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完形填空模拟检测(八)议论文(共2篇,限时35分钟)A(2018丽水调研)I log onto a computer at the doctors office to say I have arrived and then wait until a voice calls me into the examination room. There, a robotic nurse _1_ me onto the scales and then takes my blood pressure. Some time later, in steps the _2_, who is also a robot. He notes down my _3_ and gives me a prescription (处方). I pay for my _4_ using a credit card and return home without having met another human being. This is my nightmarish (噩梦般的) vision of the _5_, which hasnt happened _6_ yet.I should say I really do like many aspects of _7_. I am a big fan of air conditioning in summer and heaters in _8_. But I am writing this because I dont want machines to _9_.When I call my dentists office and actually get a human being on the line, I am _10_. And when I see the introduction of yet more selfservice checkout stations at the grocery store, I feel like _11_, “When it comes to cashiers, make mine a(n) _12_, please!”After all, human cashiers sometimes _13_ you a store coupon (优惠券) for items you are _14_. Even more than that, reallife cashiers often take an interest in particularly cute children, which can _15_ young mothers day. A cashier may also show compassion for an elderly person _16_ to get that last penny out of his purse.Machines can be _17_ and costeffective and they often get the job done just fine. _18_ they lack an element so important to everyday life.Call it the spirit, the soul or the heart. It is _19_ no machine will ever have. It is human being that _20_ us to smile at others, which may be what they need at that moment.语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。随着科技的发展,机器越来越多地被应用于人类的日常生活中,作者认为机器固然能给人类的生活带来便利,但感觉机器缺少人性、缺少人与人之间的温情。1A.tearsBdirectsCfollows Dseparates解析:选B根据上文中的“I have arrived and then wait until a voice calls me into the examination room”可知,作者等着进入检查室;结合常识,这里指机器人护士领着(directs)作者到秤上测体重,然后去量血压。tear“撕破”;follow“跟着,跟随”;separate“(使)分开”。2A.teacher BlawyerCdoctor Dengineer解析:选C根据下文中的“He notes down my _3_ and gives me a prescription (处方)”和常识可知,开处方的是医生(doctor)。3A.signals BsymbolsCsculptures Dsymptoms解析:选D根据常识可知,医生的处方是根据病人的症状(symptoms)开的。signal“信号”;symbol“象征”;sculpture“雕塑”。4A.bill BvisitCmedicine Dexamination解析:选B作者使用信用卡支付看病的费用,这里用visit表示“就诊”,指找医生看病,费用包括检查费等,符合文意。bill“账单”;medicine“药物”;examination“检查”。5A.past BpresentCfuture Dhistory解析:选C根据后面的“which hasnt happened”可知,这里指未来(future)。6A.at most Bat lastCat least Dat intervals解析:选C根据语境,这里表示至少现在还没有发生,at least“至少”,指尽管没有更好的情况。at most“至多”;at last“终于,到底”;at intervals“不时”。7A.commerce BagricultureCliterature Dtechnology解析:选D根据上下文可知,机器人的运用是技术(technology)方面的事情。commerce“商业”;agriculture“农业”;literature“文学”。8A.sleep BautumnCspring Dwinter解析:选D冬天冷,应用加热器,故应该选winter,与前面的summer对应。9A.take over Bpass byCcut in Dgo away解析:选A根据下文可知,作者不希望在未来机器取代(take over)人类。pass by“经过”;cut in“插嘴,打断”;go away“走开”。10A.annoyed BthrilledCdiscouraged Ddisappointed解析:选B结合上文中的“When I call my dentists office and actually get a human being on the line”和上文提到的作者不希望在未来机器取代人类可知,当作者给牙医办公室打电话,接电话的是人类时,作者应是非常兴奋的(thrilled)。annoyed“生气的”;discouraged“泄气的”;disappointed“失望的”。11A.crying BlaughingCshouting Dwhispering解析:选C根据上文作者不希望在未来机器取代人类和该段中的“when I see the introduction of yet more selfservice checkout stations at the grocery store”可以推知,作者对这种情况是不满意的、不高兴的,故作者很想大叫(shouting),并且和前一句中表达的心情形成鲜明的对比。whisper“低声地说”。12A.machine BhumanCanimal Dplant解析:选B结合上下文可知,作者希望是一个人(human)为自己服务,另外下文中的“human cashiers”也是提示。13A.give BremindCbargain Dpurchase解析:选A毕竟,人类收银员有时会给予你要购买物品的商店优惠券。give表示“给”,后面常加双宾语,符合语境和语法。remind“提醒”;bargain“讨价还价”;purchase“购买”。14A.ruining BproducingCadvertising Dbuying解析:选D参见上题解析。ruin“毁坏”;produce“生产”;advertise“为做广告”;buy“买,购买”。15A.brighten BdarkenCstrengthen Dwiden解析:选A根据上文中的“reallife cashiers often take an interest in particularly cute children”可知,收银员往往对特别可爱的小孩感兴趣,这也许能让小孩的母亲开心一天。brighten表示“使更开心”,符合语境。darken“使变暗”;strengthen“加强”;widen“使变宽”。16A.turning BhappeningCdescribing Dstruggling解析:选D根据本句中的“show compassion for”可知,收银员可能会同情老年人,因为老年人在把钱包里最后一个一分钱硬币掏出来时很费力。