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12,Chapter,Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,STUDENT OBJECTIVES,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,What ethical, social, and political issues are raised by information systems? What specific principles for conduct can be used to guide ethical decisions?,STUDENT OBJECTIVES,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Why do contemporary information systems technology and the Internet pose challenges to the protection of individual privacy and intellectual property? How have information systems affected everyday life?,Is Your Student Data on Loan?,Problem: Student loan data was difficult for universities and lenders to acquire. Solutions: The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) organized this information for easy access by both groups.,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Is Your Student Data on Loan?,However, the database was being used inappropriately by loan companies and had to be temporarily disabled to add security measures. Demonstrates ITs role in organizing and distributing information. Illustrates the dangers inherent in using digital databases to store important information.,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Is Your Student Data on Loan?,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Does Location Tracking Threaten Privacy?,Problem: Utilizing new technology, implementing better security. Solutions: Adjust activities to allow location monitoring and deploy GPS tracking device to provide location monitoring. GPS device and location tracking database increases safety but also raises privacy concerns. Demonstrates ITs role in tracking systems that augment security. Illustrates digital technology as a double-edge sword that has many benefits but also presents ethical dilemmas.,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Interactive Session: Location Tracking,What are some of the arguments in favor of using GPS technology to track the movements of individuals? What are some of the arguments against the practice? What is your position on the matter? What other applications can you think of for GPS technology and tracking systems?,Does Location Tracking Threaten Privacy?,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems,Recent cases of failed ethical judgment in business Enron, WorldCom, Parmalat In many, information systems used to bury decisions from public scrutiny Ethics Principles of right and wrong that individuals, acting as free moral agents, use to make choices to guide their behaviors,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems,Information systems and ethics Information systems raise new ethical questions because they create opportunities for: Intense social change, threatening existing distributions of power, money, rights, and obligations New kinds of crime,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,A Model for Thinking About Ethical, Social, and Political Issues,Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Society as a calm pond IT as rock dropped in pond, creating ripples of new situations not covered by old rules Social and political institutions cannot respond overnight to these ripplesit may take years to develop etiquette, expectations, laws Requires understanding of ethics to make choices in legally gray areas,Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Figure 12-1,The introduction of new information technology has a ripple effect, raising new ethical, social, and political issues that must be dealt with on the individual, social, and political levels. These issues have five moral dimensions: information rights and obligations, property rights and obligations, system quality, quality of life, and accountability and control.,The Relationship Among Ethical, Social, Political Issues in an Information Society,Five Moral Dimensions of the Information Age,Information rights and obligations Property rights and obligations Accountability and control System quality Quality of life,Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Key Technology Trends That Raise Ethical Issues,Doubling of computer power More organizations depend on computer systems for critical operations Rapidly declining data storage costs Organizations can easily maintain detailed databases on individuals Networking advances and the Internet Copying data from one location to another and accessing personal data from remote locations are much easier,Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Key Technology Trends That Raise Ethical Issues,Advances in data analysis techniques Companies can analyze vast quantities of data gathered on individuals for: Profiling Combining data from multiple sources to create dossiers of detailed information on individuals Nonobvious relationship awareness (NORA) Combining data from multiple sources to find obscure hidden connections that might help identify criminals or terrorists,Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Credit card purchases can make personal