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Unit 5 Theme parks(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1As is known to all,this education system is modelled after the French one.2What do you know about Bill Gates?As far as I know,when he was a child,he showed a variety (various) of interests in everything around him.3The coastal areas have mild winters,but by contrast the central (center) plains become extremely cold.4By the activities in our English club,we not only practise but also learn more English.5I was close to knocking (knock) down tho other day when a car passed by me with full speed.6The living room of the house is double the length (long) of the bedroom,which suits the family pretty well.7People are usually well informed of what is happening due to the advanced (advance) media,such as television,newspapers and the Internet.8Since my childhood I have found that nothing is more attractive (attract) to me than reading.9Some suggestions are made at the meeting that these traditional customs should be_preserved (preserve)10The young man,who by then had gained admission (admit) to a university,decided to do some parttime jobs to gain more practical experience.单句改错1Well,however happened between Mary and me is none of your business.howeverwhatever2He is the top student in our school.There is no wonder he has been admitted to Beijing University.ThereIt3There is a variety of books for us to choose from,like history books,science books,literary books and so on.isare4We must take some measures to preserve the endangered animals from killed.from后加being5Only by improving education and high science technology can a country become a advanced one.第二个aan6He is famous both as a novelist and poet but he is more famous as his novels.第二个asfor.阅读理解Wondering which New York City museums to see first? These four Manhattan institutions are the citys most visited.Metropolitan Museum of ArtVisitors per year: more than 6 millionThe draw: One of the worlds most comprehensive art museums,with nearly 2 million works of art from five millennia of human history.Highlights: popular permanent exhibitions include the American Wing,Egyptian Artespecially the cavernous room devoted to the Temple of Dendurand Medieval Art.Best time to beat the crowd: Around 11 am.,once the opening lines have dissipated.American Museum of Natural HistoryVisitors per year: Almost 5 millionThe draw: A science museum with dinosaur fossils,exhibitions chronicling virtually all known animal and human history and,yes,some eyepopping IMAX movie action.Highlights: the Butterfly Conservatory features hundreds of live butterflies in a heated environment that feels like an oasis(绿洲) in winter.Best time to beat the crowd: Late afternoons or early on Sunday mornings.Museum of Modern ArtVisitors per year: 3 millionThe draw: modern works that,in some cases,push the boundaries of what many people think of as art.Highlights: Pablo Picasso,Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh are among the many wellknown artists whose work is on display at MoMA.Best time to beat the crowd: First thing when it opens.Intrepid Sea,Air and Space MuseumVisitors per year: 1 millionThe draw: a reallife aircraft carrier that saw service in World War and the Vietnam War and is now a museum moored(停泊) along the Hudson River.Highlights: among the sights are the USS Growler submarine,a British Airways Concorde supersonic jet and the Enterprisea space shuttle used in test flights that may be the most aweinspiring attraction of all.Best time to beat the crowd: First thing when it opens.1Which is the most visited museum per year?AMetropolitan Museum of Art.BAmerican Museum of Natural History.CMuseum of Modern Art.DIntrepid Sea,Air and Space Museum.A根据每个博物馆介绍中的“Visitors per year”可知,每年参观“Metropolitan Museum of Art”的游客数量居于首位。2Which is the best time to see live butterflies in a museum?AAround 11 am.BEvery early morning.CIn the late afternoon.DAs soon as the museum opens.C根据“American Museum of Natural History”介绍中的“Highlights:.features hundreds of live butterflies.”和“Best time to beat the crowd:Late afternoons or early on Sunday mornings.”可知,正确答案为C。3What can visitors enjoy on the Hudson River?AModern works of art.BFlight vehicles.CIMAX movies.DEgyptian Art.B根据“Intrepid Sea,Air and Space Museum”下的介绍可知,这里有:USS Growler号潜艇、英国航空公司的协和式超音速喷气飞机、航天飞机等。