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建筑工程质量管理摘要:现代工程项目管理已纳入质量管理原则和其活动的倡议。现代质量管理系统如 ISO 9000 系列标准的要求不断监测的建设进程。此演示文稿将尝试整合到一个真正的、 大的和复杂的建设项目,发生了由知名工程承建商在希腊雅典的关键质量管理工具。详细的分析提供了成本和时间的截止日期问题的改进的机会。关键领域进行了研究由 WBS 和功能单元分析重点放在主要的活动。 主要由的集思广益会议、 鱼骨图和 Pareto 分析组合取得了解决问题的能力。预测程序,前期的策划和管理人员编制已完成提高未来项目的建议。简介它是常见的一个建设项目,遇到延迟。有几个原因,可以促进对延迟一个项目。一个项目延迟作出贡献的各种原因分析是解决它的重要任务。以科学的方式,确定影响、 计时以及派遣影响的每个这些总体延迟的原因应协助帮助双方解决诉讼没有延迟。此论文的目的是双重的。一个是定义和分析导致延误项目中的主要因素。另一种是以分析施工进度延迟考虑的众多因素,以找出的可能途径消除这些因素,造成这些延误。拖延和索赔拖延是在建筑行业的最常见现象之一。在过去三十年期间在大多数类型的项目中,出现了延误,从简单的建筑到最复杂的项目,如核发电厂项目或隧道工程。关于建筑工程项目和从中产生这种延误索赔延误是现代施工过程的一个组成部分。压倒性所用的时间、 能源和成本专门讨论拖延索赔不会开始当最初提交索赔时处于或接近完成的一份工作,而是,施工延误索赔过程就开始了在项目开始。延误索赔经常发生时的实际完成日期和合同完成日期之间的差异存在。延迟的时间是信息的基本确定的延迟原因所需。但是,很难分析延误索赔,许多因素,导致这种延迟,从而使它一个非常复杂的问题。这种因素之一是生产力的生产力损失或损失。建设项目的过程中很多情况下可能会导致拖延。一般由客户端所有者 (应予赔偿延误) ; 也许造成的延误承建商 (非可原谅的延误) ;或神的行为或第三方 (可原谅的延误)。他们可能会出现早或晚在工作时,单独或与其他拖延。这份论文分类根据来源发生,非可宽恕延误的主要原因,然后标识这些原因造成的因素。几项研究讨论了有关这些延迟的问题,但没有重大的研究已进行审查深度大非可宽恕延误的原因。了解非可原谅的延误的原因作出贡献的基本因素将有助于查明和克服承建商在施工过程中所面对的问题。协助查明原因的非可原谅的延误造成的因素,石川或鱼骨头图已被用作一个分析工具,和排名方法已经制订了。谈判损害公平和及时解决问题,有利于所有各方。基于网络的调度是谈判解决的变化、纠纷或延迟整个项目的一个优秀工具。然而,在建造业,是任何单一标准和接受的程序来确定更改订单或计划外的其他发展计划延误的影响。建设项目建设项目是复杂、耗时的承诺。一个项目的总开发通常包括几个阶段需要多样化的专业服务。在从初始规划到完成项目的进展,典型的作业通过连续不同的阶段,要求输入从金融机构、政府机构、工程师、建筑师、律师、保险和担保公司、承建商、材料制造商和供应商等不同领域和建筑技工。在施工过程本身,甚至结构的适度比例涉及到很多技能、 材料和字面上数百个不同的操作。装配过程必须遵循自然的事件顺序,构成个人时间要求和之间的结构的许多阶层的限制性顺序关系的复杂的模式。在某种程度上每个建设项目是唯一无二的工作很过很像。其具体情况,在每个结构设计,以适应它的环境,安排以执行特定的功能,并且旨在反映个人的品味和喜好。变化无常的施工现场和甚至最标准化的建筑产品的创意和功利变化的可能性结合起来,使每个施工项目新的和不同的经验。承建商设置其网站上的工厂,并到很大程度上,自定义生成每个结构。施工过程是受高度可变和有时不可预知因素的影响。建设团队,其中包括建筑师、 工程师建筑技工、分包商、材料商,和其他人更改从一个作业到下一步。所有的复杂性所固有的不同建筑地盘,如底土条件、 表面形貌、 天气、 交通、 材料供应、 实用程序和服务、 当地分包商、 劳动条件和现有的技术施工的一个固有部分。因此,建设项目典型地表现为通过其复杂性和多样性,并由非标准化的其生产性质。使用工厂制造的模块化单位可能会削弱这个个性有点,但不是太可能现场施工过将能够完全适应的标准化的方法和产品均匀性的流水线生产。与此相反,许多制造过程都朝着的一个生产和采用很多原产于建筑行业的项目管理工具。甘特条形图也称为:里程碑图表,项目的条形图,活动图。甘特图是一个条形图,显示的任务的一个项目,当每个必须采取的地方,每个需要多长时间。随着项目的进展,条形图显示为灰色,显示已完成了哪些任务。分配给每个任务的人也可以来表示。何时使用:当调度和监测项目内的任务。当通信计划或项目的状态。当项目或过程,它们的顺序和其持续时间的步骤是已知的。当没有必要显示哪些任务取决于前一任务的完成。项目管理软件一、 有效地控制大型和复杂项目。春华被为了处理大型、 复杂和高多方面的项目。组织 100,000 的活动项目,P3 提供了无限的资源和无限的数量的目标计划。大规模的数据需要复杂的但高度灵活的组织工具。P3 为您提供多种方式来组织,筛选和排序活动、 项目和资源。二、 管理在多用户环境中的多个项目。大、 纪律严明的项目团队。强度高、 期限短的项目。共享资源有限的关键项目。春华可帮助管理他们所有。它提供了一个单一的数据库解决方案 (符合 ODBC),提供项目文件在整个项目 ; 多个用户同时访问无论何时何地,所需。Web 功能也可以容易地保持整个团队通知。三.与其他公司的程序兼容。春华提供令人印象深刻的能力,将其数据与信息的整个公司结合。它支持各种数据交换格式。你可以剪切和粘贴与其他 Windows 应用程序,或使用对象链接和嵌入 (OLE) 链接从其他应用程序的信息。P3 提供了真正的客户端/服务器操作进行加速处理和汇报项目数据库的 SQL 访问。质量工具一些最重要和最常用使用的工具的质量:鱼骨图,排列图,表散点图,决策矩阵,流程图,分层控制图,直方图,灵感触发树图。项目简介早在 1997 年大希腊石油化工公司 (以下简称为所有者) 调用与关于建设 130.000 t/y 生产容量聚丙烯装置在希腊 (以下简称项目) 的交钥匙合同有关的国际招标。聚丙烯被认为是在不久的将来的材料之一,很快它预计取代 PVC 塑料中的大多数其当前的应用程序。经过一年的谈判,所有者接受的提案,一家大型建筑和工程公司,专门从事石油化工厂和炼油厂 (以下简称工程师),为价格的 83.900.000 项目的执行建筑 ECU 再加上 9.600.000.000 GRD。工程师邀请另一大型国内建筑公司 (以下简称承包人) 作为潜在的分包商,提交一份关于执行的最大的建筑工程和某些服务和供应品的建议。承建商提交他关于提案 1998 年 3 月 23 日和 1998 年 11 月 23 日签订了一项协议,两家公司。余下工程被分包给另一个分包商 (下称作为分包商 #1) 他们与相关的网站上装配聚丙烯等领域,一份工作,需要高度专门的特定活动的构造函数和它的值不超过 GDR。虽然由所有者与有关的国际环境及其投资的可行性初步研究感到满意 70.000 色调聚丙烯每年生产的工厂的能力,后来更成熟、 更详细的研究,突出需要更高的生产,在订购产品要更便宜和更具竞争力的国内和国际市场。项目的主要阶段该项目包括以下主要学科的工程:土建工程,根据这一学科,包括所有土方、 基础、钢结构、工业铺路,竖立建筑物、地下输水管道工程和坑。工程机械根据这一学科,包括所有的输水管道工程 (预制、 架设、 非破坏性检查和液压或气动测试)、 设备安装 (如反应器、挤出机、筒仓、船只、flare、坦克、鼓、压缩机、阀门、泵等)、消防战斗系统、气动牵引系统和套袋系统和制作和安装的钢支撑。电气工程根据这一学科,包括所有的电力变压器、开关设备、电信系统、电机连接,安装铺设电缆和安装的所有电缆桥架、接地系统、照明系统、电采暖系统等.仪器工作根据这一学科,包括所有的文书,其连接和端子,仪表电缆、 接线在控制室、 机柜、 控制台和所有控件的安装的安装铺设安装室等.保温工程根据这一学科是包括冷、热绝缘的所有管道元素、设备和仪器的项目,无论这种授课的规格和图纸。绘画作品根据这一学科是包括喷砂机和绘画所有钢的支持,无论这指示通过有关的规格和绘画的项目的所有钢结构的许多管道线轴之前他们架设,绘画的竖立的管道和设备,喷砂。管道 (地下铺设和离岸的实用程序)根据这一学科是包括从其海上平台 (这是从海岸既定的 800mt),到炼油厂的限制现有的管道系统的检查新管线,详细的设计,所有所需采购的材料和设备和最后所有施工阶段的跟踪。