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八上 Units 12Revision tasks:1.Grasp the language points;2.Can talk about the frenquency and health, and give advice.基础知识梳理:(自主学习、小组检查)词汇拓展:1.hard(adv)_ 2.health(adj.)_(adv.)_(反义词)_3.different(n.)_ (adv.)_ 4.less(原级)_5. tooth(pl.)_6.important(n.)_7.always(反义词)_8.active(adv.)_9.drink(pt.)_10.interview(n.)_11.ill(n.)_12.thirsty(比较级)_13.tradition(adj.)_14.believe(n.)_15.west(adj.)_重点短语: (pl.)1、多久一次 2、去看电影 3、在周末 4.、看电视 5、上网 6、你最喜欢的节目 7、学生活动调查结果 8、一周一次 9、一月二、三次 10、一年三四次 11、至于作业 12、对你的健康有好/害处 13、相当健康 14、放学/下班回家 15、我吃饭的习惯 16、尽力吃许多蔬菜 17、看电视的结果 18、照顾我的健康 19、我健康的生活方式 20、帮我取得好成绩 21、帮我更好学习 22、有点不健康 23、什么运动 24、保持健康 25、保持良好健康状态 26、尽量少吃肉 27、有健康生活方式 28、做眼保健操 29、做早操 30、做练习 31、去滑旱冰 32、几乎不曾 33、当然 34、与一样 35、每晚睡9小时 36、患感冒/胃疼/嗓子疼/牙痛/背疼/发烧/ 37、看牙医38、躺下休息 39、好好休息 40、加蜜的热茶 41、有个好主意 42、一条建议 43、紧张的,有压力的 44、生的气 45、传统中医 46、阴阳平衡 47、太多肉/阴过盛/太多孩子 48、中药 49、 在许多西方国家 50、平衡膳食 51、变累 52、感觉不好 53、此时、现在 54、寄宿家庭 55、早睡觉 56、收到信 57、吃药 58、几个金牌句型:1、你多久才锻炼一次?一个月三四次。2、他每晚睡几个小时的觉?至少八个小时。3、她说喝牛奶对我的健康又好处。4、我吃饭的习惯相当好。5、我健康的生活方式帮我取得好成绩。6、Tom几乎从不锻炼。7、良好的食物和锻炼帮我更好的学习。8、她的生活方式与你一样还是不一样?区别是什么?9、你做什么运动?10、我认为我有点不健康。11、多吃蔬菜有助于保持健康。12、没有一周做一、两次作业的学生。13、你必须尽量少吃肉。14、-他怎么了?-他感觉不舒服。他胃疼。-什么时候开始的?15、他该去看牙医。看医生之前他不该吃任何东西。16、我希望你快恢复健康。 17、听到.我很难过。18、我们需要阴阳平衡才健康。19、中药许多西方国家很受欢迎。20、有一种健康生活方式是很容易的,平衡饮食很重要。21、我认为1天睡8个小时很重要。22、平衡饮食能保持健康。要点各个击破:(小组合作探究)重点单词短语:1.hardly adv.“几乎不;几乎没有”,位于系、助、情之_,实义动词之_。修饰表示能力的词,表示事实上不可能,有_定意义,用于反意疑问句时,附加句用_形式。There is hardly_(some; any) water in the glass.【温馨提示】hard(adj.)“硬的,艰难的 ;(adv.)努力地,辛苦的” never(0); hardly ever(5); sometimes(40); often(60); usually(90); always(100)【以练促记】His story is hardly true, _it?(反意疑问句)I can _(几乎不) believe the news.2.although(较为正式) /though“虽然”,引导_状语从句。可置于句首或句末,不与_连用,但可与副词_ _连用。-What is your young teacher like? Oh, he is very kind _ he looks very serious.A.because B.although C.if D.when3.keep 作系动词,后接_词或介词短语,意为“保持某种状态”:keep quiet keep in good health;vt.作及物动词,表示“保持,维持”,后接名词、代词、形容词、动名词短语、介词短语作宾补,意为“使继续处以于某种状态”:keep the door open keep your hands in front Im sorry for keeping you waiting for me so long. keep doing vt.作及物动词,表示“一直做某事”,后面的动词为延续性动词:keep standing at the door keep on doing vt.作及物动词,表示“反复做某事,继续做某事”:He keeps on asking such a question.【温馨提示】 vt.作及物动词,表示“借,保留”:How long can I keep the book?【以练促记】We huddled(聚成一堆)around the fire to keep_. A.warmly B.cool C.coldly D.warm4.until conj./ prep. “直到之时;在之前;到为止”until后可以跟具体时刻或时间短语,也可以跟从句。用于肯定句,主句中的谓语动词通常是_动词,表示主句的谓语所表示的动作一直持续到状语表示的时间为止。notuntil“直到才”,主句中的谓语动词通常是_动词,表示主句的谓语所表示的动作一直到状语表示的时间才发生。【以练促记】I _ in Paris _I ran out of my money.(我在巴黎一直待到钱花光为止)They _they found the bag.(她们直到找到包才回去)He went to bed after he finished his homework.(同义句)He_ to bed_he finished his homework.5.look after“关心;照顾”,=_【我来归纳】含look的短语:看 看起来像 寻找查找;往上看 【温馨提示】若宾语为代词放在_小心 = 向下看;瞧不起()【以练促记】We should _our parents when they are older. A.look at B.look for C.look up D.look after-Excuse me.When is the flight to Nanjing? Wait a minute, Ill_on the Internet.A. look up it B.look for it C.look at it D.look it up6.have (一)作实意动词.