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国际货运代理专业英语精讲班第21讲讲义电传介绍Unit21 Telex and Fax(1)本节历年考试分值不多,但是实际操作中非常重要。本节重点内容:1 电传和传真的介绍2 电传和传真的排版格式3 电传和传真的写作原则Section1 Telex 电传一、 电传的介绍(考试重点)课文:The word ”telex” is the abbreviation of the term Tele-printer Exchange or Teletypewriter Exchange.注释:telex: 电报,电传打字机 abbreviation: 缩写,缩写词 Tele-printer Exchang:=Teletypewriter Exchange电报交换课文:”Telex”一词是”Tele-printer Exchange”或”Teletypewriter-Exchange”的略称。课文:The massage sent or received through a tele-printer is called Telex.注释:message: 信息,消息课文意思:信息通过电报打印机发送和接收称为电传。课文:It is a communication system consisting of teletypwriters connected to a telephonic network to send and receive signals.注释:communication system: 通讯系统 consist of: 由组成telephonic: 电话的,用电话传送的,电话机的 signal: 信号课文意思:它是由电传打字机组成与电话网络连接发送和接收信号的通讯系统。课文:The speed of transmission is about 400 letters a minute.注释:speed: 速度 transmission: 传递;移转;传播letter: 文字,字母 minute: 分,分钟课文意思:电传的传输速度是大约没分钟400字。课文:The charge for a telex is based on the distance the message has to travel and the time spend intransmission.注释:charge: 费用 be based on: 基于 distance: 距离 travel: 传播,传输课文意思:电传的收费是基于信息传输的距离和传输的时间。课文:As a traditional exchange service, telex is now gradually overtaken by more advanced modern communication systems like fax or email. However, it is still used in some less developed countries.注释:traditional: 传统的 gradually: 逐渐地 overtake: 赶上;超过 advanced: 先进的;新式的;改进的;现近代的 modern: 现代的,新式的 less developed country: 欠发展国家,不发达国家课文意思:作为传统的信息交换服务,电传现在已经被更先进的现代通讯系统超越如传真和电子邮件。尽管如此,电传仍然被使用于一些不发达国家。二、 电传的排版格式(考试重点)一封电传通常由下面部分组成:(1) Special capitals 开头大写例如:TELEX MESSAGE (2)The sending date 发送日期 例如:23 March 2005 (3)The receivers name and address or code number 收件人的名称和地址或者地区编码 例如:123456 DLALR CO(4)The senders code number 发件人代码例如:891254 BLAP CO CN(5)Attention line or subject line (the caption of the message) 事由行(信息的标题)例如:RE: GLASSWARE UNDER CONTRACT NO.X05(6)The message itself 信息内容/正文At the end of the message,the simplified word “RGDS” is often used in telexes as a sign of courtesy.在信息的结尾,缩写词”RGDS”通常用作电传中的礼貌敬语。例如:RYTLX 20/3 ABT GLASSWARE WE WUD ADV U THAT CONT X05 HAS BEEN READY FOR SHIPT. IF UR LC REACHES US BFE END MARCH.DLVRY CAN BE MADE IN APRIL,OZWS IMPS.PLS OPEN LC IMDTLY RGDS.注释:以上电传简写的英文译文和中文译文如下:英文译文:Referring to your telex dated March 20 about Glassware. We would like to asvise you that goods under Contract Number X05 have been ready for shipment,If your L/C reaches us before the end of March, delivery can be made in April.Otherwise, it is imppossible for us to do so. Please open your L/C immediately. Best regards中文译文:你方3月20日 有关玻璃器皿的电传获悉。在此,我方想通知你方X05号合同项下的货物已经备妥待运。如果你方信用证在3月底抵达,4月份可装运货物。否则,我方则无法办到。请尽快立开相关信用证。祝商安(7)The senders name 发件人的姓名例如:ZHANG QIANG(8) Repetition of (3) and (4) to signal the end of the message 重复第(3)和(4)部分表示信息结尾以上各部分组合在一起就是一封完整的电传,样本参考课本139页。实际操作中,有的部分通常会省略,只留下电传的正文信息部分和发件人姓名。具体样本参考课本139页。三、 电传写作的原则(考试重点)() 简洁课文Since charges are made on a time and distance basis,we should keep the message as possible without sacrificing clarity , courtesy and accuracy .注释:concise:简洁的;简明的 sacrifice:牺牲,献出,献祭,供奉 accuracy:精确性,正确度课文意思:因电传的费用是以时间和距离为计费基础的,所以我们要注意保持信息的简明扼要,但是要清晰,礼貌和正确。 课文:To achieve conciseness , the ordinary convention of grammar and sentence structure may be dropped out , but some punctuation marks for clarity and avoidance of ambiguity should remain . 