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课时6课标词汇(6)与情态动词和虚拟语气【课标词汇演练】.完成句子1No one can deny that the rise of Chinas economy leads China to _ international affairs.毋庸置疑中国的经济崛起使得中国在国际事务中扮演着越来越重要的角色。2Nowadays, the whole world is facing the challenges of the pollution crisis. so people expect the new material that can be recycled to be invented to _ the old one.目前,全世界都在面临污染危机的挑战;因此人们希望能研制出新的可回收材料来代替那种旧的材料。3_ he is, he has known that the more exposed he is to financial issues, and the younger he becomes aware of them, the more likely he is to become a responsible, forwardplanning adult who can manage his finances confidently and effectively.尽管他是个孩子,却已经知道越多接触财务问题,越早意识到它们的存在,他就越有可能成为一个有责任心、有前瞻性的成年人,能自信有效地处理财务问题。4Despite the fact that many fans have waited outside the gate of the booking office, many of them will still be told that the tickets are available only to the first 100 people _.尽管许多粉丝在售票厅前等了很久,但他们中的绝大部分仍将被告知只有前100人能免费拿到门票。 5While you are reading the novel, _ for you to look up every new word in the dictionary because you can guess their meanings according to the context.你在阅读小说的时候,不必去查每个新单词,因为可以通过语境来猜测词义。6The obvious reason why these two companies bargained with each other over the imported products is just that they both intended to _ these products after estimating their real value.这两家公司为了这些进口产品讨价还价的理由显而易见,即在评估了这些产品的实际价值之后,他们都想从中获益。7Recently, many senior high school students hoped to be independent of their parents,and _,more and more parents began to concentrate their attention on the generation gap.最近,许多高中生希望能不再依靠父母;与此同时,越来越多的父母开始关注起了代沟现象。8So many citizens crowded into the zoo to observe how the panda gave birth to its baby that _ the zoo had to restrict the number of people in case any accident might occur. 那么多的市民涌入动物园为了一睹熊猫生仔的过程,难怪动物园方面只能限制人流以免事故发生。9Though the boss _ this project,it had to be abandoned mainly because the firm was short of extra finance.尽管老板同意了这个项目,但由于公司缺乏额外的资金,项目还是胎死腹中。10To make herself _,the interpreter was busy explaining carefully the terms involved in the contract and how they accounted for the profits. 为了让对方明白,这位翻译正仔细解释合同中的条款及这些条款如何带来利益。.单词拼写1The orient has been playing an active role in the world _ (经济). 2The soldiers were warned to remain hidden and not to _ (暴露)themselves. 3The police are _ (尽责的)for the enforcement of the law.4_ (尽管)her age she still had a youthful body.5If you _ (讲价)with them they might reduce the price.6My husband trusts me and I dont _ (打算) to break that trust.7We must _ (关注)our efforts on improving education.8Wherever you may be, you must _ (遵守)the law.9They _ (放弃)the old plan and take up a new one.10This situation does not _ (牵涉) that woman.【基础语法演练】高考经典演练.用适当的情态动词填空1(2017北京卷)Samuel, the tallest boy in our class, _ easily reach the books on the top shelf.2(2016北京) I love the weekend, because I _ not get up early on Saturdays and Sundays.3(2016天津) It was really annoying; I _ not get access to the data bank you had recommended.4(2016浙江) George _ have gone too far. His coffee is still warm.5(2015北京卷)Cant you stay a little longer?Its getting late. I really _ go now, My daughter is home alone.6(2015重庆卷)You _ be Carol. You havent changed a bit after all these years.7(2015天津卷)I _ have worried before I came to the new school, for my classmates here are very friendly to me.8(2015四川卷)You _ be careful with the camera. It costs!.