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四年级英语下册Unit1(1)Class_ Name _ No._一、 选择正确的字母补全单词,并写出中文。( ) 1. h_ll A. a B. e C. i _( ) 2.t_ _ A. ee B. aa C. oo _( ) 3. th_r_ is A. e,a B. e,e C. e,o _( ) 4._dea A. a B. i C. e _( ) 5. gy_ A. n B. a C. m _( )6. cour_ _ A. ce B. me C. se _ 二、看图完成句子,一空一词。 (1) (2) (3)1._she dancing? No, she _. Shes _.2.How _chairs are there? _ are _.3.Whats in your school? Theres a _.三、选择题。( )1、你想告诉妈妈:你们学校没有一个饭堂,可以说:A There isnt a hall. B. There isnt a lunch room. C. Theres a lunch room.( )2. 朋友想邀请你去他们的学校,他会说: A. Go to school with us. B. Do you like school? C. Go to school.( ) 3. Lisa想知道你学校里有什么,她会问: A. Is there a hall in your school? B. There are twelve classroom. C. Whats in your school?( ) 4. Ben想知道你学校有多少间图书馆,他会问: A. How many classrooms are there? B. How many library are there? C. How many libraries are there?( ) 5. 妈妈问你学校有几间教室时,你回答: A. Therere twelve classrooms. B. How many classrooms are there? C. Are there twelve classrooms.四年级英语下册Unit1(2)Class_ Name _ No._一、模仿例句写句子。Module A: There is a lunch room.1. a gym _2. an art room _ _Module B: There are twenty-five classrooms.3. two libraries_4. three music rooms_Model C: How many music rooms are there? There is one.5. a gym _Module D:How many classrooms are there? There are four.6. playgrounds, three_7. hall, two _Model E: Is there a kitchen in your home? No, there isnt.8. a library , no _ Model F: Are there two teachers offices in your school? No, there isnt.9. ten classrooms , yes _二、根据实际情况回答问题。1.Is there an art room in your school?_2.Is there a hall in your school? _3.How many classrooms are there in your school? _4.How many libraries are there in your school?_5.How many teachers offices are there in your school? _6.Is there a lunch room in your school?_四年级英语下册Unit 2(1)Class_ Name _ No._一、选择正确的字母补全单词, ( ) 1. l_ _ing room A. ir B. iv C. iy ( ) 2.kit_ _en A. th B. ch C. sh ( ) 3. r_ _m A. oo B. ou C. ee ( ) 4.gard_ _ A. an B. en C. un ( ) 5.d_ _ing room A. in B. en C.an( ) 6.b_throom A. o B. a C. i( )7. c_ _l A. ee B. oo C. aa 二、用下面括号里的词填空。(There Is garden for moving isnt like )1. Theyre _to a new home, kids.2. We_ our new bedrooms.3. There is a nice _near our home.4. _there a big bathroom? No, there_.5. _is a new bedroom_everyone.三看图补全句子,一空一词。(1) (2) (3) 1._there a living room in your new home?No, there isnt. Theres a _.2.Whats in your school? Theres a _.3.How many_ are there? There_ one. 四根据实际情况回答问题。1.Is there a garden in your home?_2.How many music rooms are there in your school?_3.What are you doing now?_五阅读理解。下列句子与短文内容相符的写“T”,不符的写“F”Its Sunday today. I dont go to school .I am at home. My parents are at home too. My father listens to music. My mother cooks breakfast. My little brother watches TV. I call my friend ,Lisa. Module A: Where are you going? Im going to the park.( )1.Its Sunday.( )2.My mother listens to music.( )3.My parents are at home.( )4. My little brother studies math.( )5.My little brother call my friend,Lisa.1四年级英语下册Unit 2(2)Class_ Name _ No._一、 中英互译。1. 和一起上学。_ 2.当然了。_3.我有一个主意。_ 4.许多_5.也_6. 和 _7.在你的学校里_二写出能替换划线部分的单词或词组。1.Do you want a _toy car_?_ _ _2.How many _gyms_ are there in your school?_ _ _3.Is there a _bathroom_ in your new home?_ _ _三单项选择。( )1.你想告诉同学你们将搬到新家,你会说:A. Were going to move a new home. B. What are you doing?C. Are you going to move to a new home?( )2.你想邀请你的朋友去你的学校,你会说:A. Go to the beach with me. B. Go to school with me. C. Thank you.( )3. 你想知道你朋友家里有没有花园,你会问:A. Theres a garden in my home. B. Is there a garden in your home?C. Whats in your home?( )4.你的同学想知道你的家里有几间卧室,你回答:A. How many bedrooms are there in your home? B. There are three bedrooms.C. Whats in your bedroom?( )5._classrooms are there in your school? There are 21classrooms.A. How B. How many C. What( ) 6. There _five stars on the flag.A. is B. are C. am ( )7.What is Jenny _? Shes singing?A. doing? B. going? C. do四看图补全句子, 一空一词。 (1) (2) (3) (4)1.Is there a bathroom? No, there _.There _a _.2.This is my home. Theres a _.3.Theres a _ for everyone.4._many _ are there? Therere _. 四年级英语下册Unit 3(1)Class_ Name _ No._一、选择正确的字母补全单词, ( ) 1.b_nk A. a B. e C. i ( ) 2.swi_ _ing pool A. ee B. mm C. oo ( ) 3. sup_ _market A. ea B. er C. ee ( ) 4.wh_r_ A. a,e B. e, i C. e,e ( ) 5. shopping m_ ll A. n B. a C. m 二、模仿例句写句子。Module A: Where are you going? Im going to the park.1.beach _2.shopping mall _Module B: Are they going to the restaurant? Yes, they are.1. hospital, no _2.movie theater _三、单项选择。( )1.你想邀请你的朋友去沙滩,你会说:A. Go to the beach with me. B. Go to school with me. C. Go home with me.( )2.你想知道Jenny将要去哪里,你问Tony: A. Where are you going ? B. Im going to the park. C. Wheres Jenny going?( )3 .你的同学问你打算去哪里,你应该说: A. Where are you going? B. Are you going to the park? C. Im going to the park.( )4._ is Miss Li going? Shes going to the park. A. Where B. What C. How( )5._ bedrooms are there in your home? Theres one. A. How B. How old C. How many( )6.We usually swim at the _. A. beach B. movie theater C. shopping mall四、看图完成句子,一空一词。 (1) (2) (3)1Where _Tony and Jenny going? They are going to the _.2. Are you going to the _ _? Yes, I _.3. _many strawberries are there? There are _.四年级英语下册Unit 3(2)Class_ Name _ No._一、选择正确的字母补全单词, ( )1.m_v_e A. a, o B. o ,i C. u, i ( )2.r_st_ur_nt A. e, o, e B. e, a ,o C. e, a, a( )3.h_sp_t_l A. o, i, a B. a, o, a C. o, e, a二、单项选择。( )1.There _a desk and two chairs in my room. A. is B. are C. do( )2._Lisa going to the hospital? No, she _. A. Is, isnt B. Does, doesnt C. Do, dont( )3.I want some apples. Im going to the_. A. supermarket B. swimming pool C. swimming( )4.Its 6 :30 in the morning. Its time to _. A. do your homework B. have dinner C. get up( )5.The bus _ going to the beach. A. cant B. isnt C. arent( )6.What is your sister _? Shes writing. A. doing B. going C. do三、选词填空。 (beach arent bedrooms going This)1. Are there three _in your new home? Yes, there are.2. Are you going to the _? No, I am not.3. Are they going to the classroom? No, they _.4. Where is your mother _, Jenny? Shes going to the bank.5. _ is our school. Its beautiful.四、 写出能替换划线部分的单词或词组。1. Are you going to the bank? _ _ _ 2. How many halls are there in your school? _ _ _ 3. These are my feet. _ _ _ 4. Are these Moms shoes. _ _ _ 五、 按照实际情况回答问题。1.Where are you going? _2.Are you going to the bank today? _3.How many bedrooms are there in your home?_四年级英语下册Unit 1-4Class_ Name _ No._一选择正确的字母补全单词, ( ) 1._ _ip A. ch B. sh C. th( ) 2.p_ _ ch A. ae B. au C.ea( ) 3.h_ _pital A. so B. os C. as( ) 4.th_ _ter A. ea B. ae C. ee( ) 5. playgr_ _nd A. oa B. ea C. ou( ) 6.b_rr_w A. a,o B.o,e C. o,o( ) 7.borr_ _ A. ew B. ow C.aw( )8.l_ _ch room A. an B. un C. en( )9.b_ _ch A.ee B.ei C.ea( )10.tw_ _ ty-five A. an B.in C.en二模仿例句写句子。Model 1: Is there a living room in your home? Yes, there is._(a garden/ no)_(two dinning rooms)Model 2: Where are you going? Im going to the park._(Tony/ shopping mall)_(they/zoo)Model 3: May I borrow an English book? Yes, please._(watch TV/no)_(listen to a song)三单项选择题。( )1.May I _a balloon? No, you may not. Sorry. A. call B. have C. borrow( )2._ bedrooms are there in your home? Theres one. A. How B. How old C. How many( )3.We usually see a movie in the _. A. beach B. movie theater C. shopping mall( )4._ there two teachers offices in your school? No, there _. A. Are, are B. Is, isnt C. Are, arent( )5._Lisa going to the hospital? No, she _.A. Is, isnt B. Does, doesnt C. Do, dont( )6.爸爸告诉珍妮我们要搬新家,珍妮不开心,爸爸会安慰她说:_ A. Be happy, Jenny. B. Be happy, Tony. C. Thank you, Jenny.( )7.你的同学问你打算去哪里,他会问:_ A. Where are you going? B. Are you going to the park? C. Im going to the park ( )8.做完作业后,你想听音乐,妈妈同意后会说:_A. No, you may not. Sorry. B. Yes, you may not. C. Yes, you may.( )9. 司机告诉你,这辆车不是去大昌超市的,他这样说:_A. This bus is going to the D.C market. B. This bus isnt going to the D.C. market.C. This bus dont going to the D.C. market.