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Section Learning about Language,Using Language,Summing Up & Learning Tip课后篇巩固提升一、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空employapproveinforminterviewpolish1.The reporter the Prime Minister about the government policy yesterday.答案:interviewed2.To the joy of Davids family,he was as a secretary in a big company.答案:employed3.I wonder whether the new building plan will be or not.答案:approved4.He has not yet me of his plan for holidays.答案:informed5.He his shoes before he left home.答案:polished二、单句填空1.My parents didnt approve my decision to become an actor.答案:of2.As you know,this article (accurate) reflects the public opinion.答案:accurately3.Please keep me informed of the latest (develop) of the situation.答案:development4.You will be required to assist Mrs.Smith preparing a report.答案:in5.The report should be carefully (polish) before it is published.答案:polished6.He left without the (approve) of the teacher.答案:approval7.The various steels produced (process) to meet the international standards.答案:are processed8.She made an (appoint) for her son to see the doctor.答案:appointment三、翻译句子1.我把你的留言转给我的妈妈了。(pass.on to)答案:I passed your message on to my mother.2.在出去之前,请擦亮你的皮鞋。(polish)答案:Please polish (up) your shoes before going out.3.在我们的前面有一棵大树。(ahead of)答案:Ahead of us stands a big tree./A big tree stands ahead of us.4.你赞成你的儿子去欧洲吗?(approve)答案:Do you approve of your son going to Europe?5.我和我的医生预约一下好吗?(appointment)答案:Shall I make an appointment with my doctor?6.我的姐姐比我大5岁。(senior)答案:My elder sister is senior to me by five years./My elder sister is five years senior to me.7.我的手表不准。(accurate)答案:My watch is not accurate.8.那些编辑已经开始工作了。(set to work)答案:Those editors have already set to work.四、单句改错1.His father is two years senior with his mother.答案:withto2.She was able to give the police an accurately description of the attacker.答案:accuratelyaccurate3.They have an appointment with go fishing.答案:withto4.Adolescence is the process of go from childhood to adulthood.答案:gogoing5.Can you finish the work ahead for the deadline?答案:forof五、阅读理解ADear students,I am Jeremy C.Curimao and it is my great pleasure to share with you my experience in journalism.What a year it has been!Since I decided to choose journalism earlier on in the year,my ideas and thoughts about journalism in general have really changed.From the news articles I have written to the documentaries(纪录片) our class has watched,I have certainly gained quite a broad knowledge about journalism.I am very thankful for this class.Believe it or not,I am going to college to major in journalism!I am going to San Francisco State University in the fall to get my general education done and hopefully stay with my major,which is Online/Print Journalism!Taking this high school course was a really good choice on my part and I plan to develop my writing and publishing skills in college.It is very unfortunate that journalism will not be a main course next year,and I was really saddened by the news.Despite this discomforting piece of information,I am glad that the newspaper will still continue to be published in a school club.I leave this course with a new confidence in writing.I hope that other writers now in Oceana will be equally inspired and finally join the Journalism Club in hopes of taking charge of The Weekly Fog.Thank you.Yours,Jeremy C.Curimao1.What did the author do in the past year?A.He entered a college.B.He learned a lot about journalism.C.He published articles in a newspaper.D.He changed his plan to take up journalism.答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I have certainly gained quite a broad knowledge about journalism”可知,在过去的一年中作者学到了很多新闻学的知识。2.What does the author plan to do this fall?A.Attend San Francisco State University.B.Take more high school courses.C.Be a newspaper journalist.D.Set up a training class.答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“I am going to San Francisco State University in the fall”可知,作者这个秋季打算上大学。3.Why is the author unpleased?A.He will leave the class.B.He has failed to inspire other students.C.He has lost his chance to major in journalism.D.He knows journalism will become a less important subject.答案:D解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的“It is very unfortunate that journalism will not be a main course next year,and I was really saddened by the news.”可知,作者得知新闻学将不再是主课之后很难过。