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选修七 Unit 4 Public transport检测评价A卷.单项填空1Can I ask for a leave tomorrow, Mrs. Harmon?_.Youve missed half of your work already.AThat all depends BForget itCNever mind DDont worry解析:选B句意:“哈蒙夫人,我明天能请假吗?”“算了吧,你已经错过了半天的班了。”that all depends“看情况而定”;forget it“算了吧”;never mind“没关系”;dont worry“别着急”。根据句意可知B项正确。2According to the rule of that company, all the workers are offered a _ medical examination for free once a year.Anormal BusualCregular Dcommon解析:选C句意:根据该公司的规定,所有工人每年免费接受一次定期体检。 regular“定期的,有规律的”,符合句意。3_ many difficulties during his childhood, he grew up into a strongminded man.AHaving experienced BHaving been experiencedCExperiencing DBeing experienced解析:选A句意:在童年经历了许多困难之后,他成长为了一个意志坚强的人。 “经历”困难在先,故用完成式,分词的逻辑主语是其执行者,故用主动式。4(2019苏锡常镇模拟)The threat of air pollution is real and we shouldnt _ responsibility to fight it.Ahand over Bshrink fromCpull over Darise from解析:选B句意:空气污染的威胁是真实存在的,我们不能逃避与之斗争的责任。hand over“移交”;shrink from“逃避,躲避(令人不快或困难的事)”;pull over“靠路边停车”;arise from“由引起”。由句意可知选B。5It was Mr Zhang that helped us out of the trouble. Without his help, we _ it so easily.Acant manage Bmustnt have managedCcouldnt have managed Dcouldnt manage解析:选C句意:是张先生帮我们摆脱了困境。要是没有他的帮助,我们就不可能这么轻易完成。由without引导的含蓄条件虚拟语气,在此表示与过去事实相反,故选C。6Who do the passengers on board think it is up to _ a final decision about such a matter?Amake BmakingCto make Dto be making解析:选C句意:乘客认为应该由谁对这样一个重大事件作出最终的决定呢?分析句子结构可知,空处是it is up to sb.to do sth.结构,意为“由某人来决定做某事”。空处不表示正在进行的动作,故选C。7(2019苏北四市模拟) In China, the most _ Spring Festival custom is making dumplings in the north while new year cakes in the south.Atemporary BpunctualCauthentic Dstubborn解析:选C句意:在中国,最地道的过年习俗是北方人包饺子而南方人吃年糕。temporary“暂时的,临时的”;punctual“准时的,守时的”;authentic“真正的,真实的,可信的”;stubborn“顽固的,顽强的,难处理的”。由句意可知选C。8. (2019扬州质检)Did you watch the final match of China Open yesterday? Sure. I _ it so attentively that I forgot to cook supper.Awatched Bhad watchedCwas watching Dwas to watch解析:选C句意:“你看昨天中国公开赛的最后一场比赛吗?”“当然。我全神贯注地看着,忘了做晚饭。”根据“yesterday”可知发生在过去,根据“the final match of China Open”可知过去具体时间。在过去某个时间在做某事应使用过去进行时。故选C。9Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, _ supplies to Yushu, Qinghai Province after the earthquake.Asending Bto sendChaving sent Dto have sent解析:选A此处用现在分词作伴随状语,表示与主句的谓语动词的动作是同时发生的。故选A项。10(2019南通、泰州、扬州、淮安模拟)The article in The Times gives us a real _ into the causes of the present economic crisis.Aenquiry BadmissionCinsight Ddivision解析:选C句意:发表在泰晤士报上的那篇文章为我们透彻地分析了当前经济危机的原因。insight“洞悉,眼光”,符合句意。11They will start their project _ at helping the poor children to be educated in Chinas West.Aaims BaimingCbeing aimed Daimed解析:选B句意:他们将启动旨在帮助中国西部的贫困儿童接受教育的项目。aim at doing sth.“目的在于做某事”,此处是现在分词作定语。12(2019江苏常熟高三质检)All of us have the desire to visit the three main temples in Athens, especially _ contains a gold and ivory statue of Athena. Aone Bone thatCthe one Dthe one that解析:选D句意:我们所有人都渴望参观雅典的三座主要庙宇,尤其是那座金子和象牙做的雅典娜雕像。the one代替the temple(那座庙宇),用定冠词the表特指;the one后接关系代词that引导的定语从句,关系代词that在从句中作主语,不能省略。故选D。13In no case _ you are a senior school student.My teacher has told me thousand times. Anything fresh?Ayou should forget Bforget youCshould you forget Dshouldnt you forget解析:选C句意:“你决不应该忘记你是一名高三的学生。”“我的老师对我说过几千次了。有什么新鲜的吗?”in no case意为“决不”,是否定结构的短语,当其位于句首时,句子的主谓结构要倒装。14Jack still cant help being anxious about his job interview.Lack of selfconfidence is his _, I am afraid.AAchilles heel Bchilds playCgreen fingers Dlast straw解析:选A句意:“杰克仍然忍不住为他的面试感到担忧。”“恐怕缺乏自信心是他致命的弱点。”A项意为“致命的弱点”;B项意为“轻而易举的事情”;C项意为“园艺能手”;D项意为“导致失败的最后一击”。根据句意可知选A。15Its a long time since I saw my sister._ her this weekend?AWhy not visit BWhy not to visitCWhy not visiting DWhy dont visit解析:选A句意:“我很久没见我的姐姐了。”“为什么这个周末不去看看她呢?”Why not do .?“为什么不?”为常用句型。.