施工阶段包括制造和架设一个装载臂1在海上平台终端 800mt 从海岸 和互连与该项目通过一种复杂的阀门和一个 10 英寸管道几乎 5.500 m 长度,从中 800mt 奠定了水下和 4.300mt,其余敷设在地下。本部分仅在整个项目中的工程,承建商在其工作范围也有设计、 采购的所有管道和设备的预调试和调试活动。一般情况下,所有工程学科的都分隔在以下几个阶段:设计、 采购和交付的材料和设备、 施工期间和预调试和调试期间在网站上。承建商如主要分包商的项目已经在其范围内的工作,只有架设活动和采购的所有建筑材料,如砖、 水泥、 钢筋、 道路沥青、 钢结构、 钢结构的支撑和电缆桥架和绝缘和绘画材料的一部分。所有设备、 管道、 缆线、 文书、 钢结构被采购和工程公司在网站上发表的主要部分。项目的规划和进展监测只是由工程师分为以下 13 主要职能单位如下所示:一般地区,海上平台,海管道 (和加载平台),聚合,挤压面积,公用事业领域,主要电气子站 / 控制房间面积,其他建筑 (办公大楼催化剂存储),领域领域,连通管架 (ISBL 地区),连通管架 (OSBL 地区),仓库 / 群组 / 套袋区,地下区。为人不熟悉的石化和一般的工业建筑活动,它应该是在这里说普通的一系列活动之间的各项活动的主要类别是以下:在网站上,调动,挖掘,钢结构和其它建筑物,像电变电站、 控制室、 行政大楼、 仓库等建筑的混凝土基础。其中包括互连管架或他们将的建筑物的钢结构固定设备。大型预制孔管道 (管道直径 2 英寸以上)。设备安装。电缆桥架架设。制作和安装的管道支持。大口径管道的安装。竖立小口径管道 (管道与相等或少于 2 英寸直径) 及架设额外的支持。电力电缆的敷设。仪表电缆的敷设。安装的接线盒,DCS、柜、文书、架设布线上控制室等。连接和电缆的终止。液压和气动测试的连接上他们的管道和最后复职的所有管道和所有文书。关键活动并非所有上述活动都开始后活动的关键。但例如主要钢结构的吊装至关重要的其余活动开始。所有的管道 (小型和大型内孔) 用某种设备,就像一艘船、 压缩机、泵、反应堆、挤出机等连接。尽管对什么预期,安装的设备不是制作的关键或甚至在架设的大口径管道因为网站上的大口径管道的位置是根据图纸和没有用的设备,它的最终位置是不需要任何规范中事先安装的设备相反的小口径管道必须位于后安装的设备,因为他们的确切位置和对齐方式与设备(尤其是与那些有旋转部件,泵和压缩机等)和它必须始终在其架设实地检查。此外,有很多的其他类似的系统必备组件,经验丰富的项目管理和规划小组应该有考虑到期间的项目和密切合作在整个施工阶段按照规划时间表的问题。它应该是这里注意以下内容:每个区域的植物是离散从其他(不包括互连烟斗架,都是他们的项目的所有区域覆盖件)和在一个地区正在发生的活动不是关键的另一地区的活动开始直到机械完成的工程。创建延迟和工程的进展情况对中断的问题过早开始预调试和调试活动的产生了不利影响,造成广泛的延迟和对承建商的工程的中断:工程师正在同时在同一地区与承建商。工程师借鉴承建商的资源,以协助工程师在其过早的活动中。工程师曾强迫承建商的关注,支持工程师结算与预调试和调试而不是集中精力实现整体机械部分的竣工,这是承包商的小学和前面的合同义务的承建商的活动有关的轻微缺陷。工程师的预调试和调试活动的更早的开始公布了众多问题,工程师的工程,导致甚至对测试部分的工程更改的说明。工程师的调试团队以及其他分包商雇用的工程师为调试目的造成广泛的损害,对承包商完成的工程。在许多情况下这些作品已不尚未被移交给工程师,增加承包商的返工。此外,广泛的修改被处决到承包商完成的工程的工程师的调试小组和其他分包商,恕不另行通知向承建商和未经其同意。缺乏普遍之间工程师的施工和调试各部门的沟通造成相互冲突批示的承建商。Project Quality Management in ConstructionModern construction project management has incorporated quality management principles and initiatives in their activities. Modern quality management systems such as ISO 9000 series of standards require incessant monitoring of construction processes. This presentation attempts to consolidate key quality management tools to a real, large and complex building project that took place in Athens, Greece by a well-known works contractor. Detailed analysis provides opportunities for improvements in costing and time deadline issues. Critical areas were studied by WBS and functional unit analysis focused in the main activities.Problem solving was achieved mainly by a combination of brainstorming sessions, Fishbone diagrams and Pareto analysis. A proposal for improving future projects has been concluded on forecasting procedures, stage planning and management staffing.IntroductionIt is common for a construction project to encounter delays. There are several reasons that can contribute to delaying a project. Analyzing the various causes that contribute to a projects delay is an important task to resolving it. Determining, in a scientific manner, the impact, timing, and the contributing effect of each of those causes to the overall delay should assist in helping the parties settle the delay without litigation. The aim of this thesis is twofold. One is the definition and analysis of the main factors which cause delays in a project. And the other is to analyze the construction schedule delay considering the numerous factors in order to figure out possible ways of eliminate these factors that caused these delays.Delays and claimsDelays are among the most common phenomena in the construction industry. During the last three decades delays have occurred in most types of projects, from simple building projects to the most complex projects such as nuclear power plants or tunnelling