BThe American humorist,Will Rogers,used to say,“All I know is what I read in newspapers.” This was an exaggeration(夸张)for humorous purposes,but it is true that newspapers are an important source of information.Many people begin their day by reading the paper.In this way they learn what is going on in the world.Sometimes,however,they dont have time to read the news carefully and must be satisfied with a quick look at the front page;at other times they may be in such a hurry that they have time only to glance at the headlines.There are newspapers to satisfy every reader.In the big cities there are many types of papers,with several different editions every day.In small towns there are fewer newspapers and perhaps only one edition each day.In some areas the paper is printed weekly.Most newspapers have several sections,especially on Sundays when the edition is larger than usual.There is,in addition to the front page with the most important news,the sports section,the society page,the comics,the amusement section,a business page,and the editorials.Another type of publication which helps keep the population informed is the magazine.Some magazines are published weekly and others are put out monthly.There are news magazines,literary magazines,and magazines for such special interests as photography,sports,art,and music.Some are primarily for men,others for women,and there is a selection of childrens magazines,too.In the United States,there are publications for every taste and interest.4.When Will Rogers said that all he knew was what he read in newspapers,his real purpose was.A.to tell us that the real source of his knowledge was from newspapersB.to show that newspapers helped to get him well informedC.to show that he was very learned through reading newspapersD.to tell us that he was interested in reading newspapers答案:B解析:推理判断题。由第一段前两句可以推出,当威尔罗杰斯(Will Rogers)这样说的时候,其实是在说明报纸能为他提供很多信息。5.The function of a newspaper is.A.to help people to begin their day by reading itB.to satisfy every readerC.to get people well informed of all kinds of newsD.to provide its readers with many sections答案:C解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的“.but it is true that newspapers are an important source of information.”可知,报纸为人们提供了各种信息。6.The purpose of headlines is.A.to show the main idea of an article or a passageB.to tell its readers how to entitle an article or a passageC.a piece of news for people to glance atD.to be printed in large letters above a story in a newspaper答案:A解析:推理判断题。由第一段最后一句可知,有时人们比较匆忙,所以只能浏览一下标题。由此可推出标题可以很清楚地告诉读者文章的主要内容。7.Whats the best title for this passage?A.Newspapers Should Be Read Every DayB.Different Newspapers Should Be Provided to Satisfy Their ReadersC.Many Types of Newspapers Must Be Published in Big CitiesD.Newspapers and Magazines答案:D解析:主旨大意题。文章前三段讲的是报纸,最后一段讲的是杂志,由此可知Newspapers and Magazines为最佳标题。六、七选五(2019山西名校期中联考)Reading is a skill every person finds very useful.Learning how to read fluently will largely depend on your environment,lifestyle,studying skills and education.Reading MaterialsTo learn to read fast,you would have to surround yourself with relevant reading materials.Books,magazines and newspapers are good sources of reading.1.Finding suitable materials is the first step to have a good reading experience.2Make reading a habit until it naturally becomes a part of your routine.You may use other reading materials such as brochures,charts,maps,restaurant menus,recipes and road signs.Reading more often aids in fluency because one gets familiar with the words.Scan and SkimGet acquainted with study skills such as skimming and scanning.Look for keywords and brief information,so that you can get the gist or the main idea without going over the unnecessary details.Increase the rate of your eye movement when reading across a page.3.Word ListsArm yourself with a list of commonly used words.We come across these words every day,regardless of their meanings or functions.When you get acquainted with these words in print,it will be easier for you to read fluently.4.Once you comprehend these words,the whole reading process will flow smoothly.5.So its necessary for you to make a change if you are stuck in that situation.Pay attention to your material.Be mindful of your purpose as you read.All you need is self-discipline,focus and some research.When you stay focused on something,you will be able to master the objective.A.Read widelyB.Practice reading skillsC.Do not stay long on a wordD.Spend time in wri


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