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2015滁州市高级中学联谊会高二第二学期期末联考英语答案听力15 CACBC 610 ABBCA 1115 CBABC 1620 BACAB 阅读理解21. C 推理判断题。根据文中最后一句“Click Here To Sign Up For A Free Trial NOW!”可知,想试用ASP.NET HOSTING,你首先必须要在网上申请。22. C 细节理解题。根据第二个方框第二句“Try us risk free and start building powerful websites and save money at the same time.”可知,用这个软件可以为你省钱。23. B 词义猜测题。此处指你可以很轻松地在你的电脑控制版面将其升级为付费的程序包而不需要停机。根据划线词所在句可推测,划线词应该意为“提高,升级”。和B项意思相近。24.C 细节理解题。根据文中第四段“It was followed by North of Boston(1914),which gained international reputation”可知C项正确。25.A 推理判断题。根据文中倒数第二段“Frost s poems show deep appreciation of natural world”可知,他的诗展现了对大自然的爱。其他三项均不符合文意。26.B 细节理解题。根据文中最后一段“.the lack of seriousness concerning social and economic problems of the 1930s”可知他的诗中缺少了对20世纪30年代社会和经济方面的涉及,因此他被认为是一位非官方诗人。27.A 标题判断题。文章主要介绍了美国田园诗人弗罗斯特和他的诗,因此A项最适合做文章标题。其他的三项都比较片面。28.D 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句“Researchers found that sleep deprivation (剥夺) has something with overeating.”可知本文主要讨论的是睡眠不足与过度饱食有密切关系。29. B 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句,可知睡眠时间受到限制的人第二天的食量会增大,故选B。30. A 推理判断题。根据第三段第一句,可知睡眠少的人消耗的卡路里要比睡眠充足的人少的多。故选A。31. D 主旨大意题。根据第四段第一句“Therefore, its important for people to remember that the relationship between sleep, eating and weight is a complex one.”可知作者主要想告诉人们一定要处理好睡眠、饮食和体重的关系。故选D。32. D 主旨大意题。根据文章的第一段可知,作者主要介绍了蝙蝠的种类和特点。33. C 推理判断题。根据第一段可知,flying-foxes 又名fruit-bats,以花儿或水果为食。它们其中的四种是世界上最大的蝙蝠。故C项符合。34. B 细节理解题。根据第二段可知,蝙蝠对树木有好处,因为它们可以帮助其传播花粉、传播种子。换言之,它们可以帮助更多的树在大自然生长, 有利于保护环境。35. A 细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句可知,在白天,大量的蝙蝠喜欢聚在一起。其他选项均与文中内容不符。七选五阅读3640 GACFE完型填空41. B 此处指我注意到一片毯子从天花板中伸出来。选noticed。42. B 我用力拉,连接到阁楼的盖板突然开了。pull“拉、拖、牵”。43. A 我找来一架梯子爬了上去。head“朝方向行进,向方向移动”。44. C 根据生活经验,人到了一个光线暗的地方,需要适应,故选adjusted“调整,适应”。45. D 我看到一个金属容器,我认出是二战时的弹药箱。recognize“认识、认得、辨认出”。46. A 我打开盒盖,看到了橙色麻线捆着几卷钱。文章最后段信息“There were balls of that orange twine(麻 线) still hanging on the wall of the workshop”为暗示信息。47. B 但是这儿不止有一个箱子,我发现了另外七个箱子,还有两个大的黑色垃圾袋装满了现金。表示转折用but。48. D 我首先想到的是,这是上帝给我们的祝福。根据下文信息谈到作者怎样花钱的想法可知,此处作者的第一个念头就是上帝给予他们的祝福。thought“想法,念头”49. C 这可是修理破旧房子的资金。这里指上文谈到的钱。50. B 从作者的盘算可知,这些钱会让作者及两个儿子的生活变得更加容易些。51. D 但当我沉迷于这些幻想中时,我知道我应该把钱归还给先前的主人。fantasy“幻想、想入非非”。52. B 参见上题解析,选owner。53.C 此处指我给他们打电话并让他们顺便过来。drop in“顺便走访,顺便拜访”。54.C 先前的主人很震惊。当然,不仅是钱的问题,而且也是我把钱还给他的善举。故选shocked。55. B 他们说这一定是他们的父亲藏的钱。选hidden。56. A 我想到了他们的父亲数以百次地来到车库,切断橙色麻绳,捆起钞票。57. A 我想他所做的一切都是为了他的孩子们。for“为,为了”。58. C 我们搬进这所房子的时候,好几团橙色的麻线仍然挂在天花板上。move in“搬进去、迁入”。文章第二段首句为暗示信息。59. D 此处指去年圣诞节我用这些橙色的麻线来捆圣诞礼物,我想借此来提醒我的孩子们诚实的可贵。选honesty“诚实、诚信”。60.D 此处指我们做了一件正确的事情,我们的孩子将永远不会忘记。选forget。语法填空61. the 62. different 63. got 64. when 65. better66. before 67. what 68. hungry 69. gaining70. probably短文改错 This winter holiday, I went to Beijing with my father. It was the first time that I have been to hadour capital city. It left a deep impression with me. First I went to the Great Wall. It is more than on6,000 kilometers longer. The Great Wall was built over two thousands years ago. It built to long thousand was keep the enemy out of the nation. Then I went to the Forbidden City, what is located in the which center of Beijing. I spent about three hours walking around, reading and enjoying the exhibits of there. Various collections there were very interesting, specially the ancient bronze especiallyexhibit. There seemed to have endless things to see. I had a wonderful summer holiday and I am be looking forward to visit Beijing again. visiting书面表达One possible version:Dear Jim,My name is Li Hua, one of the students you taught last term. Im writing to thank you for donating the basketballs to our school and teaching us how to play basketball. We know you come a long way from Canada, and this is the first time that you have volunteered in China. I would like to tell you that all of us enjoy your teaching very much, for your class is so interesting and lively. We not only learn the knowledge related to basketball, but also learn a lot of skills about it, which benefits us mentally as well as physically. We have begun to love playing basketball. All the students and their parents are thankful to you for your hard-work. We do hope you can come and visit us in the future. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 听力材料(Text 1)M: Seldom did I go to the movies when I was in college and I preferred to play tennis.W: Well, nor did I. You know, I was addicted to chatting online.(Text 2)M: I think youd better find another partner. I love badminton, but I dont think Im improving.W: Nobody expects you to be a superstar. Just keep going and I believe you can do better. (Text 3)W: Im really worried about the interview.M: Take it easy. Youve made enough preparations.(Text 4)M: Why did you take my ruler without asking me? Youre always doing this, borrowing things from me without asking. W: Sorry. I didnt know you would be so angry at it.(Text 5)W: David, Ive warned you many times. This is the third time you are late for football practice! What happened this time?M: Oh, Im sorry, Coach. But whats the big deal? So Im a few minutes late. What difference does it make?(Text 6)W: What a coincidence! The boat race is going to be held at the Kunming Lake later, lets go and watch. M: They are crowded across the lake. They are so lively! Are these boats over there called dragon boats? W: Yeah. The boat race is held annually all over China and is a celebrated tradition. M: The dragon boats look very interesting. Whats the boat race for? W: To memorize the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. When he jumped in the river, people tried to rescue him by rowing their boats out into the water. M: It comes to me. Chinese people who live abroad organize their own dragon boat races every year. (Text 7)M: Daisy, you know Mom and Dad had a quarrel this afternoon?W: Did they? Why? They knew you didnt get an A this time?M: No, this time they were quarreling because of you.W: You are cheating me again? I have never made them angry even once.M: They said you spent too much money on the gifts for your friends this month.W: Sounds reasonable. But I have to spend so much on Christmas gifts and you know I have to attend two of my best friends birthday parties.M: You forgot its during financial crisis?W: Sure, but I have found a way to help parents from next week.M: Do you? What is that? W: Simple. I will babysit for our new neighbor every evening. (Text 8)W: Why is there no water coming out when you turn on the tap?M: Not even a single drop?W: Well, its just drip, drip, drip. But thats still not water.M: I dont know. Since last night water pressure has dropped to little more than a drip.W: Did you call the apartment manager yet?M: Yeah. I called her this morning and she said shed send someone over.W: But how long ago was it?M: That was three hours ago!W: Thats astonishing! I just dont understand why theyre not on top of this!(Text 9)W: Can I help you, sir?M: Id like to check out.W: Your name and room number, please?M: William Smith, Room 350.W: Just a minute, please. 360 yuan. Please check if the amount is correct.M: Let me see. Thats correct.W: Would you like to pay by cash or credit card?M: By credit card. Here you are.W: One moment, please. Please sign here. Here is your original credit card bill and receipt.M: Thanks a lot.W: With pleasure. (Text 10) Americans are careful about how and when they meet one anothers eyes. In their normal conversation, each eye contact lasts only about a second before one or both persons look away. When two Americans look searchingly into each others eyes


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