用所给动词的适当形式填空1(2016北京) Why didnt you tell me about your trouble last week? If you _ (tell) me, I could have helped.2(2016江苏) If it _ (not be) for his invitation the other day, I should not be here now.3(2016天津) I was wearing a seatbelt. If I hadnt been wearing one, I _ (injure)4(2016浙江) Had the governments and scientists not worked together, AIDSrelated deaths _ (not fall) since their highest in 2005.5(2015北京卷)If I _(see)it with my own eyes, I wouldnt have believed it.6(2015重庆卷)Without his wartime experiences, Hemingway _(write) his famous novel A Farewell to Arms.7(2015天津卷)I wish I _(be) at my sisters wedding last Tuesday, but I was on a business trip in New York then.8(2015陕西卷) Ellen is a fantastic dancer. I wish I _(dance)as well as her.9(2015江苏卷)It might have saved me some trouble _(know)the schedule.10(2015安徽卷)It is lucky we booked a room, or we _(have)nowhere to stay now.能力提升演练.用所给词的适当形式填空1A lot has been done in the recovery of national _ (economic) in the past few years. 2This company was in serious _ (finance) difficulties.3It is to a certain degree his _ (responsible) to see that the job is done.4In the short term, the medicine may not be very _ (effect)5Many colonies in Africa became _ (independence) nations in the 1950s.6You encouragement made me more _ (confidently) of my future.7The tennis players need total _ (concentrate) during play.8He insisted three years is not enough for a good _ (interpret)9I hope the arrangements meet with your _ (approve)10He had _ (intend) to go, but on second thought, he gave up the idea.用所给动词的适当形式填空1Grace doesnt want to move to New York because she thinks if she _ (live) there, she wouldnt be able to see her parents very often.2We _ (face) the difficulty together, but why didnt you tell me?3Jack is a great talker. Its high time that he _ (do) something instead of just talking.4We lost our way in that small village, otherwise we _ (visit) more places of interest yesterday.5Had they known what was coming next, they _ (have) second thoughts.6Dont handle the vase as if it _ (be) made of steel.7Sorry, I am too busy now. If I _ (have) time, I would certainly go for an outing with you.8Where are the children? The dinners going to be completely ruined.I wish they _ (not be) always late.9He insisted he _ (send) to the city.10His expression suggested that he _ (pass) the test.用情态动词或所给动词的适当形式完成下列句子1A journal is not necessarily a reliable record of facts, for the writers impressions _ colour the telling of events. 2There _ be any difficulty about winning the speech contest now that youre well prepared for it.3They are said to have been familiar with each other.But they _ have been. They were introduced only hours ago.4Who is the man standing there?If you _ know, his name is Mike.5Why wasnt John hired for the job ?I dont know, but he _. 6Mom! Jack has broken a cup!Doesnt matter.Accidents _ happen.7Everyone present certainly thinks there _ be a total ban on cigarette advertising.8Can I go now, sir?If you _ leave, do it quietly.9If you had arrived at the station ten minutes earlier, you _ (catch) the train.10If he were you, he _ (miss) the concert last night.11You _ never be careful enough when you cross the road.12How old are you, madam?If you _ know, Im twice my sons age.13They insisted that the boy _ (go) with them.14When she was a little girl, she _ sit by the window every evening, deep in thought.15The soldier paid for the seat, when he _ (enter) free.16We _ (receive) the letter yesterday, but it didnt arrive.17I really regretted wasting the hours when I _ (study) hard, but it was too late.18Marie called me up last night but I didnt hear it. I _ (be) asleep.完成句子1Harry is feeling uncomfortable. He _.