struggle“挣扎,尽力”,符合语境。turn“转向”;happen“发生”;describe“描述”。17A.urgent BefficientCfrequent Dconsistent解析:选B根据下文中的“they often get the job done just fine”可知,这里讲的是机器的好处,它们有效率(efficient)并且划算。urgent“紧急的”;frequent“频繁的”;consistent“一贯的”。18A.But BBecauseCOtherwise DTherefore解析:选A空后表示它们缺少一种对日常生活很重要的元素,与空前提到的机器的好处是转折关系,故用连词But,表示转折。19A.everything BsomethingCanything Dnothing解析:选B前一句提到的“the spirit, the soul or the heart”不是机器所拥有的东西(something)。20A.encourages BpersuadesCpunishes Dforces解析:选A正是人类鼓励(encourages)我们对别人笑。persuade“说服”;punish“惩罚”;force“强迫”。BImagine that your life is like a treasure hunt. One day, a particular goal _1_ your attention and you decide to _2_ on a treasure hunt. You begin the long hike and encounter a _3_ or two along the way. Already the _4_ path is starting to look different from the buried treasure that you have been imagining. Things get _5_ when you finally arrive at the spot. You say to yourself, “This doesnt look like the treasure I _6_ imagined! I must be on the wrong path. I _7_ all this time!”You wonder, “Hmm . maybe I should _8_ goals?” after thinking for a few moments. Its _9_ to feel a sense of disappointment or _10_ when this occurs, but I think the deeper problem is _11_ in how we approached the treasure in the first place.The _12_ is that most people spend all of their time thinking about the treasure. The fastest way to get to a particular spot, _13_, is to set your compass and start walking. The idea here is to commit to your goal with the strongest _14_. Develop a clear, singleminded _15_ for where you are. And then _16_ all of your energy to the journey and be committed to the path you are walking.In other words, your goal becomes your compass, not your buried treasure. The goal is your _17_, not your destination. The goal is a mission that you are on, a path that you _18_. That is just fine and worthwhile, _19_ comes from that path. It is the commitment to walking the path that _20_.语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。生活就像一次寻宝之旅,到头来我们会发现所寻之物并非所愿。问题的根源在于一开始我们就没有弄清楚该如何接近宝藏。在方向确定后,目标是指南针不再是宝藏;目标是方向,不再是归宿;目标是使命,是选择的道路。忠诚于自己所选的道路,尽心尽力才是重要的。1A.reminds BturnsCpays Dgrabs解析:选D此处指“一个特定的目标吸引了你的注意力”,grab“吸引(某人的注意)”,符合语境。2A.set out Bwork outCgive out Dturn out解析:选A此处指你决定动身踏上这一寻宝之旅,set out“出发,动身”,符合语境。work out“锻炼身体,计算出”;give out“分发”;turn out“出席,结果是”。3A.challenge BmisfortuneCstory Dsurprise解析:选A根据下文“path is starting to look different from the buried treasure”以及“I must be on the wrong path.”可知,寻宝之旅遭受了挑战(challenge)。misfortune“不幸”。4A.smooth BactualCnarrow Dfalse解析:选B根据上下文尤其是空后的“path is starting to look different from the buried treasure that you have been imagining”可知,实际的(actual)道路和你之前想象的不一样。smooth“平坦的”;narrow“狭窄的”;false“错误的”。5A.better Bmore complexCmore relaxing Dworse解析:选D根据下文中的“This doesnt look like the treasure I _6_ imagined! I must be on the wrong path.”可知,最初你感到寻宝之旅发生变化,到最后情况变得更加糟糕(worse)。6A.hardly BusuallyCpreviously Dnormally解析:选C根据语境尤其是上文“path is starting to look different from the buried treasure that you have been imagining”可知,此处表示这和先前(previously)想象的不一样。7A.forgot BwastedCvalued Dmanaged解析:选B根据空前的“I must be on the wrong path.”可知,此处表示自己走错了路,浪费(wasted)了这些时间。value“重视,珍视”;manage“努力完成”。8A.attain BassessCswitch Dachieve解析:选C根据第一段中的“I must be on the wrong path.”可知,此处表示以为自己走错了路,所以没有找到想要的宝藏,故认为自己应改变(switch)目标。attain“获得”;assess“评价,评定”。9A.natural BnecessaryCobvious Dstrange解析:选A根据行文逻辑可知,走错了路,寻错了宝,为此感到很失落是很正常的(natural)事。necessary“必要的”;obvious“明显的”;strange“奇怪的,陌生的”。10A.failure BconfusionCshame Dignorance解析:选B根据上文“maybe I should _8_ goals”可知,你走错了路,找到的宝藏不是想要的,感觉要不要改变目标,这是一种困惑(confusion),故选B项。failure“失败”;shame“耻辱”;ignorance“无知”。11A.buried BlostCabsorbed Drooted解析:选D根据语境可知,此处表示作者分析没有找到想要的宝藏的根源(rooted)在于一开始就没有弄清楚该如何接近宝藏。12A.evidence BlessonCtruth Dproblem解析:选D根据空后的“most people spend all of their time thinking about the treasure . set your compass and start walking”可知,花费所有的时间想宝藏而不设置好指南针再出发是问题(problem)所在。evidence“证据”;lesson“教训”;truth“真相”。13A.anyway BhoweverCotherwise Dtherefo


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