works. Delays on construction projects, and the claims which emanate from such delays, are an integral part of the modern construction process. The overwhelming amount of time, energy, and cost devoted to delay claims does not begin when a claim is initially submitted at or near the completion of a job, rather, the construction delay claim process commences at project inception. A delay claim often occurs when a difference between the actual completion date and the contract completion date exists. The duration of a delay is an essential piece of information required for determining the cause of a delay. However, it is difficult to analyze a delay claim due to the fact that numerous factors that cause this delay, thereby making it a very complex issue. One of such factors is the lost productivity or loss of productivity.During a construction project, delays may result from many circumstances. Generally delays maybe caused by the client-owner (compensable delays); the contractors (non-excusable delays); or acts of God or a third party (excusable delays). They may occur early or late in the job, alone or with other delays. This thesis classifies the main causes of non-excusable delays according to the source of occurrence, and then identifies the factors contributing to those causes. Several studies have discussed the issues relating to these delays, but no major study has been conducted to examine the causes of non-excusable delays in great depth. Understanding the underlying factors that contribute to causes of non-excusable delays would help in identifying and overcoming the problems faced by contractors during the construction process. To assist in identifying the factors contributing to causes of non-excusable delays, the Ishikawa or fish bone diagram has been used as an analytical tool, and a ranking methodology has been devised. Negotiating a fair and timely damage settlement is beneficial to all parties. Network-based scheduling is an excellent vehicle for negotiating settlement of changes, disputes, and delays throughout the project. In the construction industry, however, there is no single, standard, and “accepted” procedure to determine the impact of schedule delays due to change orders or other unplanned developments.The construction projectConstruction projects are intricate, time-consuming undertakings. The total development of a project normally consists of several phases requiring a diverse range of specialized services. In progressing from initial planning to project completion, the typical job passes through successive and distinct stages that demand input from such disparate areas as financial organizations, governmental agencies, engineers, architects, lawyers, insurance and surety companies, contractors, material manufacturers and suppliers, and building tradesmen. During the construction process itself, even a structure of modest proportions involves many skills, materials, and literally hundreds of different operations. The assembly process must follow a natural order of events that constitutes a complicated pattern of individual time requirements and restrictive sequential relationships among the structures many segments. To some degree each construction project is unique-no two jobs are ever quite alike. In its specifics, each structure is tailored to suit its environment, arranged to perform its own particular function, and designed to reflect personal tastes and preferences. The vagaries of the construction site and the possibilities for creative and utilitarian variation of even the most