表示“有”, Look, I have wings, just like you.have和一些其他名词连用,表示: 一种活动, have no classes / a volleyball match/ a meeting/ a talk患病, have got a headache/a bad cold.发生的情况, Ive had so many falls that Im black and blue all over.(跌跤)生育, The queen ant may have tens of thousands of babies in one summer. .和一与动词同形的名词连用,表示一个动作(havea由动词转化和名词)。 have a swim /rest/walk/shower/talk .have on sth.或have sth. on,表示“穿着;戴着”(=to be wearing/ be in)。I noticed he had on bedroom slippers. At the ball Motile had a diamond necklace on. .表示“吃;喝”, have a cup of tea and some eggs have lunch .组成复合结构即“have宾语宾语补足语”, 不加to的动词不定式作宾语补足语(have sb. do sth.),表示让、叫某人做某事。 【温馨提示】被动语态需_to.注:否定结构表示“不能让;从未有人,. We wont have you blame it on others. She had never had anybody speak to her that way before. 现在分词作宾语补足语(have sb.(sth.)doing),表示“让(使)某人做某事”, the two men had their lights burning all night long. 过去分词作宾语补足语(have sb. (sth.)done),表示: A . 使(让,请)别人作某事,同get sth. done,表示的动作是别人做的,have my bike mended B . 遭遇到某事, Houses near airports sometimes have their windows broken. (二).have与to一起构成情态动词,表示“不得不;必须”,可用于各种时态。 (三).have做助动词与动词的过去分词一起构成现在完成时和过去完成时。 Great changes have taken place the last two years. (四).have用于“情态动词have过去分词”的结构,有对过去时间发生的动作或存在的情况的推测、假设之意。 (五).have用于某些成语,表示固定的意思。have a word(a few words)with sb.,表示和某人说一(几)句话;.had better不带to的动词不定式,表示“最好”。 .have nothing(something)to do with,表示“和无(有)”关系。Most of questions had nothing to do with Edisons lessons.重点句型:1.How often do you exercise? Two or three times a month.how often表示“多长时间一次;多久一次”,用来提问在某个时间内进行某个动作的次数,答语常常是:never ;sometimes; twice a week等表示频率的词或短语;. howlong常用来问长度,如: 问时间的长度,意为“多久”,Howlongdidhelivehere?Forabouttwentyyears. 问物体的长度,意为“多长”,Howlongistheboat?Itsmorethantenmeterslong.howfar常用来问距离,“多远”,-Howfaristhepostofficefromhere?- Itsaboutthreekilometers. .howmuch常用来问价钱,“多少钱”,Howmuchisyournewbike? About500yuan.howmany/howmuch常用来问数量,“多少”, “Howmany+可数名词的复数形式”询问可数名词的数量,howmanystudents “Howmuch+不可数名词”询问不可数名词的数量,Howmuchmeatisthereinthefridge? Onlyalittle.howold常用来问年龄,“多大”,HowoldisyourChineseteacher? Hesaboutthirty. .howsoon常用来问时间,“多久之后;还要多久”,Howsoonwillyourmothercomeback? Shellcomebackintwodays. .how/what about常用来问意见,“怎么样?”, -Howaboutgoingshoppingnow? -OK. 【以练促记】-I wonder_youll water this kind of tree? -Once a week. A.how often B.how long C.how soon D.how much-_have you lived in China? Since 2010. A.How often B.How long C.How soon D.How much2.What does he do on weekends?.“on+时间名词”,on与具体的某一天,以及某一天的上午、下午、晚上连用,表示某一特定时刻, on his seventieth birthday, on a cold spring morning.in+年、月、季节,表示一段时间, in spring in 2008.at +时间点,表示在几时, at breakfast at 5:30 ; at noon at work【以练促记】Susan left_a very cold morning. A.in B.on C.at D.from3.enjoy + sth. /doing sth. /oneself【以练促记】Many young people enjoy _the pop music. A.listening B.listening to C.listen to D.to listen to妙辨异同:(练就火眼金睛)1.sometimes, sometime, sometimes 与some timessometimes “不时;有时”,用于现在或过去时态,相当于at times;some times “几次;几倍”,time为可数名词,意为“次数;倍数”;sometime “某时”,表示过去或将来的不确定时间,类似 one day的用法;some time “一段时间”,time为不可数名词,意为“时间”。