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,A party ( story time),海安镇青萍小学 冯素文,Lets enjoy,A party ( story time),People usually have a party when its a holiday or a festival.,1.Decorate the room. (装饰房间) 2.Prepare some interesting games and some stage properties.(准备一些有趣的游戏及舞台道具) 3.Prepare some nice music. (准备一些音乐) 4.Prepare a lot of delicious food.(准备一些美 味的食物),Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success. 做任何事之前,提前做好准备是成功的秘密。 -Henry Ford亨利.福特,Before party,What are you going to bring to a party? Im going to bring,Try to say,drinks,fruit,snacks,toys,零食,Try to say,What are you going to bring to a party? Im going to bring,What are we going to do next(接下来)?,Are we going to?,Guess and ask,1.Where are they going to have the party?,2. Who is going to the party?,Watch and answer,Tip:带着问题去看故事! 必要时可以做一些记录哦!,1.Where are they going to have the party?,2. Who is going to the party?,At Mikes house.,Su Hai, Wang Bing, Yang Ling and Liu Tao.,Watch and answer,Before party,B: is going to buybring,Tips:1.Listen and match 2.Ask and answer,A:What is going to do for the party?,Listen,match and say,(听课文P48页),What is going to do for the party ?,Sunday morning,Read and answer,What is Liu Tao going to bring to the party?,clown 小丑,brown down,appear 出现,near dear,/au/,/,Just then,The children are going to _ first. play with the toys b. eat the food c. sing a song,a,Read and choose,Now,True or false,T,F,Mikes,F,home,F,goes,F,five,F,have some fun,默读课文,判断正误。,Tips:1.Read silently (默读)and judge. 2. Correct (纠正),-1-,It is Childrens Day this Sunday. The children are going to have a party at Mikes house.,-1-,Tip:跟读录音时注意升调 降调 以及重读,Read and imitate,Wang Bing is going to bring some fruit from home.,-2-,-3-,Tip:跟读录音时注意升调 降调 以及重读,Read and imitate,-1-,-4-,-5-,-5-,Tip:跟读录音时注意升调 降调 以及重读,Read and imitate,-7-,-6-,Tip:跟读录音时注意升调 降调 以及重读,Read and imitate,-8-,-9-,Tip:跟读录音时注意升调 降调 以及重读,Read and imitate,-10-,Tip:跟读录音时注意升调 降调 以及重读,Read and imitate,Retell (复述P48页),Act (表演P49页),Read the story and choose one part to retell or act. (同学们,享受朗读时光吧!你可以选择课文的一部分复述或表演),Read and show,表演者:这确流利,动作表情到位。 观众: 认真看,仔细听,能够取长补短。,They get everything ready for the party. 他们为派对准备好一切。,a happy party,an exciting party,a wonderful party,Lets think,What do you think of the party?,Were going to have a party on Childrens Day. Please work in groups and prepare for the party. (我们班将在儿童节举行派对,请大家四一组谈论你们将为聚会准备什么吧!),A:Childrens Day is coming. Were going to have a party because its our favourite festival. B:What are you going to bring to the party? C:Im going to bring And you? D:Im going to bring A:What are you going to do at the party? B:Im going to sing a song. I can sing well A:Thats great!? Are we going to prepare some music? C:Yes, were going to D:Im going to buy ,Our party,1.Make an invitation for a party on Childrens Day. 为我们的儿童节派对制作邀请函。,Homework,2.Tell the story to your family. 将故事书讲给你的家人听。,1.Make an invitation for a party on Childrens Day. 为我们的儿童节派对制作邀请函。,Homework,2.Tell the story to your family. 将故事书讲给你的家人听。,1.Make an invitation for a party on Childrens Day. 为我们儿童节派对制作邀请函。,3.


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