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Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema.阅读理解阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(2017山西太原五中一模,B)Anne LaBastille was born in New York City and grew up in New Jersey. Her first experience with the wilderness was in the Adirondacks in the northeast of New York, where she worked at a summer resort to earn money for college tuition by caring for the horses, giving riding lessons, and working as a waitress. And she had many chances to begin her adventure in the Adirondack wilderness. Anne returned to school in the fall, but she continued to spend as much time as she could in the Adirondacks. She grew to love her time alone in the mountains. Anne graduated from college with a bachelors degree in conservation of natural resources and began working for the National Audubon Society in Florida as a wildlife tour leader. Although Anne took great pleasure in showing people the animals living in the Florida Keys and the Everglades National Park, she longed for the mountains in the northern parts of New York. Finally she decided to build a cabin near Black Bear Lake. Over the years, however, more and more tourists began hiking near her cabin. As a result, Anne decided to build another cabin deeper in the woods at Lily Pad Lake. Anne lived in the woods for most of her life. She enjoyed living alone in the woods, and her life was far too busy for her to be lonely. When she was not writing books, she wrote articles for National Geographic, Readers Digest, and other magazines. In her later years, Anne conducted research in Guatemala on an endangered bird called the grebe. She also lectured nationwide about ecology. Besides, Anne worked with a number of organizations dedicated to conservation. As a respected guide, author, and conservationist, Anne not only loved the land but also had found a way to become part of it. 1.Annes work at the summer resort .A.showed her love for long toursB.helped her to explore the wildernessC.earned her high admiration in collegeD.gave her a chance to learn horse riding2.Anne built her cabin at Lily Pad Lake in order to .A.live in the mountainsB.enlarge her living spaceC.settle in a more beautiful placeD.get away from increasing numbers of tourists3.We can conclude from the text that Anne .A.felt very lonely living in the woodsB.made the wilderness a part of her lifeC.tried to make more people aware of the grebeD.longed to be an editor of National Geographic4.Whats the main idea of the text?A.A brief introduction to Annes life.B.Annes achievements.C.Annes adventures in the wilderness.D.Annes pioneering work in wildlife ecology.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Jazzy is a lovely pug(哈巴狗)who always seems to be smiling. You cant help but1when you look at Jazzy now, because you would never guess the horrible situation she was rescued from and the2this little dog had.Jazzy was taken from her3owners, who were immediately4with animal cruelty. Why?Because neighbors had5seeing little Jazzy moving around her back yard with two broken front legs. Her owners, who were supposed to6her most, did absolutely nothing about it. They had never sought any kind of7for poor Jazzy. Nobody knew how it8and it was believed that she was hit by a car, or that someone had done this to her.9Jazzys cruel owners didnt take her to the veterinarian, her condition went from bad to worse. Over time her front right leg10loosely, and her left leg was permanently bent at a sharp angle. The pain must have been astonishing. She moved around like a baby seal. She needed11.In a Los Angeles animal shelter, things got even12. The shelter could not provide the costly operations that could be13to restore Jazzys ability to14and lead a normal life, and it was impossible to find a family who would be able to15a dog in this condition. The difficult16was made to euthanize(使安乐死)sweet Jazzy.All17was lost. Then a miracle happened. A volunteer from Dogs Without Borders saw Jazzy. Jazzy was pulled out of the18and rescuers got busy working on a plan to ensure that Jazzy would get treatment. For months, Dogs Without Borders cared for Jazzy, while19enough money for her operations. Donations came in. Finally in December 2013 the money was enough and it was time to get her operations20!By the spring of 2014, Jazzy had fully recovered. 