I want to see you _next week. A. sometimes B. some times C. sometime D. some timeIm sorry for keeping you waiting for me _. Shes been to Shanghai_.Try your best, your dream will come true_in the future.The telephone has rung_, why not answer it? Usually I ride to work, but _ I walk.They had discussed the problem for_, but they still couldnt solve it.2.too much , too many与much tootoo much+不可数名词,或修饰动词 ; too many+可数名词的复数; much too(相当于too)+形容词或副词的原级。【以练促记】用too many ;too much ; much too填空The young man drove _ fast. Its dangerous. There are_ mistakes in this work. Playing computer games _ is bad for your eyes.山东三年中考:(快乐中考)1.(2012.滨州)They didnt go to bed_ the work was finished. A.whileB.whenC.untilD.after2.(2012.泰安)-Can I help you, boy? -Yes. There is_wrong with my bike.A. something B .anything C.everything D. nothing3.(2012.菏泽)Steve, _do you play basketball after school?-Twice a week . It can keep me healthy. A.how far B.how soon C.how long D.how often4.(2011.淄博)Look! There is a big river. Lets swim in it !No. I think its_dangerous.A.much too B.too much C.too many D.much more5. (2011.东营)_Liu Wei has no hands, he can play the piano very beautifully.A.If B.Unless C.Because D.Although6.(2011.莱芜)Would you mind _my pet dog while Im not at home. Of course not.A.looking at B.looking up C.looking for D.looking after7.(2010.莱芜)Most of the young people enjoy _Jay Chous songs. A.sing B.sang C.singing D.to sing名师预测:一、单项选择1.Zhou Feng has learned English for many years, but he can _understand the English speakers.A.hardly B.certainly C.always D.almost2.She _know the answer, but Im not sure. A.maybe B.may be C.may D.must3._ that singer sings terribly, his songs are very popular. A.Unless B.If C.Though D.Because 4.Do you enjly travelling by air? - No, its _expensive.A.too much B.much too C.much D.more much5.When and where were you born? I was born _ July 1st, 1998_Suzhou.A.on ; on B.in ; in C.on ; in D.in ; on二、根据首字母或汉语提示,写出单词正确形式,完成句子1.What are the d_ between schools in China and US?2.The doctor adviced me to take the medicine t_ a day.3.I there were more trees on the earth, there would be l_ pollution.4.She is t_. She wants some water to drink.5.If you dont feel well, youd better take some m_.6.Here are the _(结果) of the survey about school uniforms.7.My mother has a good _(习惯)of getting up early.8.His legs were so weak that he could _(几乎不) stand.9.I_(相信) everything will be OK.10.How many _(牙齿) do you have?