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选修八 Unit 2 The universal language检测评价A卷.单项填空1(2019南通、泰州模拟)I doubt if I will come to listen to his speech next time.It couldnt have been _ in fact.Aany worse Bso badCany better Dso good解析:选A“否定词比较级”表示最高级意义。根据前一句内容可推知“他的演讲再糟糕不过了”。故A项正确。2(2019苏锡常镇模拟)Statistics show that in the first quarter of the year the divorce rate is 14.6 percent.This means about 5,166 families in China _ every day.Abreak down Bbreak awayCbreak out Dbreak up解析:选D根据上句推断空处应该是指“家庭的破裂”。break up“结束,破碎,终止”,符合句意。break down“出故障,身体垮了”; break away“拆除”; break out“(战争、灾难的)爆发”。 3(2019常州考前信息卷)There is only one more day to go _ your favorite music group play live.Asince BuntilCwhen Dbefore解析:选D考查连词。句意:还有一天你最喜欢的乐队将会现场演奏。“There is时间before .”为固定句式,意为“还有多长时间某事就会发生”。4The computer program of the 1950s was unable to _ between letters and numbers.Adiscriminate BconcludeCnegotiate Dcompensate解析:选A句意:20世纪50年代的电脑无法区分字母和数字。discriminate“歧视,区别,辨别”,符合句意。conclude“推断,决定,作结论”;negotiate“谈判,商议”;compensate“补偿,赔偿”。5Sharon,why is the man so upset now!His wallet, mobile phone and ID card _, the police are investigating and will send him to a social assistance station.Awas stolen BstolenCbeing stolen Dhaving stolen解析:选B答句句意:他的钱包、手机、身份证被偷了,警察正在调查并会把他送到社会救助站。句中are investigating and will send为谓语,故此处选非谓语动词;非谓语动词steal与逻辑主语wallet, mobile phone and ID card 之间为被动关系。故选B。6The factory is staying open all weekend to try to meet the customers _ for this product.Aprinciple BstandardCpressure Ddemand解析:选D考查名词词义辨析。句意:这家工厂周末都在开工,以满足顾客对该产品的需求。meet ones demand for sth.表示“满足某人对某物的需求”,因此选D。7Asked about house prices, 74.4 percent of people think them unacceptably high, but they are optimistic about the _ the new measures will bring about.Adecline BformatCincrease Dtendency解析:选Adecline“下降,降低”,此处指“房价的下降”,句中表示“人们对新措施会带来房价的下降充满了乐观”。8The government needs to _ the interests of different groups of people to avoid conflicts and see to it that people live safe and happy lives.Aseek BbalanceCidentify Dcombine解析:选B句意:政府需要平衡不同群体的利益以避免冲突,确保人们过上安定幸福的生活。balance“使平衡”,符合句意。seek“寻求”;identify“确定,识别”;combine“使联合,使结合”。9His injuries were severe. Five minutes late, _ he would have died.Abut BorCso Dand解析:选D句意:他的伤很严重,如果再晚五分钟,他就会死掉。“祈使句and/or简单句”结构中的祈使句表示条件,简单句表示结果。此处祈使句被名词短语five minutes late替代。根据句意可知用and。10Some of the tourists were _ on a deserted island because of a heavy storm a month ago.Acast away Bcast downCthrown off Dthrown out解析:选A句意:一个月前,由于一场暴风雨,一些游客被遗弃在了荒岛上。cast away “抛弃;使漂流”,常用于被动语态。cast down“丢下;使沮丧”; throw off“摆脱”; throw out“扔掉”。11(2019扬州模拟)Little Jim _ to my home after he broke my mobile phone by accident.Adared not to come Bdared not comingCdared not come Ddidnt dare coming解析:选C句意:在偶然摔坏了我的手机后,小吉姆就不敢来我家了。dare用作情态动词时,后接动词原形,主要用于疑问句、否定句及条件句中,没有人称和数的变化;dare用作实义动词时,有人称和数的变化,常用搭配dare to do sth.“敢于做某事”,否定句中to常省略。故选C。12Li Mingyang, who_as the main center on the Chinese Womens Basketball Team for two years, is now a member of a Japanese basketball club, which is considered shameful by many Chinese. Ahas served Bhad servedCserved Dwas serving解析:选C句意:李明阳,担任了两年的中国女子篮球队的主力中锋,现在是日本的一个篮球俱乐部的成员,这被很多中国人认为是可耻的。此处是定语从句的谓语动词,说的是过去的事情,所以要用一般过去时,故选C。13(2018常熟质检)There are certain historic occasions_ are likely to remind people of what happened in the past and set people reflecting on them. Awhen BthatCwhere Dwhat解析:选B句意:有些历史性的场合很可能提醒人们过去发生的事情,并引起人们对它们的反思。空处引导定语从句,先行词是occasions(场合),是指事物,从句中缺少主语,所以用关系代词that;而when和where是关系副词,what不引导定语从句,故选B。14(2018苏锡常镇模拟)Nowadays mobile Internet devices are pushing up demands for online education, which makes people see it as one of the most _ new market.Ademanding BconfidentialCpromising Dcontroversial解析:选C句意:如今,移动互联网设备正促进着网络教育的需求,人们视之为最有前途的新兴市场之一。demanding“要求高的”;confidential“机密的”;promising“有希望的,有前途的”;controversial“有争议的”。由句意可知选C。15Do you like your present job?_ Actually I am considering looking for a new one.ANot exactly. BHow come?CNot really. DWhat if?解析:选C 答话人准备换工作,说明他不太喜欢自己现在的工作,故用Not really,表示否定,意为“不怎么喜欢”。A项表示“不完全如此”;B项表示“怎么回事”;D项表示“如果将会怎么样”。 .