已阅读5页,还剩29页未读 继续免费阅读




,b,w,r,r,a,y,t,s,d,l,a,s,s,a,p,s,s,a,p,i,u,r,f,i,i,k,l,e,e,p,e,d,i,f,c,r,r,e,r,i,t,s,e,r,g,u,s,e,h,e,c,y,l,Review: Use the word we have learned in this unit to complete the word puzzle.,salad,How to Make a Strawberry Ice Cream?,Unit 3 Part B,Henggang Primary School-Sunny 衡钢小学 廖燕,How to Make an Ice Cream?,Part A: Ingredients ( 材料 ),Part B: Steps ( 步骤 ),Magic eyes!,What can you see on the screen?,bowl water ice cream powder lychees milk jam strawberries sugar knife kiwi fruit spoon yogurt fridge washing powder,Listen and circle!,What does Alice need for making a strawberry ice cream?,How many steps do we need for making a strawberry ice cream?,Fast reading!,We need four steps.,Please scan the passage, and tell me the answer.,Lets talk about the steps!,How to make a strawberry ice cream?,get,wash,cut,pour and stir,put and wait,Wash, wash the strawberries. Cut, cut the strawberries. Pour, pour the ice cream powder. Pour, pour milk. Stir, stir them. Put it in the fridge. Wait for three hours.,Lets chant !,Read and choose!,Read the passage carefully, then use the verbs to fill in the blanks.,wash,pour,pour,cut,stir,get,put,wait,. _ some strawberries, ice cream powder, milk, a knife and a spoon. . _ the strawberries first. . Then _ them into very small pieces. . _ some ice cream powder and milk into the bowl, and _ them. . _ it in the fridge and _ for three hours,Get,Wash,Pour,Put,Lets make a strawberry ice cream.,First,wash the .,Then,Ingredients: Get some , and .,Next,,At last,cut them into very small pieces.,pour some ice cream powder and milk into the bowl and stir them.,put it in the fridge and wait for three hours.,Lets make!,Step1: Prepare the ingredients.准备材料。,Step4: Show your ice cream to the whole class, group leader gives reports about the making process.展示你们的冰淇淋,组长汇报制作过程。,Step3: Give your ice cream a nice name. Talk about the process that how your team makes the ice cream. 为你们的冰淇淋取一个好听的名字。讨论你们的制作过程。,Step2: Make an ice cream. 制作冰淇淋。,Lets make an ice cream!,1,2,3,4,5,6,Show Time,This is a/an ice cream. Get First Then Next At last,Team work,Summary,1.How to make an ice cream? 2. Share your ice creams with others.,Sharing is an attitude. Sharing happiness with others is double happiness, sharing pain with others is half the pain. 分享是一种态度,快乐与人分享就是两份快乐,痛苦与人分享则是半个痛苦。,Competition Who will be the winner today?,1,2,Congratulations! 祝贺你们! 请再接再厉。,Homework 1.Make a kind of ice cream and share it with your parents or friends. Then talk about the steps. 制作一种冰淇凌,并与你的父母或朋友分享,再说说制作过程。 2. Finish the exercise on Page 17. 完成书本1


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