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You are my sunshine my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are grey Youll never know dear how much I love you Please dont take my sunshine away 孩子们,相信明媚的阳光一定能照亮我们的英语课堂!,外语教学与研究出版社 New Standard English Book 8 Module 8 Helen Keller 执教人:吕燕苹(Lucy) Luoyang Jianxi English School,Helen Keller(海伦.凯勒),Read carefully and answer the questions. (细读,回答问题) 1. When and where was Helen Keller born? 2. What couldnt Helen Keller do? 3. What did she learn to do? 4. How long did she live ?,She learned to speak, read and write.,She couldnt see or hear.,She was born in America in 1880.,She lived to be 87.,1. When and where was Helen Keller born? 2. What couldnt Helen Keller do? 3. What did she learn to do? 4. How long did she live ?,She learned to speak, read and write.,She couldnt see or hear.,Helen Keller was born in America in 1880.,She lived to be 87.,Module 8 Helen Keller Helen Keller was born in America in 1880. As a small child, she became blind and deaf. She couldnt see and she couldnt hear. Later, Helen had a teacher. The teacher drew letters in Helens hand. Helen learned to speak. Later she learned to read. She could also write. She wrote a book about herself. She went all over the world. And she lived to be 87. Helen Keller is a model for blind people and for you and me.,Listen and tick. (听音,在正确词下打“”) Helen Keller born in America in 1880. As a small child, she blind and deaf. She couldnt see and she couldnt hear. Later, Helen a teacher. The teacher letters in Helens hand. Helen to speak. Later she learned to read. She also write. She a book about herself. She all over the world. And she to be 87. Helen Keller is a model for blind people and for you and me.,(become/ became),became,(have/ had),had,(drew / draw),drew /dru:/,(learned / learn),learned,( can/ could ),could,( write/ wrote),wrote,(went / go),went,( live/ lived ),lived,(is/ was),was,思考:Why is Helen Keller a model for us?,2. speak,3.read,4.write,5.world,1.couldnt,6.model,Name:姚明 From: Shanghai Born in: 1980 Can: play basketball, speak English Likes: playing computer,Chinese name: 李小龙 From: Hong Kong Born in: America, 1940 Could: do boxing(打拳) make movies (拍电影) Lived to be: 32,Name: 杨光 From: Harbin Born in: 1979 8 months: became blind Cant: see Can: sing, play the piano,Extension (扩展),献给大家和海伦凯勒的歌 You are my sunshine my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are grey Youll never know dear how much I love you Please dont take my sunshine away,End (结束语) Learn from Helen ,love our life! The beautiful sunshine will be around you forever! Thank you !,Pre-reading 课前阅读 More about Helen Keller 1.Helen Keller was born in Alabama(阿拉巴马洲), USA. She was born on June 27th, 1880. When she was just one and a half, she became very ill and lost both her sight (视力) and hearing. 2.Helens parents found a teacher for her when she was seven years old. The teachers name was Anne Sullivan (安妮莎莉文). By touching (触摸) Annes mouth, Helen could read or understand . 3.Helen learned five countries languages, English, Latin (拉丁), Greek (希腊), French and German (德语). She went to 39 different countries. 4. Helens first book, “the story of my life”, was translated (翻译) into about 50 languages (语言). And she also wrote 14 books. “Three Days To See” is very famous . 5.She raised money(集资) and started Helen Keller Foundation(基金会). She helped blind people. She died on 1st June, 1968.,海伦凯勒的一生 1880年6月27出生在美国亚拉巴马州塔斯喀姆比亚。 1882年1月因患猩红热致盲致聋。 1887年3月安妮沙利文成为凯勒的老师。 1899年6月考入哈佛大学拉德克利夫女子学院。 19021903撰写出版我的一生(有的译作我生活的故事)。 1904年6月以优等成绩大学毕业。 19081913 著我的天地又译作我生活中的世界石墙之歌冲出黑暗。 1916年遭受婚姻不幸。 1919年应邀去好莱坞主演电影。 1924年成为美国盲人基金会的主要领导人。 1929年著我的后半生(也译作中流我以后的生活)。 1930年旅游英国。 19311933年荣获坦普尔大学荣誉学位。访问法国


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