完形填空I spent 15 years trying to make it in the music industry. As a teenager, Id work any odd job to _1_ time in a recording studio. I knocked on managers doors and sent out demo (样本唱片) after demo, but I got nowhere. In 2007, I _2_ a song called This Is My Dream. It was a song about never giving up. I just _3_ all of my frustrations at the keyboard.Over the next five years, the music _4_ never materialized and I nearly stopped. Then, in 2012, I _5_ the song to a musicsharing website. I didnt think anything more would come of it, but just wanted someone to _6_ my music.Later that year, I received an email _7_ from Universal Music in Hong Kong, requesting a(n) _8_ for the song. I negotiated a contract for 5, 000 for the use of the song and _9_ straight away. My first record deal had appeared out of nowhere. I was pretty excited. The song was a(n) _10_ and I was contacted by HKTV who invited me to go to Hong Kong to _11_.When it was my time to go on the stage, there were huge cheers and all I could see was a sea of lights. I was _12_ in the moment. Its only when I _13_ the footage (录像) that I realize what was going on around me. It was the _14_ I had been waiting for my entire life.After coming off stage, I had photographers and journalists _15_ to interview me and hundreds of people _16_ to have their photograph taken with me. The next morning, I found out my song had gone to number one in the iTunes chart in Hong Kong, _17_ Lady Gaga.Life can _18_ you. I had knocked on doors for years, yet my moment came when the opportunity called me. It has reinspired my _19_ for music. Hopefully the ball will keep rolling. After all those odd jobs and weekends spent in recording studios, this has made it all _20_.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了在经历了一系列失败之后,作者的音乐之路最终获得了成功。1A.allocate BaffordCsave Dkill解析:选B句意:十几岁的时候,我为了负担得起在录音棚的时间,什么零工都做过。afford意为“负担得起”。2A.copied BfoundCwrote Dheard解析:选C根据下文发展可知,这首歌是作者自己的创作,write意为“写作,创作”。3A.let out Btook inCgot over Dheld back解析:选A由上文可知作者的样本唱片没有被接受,因此此处指作者在琴键上宣泄所有的沮丧之情,let out意为“释放”。4A.appreciation BconceptCcareer Dinterest解析:选C句意:在接下来的五年里,我的音乐事业没有任何起色,我几乎要放弃了。career意为“事业”。5A.uploaded BlostCsold Dabandoned解析:选A由空后的“website”可知,此处指上传(uploaded)到网站上。6A.promote BnoticeCstudy Dexploit解析:选B句意:我没有奢望会有什么结果,只是希望有人能注意到我的音乐。notice意为“注意”。7A.unconsciously BimmediatelyCnaturally Dunexpectedly解析:选D由上文可知,作者已经不抱希望,故收到来自香港环球音乐的电子邮件时,应是很意外,故选D。8A.discount BapplicationCreward Dlicense解析:选D根据下文的“the use of the song”可知此处指得到使用这首歌的许可,license意为“特许”。9A.signed up Bgave inCdropped out Dtook over解析:选A根据上文的“negotiated a contract”可知,此处指签约(signed up)。10A.mess BtrialChit Dtrick解析:选C这首歌一炮而红。hit意为“红极一时的人或物,成功而轰动一时的人或物”。11A.guide BcompeteCcomment Dperform解析:选D由下文的“on the stage”可知,此处指表演(perform)。12A.trapped BinterestedCrooted Dlost解析:选D根据下一句中“我”直到回看录像带时才意识到“我”周围发生了什么可知,当“我”站在舞台上时,“我”感到不知所措(lost)。13A.think back to Blook back atChold on to Dglance down at解析:选B参见上题解析。look back at意为“回头看,回顾”。14A.opportunity BchallengeCpossibility Dadvantage解析:选A句意:这是我一生都在等待的机会。opportunity意为“机会,机遇”。15A.hesitating BbattlingCrejecting Dcomplaining解析:选B句意:我走下舞台后,摄影师和记者争相采访我,成百上千的人排队与我合影。battle意为“竞争”。16A.rang BqueuedCagreed Dclaimed解析:选B参见上题解析。queue意为“排队”。17A.moving BignoringCdisturbing Dbeating解析:选D由上文的“number one in the iTunes chart”可知,此处指打败了(beating) Lady Gaga。18A.upset BinspireCdrown Dsurprise解析:选D句意:生活会带给你惊喜。多年来,我敲门寻找机会,而机会垂青我时,我的时刻到来了。surprise意为“给惊喜”。19A.curiosity BanxietyCpassion Dadmiration解析:选C由上文的叙述可知,作者的音乐之路最终获得了成功,这重燃了作者对音乐的激情(passion)。20A.fruitless BworthwhileCdemanding Dcontroversial解析:选B句意:在打了无数零工,在录音棚度过了数不清的周末之后,这一切最终被证明都是值得的。worthwhile意为“值得的,有价值的”。.任务型阅读While feelings of disgust can increase behaviors such as lying and cheating, cleanliness can help people return to ethical behavior, according to a recent study by marketing experts at Rice University, Pennsylvania State University and Arizona State University. The study highlights the powerful impact emotions have on individual decisionmaking.As an emotion, disgust is designed as a protection. When people feel disgusted, they tend to remove themselves from a situation. The instinct is to protect oneself. People become focused on “self” and theyre less likely to think about other people. Small cheating starts to occur: If Im disgusted and more focused on myself and I need to lie a little bit to gain a small advantage, Ill do that. Thats the underlying mechanism.In turn, the researchers found that cleansing behaviors actually keep the selfserving effects of disgust to a minimum. If you can make people think of cleaning products, the likelihood of cheating