



对食品添加剂的看法和态度近年来,我国不断地出现关于食品添加剂的食品安全问题,人们对食品添加剂的认识已经被扭曲了,认为只要是食品添加剂都是有害健康的。In recent years China continue to appear on food additives, food safety issues, peoples understanding of food additives has been distorted, as long as food additives are harmful to health. 在这里我将展开对食品添加剂的理性认识,客观认识食品添加剂的利与弊,从而指导我们在生活中正确使用食品添加剂,防范食品安全问题。 Here I will start a rational knowledge of food additives, food additives and objective understanding of the pros and cons to guide us in life the proper use of food additives to prevent food safety problems. 随着人们生活水平的提高,生活节奏的加快,食品消费结构的变化,促进了我国食品工业的快速发展,要求食品方便化,多样化,营养化。 As peoples living standards improve, the pace of life speeds up, changes in the structure of food consumption, and promote the rapid development of Chinas food industry, requiring food convenience, diversity, eutrophication. 为了达到这些要求就离不开食品添加剂 (Food Additive) 。 To meet these requirements can not do without food additives (Food Additive). 在诸多食品添加剂黑加工被曝光后 , 有关食品添加剂对人体有害的说法令人生畏 , 可见消费者对食品添加剂已到了望而却步的地步。 Black in many processed food additives was exposed, the food additives harmful to say daunting, showing consumers of food additives has come to a prohibitive level. 这让消费者在人世中产生了误区,那么到底何为食品添加剂,为什么会引起如此大的恐慌呢。 This allows consumers to produce a misunderstanding in this world, then in the end what food additives, why it causes so much panic. 食品添加剂是指用于改善食品品质、延长食品保存期、便于食品加工和增加食品营养成分的一类化学合成或天然物质。 Food additive is used to improve food quality, extend shelf life of food, easy food processing and food nutrients to increase a class of synthetic or natural material. 食品添加剂是为改善食品色、香、味等品质,以及为防腐和加工工艺的需要而加入食品中的化合物质或者天然物质。 Food additives is to improve food color, smell, taste and other qualities, and for the preservation and processing needs of the compounds added to food quality or natural material. 目前我国食品添加剂有 23 个类别, 2000 多个品种,包括酸度调节剂、抗结剂、香料等。 At present, China has 23 categories of food additives, more than 2,000 varieties, including acidity regulators, anti-caking agents, spices. 虽然食品添加剂具有防止变质,改善食品的感官性状,保持或提高食品的营养价值和增强食品的品种和方便性等优点,但由于近几年来少数食品加工者滥用食品添加剂和化工原料冒充,扰乱了市场,加上消费者缺乏食品添加剂的基本常识,对食品添加剂的认识存在了许多误区。 Although food additives can prevent deterioration and improve the sensory properties of food, maintain or improve the nutritional value of food and enhance the variety and convenience foods, etc., but because of the abuse of food processing in recent years a small number of food additives and chemical raw materials posing, disrupting the market, as consumers lack the basic knowledge of food additives, food additives, knowledge of the existence of many errors. 目前 , 影响食品安全最大的隐患是非法加工 , 特别是加入非法添加剂。 Currently, the greatest impact on food safety risks is illegal processing, particularly into the illegal additive. 一些不法分子为谋取暴利而滥用食品添加剂,在食品中添加禁止加入的有毒有害物质 , 如 : “苏丹红”、“吊白块”等,从无数的报道的中,我们很容易看到食品添加剂对我们的食品安全照成了很大的威胁。 Some lawless elements profiteering and abuse of food additives in foods to add prohibition added toxic substances, such as: Sudan, Formaldehyde, etc., from the numerous reports, we can easily see the food additive According to our food safety has become a serious threat. 食品添加剂的使用不当会危害我们的健康,轻则造成慢性的生理疾病,重则造成食物中毒,甚至引起死亡。 Improper use of food additives will harm our health, ranging from the physiological causes of chronic diseases, weight is caused by food poisoning, and even cause death. 