今天我有额外收获识记下列词汇:1.people aged / of 岁的人 2.fight to do 努力做3.get through with完成 4.on ones own=by oneself5.at midnight 6.at each sound of the clock7.on New years Eve 8.on the radio9.be five feet in height=_ 10. come to an end11.unforgettable (难忘的)memories 12.forgetful(健忘的)13.encouragement 14.make good use of/ putto good use 15.armless 16.Chinas Got Talent17.Touch China 18.be chosen as19.fast pace(快步)of the big cities 20.do harm/good to21.get sth. +adj.(get.close at hand) 22.put up with=stand23.see/think of/regard sb./sth. as. 24.be tired of25.run a ranch(牧场) 26.isolated= lonely /alone27.live a .life 28.but for(若不是),用于虚拟语气29.play against 30.sweep through31.weather monitoring 32.a matter of time33.work in a team 34.in/out of danger35.a learned man 36.meet/meet with(=come across)37.take control of 38.broaden your mind/enrich your e from nothing 40.be born blind/deaf41.up to合计达 42.miss out on将遗漏掉43.Apples logo(icon) 44.image45.bite(n./v.) 46.artificial intelligence47.wartime 48.belief(pl.)49.put into prison 50.poisoned apple51.mistakefor 52.have nothing to do with53.the 50-day countdown to 54.inspire a generation55. in a right mess 56.be considered +adj.57.salary(n. /v.) 58.favorfavorite59.passionate 60.handshake61.pat(n./v.) 62.locker63.float down 64.be forced to do65.freedom/boredom 66.adapt to67.be overlooked 68.all the way自始至终;从头到尾69.give ones life to sth./doing sth. 70.set sth. for sb.为制定/安排71.violence or threat 72.understandable73.act friendly(adv.) 74.with ease=easily75.have no idea of 76.goods(pl.)77.Harvard/Yale /Princeton/Columbia/Oxford/CambridgeUniversity; Dartmouth College(达特茅斯学院)78.the number one womens singles player八年级(上)Units3-4基础知识梳理一、词汇拓展1.fishing(n.)_(n.)鱼 2.famous(adj.)_(adj.同义词)有名的 3.nature(n)_(adj.)自然的 4.finish(v.)_(v.同义词)完成5.tourist(n.)_(v.)旅行6.quick(adj)_(adv.)快地7.illness(n)_ (adj.)生病的8.worry(n.)_(adj.)担心的二、重点短语1、go_野营/徒步旅行/钓鱼/观光/骑车兜风2、how_多久;多长时间3、take a_去度假4、take the _乘地铁5、how_多远6、_on视而定;取决于7、_about担心8、离开太久_9、从给.寄_10、回来_11、散步_12、休长假_13、考虑做_14、考虑后决定_15、做点不同的事情_16、计划做_17、等不及做_18、完成制作上一部影片_19、一个观光的好地方_20、动身去_21、计划去意大利的假期_22、吃早饭_;快速吃早饭_23、不是全部的学生_24、最受欢迎的三种交通方式_25、少数学生_;学生的数目_三、金牌句型1._are you doing_ _? 你假期打算干什么?2.This time I want to do_ _. 这次我想做些与众不同的事情。3._do you _ _school? 你如何去学校?4._ _is it from his home to school? 从他家到学校有多远?5._ _ _ _students take the subway. 少数学生乘地铁6.他想跟谁去?什么时候去?7.我打算去西藏呆一周。你呢?8.Lucy想去山里徒步旅行。9.我不喜欢离开太久。10.玩得开心点!旅途愉快!11.当我们回到学校,给我看看你的照片。12.他曾考虑去希腊或西班牙,但决定去加拿大。13.我知道那儿有许多人说法语。14.我将计划在美丽的乡下消磨时光。15.我听说泰国是个度假的好地方。16.那一定比坐公交车有趣得多。要点各个击破一、重点单词短语1、decide Vt. decide+ to do sth. / not to do sth. /特殊疑问词+to do sth. Vi. decide +on sb. /sth. /doing,表示从几个人或事物中“选定,选用一个”。They _ _ _ take a trip to Tibet in summer.(他们决定夏天不去西藏)Betty _ _ that red skirt that day.(Betty选定了那条红色短裙)2、hundred/thousand/million/billion,前面有具体数字修饰时,其后_“s”,也_of短语;前面没有具体数字修饰时,其后_“s”,且_of短语。【温馨提示】hundreds of有时可用some,several,many等修饰。