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,Project 1 Being a good student 执教:青年路小学 李雯,Quick respond 快速反应,Listen and judge 听并判断是否是好习惯,Quick respond 快速反应,Describe and judge 描述图片并判断是否是好习惯。,An example: 举个例子,She helps her parents. Thats a good habit.,Describe and judge 描述判断,计时 开始,30秒倒计时,Lets PK ! 30” talk show! 30秒脱口秀,Lets talk about your habits. 说说你的习惯。,early,late,quickly,slowly,well,fast,quietly,high,happily,Try to get more apples! 摘苹果,loudly,Describe yourself with these words. 用苹果上的词语描述你自己。,Well done!,You are super cool!,John and Amy,Are they good students?,Amys habits,Listen and judge.,Amy gets up early every day. ( ) She goes to school late. ( ) She only eats a few sweets. ( ),True or False,Listen and judge.,Amy gets up early every day. ( ) She goes to school late. ( ) She only eats a few sweets. ( ),True or False,T,F,F,How do you know?,Read by yourselves. 自己读,Read one by one. 每人读一句。,Share your answers. 组内交流答案。,Read and underline. 划出Amy的好习惯(标星)和坏习惯(标三角),Lets check!,Johns habits,Read in groups 组内读,Read by yourselves. 自己读。,Read one by one. 每人读一句。,Share your answers. 组内交流答案,Do they have the same habits?,What other good habits does John have? John有其他好习惯吗?做个补充。,Does he have bad habits?,John and Amy,Are they good students?,Who is better? 谁更好?,What makes a good student?,Make a dialogue. 同桌做对话,A: A good student must.,B: A good student mustnt.,Discuss in groups. (小组讨论),Say other activities. (说说其它的活动。),Word bank 单词 银行,Work hard 努力学习 Be honest 诚实守信 Respect others 尊重他人 ,组内交流,扩充 我们的单词银行,Make a poster 小组合作完成一份海报,Read in parts. (分段读),Read together. (齐读),Read one by one. (每人一句),Show your poster 展示你们的海报,Homework,2.Try to be a good student. You are th


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