另一方面是超剂量、超范围使用食品添加剂。 The other hand, overdose, beyond the scope of use of food additives. 食品添加剂的经营者、使用者缺乏食品添加剂的卫生及安全意识 , 有些中、小型厂家设备陈旧简单 , 缺乏最基本计量、搅拌设施等原因 , 造成了食品中添加剂含量严重超标。 Operators of food additives, food additives users lack awareness of health and safety, some medium and small manufacturers simply obsolete equipment, lack of basic metering, mixing facilities, and other reasons, resulting in a food additive found excessive. 作为消费者,我们应修正饮食观念。 As consumers, we should be amended to eating. 追求感官享受和方便快捷,就难免会和食品添加剂亲密接触,所以不必把它看成毒药或洪水猛兽。 The pursuit of sensual enjoyment and convenience, and food additives will inevitably be close contact, so do not put it as poison or a scourge. 与其为了某些食品添加剂惶恐不安,不如多吃新鲜天然、保质期较短、色泽朴素的食物,这样自然会远离过多的添加剂,也能得到更多的健康。 Their anxious for some food additives, eat more fresh and natural as, a shorter shelf life, color and simple food, which would naturally stay away from too many additives, can also be more healthy. 在日常生活中,应不断积累有关食品添加剂使用的知识,在食物抽检中,防腐剂的超标现象比较严重。 In daily life, should continue to accumulate knowledge about the use of food additives, food sampling, excessive preservatives are quite serious. 有关专家指出,一些食品生产企业对防腐剂的作用和使用方法没有掌握,认为防腐剂使用越多越好、越安全越延期,其实不然。 Experts pointed out that some food manufacturers on the role and use of preservatives are not available, the better that the preservatives used, the more secure the more extended, it is not. 以罐头为例,正规罐头的生产是严禁使用防腐剂和甜味剂的,正规的罐头企业在生产过程中,只要依照正常的生产工艺,经过高温杀菌、密封包装的罐头完全可以不使用防腐剂就能达到较长的保质期。 To canned food, for example, regular canned product is strictly prohibited the use of preservatives and sweeteners, regular canned enterprises in the production process, just follow the normal production process, high temperature sterilization, sealed packaging cans can not use preservatives can achieve a longer shelf life. 其实 , 我国和世界其它国家一样对食品添加剂的管理非常严格。 In fact, China and the rest of the world, like the management of food additives is very strict. 各种食品添加剂能否使用、使用范围和最大使用量 , 我国都有严格的规定并受法律制约。 Can I use a variety of food additives, the use of the range and maximum usage, China has strict rules and subject to legal constraints. 在使用食品添加剂之前 , 相 Prior to the use of food additives, with 关部门都会对添加剂成分进行严格的质量指标及安全性的检测。 Additive composition of the relevant departments will carry out strict quality indicators and security checks. 完善的审批程序和监督机制都是保证食品添加剂安全的重要保障。 Complete the approval procedures and monitoring mechanisms are important to ensure the safety of food additives to protect. 只要按国家规定标准使用食品添加剂生产的食品 , 对人体健康没有危害 , 不必担心安全问题。 As long as the national standard by the use of food additives in food production, human health hazards, do not worry about security issues. 目前 , 我国已成为食品添加剂生产、消费大国 , 同时 , 也已成为出口大国之一。 At present, China has become the production of food additives, consumer, but also has become a major exporter of. 苯甲酸、糖精钠是我国最传统的出口产品 , 占有出口量的很大比例。 Benzoic acid, saccharin is the most traditional export products, occupy a large proportion of exports. 随着食品工业的发展和人们对食品添加剂认识的加深 , 食品添加剂市场必将越来越广阔。 With the development of food industry and the peoples knowledge about food additives, food additives market will become increasingly broad. 因此,对食品添加剂无需过度恐慌,随着国家相关标准的完善


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