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Unit 7 Months of the Year (1),执教者: 福清市瑞亭小学 林凤玲 指导者: 福清市进修学校 陈天心 福清市瑞亭小学 英语组,Lesson 13,As quickly as you can.,Game: “快速起立读”,month,/,math,thank,mouth,mo_th,mo_th,n,月份,嘴巴,u,Months of the Year,Jan.,Feb.,Mar.,Apr.,May,Jun.,Jul.,Aug.,Sep.,Oct.,Nov.,Dec.,How many months are there in a year ?,There are twelve months in a year .,Miss Lin,Fish,Six,Dog,?,Birthday,White,A: When is your birthday?,March,B: My birthday is in March.,M_ch,ar,car,arm,farm,card,三月,m:t,A:When is your birthday? 你的生日在什么时候?,B:Its in March. 在三月。,A:When is your birthday? When is your birthday? B:March March My birthday is in March. Its in March.,lay,play,may 可以,ay,M, ei,m,五月,A:When is your birthday, Zeyan?,B:Its in April .,Zeyan,听音,判断人物的生日。,April 四月 eiprl,A:Whose birthday is in April?,B:My birthday is in April.,(自己、家人或朋友谁的生日在三月、四月或五月? 同桌说说吧!) A: Whose birthday is in _?,B: _ birthday is in_. my my mothers my fathers my brothers my sisters my friends ,Work in pairs.,March,April,May,spring,Its warm in_. I can_in_.,March,March,draw,The Holidays In Spring,Womens Day,Womens Day is in .,March,Tree-Planting Day is in March.,Earth Day is in April.,May Day,Mothers Day,Mom, your birthday is in .,Mom, I love you !,妈妈,我真的爱你!,游戏规则: 大声读出月份单词,加油!,sharp eyes,May,March,April,June,June 六月 du:n,Childrens Day,Childrens Day is in .,June,A:Whats your favorite month? 你最喜欢的月份是什么?,B:My favorite month is June. 我最喜欢的是六月。,Its June.,游戏规则: 猜猜我们班同学的生日和最喜欢的月份,全班问问题: When is your birhday,? Whats your favorite month,? 请你来猜,猜对,就为你加分,加油!,Lucky Dog,1、Whats Sallys favorite month? 2、Whose birthday is in March?,Listen and answer: (请根据问题听录音),Look and choose: (请选择正确的答案),1、Whats Sallys favorite month? A. March B: April C. May 2、Whose birthday is in March? A. Chen Lings B. Sallys C. Li Hongs,Listen and imitate,My favorite month is . I can In . birthday is in . And is in , too .,June,swim,June,My mothers,June,Childrens Day,June,I am a writer:,小作家,My Favorite Month,My favorite month is . I can in . birthday is in . And is in , too .,Tree Planting Day:植树节 Womens Day:妇女节 The Earth Day:地球日 May Day :五一节 Mothers Day :母亲节 Childrens Day:儿童节,I am a writer:,小作家,My Favorite Month,March March My favorite month is March . Womens Day is in March. April April My favorite month is April . Earth Day is in April. May May My favorite month is May. May Day is in May. June June My favorite month is June. Childrens Day is in June.,words:,month March April May June,sentences:,1. 你想知道别人最喜欢的节日是什么?我们可以这样问: Whats your favorite month? March. 2. 你想询问别人的生日是什么时候,你可以这样说: When is your birthday? Its in M


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