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小学英语 教学设计与案例分析,濮阳油田教育中心教研室 杨爱姣 2013.5.7,OBJECTIVES,Why design? What is instructional design? How to design a good lesson?,因为教学是一个系统的工程, 它需要分步有序的达到教学目标。,一、 为什么教学要设计?,二、 什么是教学设计?,ID = Instructional Design = ISD= Instructional System Design 教学设计是以传播理论和学习理论为基础,应用系统理论的观点和方法,调查分析教学中的问题和需求,确定目标,建立解决问题的步骤,选择相应的教学活动和教学资源,分析、评价其结果,使教学效果达到优化的一种系统研究方法。 (Kemp, J.E. 1998),一种规范的计划 一个有实效的工作系统 一套解决实际教学问题的方案 一种可以实际操作的程序 一种能够应变的预案,我要去哪里? 我如何去那里? 怎样判断我已到达了那里? R. Mager,Three Components,Objective design Activity design Assessment design,如何进行教学设计?,Decide on teaching objectives. Write them down according to the ABCD model. Inform learners of them. Design a quick way to check if they are reached.,ABCD MODEL,A udience 主体 B ehavior 行为 C ondition 条件 D egree 程度,In Other words,Who (A) Will do what (B) Under what conditions (C) To what degree (D),Teaching objectives,An objective is a statement not of what the instructor plans to put into the lesson but of what the learner ought to get out of the lesson. Heinich, R. et al. 1993,Students will should be able to.,案 例 (Samples),Whats wrong with this?,知识目标:学生能听、说、读、写词汇:nice, shy, clever, naughty和一个短语a bit. 能听懂、会说句型 What do you like ? I likeI dont like 教学目标单一,Whats wrong with this?,1.在游戏和活动中培养学生运用英语的能力,提高学生听、说、读、写的水平 2. 使学生能读词汇:nice, shy, clever, naughty和一个短语a bit. 3.让学生在教师创设的情境中运用英语谈论正在发生的事情。 教学目标主体错位,Whats wrong with this? Learn the new words:ring, doorbell Master the sentences: Daming is 教学目标笼统、空泛、模糊,案例改错,Whats wrong with this?,培养学生的阅读能力,在阅读中收集信息资料。,Revision,The students will be able to LIST the information from the reading passage in a chronological order.,Whats wrong with this?,知识目标:能听懂并会说: Whats for dinner? - What would you like for dinner? - Id like some , please.,Revision,The students will be able to ask what is for dinner to a parent. Whats for dinner? The students will be able to ask what others prefer for dinner? And answer this question correctly. (2) - What would you like for dinner? - Id like some , please.,Whats wrong with this?,学生能掌握字母、字母组合“th” 和字母v 的发音。,Revision,The students will be able to pronounce this, that, these, those correctly in sentences. The students will be able to identify pictures which show “vase”, “voice”or read “This vase is very nice”.,Whats wrong with this?,能用目标语在组内合作完成新对话。,Revision,The students will be able to create a new dialog after the model dialog.,Whats wrong with this?,能够理解八个形容词的意义。,Revision,Some possibilities The students will be able to SAY the words correctly when the pictures are shown. The students will be able to ADD a noun after each of the adjective. The students will be able to FILL in the blanks with proper adjectives. The students will be able to MAKE sentences containing the adjectives.,Point of View,Remember: Objectives are what the students will be able to do, not what the teacher will do.,Mental vs action verbs,Mental verbs cannot be checked easily; the mental action cannot be directly observed. Change mental verbs to behavioral verbs.,Mental vs action verbs,Mental verbs master, understand, know (掌握,理解,了解,懂得等等) Action verbs pronounce, spell, tell, ask, answer, name, write, fill in, etc.,Whats wrong with this?,“了解西方国家餐后甜点的相关知识”。 