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2019伏龙初中中考英语阅读理解编习题(3)附答案Passage A(2019中考科普环保类选练)The earth is our home;we must take Care of itThis means keeping the land,air and water clean Pollution is a dirty wordTo pollute means to make things unfit(不合适的)or unclean to usePollution comes in many waysWe see it,smell it ,taste it and drink itPollution is beginning to threaten(威胁)our health ,or happiness and our life Manhas been polluting the earth from the time he first made fire,washed his clothes in the river and threw his waste on the groundWhen land was used up or water became dirtyMen moved to another placeAt first the problem was not so serious because there was plenty of clean air,land and waterThere werent so many people then and their wants(需求)were fewerAll the dirty things could be absorbed(吸收)by nature and sooncovered over(恢复)But this is no longer trueThe increase of population(人口增长)and the development of industry have changed thatMan is slowly pollutinghis environment Through the use of poison(农药),mall has polluted land !killing the animalBy putting dirty water and chemicals into rivers and lakes we have polluted our drinking water ,killing the fish Our increasing population is part of theproblemMore people more waste Where is this all to end ?Are we turning the world into a big rubbish dump,or is there anyhope that we can get rid of(摆脱)the pollution ?Luckily,millions of people have been warned ofthe danger of pollutionLarge numbers of people are now working hard to bring pollution under( )1Which sentence is WRONG? AWe live on the earth,so we should look after it BTo pollute means to make air ,water and land unfit for use CAll the waste produced by modem industry can be absorbed DMan is now fighting against different kinds of pollution( )2In this passage the word“chemicals”means A化学 B化学物质 C化学的 D医学的 ( )3Through the uncontrolled use of poison mall has Amade the drinking water dirty Bpolluted the land Ckilled the animals and fish Dall of the above( )4From the sentences“More people more waste”,we know that Abecause of the increase of population and the development of industry,more and more waste is produced Bwe need more people,not more waste Cthere isnt any hope that we can get rid of the pollution Dmore people have been warned of the danger of more waste( )5From the passage we can know that now man Adoesnt know how to control pollution Bstill doesnt realize how serious pollution is Cis doing something to control pollutionDbegins to understand the pollution 参考答案1C 2B 3D 4A 5CPassage B【*真题】Many people think that water will never be used up(用尽)because there are many rivers and lakes. And the rain can make us get enough fresh water. Also, we can dig wells(井)to find fresh water under the ground. In fact, it is wrong and dangerous to think so. In some areas, people fight(争斗)for fresh water. There is little rain there all year round. Lets look around us. Some factories pour(倒)dirty water into rivers. And some people drop litter into rivers. We see polluted water here and there. We must do something to help people understand about preventing water from being polluted. Its never too late if we take action right now.38. Fresh water is from . A. rivers and lakes B. rain C. wells D. A, B, and C39. Its dangerous and wrong to . A. get enough fresh water B. think water is endless C. dig a well D. use up water40. What do people fight for in some areas? A. Fresh water. B. Little rain. C. Pouring dirty water. D. Money.41. Whats the main idea?A. Water will never be used up.B. How to find fresh water. C. Water is everywhere. D. Shortage(短缺)of fresh water.Passage C【*模拟】We have always been interested in the moon. 2000 years ago people already knew it moved around the earth and where it would be in the sky at different times of the year. At that time, everything about the moon was learned by watching it carefully in the sky.When scientists could use telescopes(望远镜) to study the moon more closely, their ideas began to change. They could see the moon was made of rocks. Most scientists thought moon rocks would be different from those on Earth. This was because they believed the moon had once been a planet that had been caught in the earths gravity millions of years earlier. In 1969 moon rocks were finally brought to the earth and studied. Much to their surprise, scientists found that, except for water, the moon and the earth were made of the same things. Once again new ideas were needed for this new information.After years of study, most scientists now think that the moon was once part of Earth. They believe very early in its history, maybe 4 million years ago, something about the size of Mars hit Earth. This sent billions of rocks into space around our planet. These rocks slowly joined together and after many years became the moon.In the future, even though our ideas about the moon may change again, we will still be interested in it.42. From the passage we know the moon was made of_. A. earth B. rocks C. water D. metal43. In the passage the writer wants to tell us _. A. why people are interested in the moon B. how ideas about the moon have changed over time C. where the moon came from in the past D. that people have finally learned the truth about the moon.44. Before 1969 most scientists thought the moon was _. A. part of the earth billions of years earlier B. older than the earth C. a planet caught by the earths gravity D. made of the same things as the earth45. From this passage we can learn that _. A. scientists in the past were not clever B. the earth was once part of the moon C. we now know everything about the moon D. new information brings new ideas 参考答案 4145 DBBCDPassage DGetting electricity has always been a problem for the 173 people living in Nuevo Saposoa, a small village in Peru, South America. However, things went from bad to worse in March 2015 after heavy rain damaged the only power cables in the area. The villagers were forced to use oil lamps, which are not only expensive but also dangerous because of the harmful gases they produce.Luckily, according to the researchers at the University of Technology (UT) in Lima, Peru heard about their problem and found a wonderful solution. They made a lamp that can be powered by plants and soil, both of which can be easily found in the Amazonian rainforest where the village lies. The lamp takes energy from a plant growing in a wooden box and uses it to light up an LED light bulb.While that may sound amazing and even impossible, the science behind the idea is quite simple. As plants create their food (using the suns energy, water and chemicals from the soil), they also produce waste which they return to the soil. Tiny animals in the soil eat this waste and they produce electrons the building blocks of electrical energy. The UT team put special sticks inside the soil to capture the energy and keep it in the lamps batteries for later use. The researchers say a single charge can power a 50watt LED light for two hours enough time for local villagers to get their evening work done.The university gave ten Plant Lamps to the villagers of Nuevo Saposoa in October 2015. So far, they have been a huge success! Elmer Ramirez, the UT professor who invented the lamp, believes the Plant Lamp could help improve the lives of many people, especially small rainforest communities, 42% of whom have no electricity.()6.What are the problems of oil lamps according to Paragraph 1?A. They are difficult to use and create pollution.B. They are expensive to buy and easily damaged.C. They are difficult to repair and produce little light.D. They are expensive to use and can be bad for health.()7.The underlined word “cables” means “_”in Chinese.A. 电报 B电缆 C. 电话 D. 网线()8.What is true about the Plant Lamp?A. It can be made by local people.B. It is much easier to use than oil lamps. C. It can produce all the electricity the villagers need.D. The things it needs to make electricity are easy to find.()9.The Plant Lamps inventor believes it could be the most helpful for _.A. small rainforest communities B. carsC. poor people in cities D. farmers()10.What is the purpose of the passage?A. To report on a new invention. B. To explain a new scientific theory.C. To describe how electricity is made. D. To discuss the problems of poor villages.参考答案610 D B D A APassage E 话题体裁词数难度建议用时动物记叙文1514分钟Charlie, a dog, was born at Meriden Humane Society. Unluckily, Charlies mother was too weak to feed and look after him. Workers had to try to keep him healthy by bottle-feeding him every two hours. Luckily, Satin, a cat, was willing to feed Charlie with her milk. Satin just gave birth to three baby cats, and worried workers hoped she would like to add one more to their family. “She loved it when we put them together, ”says director Marlena DiBianco. Satin f


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