注释:achieve : 达到,完成 ordinary : 平常的,普通的,平凡的 convention : 常规,习俗,惯例 grammar : 语法 sentence structure : 句子结构 drop out :不参与,离去,放弃 punctuation :标点符号 avoidance :避免 ambiguity :含糊,不明确 remain :保持课文意思:做到简明扼要,不一定要遵循一般的语法习惯和句子结构,但是要保留一些标点符号来保证词句意思清晰和避免意思含糊不清。标点符号的使用() 标点符号的使用课文:Punctuation marks except “;”,symbols except “$”, “%”, “”, or words like COMMA, STOP can be use.注释:symbol:符号 comma:逗号 stop:句号课文意思:标点符号除了“;”,符号除了“$”,“%”,“”,或者如“逗号”,“句号”这样的词以外其他都可以使用。() 缩写词语和简化词课文:Simplified word or abbreviations like “PLS”, “TKG”, “ATTN”, “CFM” are commonly used.注释:simplified word:缩写词 commonly:通常,一般地课文意思:如“请”,“谢谢”,“注意”,“确认”这些词的缩写通常都会使用。() 冠词,介词,连接词的使用原则课文:Articles like “the”, “a”, prepositions like “of”, “in”, “to”, “at”, conjunctions like “and”, “but”, “or”, “for” should be omitted.注释:article:冠词 preposition:介词 conjunction:连接词 omit:省略课文意思:可以省略冠词如“the”, “a”, “an”,介词如“of”, “in”, “to”, “at”,连接词如“and”, “but”, “or”, “for”.() 语态的使用课文:Use passive voice instead of active voice.注释:passive voice:被动语态 active voice:主动语态课文意思:使用被动语态不使用主动语态() 后缀“-able”的使用课文:Use “-able”to show possibility.注释:possibility:可能,可能性课文意思:使用后缀“-able”表可能性。() 前缀“un-”,“dis-”,“ir-”的使用课文:Use prefixes like “un-”, “dis-”, “ir-”, to show negation.注释:prefix:前缀 negation:否定,拒绝课文意思:使用前缀如“un-”,“dis-”,“ir-”表否定。(8)“-ing”形式的使用课文:Use “-ing” to show your future activity.课文意思:用“-ing”形式表示将来行为。(9)“requested”的使用课文:Use “requested”to end the sentence to show request.课文意思:用“requested”结束句子表示请求。(10)用一个词语表达多个短语或词语的意思课文:Use one word to express the meaning of several words or phrases.注释:express:表达 meaning:意思,含义课文意思:使用一个简单的词语表达几个词语或短语的含义。注:简化电传词汇及短语的规则或方法及电传中常用的缩写词和简化词查阅课文143页至148页(记忆掌握)国际货运代理专业英语精讲第22讲讲义传真介绍Unit Telex and Fax(2)Section Fax 传真一、 传真的介绍(考试重点)课文:Fax, the abbreviation of facsimile, is one of the widely used means of communication in the modern business circle, because it quickly,sometimes automatically, transmits and receives written message as well as maps, patterns, diagrams and photographs.注释:facsimile:无线电传真,传真电报widely:广泛地,普遍地means: 手段,方法business circle: 商界,实业界,工商界automatically: 自动地,机械地 transmit: 图解,图表,示图 photograph:照片,相片课文意思:传真,是无限电传真的缩写,是现代商业界普遍使用的通讯方式,因为它迅速,能够自动传输和接收书面信息以及地图,图样,图表和照片。课文:It takes only a few seconds to transmit a message. What is sent at one end is received simultaneously at other end.注释:second: 秒,片刻 end:端,末端 simultaneously: 同时地课文意思:只要几秒钟就能传输信息。一端发送的同时另一端就能收到信息。课文:It uses the telephone line for sending and receiving message, and the telephone number is also the fax number.课文意思:传真是使用电话线来发送和接收讯息,并且电话号码就是传真号码。课文:As a means of communication, fax is taking the place of telephone and telex in many business contacts today and will keep its popularity in the years to come.注释:take the place of: 代替 popularity: 普及,流行,声望课文意思:作为一种通讯方式,传真在许多商业联系中代替了电话和电传并且在未来的几年里将继续流行。传真的排版格式二、 传真的排版格式(考试重点)课文:There is no uniform format for faxes. It depends mainly on a companys preferences or the software used to generate faxes.注释:uniform: 统一的课文意思 :传真没有统一的格式。格式主要依赖于公司的选择和用于生成传真的软件类型。课文:However, inpractice, some messages must apper on the faxes, for example, the names of the recipient, the date of sending the fax or number of pages. Usually, a common fax consists of the fax head, fax headings and fax body.注释:appear: 出现课文意思:尽管如此,在实践中,一些信息必须出现在传真上,例如,发送者和接受者的名字,传真发送的日期和页数。通常,一份普通的传真由传真的抬头,传真的标题和传真的正文部分组成。