Rewrite as: The students will be able to tell the names of dessert. (fruit, pudding, ice-cream, apple-pie, cake, etc.),Whats wrong with this?,能运用 “- What would you like for dinner ? - Id like some ,please.” 进行调查。,Process vs product,调查是过程,目标是结果。 Rewrite as The students will be able to find out what their classmates would like for dinner.,A summary,Point of view: change from the teacher to the students. Mental vs action verbs: change mental verbs to action verbs. Process vs product: change the process to product.,In other words,What we teach TO what students can do Mental verbs TO behavioral verbs Process TO product,课程目标 (初步的综合语言运用能力),Varieties of objectives,_目标 _目标 _目标 _目标 _目标,课程目标与一节课目标,判断:哪些是长期的课程目标 (long-term goal) ,哪些是一节课具体目标 (short-term objective)? long/short 培养语言综合运用能力 long /short 能听懂对方询问,同时做出正确的回答,并能在真实情境中运用。 long/short 增强文化意识 long/short 能听、说、认读句子 There is a near 并能在情景中运用。 long/short 掌握基本语言知识,long/short 初步形成用英语与人交际的能力 long/short 能用英语正确询问他人需求和表达自己需求。 long/short 进一步促进思维的发展 long/short 能运用 “- What would you like for dinner ? -Id like some ,please.” 进行调查 long/short 增强爱国主义精神 long/short 能询问别人和表达自己是否喜欢某种水果。,long/short 培养学生的观察、思维、合作能力及对家的热爱之情。 long/short 能听说、认读 head, eye, face , ear, nose, mouth, 这些关于身体部位单词,并能用英语介绍自己身体部分。 long/short 初步了解表示接触的指示用语,能听懂,并按指令做出相应的动作。,目标描述,知识目标、技能目标 知识与技能不可分割,宜一起陈述。 如:知识目标 - 学生能掌握字母、字母组合“th” 和字母“v”的发音,特殊疑问句语 调的变化。 文化内容通过知识和技能承载。所以一起陈述比较方便。 如:知识目标-能了解西方国家餐后甜点的 相关知识。,情感目标、策略目标 这两种目标也和知识与技能目标不可分割,也需要融入知识与技能目标的描述。 如:情感目标通过各种活动,利用电教媒体让学生在学习过程中积极参与,学会与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。,教学活动设计,Activity Design,A common problem,Theres no corresponding activities to the objective. Objective x activities,We cannot assume the students can reach the objectives automatically without any activity.,Presentation,Practice,Production,Warming up,Warming up,激活大脑和行为,激活已学知识(复习),活动形式,Free talk,Role play,Songs,Games,互动形式 师生 生生,设计原则:,Presentation,聚焦重点语言,设置真实语境,优选呈现形式,体现短时高效,实物,图片,简笔画,挂图,猜谜游戏,角色表演,VCD (DVD),投影,头脑风暴,呈现形式,电影,PPT,互动形式 教师 师生,Practice,设计原则:,活动形式多样 互动形式多样 突出小组活动 强调语言实践,替换练习,语句拓展,游戏竞赛,微型戏剧表演,填写表格,Practice 操练活动,会话表演,句型操练,问答练习,互动形式,师生 生生 全班 分部 分行(列) 男女生 小组 同伴 个人,Production,设计原则 设置真实情境 构建真实内容 巩固语言知识 强调语言应用 发展语言技能,Production(语言应用活动), 解决生活问题 报道生活事件 完成具体任务 访谈与调查 主题讨论 主题辩论, 模拟角色会话 模拟场景交流 模拟电视对话 完成表格 故事表演 编制海报或广告 微型演讲,A successful case,目标:学习询问别人和表达自己是否喜欢某种水果, 如 “Do you like?” “What about?”, “Lets have some” 等等。 导入:4 activities (教师指一种水果,如 pears, 说:I like pears. Do you like pears? 让学生初步感知 “Do you like.” 这一问句) 。,师生问答,用PPT展示,领读,学生分两组或男女生组,分角色朗读对话。 适当讲解 Do you like? 后名词应为复数,纠正学生句子,不要过多讲解语法,学生反复练习,形成习惯。 学生各自拿着自己准备好的水果(也可用图片代替)同桌两人一组练习句型,先说自己喜爱的水果 I like ,再询问对方喜欢的水果 Do you like ? 回答语为: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,继续下一句型:What about? I likevery much. 教师手拿苹果,走到一位学生面前,说: “What about apple? I like apples very much.”(可用汉语稍作解释),学生用学过的句子 Yes, I do. / No, I dont 来表达。 用PPT出示对话,领读至学生较好掌握,之后将学生分组,进行分角色朗读。 呈现:1 activity 操练:2 activities 扩展:2 group activities,活动与目标,活动为目标服务; 一个目标至少有一个活动,有的需要多个; 活动设置的多少,是重点和难点的标志; 没有活动支撑的目标是无法实现的目标; 有的活动练习语言形式(机械活动),有的活动练习语言应用(有意义的活动、交际活动)。,教学评价设计 Assessment Design,What to assess?,Lesson objectives,How to assess?,Use simple, effective means In a couple of minutes An activity Sampling or the whole class,实际教学评价设计,本课的教学目标的各项任务活动。 学生在进行语言输出时的语音,语调,语句的连贯性。 学生参与活动的积极性。 学生在小组活动


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