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谈如何培养课外阅读技巧,疏理文章脉络 文章体裁:主要有说明文,记叙文,议论文 整合和提炼文本重要信息 文章中心句、关键句、词的提炼 以精练的形式对文本进行输出 整篇文章可以以表格,流水图,放射图等多种形式解构文章。任何复杂的文章都可以通过这种形式变得简单明了 针对以上阅读技巧,例举三篇范文以示意。,图表式,特点:适用于说明文。善于提炼文中的重要信息,对被说明的事物以简单的表格形式呈现。使繁复的文本形式以简单易懂的表格形式输出。 旨在:培养学生对解构文本的能力,流水线式,特点:适用于记叙文,很多学生对记叙文内容的记忆比较困难,往往读了很多遍也不知所云。因此流水线能够把主要发生的事件简明扼要的记录下来。 旨在:培养学生提炼文本中重要信息的能力,放射式,特点:适用于议论文。往往在议论文中作者提出观点,然后进行辨证说明。这个图示能够很明确的呈现作者的辨证思路 旨在:培养学生得逻辑思维能力,A plant A plant has four main parts: flowers, leaves and stems (茎) grow above ground, and roots grow below ground. Roots bring water from the ground to the plant. The stem carries the water from the roots to the leaves and flowers. It holds the leaves and flowers in the sunlight, too. Leaves make food for the plant. Why do plants have flowers? Plants have flowers because the flowers make the seeds. New plants grow from the seeds. People eat all parts of plants. Such as, we eat the leaves of a cabbage, the roots of a carrot. Which part of rice do we eat? We eat the seeds.,如何对学生所学知识进行反馈? 学习语言得能力是一个不断强化得过程,英语也不例外。不是为了阅读而阅读,通过阅读,完全可以把听说读写结合起来。比如说阅读一篇文章不但要达到提高阅读得能力,也是学生各方面能力如听、说、读、写得一种提高。就看教师如何有机得把他们结合起来。 学生习得一种新知后,如何对其进行反馈。反馈教学是提高课堂有效性得一个关键环节。 于是通过刚才对文本得学习,我应用了以下形式得一种反馈。以此来训练学生得应变能力和口语能力。,从表格形式转化到文本形式。 现在的中考题型越来越新颖,阅读不仅以文本的形式出现,还以表格等不同的形式出现,那么如何处理这种题型的阅读呢? 表格形式的阅读题,学生比较肤浅的停留在表层意思的获取,造成对题目中的一些变式题比较难以把握。教师所做的就是如何引导学生从字里行间挖掘深沉的含义。阅读,是读者和作者心于心的交流和碰撞。,以house to rent 为例。,可以让学生从这三个词组中揣测作者想要表达的思想和用意,这样就为文种的一道开放题打下基础。 Susan is looking for a house to rent. She has got to study for exam, but she doesnt want the house above. why?,noisy convenient,Welcome ladies and gentlemen. Im the tour guide of Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong National Park. They are two of the best tourist places in China. If you are lucky enough, you can meet the giant pandas there. It will take you three days to finish this tour. Here is our plan: Day 1: Chengdu-Jiuzhaigou We will meet at the Chengdu Airport at 10:00 in the morning. Then we will take the 11:45 plane to Jiuzhaigou. Once we arrived at Jiuzhaigou Airport in the afternoon, we will go to the first stop, Huanglong National Park, for sightseeing. We will go back to Jiuzhaigou to have supper. We will stay in a hotel in Jiuzhaigou that night. Day 2: Full Day Jiuzhaigou Sightseeing After breakfast , we will go to the entrance of Jiuzhaigou. There we will take a Jiuzhaigou non- pollution bus to visit Shuzheng. There you will enjoy the beautiful Pearl Sands, Shuzheng Waterfall, Shuzheng Lake and the Tibetan Mills. We will have lunch in Shuzheng,but you must pay for the food. In the evening, we will go back to the hotel of Jiuzhaigou.,Day 1: Chengdu-Jiuzhaigou We will meet at the Chengdu Airport at 10:00 in the morning. Then we will take the 11:45 plane to Jiuzhaigou. Once we arrived at Jiuzhaigou Airport in the afternoon, we will go to the first stop, Huanglong National Park, for sightseeing. We will go back to Jiuzhaigou to have supper. We will stay in a hotel in Jiuzhaigou that night. 流线图: meet at the Chengdu Airport 10:00 a.m take the plane to Jiuzhaigou 11:45 arrived at Jiuzhaigou Airport go to Huanglong National Park,in the afternoon,have supper and stay there,Day 2: Full Day Jiuzhaigou Sightseeing After breakfast , we will go to the entrance of Jiuzhaigou. There we will take a Jiuzhaigou non- pollution bus to visit Shuzheng. There you will enjoy the beautiful Pearl Sands, Shuzheng Waterfall, Shuzheng Lake and the Tibetan Mills. We will have lunch in Shuzheng,but you must pay for the food. In the evening, we will go back to the


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