(一定是喝得太多了)at the party last night.2Why are your eyes so red? You _ (不可能睡好觉)last night.Yeah, I stayed up late writing a report.3We _ (本来不必买) so much food now that Suzie wont be with us for dinner.根据汉语提示,用括号内的英语单词完成句子1If he had lain quietly as the doctor instructed,he _ (suffer) so much now.要是他按照医生要求的那样静静地躺着,他现在就不那么受罪了。2Its already 12 oclock now. Dont you think its about time we _ (go) home?现在已经12点了,难道你不认为我们该回家了吗?3I had a bad cold yesterday,otherwise I _ (finish) my homework.我昨天得了重感冒,否则,我就会完成作业了。4But for the English examination, I _ (go) to the concert last Sunday.要不是因为英语考试,我上周日就会去听音乐会。5If it _ (be) the fact that she cant sing, I would invite her to the party.要不是因为她不会唱歌,我就邀请她参加聚会了。6If the sun were to rise in the west, my love for you _ (change)即使太阳从西边升起,我对你的爱也不会变。7After careful examination, Michels doctor insisted that he_ badly wounded and that he _ (operate) at once.仔细检查后,Michel的医生坚持认为他伤得很重,坚决要求他立刻动手术。8Without the air to hold some of the suns heat,the earth at night _ (be) too cold us to live.如果不是空气吸收了太阳的部分热量,夜晚地球会非常冷,不适合我们居住。9I would rather you _ (go) to buy books tomorrow.我宁愿你明天去买书。10He talked as if he _ (know) the secret.他谈起话来好像他已经知道了这个秘密。.语篇填空Miss Fang _1_ (not) read for very long without getting a headache.Her mother told her that she _2_ go to the Health Service and see a doctor.“You _3_ see a doctor as soon as possible,” she said.“You _4_ need glasses.”When Miss Fang had free time,she went to the Health Service.The appointment clerk said that the doctor _5_ see her at 3:30.Miss Fang replied that she _6_ not be able to be there at 3:30 because she had a class then.“The doctor _7_ take you at about ten to four,” the appointment clerk suggested.“_8_ I put you down for ten to four,or _9_ you rather come tomorrow?” Miss Fang thought she _10_ (not) waste any more time.The teacher _11_ be unhappy if she asked for permission to leave the class a little early, as he was always so kind to everyone.And she replied,“I think I _12_ make it at ten to four.”Miss Fang went to the class.She asked her teacher,“_13_ I leave at 3:45 today?I _14_ have an eye examination.” As expected, the teacher said,“Yes, of course you _15_.”.阅读理解Inspiring young minds!TOKNOW Magazine is a big hit in the world of childrens publishing,bringing a unique combination of challenging ideas and good fun to young fans every month.What is so special about TOKNOW Magazine?,Well,it has no ads or promotions insideinstead it is jampacked with serious ideas.TOKNOW makes complex ideas attractive and accessible to children,who can become involved in advanced concepts and even philosophy(哲学)and they will soon discover that TOKNOW feels more like a club than just a magazine.Whats inside?,Every month the magazine introduces a fresh new topic with articles,experiments and creative things to makethe magazine also explores philosophy and wellbeing to make sure young readers have a balanced take on life.Sounds too good to be true?Take a look onlineevidence shows that thousands of teachers and parents know a good thing when they see it and recommend TOKNOW to their friends.Happy Birthday All Year!What could be more fun than a gift that keeps coming through the letterbox every month?The first magazine with your gift message will arrive in time for the special day.SUBSCRIBE NOWAnnual SubscriptionEurope 55Rest of World 65Annual Subscription with Gift PackIncludes a Mammoth Map,a Passport Puzzle Booklet,and SubscriptionEurope 60Rest of World 70Refund Policythe subscription can be cancelled within 28 days and you can get your money back.1Why is TOKNOW a special magazine?AIt