also goes away. People dont know it, but these small emotions are constantly affecting them.The researchers conducted three randomized experiments causing disgust through various means. The study involved 600 participants around the United States; both genders were equally represented. In one experiment, participants evaluated consumer products such as antidiarrheal medicine (止泻药),and diapers (尿布). In another, participants wrote essays about their most disgusting memory. In the third, participants watched a disgusting toilet scene from the movie Trainspotting. Once effectively disgusted, participants were willing to lie and cheat for financial gain.In another set of experiments, after falling into the state of disgust on participants, the researchers then had them evaluate cleansing products, such as household cleaners and body washes. Those who evaluated the cleansing products did not engage in deceptive behaviors any more than those in the neutral emotion condition.At the basic level, if you have environments that are cleaner, people should be less likely to feel disgusted. If there is less likelihood to feel disgusted, there will be a lower likelihood that people need to be selffocused and there will be a higher likelihood for people to cooperate with each other.The deeper meaning of the studys findings is that these powerful emotions can be caused by a variety of small things when people are reading the newspaper or listening to the radio. What we found is that unless you ask people, they often dont know theyre feeling disgusted. The question is how to make people more selfaware and more thoughtful about the decisionmaking process.答案:1.impact(s)/influence(s)/effect(s)2.others3purpose/intention4.reduce/minimize5.tendency6willing/ready/likely7.behaviors8.meanings9cooperation10.various检测评价B卷阅读理解A(2019南京、盐城高三模拟)London to Brighton Bike RideThe startThe bike ride starts at Clapham Common tube station.Ride carefullyWe put together as many facilities as possible to help ensure you have a troublefree day. But we also rely on you to ride safely and with due consideration for other cyclists and road users. Although many roads are closed to oncoming traffic, this is not always the case and you should be aware of the possibility that there could be vehicles coming in the opposite direction.Please do not attempt reckless overtaking whilst riding remember it is NOT a race.(1)_If you have an accident, ask a marshal for help; they are in contact with the support/emergency services. To call for help from our motorcycle marshals, give a“thumbs down” signal. The marshal will do all he/she can to help, providing he/she is not already going to a more serious accident. If a motorcycle marshal slows down to help you, but you have just stopped for a rest and dont need help, please give a “thumbs up” signal and he/she will carry on. Remember thumbs down means “I need help”(2)_Refer to your route map and make your way to a Mechanics Point. Mechanical assistance is free when you show your Rider Identity Card; you just pay for the parts.Refreshment stopsLook out for these along the route. Most are organized by voluntary clubs and their prices give you real value for money. They are also raising money for their local communities and the British Heart Foundation, so please give them your support.Rain or shine be preparedIn the event of very bad weather, watch out for signs to wet weather stations en route. Good waterproofs, like a cycle cape, are essential. Our first aid staff can only supply bin liners and by the time you get one you may be very wet. However, the English summer is unpredictable it may also be hot, so dont forget the sun protection cream as well!(3)_We will try to pick up your bike for you on the day. Call Bike Events (01225310859) no more than two weeks after the ride to arrange collection. Sorry, we cannot guarantee this service nor can we accept liability for any loss or damage to your bike. Bike Events will hold your bike for three months, after which it may be disposed of. You will be charged for all costs incurred in returning your cycle.1Which of the following might be the correct order of the missing subtitles in the passage?aIn case of breakdownbAttracting assistancecIf you have to drop outAabcBbcaCcab Dbac解析:选D细节理解题。