information available to market researchers, telemarketers, and direct-mail companies. Advances in information technology facilitate the invasion of privacy.,Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Figure 12-2,NORA technology can take information about people from disparate sources and find obscure, nonobvious relationships. It might discover, for example, that an applicant for a job at a casino shares a telephone number with a known criminal and issue an alert to the hiring manager.,Nonobvious Relationship Awareness (NORA),Interactive Session: Organizations Data For Sale,Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Read the Interactive Session and then discuss the following questions: Do data brokers pose an ethical dilemma? Explain your answer. What are the problems caused by the proliferation of data brokers? What people, organization, and technology factors are responsible for these problems? How effective are existing solutions to these problems? Should the U.S. federal government regulate private data brokers? Why or why not? What are the advantages and disadvantages?,Ethics in an Information Society,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Basic concepts for ethical analysis Responsibility: Accepting the potential costs, duties, and obligations for decisions Accountability(问责): Mechanisms for identifying responsible parties Liability: Permits individuals (and firms) to recover damages done to them Due process(合法诉讼程序): Laws are well known and understood, with an ability to appeal to higher authorities,Ethics in an Information Society,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Ethical analysis: A five-step process Identify and clearly describe the facts Define the conflict or dilemma and identify the higher-order values involved Identify the stakeholders Identify the options that you can reasonably take Identify the potential consequences of your options,Ethics in an Information Society,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Candidate Ethical Principles Golden Rule Do unto others as you would have them do unto you Immanuel Kants Categorical Imperative If an action is not right for everyone to take, it is not right for anyone Descartes rule of change If an action cannot be taken repeatedly, it is not right to take at all,Ethics in an Information Society,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Candidate Ethical Principles (cont.) Utilitarian Principle Take the action that achieves the higher or greater value Risk Aversion Principle Take the action that produces the least harm or least potential cost Ethical “no free lunch” rule Assume that virtually all tangible and intangible objects are owned by someone unless there is a specific declaration otherwise,Ethics in an Information Society,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Professional codes of conduct Promulgated by associations of professionals E.g. AMA, ABA, AITP, ACM Promises by professions to regulate themselves in the general interest of society Real-world ethical dilemmas One set of interests pitted against another E.g. Right of company to maximize productivity of workers vs. workers right to use Internet for short personal tasks,Information Rights: Privacy and Freedom in the Internet Age,The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Privacy: Claim of individuals to be left alone, free from surveillance or interference from other individuals, organizations, or state. Claim to be able to control information about yourself In U.S., privacy protected by: First Amendment (freedom of speech) Fourth Amendment (unreasonable search and seizure) Additional federal statues (e.g. Privacy Act of 1974),The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Fair information practices: Set of principles governing the collection and use of information Basis of most U.S. and European privacy laws Based on mutuality of interest between record holder and individual Restated and extended by FTC (Federal Trade Commission) in 1998 to provide guidelines for protecting online privacy Used to drive changes in privacy legislation COPPA Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act HIPAA,The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,FTC FIP principles: Notice/awareness (core principle): Web sites must disclose practices before collecting data Choice/consent (core principle): Consumers must be able to choose how information is used for secondary purposes Access/participation: Consumers must be able to review, contest accuracy of personal data,The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,FTC FIP principles (cont.) Security: Data collectors must take steps to ensure accuracy, security of personal data Enforcement: Must be mechanism to enforce FIP principles,The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,European Directive on Data Protection: Requires companies to inform people when they collect information about them and disclose how it will be stored and used. Requires informed consent of customer EU member nations cannot transfer personal data to countries without similar privacy protection (e.g. U.S.) U.S. businesses use safe harbor framework Self-regulating policy and enforcement that meets objectives of government legislation but does not involve government regulation or enforcement.,安全港协议是2000年12月美国商业部跟欧洲联盟建立的协议,它用于调整美国企业出口以及处理欧洲公民的个人数据(例如名字和住址)。