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Unit 2 writing,假设你是宁波奉化腾头生态农业园有机农产品的部门经理,现在你应邀参加今年六月在杭举行的绿色农产品推销会并作专题发言,内容要点如下: 1.使用化肥种植的素菜水果危害诸多。 2.绿色农产品优势明显,市场前景广阔。,(1)使用化肥种植的素菜水果危害诸多,主题句 很显然使用化肥有许多弊端。 It is obvious that there are many disadvantages of using chemical fertilizers. It is obvious that using chemical fertilizers has many disadvantages. 正如我们所知道的,使用化肥有许多弊端。 As we all know, using chemical fertilizers has many disadvantages. It is well known that using chemical fertilizers has many disadvantages.,首先,毫无疑问残留在庄稼体内的化学物质会致癌致病; Above all, there is no doubt that the chemicals staying inside the crops can lead to cancer or other illnesses. Above all, there is no doubt that the chemicals which stay inside the crops can lead to cancer or other illnesses.,而且,使用化肥种植的蔬菜生长快,营养不足; Besides, the vegetables grown with chemical fertilizers grow too fast to be full of much nutrition. Besides, the vegetables grown with chemical fertilizers grow so fast that they contain little nutrition. Besides, the vegetables grown with chemical fertilizers grow so fast that they are not nutritious at all.,(2)绿色农产品优势明显,过度句 然而,有机农产品虽然价格略贵,正越来越受顾客欢迎。 However, although organic foods are a little expensive, they are becoming more and more popular with customers (consumers). Howerver, being a little expensive, organic foods are becoming more and more popular with customers (consumers).,这有许多原因。 There are many reasons for this.,第一个原因就是随着人们逐步富裕,开始重视健康。 The first reason is that as people become richer, they attach great importance to health. The first reason is that with people becoming richer, they pay much attention to health.,其次,我们只用自然肥料,使得蔬菜水果更味美、营养丰富; Secondly, we simply use natural fertilizers, which makes our vegetables and fruits tasty and nutrious. Secondly, we simply use natural fertilizers, making our vegetables and fruits tasty and nutrious.,而且,我们的蔬菜生长在洁净的空气中; In addition, our vegetables and fruits grow in clean air. 我们用干净的水浇灌它们。 We water them with clean water. 我们从不使用杀虫剂。 Never do we use pesticides. 吃我们的蔬菜是安全。 It is safe for you to eat our vegetables and fruits.,正如俗话所说,健康是第一财富。选购我们的有机农产品意味着选择健康. As a saying goes, health is the first wealth. Buying our organic foods means choosing to be healthy.,口语体的写作特点,大家好!很荣幸应邀在这里发言。 Hello, everyone! I am honored (to be invited) to make a speech here in Hangzhou. Hello, everyone! Its a great honor (to be invited) to make a speech here in Hangzhou.,谢谢聆听并欢迎你们到腾头来。 Thanks for listening and welcome to Tengtou Echological Farming Garden.,参考范文,Hello, everyone! I am honored to be invited to make a speech here in Hangzhou.,It is obvious that using chemical fertilizers has many disadvantages. Above all, there is no doubt that the chemicals staying inside the crops can lead to cancer or other illnesses. Besides, the vegetables grown with chemical fertilizers grow so fast that they contain little nutrition.,However, being a little expensive, organic foods are becoming more and more popular with customers. There are many reasons for this. The first reason is that as people become richer, they attach great importance to health. Secondly, we simply use natural fertilizers, making our vegetables and fruits tasty and nutrious. In addition, our vegetables and fruits grow in clean air.We water them with clean water.Never do we use pesticides.It is safe for you to eat our vegetables and fruits.


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