2-1 Fax head课文:Many companies now have their printed fax format, using letterhead for fax head. The fax head includes the senders name,postal address and contact numbers.课文意思:许多公司现在有他们自己打印好的传真格式,用印有抬头的信笺作为传真的抬头。传真的抬头包括发送人的名称,邮寄地址和联系电话。2-2 Fax heading课文:The fax headings includes the company name of the recipient, the name and title of the recipient, the fax number, name and/or title of the sender, the sending date, the subject line and number of pages.注释:subject line:事由行课文意思:传真的标题部分包括接收者公司名称,接收者的名字和职位,传真号码,发送者的名字和/或者职位,发送传真的日期,事由行和传真的页数。2-3 Fax body 课文:The fax body should be in paragraphs.注释:paragraph:(文章等的)段,节课文意思:传真的正文应分成几段。传真的模板参考课本141页传真写作的原则.三、 传真写作的原则(考试重点)书写传真时,我们要遵循下列原则:() The common practices of writing business letters also apply to fax writing ,but the salution and complimentary close are normally omitted . In this case , the subject line is ofen necessary . 注释:common practice:一般做法apply to:将应用于salutation :(书信开始的)称呼complimentary close:结束敬语 normally :通常地 in this case :既然这样 necessary :必要的 课文意思:书写商业信函的一般做法也可用于书写传真,但是称呼和结尾敬语一般都省略。这样,通常必须有事由行() Each page of a fax should be clearly numbered to make sure that the recipient receives the full message . 注释:number:(动词)标号,给编号课文意思:每一页传真必须清楚地编号以保证接受收到全部的信息。() A full signature is necessary if the faxs are sent through a fax machine .Initials are not acceptable. 注释:full signature:签全名initial:签姓名的起首字母,缩写签署 acceptable:可接受的 课文意思:如果传真是通过传真机发送必须签全名。签姓名的起首字母是不接受的。 () Concise fax messages are desirable taking the cost into account . 注释:desirable:理想的,合意的,令人满意的,良好的 take into account:考虑 课文意思:考虑到成本因素,简洁的信息内容是很好的。() Plain language should be used,simpllified words and combinations are not acceptable. 注释:Plain:直白的,简单的 combination: 组合词 课文意思:使用简单直白的语言,简写词或者组合词是不接受的。 ( 6 ) The address of the company of the recipient are not always written out in full.This means you may only type the name of the company without writing the address of the company in faxes.课文意思:接受者的公司地址不一定全写。这意味着在传真中你可以只打出公司的名称而不用打出公司的地址。国际货运代理专业英语精讲班第23讲讲义航空货运单本节历年考试分值在2分左右,题型为判断题和选择题本节重点内容:1 航空货运单2 货物舱单3 收货核对清单和指示单4 航空货运单的填制一、 航空货运单(考试重点)课文:The Air Waybill (AWB) is the most important document for a batch of airfreight goods. It is both a contract for transportation between a carrier and a shipper (or an agent for a shipper) and a receipt and delivery of the shipment.注释: Air Waybill: 航空货运单 batch: 一批 airfreight: 空运,货物空运课文意思:航空货运单是空运货物最重要的文件。它既是承运人及托运人(或委托托运人)之间的运输协议,又是运输货运接收凭证。课文:An air waybill is also used for freight bill calculation, customs declaration, and specific information on handling the shipment.注释:calculation: 计算,考虑 custom declaration: 海关申报(declaration: 宣布,申报)课文意思:航空货运单也用于运费计算,海关申报以及记载装运的相关的详细信息。课文:Usually, an air waybill is non-negotiable, that is, the goods must be sent to the consignee titled in the air waybill.注释:non-negotiable: 不可转让的课文意思:通常,一份航空运单是不可转让的,也就是说,货物必须发送给航空运单上指明的收货人。课文:Each shipment has an air waybill. For consolidated shipment,individual air waybills,called the house air waybills, are also combined into a master air waybill for the consolidated shipment.注释:consolidated shipment: 集运货物 house air waybill: 分运单 master air waybill: 主运单课文意思:每一票货都有一份航空运单。对于集运货物,单独的航空运单,被称为分运单,它们共同构成总的集运货物的主运单。课文:The AWB number is the identification of each consignment. It comprises three parts; a three-digit prentifying the carrier, the main portion identifying the consignment, and the last check digit for accounting and security purposes.