该协议不同于美国跟欧洲之间的传统商业过程,是响应欧洲的意图而建立的折衷政策。 安全港协议要求:收集个人数据的企业必须通知个人其数据被收集,并告知他们将对数据所进行的处理,企业必须得到允许才能把信息传递给第三方,必须允许个人访问被收集的数据,并保证数据的真实性和安全性以及采取措施保证这些条款得到遵从。 安全港协议确立了折衷处理美国和欧盟之间隐私手续的框架。15个成员国都服从该协议,这意味着可不经个人授权而进行数据转移,而未加入安全港的美国企业必须单独从各个欧洲国家获取授权。,The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Internet Challenges to Privacy: Cookies Tiny files downloaded by Web site to visitors hard drive Identify visitors browser and track visits to site Allow Web sites to develop profiles on visitors Web bugs Tiny graphics embedded in e-mail messages and Web pages Designed to monitor who is reading message and transmit information to another computer Spyware Surreptitiously installed on users computer May transmit users keystrokes or display unwanted ads,The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,U.S. allows businesses to gather transaction information and use this for other marketing purposes Online industry promotes self-regulation over privacy legislation However, extent of responsibility taken varies Statements of information use Opt-out selection boxes Online “seals” of privacy principles Most Web sites do not have any privacy policies,The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Technical solutions The Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) Allows Web sites to communicate privacy policies to visitors Web browser user User specifies privacy levels desired in browser settings E.g. “medium” level accepts cookies from first-party host sites that have opt-in or opt-out policies but rejects third-party cookies that use personally identifiable information without an opt-in policy,P3P是万维网联盟(W3C)公布的一项隐私保护推荐标准,旨在为网上冲浪的 Internet用户提供隐私保护。现在有越来越多的网站在消费者访问时,都会收集一些用户信息。制定P3P标准的出发点就是为了减轻消费者因网站收集个人信息所引发的对于隐私权可能受到侵犯的忧虑。P3P标准的构想是:Web 站点的隐私策略应该告之访问者该站点所收集的信息类型、信息将提供给哪些人、信息将被保留多少时间及其使用信息的方式,访问支持P3P网站的用户有权查看站点隐私报告,然后决定是否接受cookie或是否使用该网站。,Figure 12-3,Cookies are written by a Web site on a visitors hard drive. When the visitor returns to that Web site, the Web server requests the ID number from the cookie and uses it to access the data stored by that server on that visitor. The Web site can then use these data to display personalized information.,How Cookies Identify Web Visitors,The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Web sites are posting their privacy policies for visitors to review. The TRUSTe seal designates Web sites that have agreed to adhere to TRUSTes established privacy principles of disclosure, choice, access, and security.,TRUSTe成立于1997年,是一家非营利组织,总部设立于加州旧金山,并在华盛顿设有分支机构。 TRUSTe目前运营着世界上最大的“隐私认证计划”,截止到2008年,有超过2000家网站通过了该项认证,其中包括了一些主流网站和领先品牌如IBM, Oracle Corporation, eBay等。,Figure 12-4,P3P enables Web sites to translate their privacy policies into a standard format that can be read by the users Web browser software. The users Web browser software evaluates the Web sites privacy policy to determine whether it is compatible with the users privacy preferences.,The P3P Standard,The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Property Rights: Intellectual Property,The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Intellectual property: Intangible property of any kind created by individuals or corporations Three main ways that intellectual property is protected Trade secret: Intellectual work or product belonging to business, not in the public domain Copyright: Statutory grant protecting intellectual property from being copied for the life of the author, plus 70 years Patents: Grants creator of invention an exclusive monopoly on ideas behind invention for 20 years,The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems,Essentials of Business Information Systems Chapter 12 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems,Challenges to Intellectual Property Rights Digital media different from physical media (e.g. books) Ease of replication Ease of transmission (networks, Internet) Difficulty in classifying software Compactness Difficulties in establishing uniqueness Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Makes it illegal to circumvent technology-based protections of copyrighted materials,知识产权的含义,知识产权是指人们对其创造性的智力成果依法享有的专有权利。知识产权包括著作权、商标权、专利权,既包括相关的人身权又包括经济权利。 随着网络信息流量的不断加大,网络知识产权的法律保护越来越成为人们的关注焦点。,互联网的数字化和传播速度使知识产权保护更加艰难。网络上的诸如域名、网页上各种各样的文章、图像、多媒体、数据库、软件及菜单设计等元素都会牵涉到专利权、商标权、版权、著作权等知识产权问题,造成多种权利互相重叠和冲突。因此,保护知识产权与发展电子商务有着密切的联系。传统的知识产权法面临着如何认定电子商务中的侵权行为,以及如何保护电子商务中出现的新的知识产权等问题。为解决这些新问题,国际社会一方面通过制定新的公约加以协调、另一方面要求各国知识产权法作出相应的调整,以适应全球电子商务发展的需要。知识产权保护主要涉及到商标权、域名、版权。,网络著作权的法律保护,互联网的发展对著作权提出了巨大的挑战。 2001年10月修订的中华人民共和国著作权法将信息网络传播权规定为著作权人的权利信息网络传播权,即以有线或者无线方式向公众提供作品,使公众可以在其个人选定的时间和地点获得作品的权利,但并没有规定相应的保护办法。 国家版权局和信息产业部制定了互联网著作权行政保护办法。,有关域名的法律保护,域名指网络设备和主机在互联网中的字符型地址标识。 域名在给用户带来便利的


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