( )10.你想告诉你的朋友,你学校的美术室很美,你会说:_A. The art room is big. B. The art room is nice. C. The art room is new.四选词填空。( supermarket,hospital, restaurant, bank, beach, are )1. I have no money(钱). Im going to the _ to get some.2. We are hungry(饿的). Lets go to the _,OK?3. Its very hot. Tony and Tom _ _ going to the_to swim.4. My mother doesnt feel well(不舒服). He is going to the_.5. We need some fish for lunch. We are going to the _to buy some.五看图完成句子,一空一词。 (1) (2) (3) (4)1. A: _ is the old man going? B: Hes going to the _.2. A: _Lisa going to the_? B: Yes, _is.3. A: What are you _? B: Im _TV.4. A: _ there an _room in your school? B: Yes, there is.六阅读,判断下列句子与短文内容相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。TodayisSunday.Buteveryoneinmyfamilyisbusy.Myfatheriscleaninghiscar.Mymotheriscooking.MysisterLilyissweeping the floor.Look!Benismakinghis bed.Whoshe?Hesmylittlebrother.WhatamIdoing?Ah,Imsleepingnow.ImLucy.()1.Lucyisdustingthefurniture.()2.ItsSaturdaytoday.()3.BenisLucysbrother.( )4.Bensmotheriscookingnow.()5.Lucysfatherismakingthebed. 七根据实际情况回答问题。1.How many classrooms are there in your school?_2.Are there five people in your family?_3.May I have a peach?_4.What is your mother doing?_5.Where are you going today?_6.Are you singing now? _第二学期四年级英语期中考试卷班别 _ 姓名 _ 学号 成绩 _ 听力部分一、听选单词、词组和句子。(10分)( )1. A. card B. car C. cap( )2. A. speak B. peach C. read( )3. A. card B. party C. park( )4. A. see B. we C. busy( )5. A. shoes B. shorts C. shirt( )6. A. room B. cool C. moon( )7. A. classroom B. living room C. music room( )8. A. sweep the floor B. clean the windows C. fold the clothes( )9. A. Are these your coat? B. Is this your shirt? C. Is there a hall?( )10.A. Is she going to the hospital. B. Are you going to the park? C. Are they going to the restaurant?二、听问句,选答语。(8分)( )1. A. Theres one gym. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there are.( ) 2. A. Shes washing the dishes. B. Im going to the restaurant. C. Hes going to the bank.( ) 3. A. Yes, they are. B. No, she isnt . C. Yes, we are.( ) 4. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I dont. C. Yes, I am.( )5. A. Yes, I do. B. I like apples. C. No, it isnt.( )6. A. Yes, hes working. B. Hes working. C. No, she isnt.( )7. A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, they are.( )8. A. Im thinking. B. Hes singing. C. Yes, I am.三、听音判断,与图内容相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。(12分)1 ( )2 ( ) 3 ( )4 ( )5( )6 ( )7( )8 ( )四、听录音,补全对话。(8分)A:_ are you going?B: Im going to the_.A:_ do you want to do?B: I want to _ a _.Excuse me.(打扰一下)_ I borrow a book?C: Yes, you may. _ you are.B:_ you. Youre welcome.笔试部分一选择正确的字母补全单词。(10分) ( ) 1.off_ _ _ A. ica B. ice C. ico( ) 2.p_ _ ch A. au B. ae C.ea( ) 3.h_ _pital A. so B. os C. as( ) 4.th_ _ter A. ea B. ae C. ee( ) 5. playgr_ _nd A. oa B. ea C. ou( ) 6.b_rr_w A. a,o B.o,e C. o,o( ) 7.shi_ t A. r B. or C.a ( )8.b_ _ k A. an B. un C. en( )9.b_ _ch A.ee B.ei C.ea( )10.sweat_ _ A. ar B. er C.or二 用括号里的词填空,使句子完整。(6分)(may there park kitchen about where)1. There is a living room in our new home. What_ a garden?2. _ I watch TV? No. Sorry.3. Is _a gym in your school?4. _is Jenny going? Shes going to the movie theater.5. Are they going to the_? Yes, they are.6. There is a nice_ in our new home.三 情景选择(10分)( )1.叔叔的腿受伤了,他打算去医院,他会说:_ A. Shes going to the hospital. B. Im going to the hospital.C. Hes going to the hospital.( )2.你想知道妈妈是不是去银行,你会问爸爸:_A. Is my mother going to the beach? B. Is my father going to the park? C. Is my mother going to the bank?( )3.你想要一个冰淇淋,你会问售货员:_A. May I have an ice cream? B. May I borrow a book? C. Yes, please.( )4.你想知道这件衬衣是谁的,应该问: A. Is this shirt yours? B. Whose shirt is this? C. This is my shirt.( )5 .你告诉妈妈这是爸爸的鞋子,会说: A. This is Dads shirt. B. Is this Dads shoe? C. These are Dads shoes.( )6.你想到一个好主意,你会说:_B. I ha


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