完形填空(2020届高三盐城模拟)Stephen Hawking died at 76 on March 14, the day coinciding with the birthday of another legend of science, Albert Einstein.His _1_ were in a state of deep shock and had tweeted that the death of the greatest scientist was _2_ for they believed the man to be immortal. Theres one thing thats certain and its death, _3_ how and when it comes is something that cant be in ones hands. Or can it be? Looking at how Hawking survived over half a century of being _4_ the death sentence, the scales are tipping toward a yes.And he indeed just didnt _5_ it; he succeeded. “However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and _6_ at,” he said. During the course of his rare disease, his _7_ to the field of physics stands out miraculously.Now, what made the man a genius of mind? Was it his willpower or his _8_ misfortune that strengthened his mind? He was _9_ with a crippling disease at the age of 21, which progressively disables the individual. In the _10_ of his genius, however, fortune _11_ him since then. His scientific work got _12_ and better. The man, whose body was so fragile and seemed to _13_ his genius, never gave up.Some experts say perhaps Hawking was _14_ diagnosed and this is the reason of his surviving over half a century. Also, doctors say the disease spread _15_ than it does in most of the patients, giving him more time. Hawking himself said, “I have been lucky that my condition has _16_ more slowly. But it shows that one need not lose _17_.”Hawking seemed unaffected by the drawbacks life _18_ at him. He calls all his accomplishments that followed his disease a _19_. He indeed is a unique example of two mind powers _20_ an astonishing willpower and a strong sense of determination. These two helped him fight against all odds.1A.ancestorsBdoctorsCopponents Dfollowers解析:选D句意:霍金的崇拜者们陷入极度震惊中,他们在推特上对他的去世表示难以置信,因为他们认为这个人应该是永恒的。follower意为“追随者”。2A.unavoidable BunreasonableCunbelievable Dunpredictable解析:选C参见上题解析。unbelievable意为“难以置信的”。3A.or BbutCso Dfor解析:选B句意:有一件事是必然的,那就是死亡。不过,什么时候死亡、以什么方式出现不是人可以控制的。根据句意可知选B,前后表示转折关系。4A.handed over Bturned overCtaken over Drun over解析:选A霍金的死刑判决在半个世纪之前就已经传达给他了(指他身患难以恢复的疾病)。hand over意为“递交”,故选A。5A.share BcontrolCchange Dsurvive解析:选D文章开头提到他去世了,所以没有“挺过去”。survive意为“挺过去;幸存”。6A.succeed BwonderCpoint Dlaugh解析:选A无论生活看起来多么困难,你总可以做些什么,并可以成功。与前文的“he succeeded”相对应,选A符合语境。7A.explanation BdistributionCcontribution Dattention解析:选C句意:在身患罕见疾病期间,霍金对物理学的贡献是非常突出的。contribution意为“贡献”。8A.mental BemotionalCfinancial Dphysical解析:选D由上文“rare disease”可知,此处指身体上的(physical)不幸。9A.infected BoccupiedCdiagnosed Dconcerned解析:选C句意:21岁时,他被诊断患有一种致残性疾病。diagnose意为“诊断”。10A.respect BeventCface Dname解析:选A句意:然而,在天赋方面,命运从此开始青睐他。in the respect of意为“在方面”,符合语境。11A.tricked BfavoredCrejected Dabandoned解析:选B参见上题解析。favor此处意为“偏爱,喜爱”。12A.thicker BtougherCsimpler Dlighter解析:选A他的科研工作越来越深入,thicker此处指“(领域)更宽广的;(研究)更深入的”。13A.corrupt BfailCspot Dstrike解析:选Bfail his genius意为“辜负他的天分”,符合语境,fail在这里指“辜负”。14A.precisely BentirelyCluckily Dwrongly解析:选D有些科学家说,霍金可能是被误诊了。precisely意为“精确地”。15A.easier BharderCslower Dquicker解析:选C根据后半句话的“giving him more time”以及“my condition has _ more slowly”可知,疾病在霍金身上的扩散比其他人要慢。16A.evolved BprogressedCrecovered Dimproved解析:选Bprogress此处里指“扩散”,很幸运的是,他身上的疾病扩散很慢。17A.fate BhopeChealth Dfortune解析:选B句意:我的病表明,人不能失去希望(hope)。18A.screamed BbarkedCthrew Dshot解析:选C句意:霍金似乎不受扰于生活丢给(threw)他的不幸。19A.bonus BdepositCreward Dgain解析:选A句意:他把患病后他所取得的成就看作是额外奖励(bonus)。20A.multiplied BcombinedCexploited Dseparated解析:选B由空后的“an astonishing willpower and a strong sense of determination”可知,此处指两种精神力量相结合(combined)。.任务型阅读Feet of ClayIn 604 BC, the second year of his reign, Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream which left his spirit no rest and robbed him of his sleep. So he ordered that wise men of Babylon be called to interpret the dream for him.They answered the king, “O king, live forever, tell your servants your dream, and we will declare the interpretation. ” The king said, “The thing is gone out of my mind. Unless you tell me the dream, and the meaning of it, you shall be put to death. But if you tell the dream, and the meaning of it, you shall receive from me rewards, and gifts, and great honour.”Unluckily no one could fulfill the task. Hearing this, the king was in great anger, and commanded all the wise men of Babylon be put to death.When Arioch, to whom the king had given orders to destroy the wise men of Babylon, told the matter to the Prophet (先知) Daniel, he immediately went in to the king and begged for the time to resolve the question.After some mysterious praying, Daniel went to Arioch and said, “Destroy not the wise men of Babylon, bring me in before the king, and I will tell the solution to the king.”The king said to Daniel, “Can you really tell me the dream that I