1.A.complainB.forgiveC.celebrateD.laugh2.A.painB.shockC.happinessD.responsibility3.A.lazyB.originalC.angryD.new4.A.combinedB.chargedC.comparedD.provided5.A.reportedB.imaginedC.regrettedD.avoided6.A.care forB.depend onC.look forD.talk about7.A.foodB.contactC.treatmentD.information8.A.fellB.feltC.improvedD.happened9.A.IfB.UntilC.AlthoughD.Since10.A.steppedB.stoodC.hungD.waved11.A.instructionB.encouragementC.helpD.discipline12.A.harderB.worse C.saferD.clearer13.A.preventedB.requiredC.releasedD.checked14.A.breatheB.barkC.walkD.listen15.A.adoptB.buyC.watchD.catch16.A.promiseB.decisionC.appointmentD.experiment17.A.hopeB.wealthC.medicineD.connection18.A.hospitalB.yardC.shelterD.home19.A.borrowingB.savingC.earningD.raising20.A.correctedB.doneC.fed D.developed.短文改错(2017重庆一中考前模拟)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Last weekend, I went to the Sports Park with my friends to take part a walking activity. Arrived early in the morning, we were surprised to find many participants of different age already waiting excitedly. We join them. Then, we gathered at the starting point, preparing ourselves good for the long distance walking. Soon, a signal was giving and off we went along the walking route around the park. Some people walked fast, when others just took their time to enjoy the fresh air and the beautiful natural scenery. Finally, my friends or I reached the finishing line. They cheered each other for the success. Regular activities like this not only keep us fit, but also help get closer to the nature.书面表达(2017河北衡水中学二调)在学习、生活和工作中,学会与人合作是非常重要的。请根据下表中提供的信息,写一篇主题为“Being a good partner”的英文发言稿。为何合作有利于互相学习,增进友谊,节省时间与精力与谁合作与喜欢的人合作,心情愉快,同甘共苦与不喜欢的人合作,学会容忍,发现优点怎样合作你的观点(至少2条)注意:1.对所给要点进行陈述,适当发挥。2.词数100左右。开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:合作cooperation n.;cooperate v.Good afternoon, everyone!The topic of my speech today is“Being a good partner”._Wish my views would be helpful. Thank you for your listening!答案精解精析.阅读理解语篇解读Anne是美国人,从事自然资源保护方面工作。她如此喜欢野外生活以至于在Black Bear Lake和Lily Pad Lake建了自己的小屋,她写文章、做导游,呼吁人们保护自然。1.B细节理解题。根据第一段中的Her first experience with the wilderness was in the Adirondacks in the northeast of New York, where she worked at a summer resort to earn money for college tuition by caring for the horses, giving riding lessons, and working as a waitress.可知,她在度假村的工作帮助她探索野外。故选B。2.D细节理解题。根据第三段中的Over the years, however, more and more tourists began hiking near her cabin. As a result, Anne decided to build another cabin deeper in the woods at Lily Pad Lake.可知,她在Lily Pad Lake建小屋是为了要远离不断增多的游客。故选D。3.B推理判断题。根据文章最后的As a respected guide, author, and conservationist, Anne not only loved the land but also had found a way to become part of it.推测,Anne的野外生活是她生活的一部分。故选B。4.A主旨大意题。本文简单介绍了环保主义者Anne的一生。故选A。.完形填空语篇解读本文讲述了一只可爱的哈巴狗曾经遭受的苦难经历, 以唤起我们对动物的爱护之情。1.D根据上文的a lovely pug(哈巴狗), smiling可推知看到这只小狗人们就情不自禁地笑, 故选D项。2.A根据下文小狗的遭遇以及第三段中的The pain可知她经历了很多的痛苦。3.B根据下文Jazzy到了动物救助中心, 可推知此处是指她的最初的主人。original原来的, 最初的。4.B根据下文他们对小狗很残忍, 可推知他们受到了指控, be charged with因受到指控。5.A因为看到Jazzy的不幸遭遇后, 邻居报告了此事。report报告;imagine想象;regret后悔;avoid避免。根据句意可知选A项。6.A作为小狗的主人, 本应该对小狗爱护有加的, 故选A项。7.C根据小狗的遭遇可推知它的主人没有给予她任何治疗。treatment治疗。8.D根据后文人们对她受伤的情况的猜测, 可知没有人知道怎么发生的。故选D项。9.D根据主句“小狗的情况每况愈下”可推知此处是表示原因的, 故选D项。10.C根据loosely和下文她走路的样子可推知受伤的腿耷拉着。11.C根据上文对她受伤的情况的描述, 可知小狗需要救助。故选C项。12.B根据下文小狗需要手术, 可推知她的情况变得更糟糕, 故选B项。13.B根据句意可知此处缺少“需要”一词。require需要。prevent阻止;release释放,发行;check检查。14.C根据上文可知小狗的腿受伤了, 需要手术, 自然是为了恢复行走的能力。故选C项。15.A在小动物受伤的情况下, 一般很难找到收养她的人家。adopt收养。16.B根据本句可知要对Jazzy进行安乐死, 可知这是救助站做出的决定。make a decision做出决定。17.A一般而言只要有一丝希望也不会实施安乐死, 故应是失去了所有的希望。18.C根据第四段第一句话可知Jazzy在救助站生活, 故此时应为从救助站被带走了。19.D根据下文钱足够可以给她做手术了, 可知钱是筹集来的。raise money筹集资金。20.Bdo an operation做手术。.短文改错1.第一句:part后面加in考查固定搭配:take part in参加,后面有宾语,应该加上介词in。2.第二句:ArrivedArriving考查非谓语动词作状语。arrive与主句的主语we之间是主动关系,应该用v.-ing形式。3.第二句:age改为ages此处指不同年龄的参加者。根据different可知age要用复数形式。4.第三句:join改为joined本文动词时态都是一般过去时。5.第四句:good改为well考查副词well修饰前面的动词prepare,意为“做好准备”。6.第五句:giving改为given此处指很快信号就发出了。主语signal与give之间是被动关系,应该用被动语态was given。7.第六句:when改为while此处指一些人走得很快,而另外一些人则在呼吸新鲜空气和欣赏风景。连词while表示对比。8.第七句:or改为and句意:最后,我


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