【以练促记】There are_(hundred) of people dancing at the square.Therere about _teachers and students in the school.A.four thousands B.five thousand C.six thousand of D.three thousands of3、take (反义词)bring; take the subway; take ones temperature/medicine; take place(happen); take a message for sb.; take off; take away; take out; take care(be careful/ look out/watch out); take care of; take down take it easy; take/have a walk/rest/swim/shower/talk; take part in; take turns to do/ doing; take an interest in(be interested in); take photos ; take pride in( be proud of); take time to do sth.How long _ it_ you to work out such a difficult problem?A.did; took B.does ; take C.did; cost D.does; cost4、something ,anything ,nothing ,everything ,somebody/someone ,anybody/anyone ,nobody /no one ,everybody ,somewhere ,anywhere ,nowhere ,everywhere,为不定代词或副词,形容词或动词不定式作定语时_.【以练促记】Is there_ in todays newspaper? A.anything important B.important anything C.something important D.nothing important二、重点句型1.be+ V.ing表示按计划或安排即将发生的事情。 Whar are you doing for/on vacation? / Where are you going for vacation? Who are you going with? When are you going ? How are you going? How long are you staying there? What are you doing there?2.询问交通方式:How do/ does+主语+go/ get to sp.? 应答语:.主语+go(goes)/ get(gets) to sp.+by+交通工具。. 主语+go(goes)/ get(gets) to sp.+on/in+限定词(冠词或物主代词等)+交通工具。. 主语+go(goes)/ get(gets) to sp.+on foot。. 主语+go(goes)/ get(gets) to sp.+by air/ land/ water/ sea。. 主语+takes+限定词(冠词或物主代词等)+交通工具+to sp.。. 主语+ride(s)+ones bike to sp.。 .主语+walk(s)/ drive(s) / fly(flies)to sp.询问时间:How long does it take sb. to get/ go to sp. by./ on/in. ?How long does it take sb. to walk/ drive /ride to sp.?How long does the bus ride/flight take sb.?答语:It takes sb(to get to sp.) by./on/in.It takes sbto take the+交通工具 +to sp.The bus/bike/train ride takes.询问距离:How far is it from. to .? / How far is from.? /How far do/does sb. live?答语: Its .miles /kilometers (away from .)./ Its .minutes/hours walk/ bus ride/ flight。妙辨异同1、.a number of+Pl.n.,表示“一些;许多”,表示数量的多或少时,可以用_或_修饰number,作主语时,谓语动词用_数。a large nember of=many ; a small number of= a few/several.the number of+Pl.n., 表示“的数量”,该词组作主语时,其谓语动词用_数形式。【以练促记】A large number of clothes_(be) on sale in our store.-Whats the news about? -_entertainment stars gathered to attract donation for homeless people. A.A member of B.A kind of C. The number of D. A number of2、forget to do-forget doing; remember to do-remember doing;【温馨提示】leave sth.+地点状语【以练促记】Dont forget_(close) the door when you leave.I always forget _(turn ) off the lights before leaving, but last night I remembered _(turn) them off.三年山东中考1、(2012青岛)-Remember_to my daughters dance show next Friday.-Of course I will. Ill never forget_her dance for the first time last year.A.to come; to see B.coming; to see C.to come; seeing D.coming; seeing2、(2012临沂)It_ Mr.Green an hour to fix up his bicycle yesterday.A.cost B.spent C.paid D.took3、(2012临沂)-_have you lived with your grandparents?About 3 years.A.How long B.How soon C.How muc


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