saw, and the interpretation of it?” Daniel replied, “The secret that the king desires to know, none of the wise men, or the philosophers, can declare to the king. But there is a God in heaven that reveals mysteries, and He wants you to know what is going to happen.” “To me also,” Daniel added, “this secret is revealed, so I can reveal your dream.”Then Daniel began, “You, O king, saw a great statue: this statue, which was great and high, stood before you, and the look was terrible. The head of this statue was of fine gold, but the breast and the arms of silver, and the belly and the thighs of brass (黄铜). And the legs of iron, the feet part of iron and part of clay. Then suddenly you saw a stone was cut out of a mountain without hands, and it struck the statue upon the feet that were of iron and of clay, and broke them in pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold broken to pieces together, and they were carried away by the wind. There was no place found for them, but the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.”“This is the dream. We will also tell the interpretation to you.” He continued, “You are a king of kings, and the God of heaven has given you a kingdom. But as you dreamt, the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. That means you will not rule forever. The other parts of the statue represent other kings that will come after you. The big rock stands for the kingdom God will set up. It will destroy all other kingdoms and it will last forever!”Then king Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face, and worshipped Daniel, and commanded that wise men of Babylon be pardoned from death. And the king made Daniel governor over all the provinces of Babylon, a much higher position than his former one.Feet of ClayStoryOutlineThe beginningThe king had a dream which made his spirit in the state of (1) _.The conflictTo explain the dream, wise men of Babylon asked for the content of it but the king disagreed. Unable to solve the problem, all the wise men were facing the death (2) _.The (3)_(4) _his hearing the matter, Daniel came to help.First he prayed to his (5)_, and then he got the solution.The climaxDaniel miraculously told and interpreted the kings dream:*He dreamt of a great statue made of hard metals falling into pieces.*The statues halfironhalfclay feet, the (6) _ parts of it, were the first to be destroyed by the stone from nowhere.*Interpretation of the dream: the Babylonian kingdom would break into small kingdoms, which would be (7) _ by a longlasting one set by the God.Story OutlineThe endingAll the wise men were saved and Daniel was (8)_ to governor of all provinces as well.AdditionalElementsThe (9)_In 604 BC, in the ancient kingdom of BabylonThe original sourceThe BibleOne influence“Feet of clay” becomes an (10)_ meaning a failing or weakness in a strong persons character.答案:1.restlessness2.penalty/sentence3.development4Upon/On5.God/god6.weakest7.destroyed8promoted9.setting/background10.idiom检测评价B卷阅读理解AOpen Plans Fixing the Great Mistake6:00 pm, Center for Architecture, Tafel Hall 536 LaGuardia Place, ManhattanAdvocating for livable streets and alternative transportation, Mark Gorton explores the history of transportation in New York City.Admission: 10For more information, please call 9173889080 or visit www. ftgm. eventbrite. com. River to River Festival Extraordinary Moves:STREB Human Fountain6:00 pm, 200 Vesey Street, ManhattanHuman Fountain involves performers leaping from as high as 30 feet from a threestory, open honeycomb structure in order to create cascades (小瀑布) of airborne liquid muscle. The outcome is a mixture of slam dancing, amazing human flight, and wild action sport, which captures kids, adults and the general publics hearts, minds and bodies.FREEFor more information, please call 2129450505 or visit www. streb. org.Scandinavia House Nordic Summer Jam6:30 pm, 58 Park Avenue, ManhattanContemporary singer and songwriter Anders Holsts music shows roots in jazz, soul and European pop music.Admission: 10For more information, please call 2128479740 or visit www. scandinaviahouse. org.Hot Festival Tickets to Manhood7:30 pm, Dixon Place, 161A Chrystie Street, ManhattanWhat makes a man today? How do boys grow into men? Through humorous, poignant (令人心酸的) stories a glimpse is offered into the events that turn boys into men. Performed by Douglas Allen, Maximiliano Balduzzi, Spencer Scott Barros, Gerard Joseph and James Scruggs.Admission: 15 in advance; 18 at door.For more information, please call 2122190736 or visit www. hotfestival. org.1If Jesse wants to know more about an activity without admission charge, he can _.Avisit www. ftgm. eventbrite. comBvisit www. scandinaviahouse. orgCcall 2122190736Dcall 2129450505解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二项活动中的FREE可知,该活动是免费的。