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Interpreting Skills,Presented by Kennan Shi 11055202008,Part One C-to-E Interpreting Skills,1. 词语搭配准备,为了,For the final goal of Our goal is to realize/ achieve play ones part/ role in achieving 关注人的生活质量、发展潜能和幸福指数,最终是为了实现人的全面发展。(Unit 2) We care about peoples value, rights and interests and freedom, the quality of their life, and their development potential and happiness index because our goal is to realize the all-round development of the people.,提出/ 倡导/坚持/主张,point out that raise the idea of propose to advocate believe hold(held) that 中国人早就提出“民为邦本,本固邦宁”。(Unit 2) 中国人始终秉承“强不执弱,富不侮贫”,主张“协和万邦”。(Unit 2),以谋 以 促,Pursue through Accelerate by Enhance by Seek to 以合作谋发展,以合作促发展。(Unit 2) 通过维护世界和平来发展自己,有通过自身的发展来促进世界和平。(Unit 2),坚持不懈:continue to 坚定不移:commit oneself firmly to 中国坚定不移地走和平发展道路。(Unit 2) 中国坚持实施互利共赢的对外开放政策。(Unit 2) 历来注重:(have) give (given) prominence to/ give profound attention to 中华文明历来注重亲仁邻,讲求和睦相处。(Unit 2),“增长”“推动”“加快”“发展”类,?,“增长”“推动”“加快”“发展”类,动词:Increase/ grow/ develop/ progress/ speed up/ accelerate/ fuel/ 名词:Growth/ expansion/ progress/ 添加性形容词:Constant/ rapid/ tremendous/ huge/ sustained/ continued/ further/ extensive/ 添加性副词:Fast/ increasingly/ rapidly/ obviously/ substantially/,Play with the words,Have experienced be on the rise/ be on the expansion have a boom in a growing array of a+ adj. +growth/ increase/ expansion in/of Grow + at a fast pace/ adv.,Unit 2/ Unit 5例子,不断增加:(the number of )has been on the rise 迅速兴起:grow at a fast pace grow rapidly/ increasingly have a boom in 持续扩大:(the scale of ) has been on constant expansion ( the scale of ) grow in size,迅速发展:a rapid growth in fast development(n.) expand (v.) / expansion of (n.) 显著提高:have been obviously raised 巨大发展: have experienced a tremendous expansion 巨额增长:such a huge increase,获得巨大利益:have reaped tremendous benefits from 加快:speed up 突飞猛进:be surging ahead 大幅度增加:substantially increase sth. 不断增多:a growing array of 进一步扩大:continued/ further expansion of,2. 句型问题,汉译英时的句型问题: a. 翻译中最难把握的是句型,而不是词汇。 b. 翻译时议员要摆脱汉语词句的干扰,否则语言风格仍难摆脱翻译的痕迹。 c. 熟练的英文驾驭能力可以把中文中的多个主谓结构通过各种句型很好地镶嵌在英文中,句型,汉语的定语; (2) 前后两个主语相同; (3) 注意时态; (4)中文的无主句。,(1)汉语的定语转化成英文,V.ed/ Ving That-clause Which Adj.,12月4-8日在香港举行的国际电联世界电信展,是世界信息通信技术界的盛会: Prepared for , the worlds leading ICT event, held in Hong Kong from 4 to 8 December, the report(Unit 4) “数字生活”报告表明,人类生活与技术日益融合,虚拟身份得以建立:The “digital life” report shows that human lives increasingly entwined with technology enabling virtual identy to be constructed. (Unit 2) 这些给两国人民带来了实实在在的利益:, delivering real benefits to the two peoples. 网络和信息安全问题带来的负面影响:the negative impacts that may arise from insecure networks and information (Unit 4/P.81),(2)前后两个主语相同/ 主语重复,用同位语 插入语 运用定语(即:Ved, Ving, that-clause, which, adj.),同位语,作为国际电联年度系列报告的一部分,本报告通过实例和情境研究了 : The report, part of a series written yearly by ITU, explores.(Unit 4) 12月4-8日在香港举行的国际电联世界电信展,是世界信息通信技术界的盛会,这份为该盛会撰写的报告: Prepared for ITU TELECOM WORLD, the worlds leading ICT event, held in Hong Kong from 4 to 8 December, the report(Unit 4),(3)时态意识,现代旅游在世界范围内“迅速兴起”: “一直是”:have demonstrated “历来”: “日益成为”一项全球性问题: 集中“解决了”一些突出问题: “全部纳入”检测范围:,(3)时态意识,现代旅游在世界范围内“迅速兴起”: have been growing at a fast pace. “一直是”:have demonstrated “历来”:have given prominence to “日益成为”一项全球性问题:have increasingly become a global issue. 集中“解决了”一些突出问题:a number of major problems have been resolved. “全部纳入”检测范围:have been put under monitoring and inspection,(4)无主句问题,中文中无主句居多,怎么办? 