entertains young parents.BIt provides serious advertisements.CIt publishes popular science fictions.DIt combines fun with complex concepts.2What does TOKNOW offer its readers?AOnline courses.BArticles on new topics.CLectures on a balanced life.DReports on scientific discoveries.3How much should you pay if you make a 12month subscription to TOKNOW with gift pack from China?A55. B60.C65. D70.4Subscribers of TOKNOW would get _.Afree birthday presentsBfull refund within 28 daysCmembership of the TOKNOW clubDchances to meet the experts in person.短文改错Chicago, locating in the state of Illinois, is the third largest city in America. The city, which has a population of about 2.8 million, cover an area of more then 600 square kilometer. Chicago, most people spoke English and Spanish, is a city with different races and cultures. In this large city, the transportation is convenience and from here you can travel to anywhere by land, by air and by sea. In addition to, Chicago is one of the most importantly financial centers in the world. In this city, you can visit Lincoln, Great Park and Sears Tower, the highest building in America. As a fascinating city, Chicago attracts the large number of visitors from different parts of the world.课时6课标词汇(6)与情态动词和虚拟语气【课标词汇演练】.1.play a more and more important role in2.replace3Child as/though4.free of charge5.there is no need6benefit from7.in the meanwhile8.(its) no wonder9approved of10.understood.1.economy2.expose3.responsible4.Dend7.concentrate8.observe9.abandon10.involve【基础语法演练】高考经典演练.1.can此处表示“班里最高的男孩塞缪尔可以很容易地够到书架顶部的书”,应填can“能够;可以”。2need句意:我喜欢周末,因为周六和周日我不需要早起。根据句意可知用need。3could句意:这真是令人生气的;我不能进入你推荐的数据库。couldnt不能;符合句意语境。4. cant句意:George不可能走得太远。他的咖啡还是温的。cant have done 是对过去的否定推测。5must句意:你不能再多待会儿吗?很晚了,我必须得走了。must必须,必然要,必定会。6must句意:你肯定是卡罗,这些年你一点也没有变化。 must表示对现在的肯定推测。7neednt句意:我来新学校之前本没有必要担心,因为在这里我的同学对我非常友好。neednt have done本没有必要做某事,表示实际上已经做了某事。8must句意:你一定要非常小心对待照相机,它很昂贵。根据下文的it costs可知,照相机很贵。.1.had told句意:你上周为什么没有告诉我你遇到的麻烦?如果你告诉我的话,我就可以帮你了。这里是对过去事情的虚拟,if条件句用had done形式。2had not been句意:如果不是因为前几天他的邀请,我现在就不会在这里了。本句属于错综条件句的虚拟语气。If从句与过去事实相反,主句与现在事实相反。3would have been injured句意:我当时系着安全带。如果我没有系安全带,我就会受伤了。 使用虚拟语气,根据if条件句中had done结构可知,主句用would have done 结构,另I和injure是被动关系,故本题用would have been injured。4would not have fallen句意:如果政府和科学家不共同努力,艾滋病相关的死亡就不会从2005年的最高点下降。使用虚拟语气, if条件句用的had done,而且省略it,将had提前,主句用would have done表示对过去情况的虚拟。故用would not have fallen。5hadnt seen句意:如果不是我亲眼看到,我不会相信。根据后半句wouldnt have believed可以判断是对过去的虚拟。所以从句是if主语 haddone的形式。6wouldnt have written句意:没有他战时的经验,海明威就不可能写出著名的小说永别了武器。根据without his wartime experience没有战时的经历,可知表示对于过去的否定猜测,故主句用would have done。7had been句意:上个周二我本希望参加我姐姐的婚礼,但那时我在纽约出差。本题考查wish引导的宾语从句,表示与过去事实相反的愿望,从句用had 过去分词。8danced句意:Ellen是一个很棒的舞蹈演员。但愿我能和她跳得一样好。I wish“但愿”后面接宾语从句用虚拟语气,和现在相反用一般过去时。9had I known句意:如果我早知道日程安排,可能会省去我一些麻烦。根据题干中might have saved可知主句是对过去的虚拟,从句应用if I had known与主句保持一致。if虚拟条件句中含有had时,可将if省去,同时将had提前构成倒装结构。10would have句意:我们很幸运地订到了房间,否则的话,我们现在就会无处可去了。or引导含蓄虚拟条件句,or后面是主句,相当于if we hadnt booked a room, we would have nowhere to stay now.,根据“now”可知,是对现在进行虚拟,因此用would动词原形。能力提升演练.1.ended.1.were to live2.could have faced3.did/should do4would have visited5.might have had6.were7.had8werent9.(should) be sent10.had passed.1.might2.shouldnt3.couldnt4.must5.should have been6.will7.should8.must9.could/should/would/might have caught10.wouldnt have missed11.can12.must13.(should) go14.would15.could have entered16.should have received17.should have studied18must have been.1.must have drunk too m


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