



Lesson 7Jennys New Skirt.根据课文内容,完成下面表格单词1.当然_2.女衬衫;短上衣_ 3.真正地;确实地_4. 粉色(的)_ 短语1.light blue_2.a blue skirt_3.my favourite colour_句型1.下午好。Good_2.我能买一件新的吗?_ I get a _ _?3.我可以穿我最喜爱的衬衫和它搭配。I can _ my favourite blouse_ it.4.我最喜爱的颜色是粉色。_ _ _ is _.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1Can you pass me the book?S_Here you are.2She wears a _ (女衬衫) with her new pants.3Your new_ (短裙) is very nice.4I_ (真正地) dont like pink.5Her_ (最喜爱的) clothes are blouses and skirts.单项选择 ()1._ is that marker?Its light blue.A. What colour B. How colourC. Which colour D. Whats colour()2.What can you wear _ it?A. in B. with C. to D. of()3.Her favourite colour _ white. Aam Bis Care Dbe()4.What can I do for you?I want _ iPad(苹果平板电脑) for my daughter. She needs_Aan; one Ba; oneCan; it Da; it()5.Whats _ favourite subject(科目)?English.Ait Bhe Chis Dyou()6.Is Davids new coat black?_AYes, he is BYes, he doesCNo, it isnt DNo, he isnt()7.I like this dress. _ colour is red.AIt BItsCHis DHer()8.She always_ a red dress.Awears B. inCputs on Ddresses .连词成句1want, you, colour, what, do_?2is, his, blue, colour, favourite_.3. can, wear, she, blouse, her, it, with_?4. like, pink, I, skirt, your, light_.5favourite, blouses, my, are, clothes, skirts, and_.根据短文内容及首字母或所给词提示完成短文I have a good friend. 1._(she) name is Kim. She 2._(real) likes wearing beautiful clothes. Her 3.f_ clothes are dresses. She likes pink best. But my favourite 4.c_ is red. We 5. _(be) different(不同的)教师详解详析.单词: 1. sure2. blouse3. really4. pink短语: 1.浅蓝2.一件蓝裙子3我最喜爱的颜色句型: 1.afternoon2.Can; new one3wear; with 4My favourite colour; pink.1.Sure2.blouse3.skirt4.really5.favourite.1.A2.B3.B4AiPad以元音音素开头,要用an;one指同类不同物。5C6.C7.B8Awear意为“穿着”,表状态;put on意为“穿上”,表动作;in不能作谓语;dress sb.意为“给某人穿衣”。.1.What colour do you want2His favourite colour is blue/Blue is his favourite colour3Can she wear her blouse with it/Can she wear it with her blouse4I like your light pink skirt5M


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