standardized building product combine to make each construction project a new and different experience. The contractor sets up its “factory” on the site and, to a large extend, custom builds each structure.The construction process is subject to the influence of highly variable and sometimes unpredictable factors. The construction team, which includes architects, engineers building tradesmen, subcontractors, material dealers, and others, changes from one job to the next. All the complexities inherent in different construction sites, such as subsoil conditions, surface topography, weather, transportation, material supply, utilities and services, local subcontractors, labor conditions, and available technologies are an innate part of construction. Consequently, construction projects are typified by their complexity and diversity and by the non standardised nature of their production. The use of factory-made modular units may diminish this individuality somewhat, but it is unlikely that field construction will ever be able to adapt completely to the standardized methods and product uniformity of assembly line production. On the contrary, many manufacturing processes are moving toward “one of” production and adopting many of the project management tools originating in the construction industry.Gantt chartAlso Called: milestones chart, project bar chart, activity chart. A Gantt chart is a bar chart that shows the tasks of a project, when each must take place and how long each will take. As the project progresses, bars are shaded to show which tasks have been completed. People assigned to each task also can be represented. When to Use:When scheduling and monitoring tasks within a project.When communicating plans or status of a project.When the steps of the project or process, their sequence and their duration are known.When its not necessary to show which tasks depend on completion of previous tasks.Project management softwarePrimavera Project Planneri. Control large and complex projects efficiently. Primavera is designed to handle large-scale, highly sophisticated and multifaceted projects. To organize projects up to 100,000 activities, P3 provides unlimited resources and an unlimited number of target plans. Massive data requires sophisticated, yet highly flexible organization tools. P3 gives you a multitude of ways to organize, filter and sort activities, projects, and resources.ii. Manage multiple projects in a multiuser environment. Large, multi-disciplined project teams. High intensity, short duration projects. Critical projects sharing limited resources. Primavera can help manage them all. It offers a single database solution (ODBC-compliant) that provides simultaneous access to project files by multiple users throughout the project; whenever and wherever required. Web features also make it easy to keep the whole team informed.iii. Compatible with other programs in the corporation. Primavera offers impressive capability for integrating its data with information throughout the company. It supports a wide variety of data exchange formats. You can cut and paste with other Windows applications, or use Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) to link information from other applications. P3 provides true Client/Server operation for accelerated processing and SQL access for reporting on the project database.Quality ToolsSome of the most important and most commonly used quality tools are: PlanDoCheckAct Cycle Fishbone Diagram Pareto Chart Scatter Diagram Decision Matrix Flowchart Stratification Control Chart