添主语 转化为被动句 注意时态,怎么添主语?,为了维护消费者的合法权益,采取严而又严的措施是必须的,怎么添主语?,为了维护消费者的合法权益,采取严而又严的措施是必须的 Tough/ Strict measures are called for to protect consumers interests.,主动转被动+时态,对实行不合格产品召回制度: 对进行清查: 将纳入检测范围:,主动转被动+时态,对实行不合格产品召回制度:a system for has been established 对进行清查:checks have been conducted on 将纳入检测范围:have been put under monitoring and inspection programs.,3、汉语长难句译法,(1)先出句子的结构 SVO (2)分析长句之间的逻辑关系,添加关系副词和连接词,(1)先出句子的结构 SVO,信息和通信技术/也为中国的国家宏观调控、经济运行和经济安全/提供了/先进的作业手段和网络技术保障。(Unit4 P.82) Information and technologies provide means and technology. Information and communication technologies provide an advanced operational means and the requisite network technology for Information and communication technologies have also provided an advanced operational means and the requisite network technology for Chinas macro economic control and its economic performance and security.,(2)分析长句之间的逻辑关系,添加关系副词和连接词,“20世纪中叶以来,现在旅游在世界范围迅速兴起,/(体现在)旅游人数不断增加,旅游产业规模持续扩大,旅游经济地位显著上升,/(结果是)旅游活动日益成为各国人民交流文化、增进友谊、扩大交往的重要渠道,对人类生活和社会进步产生越来越广泛的影响。” 划分意群,理出逻辑线索,方便记忆,译文线索清楚!,Part Two E-to-C Interpreting Skills,1. 词语搭配的准备,discussion said and ask is designed to,Discussion 商讨 said 表示 and 兼 ask 请 要求 is designed to旨在,2、四字格翻译法,Grow Thrive Steadfastly Gracious invitation Gracious support and hospitality A war-torn and destitute country Have worked together Move forward together,Grow 成长壮大 Thrive 蓬勃发展 Steadfastly 坚定不移 Gracious invitation 盛情邀请 Gracious support and hospitality 鼎力相助和盛情款待 A war-torn and destitute country 饱受战争之苦贫困不堪 Have worked together 齐心协力 Move forward together (齐心协力)勇往直前,3、英语长难句,后缀、限制成分较多(定语) 复杂的同位语结构,插入成分较多 长句逻辑关系复杂,英语长难句的译法,(1)顺句驱动+添词,承接上下文 (2)找出SVO+划分意群,(1)顺句驱动+添词,It is a sign for me that the forum goes from strength to strength and I believe it is playing a key role in the relations between our two countries as confirmed by the Prime Minister in our call on him this morning.,(1)顺句驱动+添词,It is a sign for me/ that the forum goes from strength to strength /and I believe/ it is playing a key role in the relations between our two countries /as confirmed by the Prime Minister in our call on him this morning. 这是一个迹象,表明我们的论坛越来越强大。我相信,论坛在我们两国关系中扮演着一个关键的角色。今早,首相在我们拜访他时就确认了这一点。,(2)找出SVO+划分意群,The Hong Kong SAR Government today signed an agreement /to participate in the Government Security Program, a global initiative from Microsoft/ that provides national governments with controlled access to Microsoft Windows source code and other technical information they need / to be confident in the enhanced security features of the Windows platform.(Unit 4) GSP是一项全球信息计划,通过该计划,政府机关可以 从而增强他们对Windows 平台安全性的信心,4、被动变主动,英文的被动句变为中文的主动句和把字句,Concerns over privacy and data protection are not being sufficiently addressed by current online identity tools. (Unit 4),Concerns over privacy and data protection are not being sufficiently addressed by current online identity tools. 目前在线身份认证工具未能充分解决人们在隐私和数据保护方面的担忧,a system for has been checks have been conducted on have been put under monitoring and inspection programs,a system for has been established 对实行不合格产品召回制度: checks have been conducted on 对进行清查 have been put under monitoring and inspection programs将纳入检测范围,5、调整语序,重要信息前置,英文先总述再分述 汉语先分述再总述,Presently, China is already a big tourism country which ranks among the top destinations in the world / in terms of both tourist arrivals and foreign currency receipts, and whose outbound tourists ar


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