由此可知,在这里可以看到飞行器。.完形填空Danny was a senior high school student,who was so crazy to attract girls.He spent 10 hours a day _1_ more than 200 selfies (自拍) trying to find the _2_ one.He would _3_ 10 photos of himself before he washed and would go _4_ class secretly three times every hour.At 16,he dropped out of school _5_ he could throw himself into his addiction (瘾),and he ate _6_ .He did not leave his house for six months,and when he failed to take the perfect picture,he tried to _7_ himself by taking an overdose(过度用药)His mother,Penny,_8_ to save him,and forced him to ask for help after his addiction had become _9_ .The 19yearold,believed to be Britains first selfie _10_ ,is now under special treatment _11_ .He has not taken a picture of himself in seven months and has _12_ that achieving perfection is _13_ .He told the Sunday Mirror,“I was constantly _14_ the perfect selfie and when I realized I couldnt,I wanted to die.I _15_ my friends,my education,my health and almost my life.The only thing I _16_ about was having my phone with me so that I could satisfy the desire for a picture of myself at any time of the day.” He expressed his _17_ to the doctors and said their help kept him _18_ and called on others to ask for help _19_ they ended up in hospital.One psychologist at a clinic _20_ Danny was treated said the addiction to taking selfies has now become a mental illness.语篇解读 Danny是英国第一个患“自拍瘾”的人。他每天要自拍200多张照片,并试图从中找出完美的一张,如果无法找出,他便想通过过度用药自杀。经过医生的救治,他成功地戒除了“自拍瘾”。1A.takingBhavingCmakingDgettingA根据该句中的“selfies(自拍)”可知,Danny喜欢自拍,每天要花10个小时拍摄200多张自拍照。take selfies为固定搭配,意为“自拍”,故A项正确。2A.beautifulBperfectCgoodDcomfortableB根据第二段倒数第二句中的“take the perfect picture”可以判断,他要在200多张自拍照中找出完美的一张。perfect“完美的”,符合语境。beautiful“漂亮的”,good“好的”,comfortable“舒服的”,都与语境不符。3A.bringBfetchCtake DgetC此处意为“他总是自拍10张照片”。故选C项。4A.out ofBintoCinsideDawayA根据“secretly”可以判断,Danny每小时要秘密地走出教室三次去自拍。go out of class“走出教室”,故选A项。5A.as ifBeven thoughCin caseDso thatD他在16岁时辍学,因此他能致力于他的爱好。根据空处前后的句意可知,前后句为因果关系,so that“因此,因而”,符合语境。as if“仿佛,好像”,even though“尽管”,in case“以防万一”,都与语境不符。6A.moreBnothingCeverythingDlessD根据该句中的“he could throw himself into his addiction(瘾)”可以判断,他专注于自己的爱好,连吃饭都吃得更少。故选D项。7A.surpriseBkillCcalm DthankB根据空后的“by taking an overdose(过度用药)”可以判断,他没有拍到完美的照片时,会试图过度用药自杀。故选B项。8A.decidedBmanagedCfailedDsucceededB他的妈妈Penny努力挽救了他的生命。manage to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“设法完成某事”,故B项正确。decide“决定”,fail“失败”,succeed“成功”,都与语境不符。9A.beyond controlBunder controlCin orderDout of dateA根据语境可知,他的妈妈强迫他在无法控制自己时向别人求助。beyond control“无法控制”,符合语境。under control“在控制下”,in order“按次序”,out of date“过时”,都与语境不符。10A.winnerBloserCaddictDkillerC根据上文中的“addiction”可以判断,这位19岁的男孩成了英国第一位自拍上瘾的人。故C项符合语境。winner“获胜者”,loser“失败者”,killer“杀手”,都与语境不符。11A.at home Bin hospitalCat schoolDat workB根据该句中的“under special treatment”和下文中的“to the doctors”“in hospital”“at a clinic”可知,他正在医院接受特别的治疗,故B项正确。12A.realizedBexpected CimaginedDrecognizedA他在七个月里没有给自己拍过一张照片,他已经意识到达到完美是不可能的。 realize意为“意识到”,符合语境。 expect“期望”,imagine“想象”,recognize“认出”,都与语境不符。13A.necessaryBpossibleCimpossibleDunpleasantC参见上题解析。14A.in need ofBin search ofCin want ofDin favor ofB根据第一段第二句中的“trying to find”可以判断,他不断地寻找完美的自拍照。 in search of“寻找”,符合语境。 in need of“需要”,in want of“需要”,in favor of“支持”,都与语境不符。15A.missedBleftCgot DlostD“我”失去了朋友、教育、健康,甚至“我”的生命。lose“失去”,符合语境。 miss“错过”,leave“离开”,get“得到”,都与语境不符。16A.talked BworriedCdreamedDcaredD根据语境可知,此处表示他唯一关心的是他要带上手机。care about为固定搭配,意为“关心”,符合语境。talk“交谈”,worry“担心”,dream“梦想”,都与语境不符。17A.happinessBthanksCregretDsadnessB 根据该句中的“their help”可知,他对医生表达了他的感谢。express thanks to sb.为固定搭配,意为“向某人表示感谢”,故B项正确。 happiness“幸福”, regret“遗憾”,sadness“悲伤”,都与语境不符。18A.wiseBwealthyCaliveDpatientC根据语境可知,Danny向医生表达了他的感谢,开说是医生的帮助使他还活着。alive“活着的”,符合语境。wise“明智的”,wealthy“富裕的”,patient“有耐心的”,都与语境不符。19A.beforeBuntilCwhileDafterADanny号召别人在被送往医院之前就应当求助。before“在之前”,符合语境。 until“直到”,while“当时”,after“在之后”,都与语境不符。20A.when BwhichCwhereDhowC分析该句结构可知,该句为定语从句,先行词为“clinic”,关系词在从句中作地点状语,故用关系副词where,故C项正确。.短文改错Id like to introduce Sarah to you.She is a good friend of me.Actually she is an exchange student from Ireland,which has been studying in my school for two month.Wanting to take an advantage of her short time here,Sarah works hardly.She had not studied Chinese befo


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