Histogram Brainstorming Tree DiagramIntroduction to the projectEarly in 1997 a large Greek petrochemical company (hereinafter referred to as “Owner”) called for international tenders relating to a turn-key contract concerning the construction of a 130.000 t/y production capacity polypropylene plant in Greece (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”). Polypropylene is considered to be one of the materials of the near future and soon it is expected to replace the PVC plastic in most of its current applications. After one year of negotiations, the Owner accepted the proposal, submitted by a large construction and engineering company, specialized in constructions of petrochemical plants and refineries (hereinafter referred to as “Engineer”), for the execution of the project for a price of 83.900.000 ECU plus 9.600.000.000 GRD.Engineer invited another large domestic construction company (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”) to submit, as potential subcontractor, a proposal concerning execution of the greatest portion of the construction works and certain services and supplies. Contractor submitted his proposal on March 23, 1998 and on November 23, 1998 the two companies entered into an agreement. The rest of the Works were subcontracted to another subcontractor (hereinafter referred as “Subcontractor #1”) and they were related to the assembling of the Polypropylene Spheres on site, one job which needs highly specialized constructors on the specific activity and its value didnt ever exceed the GDR.Although the preliminary studies made by the Owner related to the viability of its investment in the international environment were satisfied with the plants ability for production of 70.000 tones polypropylene per year, later more mature and detailed studies were highlighting the need for higher production, in order the product to be cheaper and more competitive both to national and international markets.The main stages of the projectThe Project consists of the following main disciplines of works:Civil WorksUnder this discipline are included all earthworks, foundations, steel structures, industrial paving, erection of buildings, underground piping works and pits.Mechanical WorksUnder this discipline are included all piping works (prefabrication, erection, non destructive inspections and hydraulic or pneumatic tests), equipment erection (such as the reactor, the extruder, silos, vessels, flare, tanks, drums, compressors, valves, pumps etc.), fire fighting system, pneumatic haulage system and bagging system and the fabrication and erection of steel supports.Electrical WorksUnder this discipline are included all installations of power transformers, switchgears, telecommunication systems, the motor connections, the laying of cables and the erection of all the cable trays, the earthing system, the lighting system, the electric heating system etcInstrument WorksUnder this discipline are included all installations of instruments, their connections and terminations, the laying of the instrument cables, the wiring in the control room, the installation of cabinets, consoles and the installation of all the control room etcInsulation WorksUnder this discipline is included the cold and hot insulation of all the piping elements, equipment and instruments of the project, wherever such an instruction is given by the specifications and the drawings.Painting WorksUnder this discipline is included the sandblasting and painting of all the steel supports, the


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