other two projections. 已知侧平面ABC 距W 面10mm,求该ABC 的另二投影。,请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容,a,a,b,c,b(c),Steps 作图步骤:,3. The horizontal projection of the V-perpendicular plane ABC and =30 , =60, from H10mm, draw other two projections. 已知正垂面ABC的水平投影及=30 =60,且ABC距H面10mm,求另二投影。,(1) According to distance from H and 、 determine the position of V projectio


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