注释:identification: 辨认,鉴定,证明 consignment: 所托运的货物,(货物的)交托,交货,发货,运送comprise: 包含,组成 portion: 一部分,部分 check digit: 校验数位 accounting purpose: 会计目的课文意思:航空货运单号码是托运货物的证明。它由三个部分组成,前三位数字是表示承运人,号码主要部分是表示托运的货物,最后的校验数字是处于会计和安全目的。课文:Each air waybill may have over ten copies. They are sent to the shipper, the consignees, and various departments(e.g.,cargo section, accounting section, warehouse, etc.) of the carrier of goods.注释:various: 不同的 department: 部,局,处,科,部门 section: 部分课文意思:每套航空运单可能有十多份的副本。它们会被交给货物的托运人,收货人和承运人不同的部门(如:货物部门,财会部门,仓储部门,等等)课文:The copy marked “Original 3(For Shipper)” is the copy that would normally be presented under a documentary credit.注释:normally: 正常地,通常地 documentary credit: 跟单信用证课文意思:运单上注明“正本3(给托运人)”是正本,在跟单信用证下通常需要呈递交付的。二、 航空货运单的填制(考试重点)对于托运人,在填制航空货运单时需要遵循的原则:1) The correct shipper (“A”) and consignee (“B”) must be shown必须填写正确的发货人(“A”)和收货人(“B”)。2) The airports of departure (“C”) and destination (“D”) must be shown必须填写始发站机场(“C”)和目的地机场(“D”)3) The goods description (“E”) must be consistent with that shown on other documents.货物的描述(“E”)必须与其他的单据一致(注释:consistent with:与一致)4) Any weights, measures or shipping marks(“F”) must agree with those shown on other documents.5)It must be signed and dated by the actual carrier (“G”) or by the named agent of a named carrier.航空货运单必须由实际承运人(“G”)或者指定的承运人的代理人签字并注明日期。5) It must state whether freight (“H”) has been paid or is payable at destination航空运单上必须注明已付或者目的地到付的运费(“H”)航空货运单的种类三、 航空货运单的种类 3-1 正本航空运单课文:There are different types of air waybills. An original AWB is what we mentioned.课文意思:航空货运单有不同样式。一种就是我们提到的正本航空货运单。课文:If the AWB is missing, the customer relation unit of the cargo secion will contact the cargo section of the originating counterpart to get a new set of air waybill.注释:relation: 关系,联系 originating counterpart:起运方课文意思:如果航空货运单丢失,货物的相关客户需要与对应的起运方的船货部门联系获得一套新的航空货运单。3-2 替代航空运单如果当正本运单丢失的情况下,货物又急需卸货的情况下,通常会使用替代运单:1) when the original AWB is missing; a substitute AWB would be used for urgent goods after obtaining the signature of the consignee on the substitute AWB;当正本运单丢失后,在获得收货人的签字后可以使用签字后的替代运单用于紧急货物。(substitute AWB: 替代航空运单)2) when re-forwarding cargo which is over-carried or wrongly off-loaded; 当货物漏卸或者不正当卸货需要重新发送货物时,可使用替代运单(注释:over-carried: 漏卸)3) when transit goods waiting is without original SWB;转口货物待运没有正本运单时,可是使用替代运单4) when a disposal is received for transit goods from the originating station.当收到起运站可支配转口货物的授权时,可使用替代运单(注释:disposal: 处理,处置 originating station: 起运站)3-3 中性航空运单/中性票课文:An AWB is called a neural AWB if the air carrier is not specified in the air waybill.注释:neutral AWB: 中性航空运单 (neutral: n. 中立者,中立国 adj. 中立的,中立)课文意思:如在航空运单上没有指明航空承运人的运单称作中性航空运单。四、 货物舱单(考试重点)课文:One can imagine that quite a numer of air waybills come along with a fully loaded aircraft. These air waybills are sorted into envelopes according to the way that goods are packed.注释:imagine: 想象,设想 come along: 发生,出现 full loaded aircraft: 满载飞机 sort:分类,拣选 envelope:信封,封套,封袋课文意思:可以想象大量的运单与满载飞机出现。这些运单按照货物包装的类型分类装入信封袋中。课文:The Cargo Manifest is an other document put on face of each encelope. It is a listing of all AWBs put inside the envelop.注释:Cargo Manifest:货物舱单课文意思:货物舱单是另外置于每个封袋表面的单据。列明了该封袋内送有航空运单信息。课文:A cargo manifest forms the check list for cargo handling and cargo revenue accounting. It is a source to compile cargo statistics, and is part of flights general decl


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