根据第一空下面的第二句中的“call for help”和“give a thumbs down signal”提示,应填Attracting assistance;根据第二空下面的第二句“Mechanical assistance is free when you show your Rider Identity Card”提示,应填In case of breakdown“万一车坏了”;根据第三空下面的第一句“We will try to pick up your bike for you”提示,这是对参与者退出骑行后的处理。综上可知选D。2We can learn from the passage that _. Afirst aid staff can provide cycle capesBsome roads may have normal traffic flow on themCrefreshments are free to participants during the rideDBike Events wont charge you for the return of your bike解析:选B细节理解题。根据Ride carefully第三句中“the possibility that there could be vehicles coming”提示,与B项中may have normal traffic flow同义替换。BFood waste has been a chronic (习惯性的) problem for restaurants and grocery stores with millions of tons lost along the way as crops are hauled (拖) hundreds of miles, stored for weeks in refrigerators and prepared on busy restaurant assembly lines. But the historically high price of products is making it an even bigger drag on the bottom line.Restaurants, colleges, hospitals and other institutions are compensating for the rising costs of waste in novel ways. Some are tracking their trash with software systems, making food in smaller packages or trying to compost (将制成堆肥) and cut down on trashhauling costs.“We have all come to work with this big elephant in the middle of kitchen, and the elephant is this Its okay to waste belief system,” said Andrew Shackman, president of LeanPath, a company that helps restaurants cut back food waste.The interest in cutting food waste “has just rocketed in the last six to nine months,” he said.Roughly 30 percent of food in the United States goes to waste, costing some 48 billion annually, according to a Stockholm International Water Institute study. A University of Arizona study estimated that 40 to 50 percent of food in the United States is wasted. Wholesale food costs have risen more than 8 percent this year, the biggest jump in decades, according to the National Restaurant Association.Freshman students at Virginia Tech were surprised this year when the two of the campus biggest dining halls to find there were no trays.“You have to go back and get your dishware and your drink, but its not that different,” said Caitlin Mewborn, a freshman. “Its not a big trouble. You take less food, and you dont eat more than you should.”Getting rid of trays has cut food waste by 38 percent at the dining halls, said Denny Cochrane, manager of Virginia Techs sustainability program. Before the program began, students often grabbed whatever looked good at the buffet (自助餐), only to find at the table that their eyes were bigger than their stomachs, he said.语篇解读:食品浪费已经成为一个长期的问题。文章以弗吉尼亚理工大学的校园餐厅取消提供托盘为例,讲述了餐馆、大学、医院以及其他机构正在以新的方式来减少食品浪费,从而弥补不断攀升的废弃食品处理成本。3High price of products makes the problem of food waste _.Aless challengingBmore unbelievableCless noticeable Dmore unsolvable解析:选D推理判断题。根据第一段第二句可知,产品的高价使得食品浪费问题更无法解决。故选项D符合题意。drag意为“累赘,拖累,绊脚石”。4What does Caitlin Mewborn most probably think about the fact that no trays are provided in the campus dining halls?AIt doesnt help cut food waste much.BIt causes much trouble for students.CIt isnt wellreceived by the freshmen.DIt is efficient for cutting food waste.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第七段最后一句可知,凯特琳缪伯恩对于校园餐厅不提供托盘的看法是,取的食物少了,吃下去的食物也就不会超过自己的胃口,这对于减少食品浪费是有效的。故选项D正确。5The author mentions Virginia Tech as an example to support the idea that _.Afood waste has been a longlasting chronic problemBnovel ways are being applied to cutting food wasteCcolleges are truly the biggest source of food wasteDthe “Its okay to waste” belief system is influential解析:选B推理判断题。根据第二段第一句和最后一段第一句可知,作者以弗吉尼亚理工大学为例是为了表明,大学、医院以及其他机构正在用新的方式来减少食品浪费。故选项B符合题意。C(2019镇江模拟)Everybody seeks happiness in the world. We will be really happy when we get a new car or a big house or get married . The thing is, if we are continually searching for happiness in the outside world, we will be very disappointed. It seems as if we are forever chasing it and it is always just one step away.Happiness is a short state of mind, just like the state of sadness or joy or anger. It would not be possible for us to be in a happy state 24 hours a day. If you think that sounds laughable, thin


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