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选修六 Unit 4 单元话题语篇训练练(一)语言知识运用组块专练练准度(限时:30分钟).完形填空(2019重点中学领航卷六)Carols birthday was two days away. She was excited. Her parents had planned a birthday party for her. _1_, she was worried about who to invite _2_ she had no friends. She knew only one person who could _3_ her problem her mother. So Carol _4_ her mother and her mother told her that she needed to _5_ a test to find a way.“A test?” asked Carol. “Yes. But dont worry; it is _6_,” said Mother. Carol thought the test was on how _7_ she was, but Mother had other _8_. She was going to test Carols _9_.The next morning, Carol left for school _10_. When she came back, Mother, staying in bed, told Carol that she was _11_ to take her to the dance class as she wasnt in good _12_. Carol, without waiting for her mother to _13_ her sentence, began yelling, “Today is the selection for the dance programme! I cannot _14_ this golden opportunity!” She then ran to her room in tears. Later, Mother come to Carols room. “I have the _15_ to your trouble.” “Really? Tell me . but what about the test?” _16_ Carol excitedly. “The test is over. The most important thing is your behavior. Its your concern and attitude towards your friends that _17_ more than your knowledge,” said Mother.Carol remained silent. She knew Mother was right. The next day in the PE class, there was a race and _18_ a girl fell down. No one stopped to _19_ her, but Carol did. Since then, Carol had a lot of friends. On that birthday, Mother had given Carol the most special _20_ friends.语篇解读:Carol即将过生日了,父母为她准备了一个生日聚会,但是她没有好朋友可以邀请。机智的妈妈做了一个测试让Carol明白了自己没有朋友的原因,并最终让她赢得了越来越多的朋友。1A.Otherwise BMoreoverCHowever DTherefore解析:选C根据上文中的“was excited”和下文中的“she was worried”可知,在她生日来临之际,父母为她准备了生日聚会,本来她很兴奋,但是她又很焦虑,她不知道该邀请谁来参加生日聚会,因为(because)她没有朋友。前后句之间存在转折关系,故用However。2A.if BbecauseCthough Dwhen解析:选B参见上题解析。3A.make up Bset upCwork out Dgive out解析:选C根据语境及下文中的“find a way”可知,Carol知道只有一个人能找出解决她的问题的方法,那就是她的妈妈。work out“找的答案,解决”,符合语境。make up“编造”;set up“安排,成立”;give out“分发,宣布”。4A.turned to Bturned awayCturned upon Dturned in解析:选A根据上文中的“She knew only one person who could _ her problem her mother.”可知,此处指的应是Carol向妈妈寻求帮助。turn to“求助于”,符合语境。turn away“拒绝,不让某人进入”;turn upon“突然攻击”;turn in“告发”。5A.review BdesignCanalyze Dtake解析:选D根据第二段的内容可知,此处指妈妈告诉Carol需要参加一个测验来找到解决她的问题的方法。take a test“参加测验”,是固定用法。review“评论,检查”;design“设计”;analyze“分析”。6A.optional BgeneralCcomplete Dcomplicated解析:选B根据上文中的“dont worry”可知,妈妈给Carol准备的这个测试只是很一般的测试。general“普通的,一般的”,符合语境。optional“可选择的”;complete“完整的”;complicated“复杂的”。7A.skilful BcreativeCintelligent Dhardworking解析:选C根据语境可知,Carol认为这个测试是检测她有多聪明的。intelligent“聪明的,有才智的”,符合语境。skilful“有技巧的,熟练的”;creative“有创造力的”;hardworking“勤奋的”。8A.instructions BideasCchoices Dexcuses解析:选B根据句中的“but”可知,妈妈有其他的想法(ideas)。instruction“指示”;choice“选择”;excuse“借口”。9A.behavior BcapabilityCreaction Dmemory解析:选A根据下文中的“The most important thing is your behavior”可知,妈妈要测试的是Carol的行为举止(behavior)。capability“能力”;reaction“反应”;memory“记忆力”。10A.in advance Bat easeCwith curiosity Das usual解析:选D第二天早晨,Carol像往常一样去上学了。as usual“像往常一样”,符合语境。in advance“提前”;at ease“舒适地”;with curiosity“好奇地”。11A.anxious BreadyCunwilling Dunable解析:选D根据上文中的“staying in bed”可知,妈妈告诉Carol她不能(unable)带她去上舞蹈课了,因为她身体状况(condition)不好。anxious“渴望的,急切的”;ready“准备好的”;unwilling“不愿意的”。12A.condition BcompanyCmoods Dspirits解析:选A参见上题解析。condition“状态,健康状况”,符合语境。company“陪伴”;mood“心情”;spirit“情绪,精神”。13A.organize BfinishCweigh Dexplain解析:选B根据语境可知,当Carol听到妈妈不能带她去上舞蹈课时,她等不及妈妈把话说完就嚷嚷起来。finish“完成,(使)结束”,符合语境。organize“组织”;weigh“权衡,斟酌”;explain“解释”。14A.miss BseizeCwelcome Dexpect解析:选A根据语境可知,在Carol看来,她不能错过(miss)这个千载难逢的机会。seize“抓住”;welcome“欢迎”;expect“期待”。15A.alternative BsolutionCadmission Dobjection解析:选B妈妈来到Carol的房间告诉Carol说她找到了解决她的问题的方法了。solution“解决方法”,符合语境。alternative“可供选择的事物”;admission“承认,供认”;objection“反对的理由”。16A.argued BrepliedCrequested Dquestioned解析:选D根据空前的“Really . what about the test”可知,Carol是在发问。question“询问,盘问,审问”,符合语境。argue“争论”;reply“答复”;request“要求”。17A.matter BbenefitCaccumulate Ddeserve解析:选A根据语境可知,妈妈告诉Carol她对朋友的关心和态度比她(所学到)的知识更重要。matter“事关紧要,要紧,有重大影响”,符合语境。benefit“得益,有益于”;accumulate“积累,积聚”;deserve“值得”。18A.suddenly BcasuallyCobviously Dnaturally解析:选A根据语境可知,赛跑时女孩的摔倒应是突然发生的事,故用suddenly“突然地”。casually“随意地”;obviously“明显地”;naturally“自然而然地”。19A.motivate BrefreshCsupport Dtreat解析:选C女孩在比赛中摔倒了,但是没有人停下来帮助她。support“帮助,援助”,符合语境。motivate“成为的动机,激励”;refresh“使恢复精力,使某人想起”;treat“治疗”。20A.award BpraiseCgift Dencouragement解析:选C在Carol生日那天,妈妈给了Carol一份最特殊的礼物(gift),即“朋友”。award“奖励”;praise“赞扬”;encouragement“鼓励”。.