其电话是2129450505,网址是www. streb. org。2Two 18yearolds who have booked in advance to learn the events that turn boys into men should pay _.A20B30C33 D36解析:选B数字计算题。最后一项活动中讲到了“the events that turn boys into men”。根据该部分中的“15 in advance”可知,若提前订票,两人的票价为30美元。B(2019南京、盐城、连云港二模)Anonymising job applications to eliminate (消除) discrimination is not easy.“If youve got the grades, the skills and the determination, this government will ensure you can succeed,”declared the British prime minister, on October 26th, as he introduced plans to tackle discrimination in the workplace. Ten big employers in the public and private sectors including the civil service, HSBC and Deloitte have agreed to start recruiting (招募) on a “nameblind” basis in Britain; others may also follow suit. In such schemes, those drawing_up shortlists of applicants cannot see their names, with the aim of reducing racial and sexual bias. But do they work? Several countries have experimented with nameblind applications. In 2010 Germanys AntiDiscrimination Agency, an advisory body, sponsored a voluntary scheme to get businesses to try it. In France a law passed in 2006 made the anonymising of applicants CVs compulsory for firms of over 50 employees. But the government was slow in laying down the conditions for how the law would operate, and only started performing it last year.In Sweden and the Netherlands there have been some trials. Discrimination against job applicants based on their names is well documented, particularly among ethnic minorities. An experiment in Germany found that candidates with Germansounding names were 14% more likely to be called for an interview than candidates with Turkish ones. A review of various studies, by the Institute for the Study of Labour (IZA), a German outfit, found that anonymised job applications boost the chances of ethnicminority candidates being invited to an interview. A Swedish study found that it led to more ethnicminority people being hired.However, the results from other trials are less clear. A second Swedish experiment found that only women, not immigrants, were boosted by anonymous recruitment. According to the IZA, experiments in the Netherlands showed no increase in the likelihood of ethnicminority candidates being offered a job if their CVs were seen anonymously, suggesting that discrimination had slid in at the interview stage. Ensuring that a candidate is completely anonymous is also tricky.A 2012 French study found that foreignborn candidates and those from poor districts were less likely to be called for interview when applications were anonymised. Its authors suggested that recruiters may have used other indicators, such as knowledge of Arabic, to identify race. In places suffering from religious tension, such as Northern Ireland, the name of a school can reveal a candidates faith, while a few years missing on a CV may suggest maternity leave (产假), and thus that the candidate is female. Going nameblind when shortlisting candidates may be a sensible start, but it is likely to be just a small step towards ending hiring bias.3What can we learn from the passage?AIn France, the government started the anonymised recruitment in 2006.BIn Germany, chances of ethnicminority nameblind candidates being interviewed are slighter.CIn the Netherlands, the anonymous recruitment is more of a trick than an effective practice.DIn Sweden, not only women but also immigrants may well enjoy a higher recruitment rate.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句“Ensuring that a candidate is completely anonymous is also tricky”可知,确保应聘者完全匿名也是一件棘手的事,故选C项。4What


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