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Cloze,4 periods,大纲要求:,根据大纲,完形填空是在一篇题材熟悉难度适中的短文(约)中留出个空格,要求学生在全面理解内容的基础上选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思和结构恢复完整考试时间分钟,占总分值文章体裁说明议论为主,能力要求:,篇章理解力(文章虽然抽掉个词,但内容还是可以理解的如果考生不能理解文章内容,就难将正确的词填入文中因此,完形首先考查阅读理解能力) 句法结构(完形涉及语义和语法关系语义关系指前句与后句或上段与下段之间的意义内容上的连贯与一致语法关系主要指句与句之间的并列或主从关系定语,主语,宾语,表语,同位语和状语从句等 词汇知识(实词与虚词) 句型搭配(动词名词形容词的惯用句型,搭配等),命题趋势:,根据对近年四级考试完形填空真题分析,呈以下趋势: 考查内容以词汇为主,其中词汇辨义占主要部分实词考查又是重中之重,动词名词形容词副词的词义辨析是历年完形填空的必考项目,占到全部题数的以上不仅如此,动词的出题频率明显高于其他词类,所以必须熟悉其词义及用法固定搭配等 逻辑关系也是完形必考内容。考查语义衔接和语法衔接前者需要辨析选项中各个单词含义,选出符合文章内容的选项后者则涉及语态时态非谓语形式主谓一致从句引导词等 从年以来,完形填空体裁几乎都是说明文或是议论性的说明文此类文章文字简练,通常开头点题,说明对象是什么结构清晰,一般按时间顺序空间顺序逻辑顺序(前因后果,先果后因,先主后次)以及认识顺序(由此及比,由浅入深,由具体到抽象,由现象到本质)进行说明或者描写 文章题材涉及社会生活文化教育科普知识商业经济等内容较为宽泛,但专业性不强,不会出现难以理解的观点或者复杂的说明过程,完形填空五大考点:,词义辨析(近义词形近词辨析) Sample: Children in low-income families and poor communities are 70 likely to take organized youth sports for granted because they often 71 the resources needed to pay for participation 72 , equipment, and transportation to practices and games 73 their communications do not have resources to build and 74 sports fields and facilities. 70 A) little B) less C) more D) much 71 A) shrink B) tighten C) limit D) lack 72 A) bill B) accounts C) fees D) fare 73 A) so B) as C) and D) but 74 A) maintain B) sustain C) contain D) entertain (副词辨义,动词辨义,名词辨义,连词辨义,形近词辨析),固定搭配 (动名,名形,动副搭配等,其中动词与其他词的搭配考查频率最高) Sample: Families of 76 many as 10 people have had to shelter 77 a single tent and share cook stoves and bathing 78 with neighbors. “They are looking forward to the clean water of their rivers,” officials say. “They are 79 of free fresh fruit. 76 A like B as C so D too 77 A by B below C under D with 78 A facilities B instruments C implements D appliances 79 A seeking B dreaming C longing D searching,逻辑衔接 (所填空格的句子与上下文构成指代列举因果比较对比让步补充递进等逻辑关系其中,并列因果递进转折关系是常考考点) Sample: But human language permits communication about anything, 71 things like unicorns that have never existed. A only B almost C even D just,常见逻辑关系:,并列 and, as well as, both and, not onlybut also, neithernor 转折 but, however, whereas, while, yet, instead, nevertheless, notwithstanding, on the other hand, notbut, rather than, still 选择 or, nor, or else, otherwise, eitheror 递进 besides, also, even, moreover, likewise, furthermore, whats more, in addition 解释 that is to say, in other words 时间 when, whenever, as, since, till, until, before, after, once, every time, no soonerthan, hardlywhen, then, meanwhile, subsequently, afterward, later, the moment/day/minute/ second 比较 asas, not soas, the same as, than, in contrast, on the contrary 条件 if, unless, providing/ provided that, as/so long as, on condition that, suppose/supposing that, in case, only if, if only 因果 because, since, as, now that, seeing that, considering that, for, thus, so, therefore, hence, consequently, accordingly, as a result, so that, for fear that, lest, in order that, sothat, suchthat 让步 though, although, even if/though, while, whatever, whoever, wherever, no matter, whetheror,4 结构识别,Not only but also The more the more somethe others/ still others,5 语法规则 (不是重点,仍是考点) 句法搭配:动副;动名 从句:定语,状语等(连接词选择) 非谓语:不定式,现在分词,过去分词,动名词 主谓一致:人称数,时态,语态等 句型句式:简单,并列,复合,省略,倒装,虚拟语气等 Sample: So 72 the New England Journal of Medicine last week 73 a study about in-flight medical events, I read it 74 interest. 72 A before B since C when D while 73 A collected B conducted C discovered D published 74 A by B of C with D in,快速解题技巧:,一利用排除法排除明显干扰项 如果不能很有把握的选出答案,可以利用排除法,先将各项带入空白处,排除明显不符句意的选项,从而缩小选择的范围具体来讲,可以利用如下技巧: 判断所填词在句中充当什么成分,应是什么词性,从而排除干扰选项 利用上下文的时态语态和语气排除不符合要求的干扰选项 利用名词的数来判断各项是否符合句子要求 寻找与空白处构成搭配的词语,从而排除不能与其搭配的词语 将各项带入空白处将句子译成汉语,排除明显不能使句子通顺的选项,Sample: Moods should be from emotions which are usually more intense, 70 to specific circumstances, and often conscious. A related B referred C attached D association,寻找固定搭配或习惯用法 运用词汇间的搭配关系经常可以无需理解上下文而直接确定答案,即使确定不了答案也往往可以排除一些明显不符合搭配关系的选项缩小选择范围,提高准确率 Sample: This measures the electrical activity of the wearers brain, in much the 78 way as some machines used for A familiar B similar C identical D same,理清句子的语法结构 理清句子结构对解答完形填空尤其重要,这不仅仅限于直接考查语法结构的题目,在解答那些不是针对语法结构而设置的题目时,考生也必须仔细分析每个句子的语法结构,从而理解句子的含义和上下文之间的逻辑关系,最终填入正确的词,寻找复现和同现关系 “同现”指意义上相关的词汇出现在同一语篇中构成以某一话题为中心的词汇链 Sample: I have no doubt that all these people were 74 in school that the earth revolves around the sun; (they) may even have written it (on) a test. A advised B suggested C learned D taught “复现”包括原词重复同近义词复现反义词复现等 Sample 1: If you are buying a hairdryer, you might (think) that you are making the 66 buy if choose one (whose) look you like and which is also the cheapest (in) price. A proper B best C reasonable D most Sample 2: when our friends are happy and “up”, that tends to influence us positively, when they are “down”, that can have a 75 impact on us. A relative B decisive C negative D sensitive,熟悉常用逻辑关系词语 具体见前面 Sample: The concept was invented by a group of students at Brown University in Rhode Island 84 a friend complained of waking up tired and performing poorly on a test. A once B after C since D while (按照正常逻辑关系,想法应该是出现在朋友抱怨之后,故答案为为强干扰项,但它引导时间状语从句时,主句一般用完成时),利用文章和段落的主题句 为了使考生易于理解文章内容,出题者在设计完形填空试题时,总是保留一个完整的或是大半个完整的表达主旨的句子,而这样的句子往往位于文章的开头因此,考生应充分利用文章开头了解文章主旨另外,段落首句也是该段的主题句,所以考生要充分利用段首句提供的信息,把握文章的结构和行文思路,答题步骤:,一


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