语法填空(2019广西两校联考)In recent years, a new idea _1_ is called a “naked marriage” has arisen as the cost of living goes up. It has become a new trend for many young people in China. With a small marriage certificate in hand, they get married. And for the couples in a “naked marriage”, this certificate also contains other _2_ (meaning)A resident from Chengdu said, “There are many people like us born in _3_ 1980s. Our families cannot afford _4_ (buy) us new apartments, cars, let alone diamond rings. I think thats very normal for regular families. We must make a better future on _5_ (we) own.”A graduate of Sichuan University said, “The most important element in a marriage _6_ (be) love. I believe our living conditions will _7_ (gradual) get better.”A professor says a “naked marriage” is in direct contradiction to Chinas _8_ (tradition) marriage customs. However, as living costs continue to rise, this phenomenon may become more popular in the future.But not all people have a positive opinion about a “naked marriage”. According to a survey _9_ (conduct) by sohu. com, only about 40% of the 3,500 people surveyed like the idea of a “naked marriage”. About 80% of men support a “naked marriage”, _10_ there are also 70% of women not supporting the idea because they think these marriages are not stable.语篇解读:本文介绍了“裸婚”的相关情况和人们对此持有的不同的态度。1which/that考查定语从句。近年来,一种叫作“裸婚”的新概念伴随着生活成本的增加出现了。定语从句中缺少主语,指代先行词 a new idea,故填which/that。2meanings考查名词复数。other后用可数名词复数形式。3the考查冠词。表示在具体某个年代,应用定冠词the。4to buy考查不定式。我们的家庭负担不起给我们买新房子、汽车,更不用说钻戒了。afford后要接不定式to do作宾语。5our考查代词。我们必须独立地创造一个更好的未来。on ones own意为“独立地”,且本句中主语为we, 故此处用our。6is考查动词的时态和主谓一致。本句主语为单数,且根据上下文可知,此处时态应用一般现在时,故填is。7gradually考查副词。空处修饰“get better”,故应用副词。gradually意为“逐渐地”。8traditional考查形容词。空后为名词,需用形容词修饰,表示“传统的婚礼风俗”。9conducted考查非谓语动词。一项由搜狐进行的调查表明,3 500人中只有大约40%的人认同“裸婚”这个想法。a survey与conduct之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。10while/but考查连词。根据上下文可知,此处两个分句间为转折关系,因此用while(然而)或but(但是)。练(二) 写作强化增分练单元基础回扣练(34单元)一、写作强化增分练练规范(限时:35分钟).短文改错(2019广东七校联考)Last weekend, after pay a visit to the city of New York, I visited the Smithsonian Institutions National Air and Space Museum, where lies in Washington,DC.The museum, which covers a area of 18,000 square meters, is made of 24 exhibition halls. All kinds of planes, rockets, missiles and spaceship of great importance and variously old instruments that famous pilots and astronauts used are on display. In addition, I see copies of some satellites and aircraft. More interestingly, I tried operating on some aircraft by myself. During the visit, I took lots of pictures as well.This brief visit helped myself learn much about the history of humans space exploration. It made me more interesting in science and technology.答案:第一句:paypaying; wherewhich第二句:aan; made后加up第三句:spaceshipspaceships; variouslyvarious第四句:seesaw第五句:去掉on第七句:myselfme第八句:interestinginterested.书面表达(2019大庆质检)假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你得知故宫正在招聘暑期义务英文讲解员,请你给相关部门负责人写一封申请信,内容包括:1介绍你的基本信息;2说明你的优势(相关能力、性格特点等);3表示你希望被录用。注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Sir or Madam, Sincerely,Li Hua参考范文:Dear Sir or Madam,I have learned that English volunteer guides for the Forbidden City are wanted in the summer vacation. I am writing to apply for this position.Im a Senior 3 student in Hongxing Middle School, and I believe I am qualified for the position. These years, I have been on several exchange programs in America, so I am confident with my communication skills in English. Whats more, as a fan of Chinese ancient history, I am sure my knowledge will prove helpful when I introduce the Forbidden City to foreign guests.I would be very grateful if you could offer me the opportunity.Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely,Li Hua二、单元基础回扣练勤温故(34单元).单句语法填空1It is my family finances that prohibit my going (go) to college.2No reference books are to be taken out of the reading room without permission.3On no account will I give up whatever difficulty I meet with.4The whole class congratulated me on/upon winning the first place in the final exam.5I continually have to remind him of his responsibility.6They are equal in both talent and abilities.7Its worthwhile reading/to_read (read) literary books because they can help us to know more about the society and life.8He made a contribution (contribute) of inestimable importance in the field of dynamics.单句改错1Im not accustomed to stay out so late and I am extremely tired.staystaying2The name you just mentioned sounds familiar with me.wi


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