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Unit 4 An English friend,My Information Card,Name : Hu Yanyuan Hometown: Favourite sport: Favourite colour: Hobbies:,Changzhou,badminton,red,listen to music go shopping,Can you tell us something about yourself?,Im I live in I like I usually_ (on).,busy 忙碌的 busy-not free,Hes busy now.,surf the Internet 浏览网页,surf 浏览,冲浪 nurse purse,Internet 互联网,英特网,Maybe he is surfing the Internet.,也许,write an e-mail 写电子邮件,e-mail 电子邮件,一个电子邮件,write an e-mail,He is writing an e-mail.,write an e-mail to you,an e-mail,写一个电子邮件,写一个电子邮件给你,Listen carefully,Listen and fill in the blanks,with,Wang Bing is _ _ _ to his English friend in the computer room. Gao Shan comes _ . He _ to _ table tennis_ Wang Bing .,an,e-mail,in,play,wants,writing,Read and judge.,1.Wang Bing can play table tennis with Gao shan. ( ) He is busy (not free). 2.Wang Bing is surfing the Internet now. ( ) He is writing an e-mail. 3. Wang Bings friend Tom lives in London. ( ) He lives in a small town near London.,F,F,F,London,Big Ben 大本钟,1.What subjects does Tom study at school? 2.What does he usually do on Sundays? 3.Does he study Chinese ? 4.Does he swim well?,Read and answer.,tell,sell,Gao Shan _ to play table tennis with Wang Bing. But Wang Bing is _.He is writing an _ to his English friend Tom. Tom _ _ a small _near London. He _ English, _, _and Art. He _ _football on Sundays. He swims _, too.,busy,e-mail,lives,in,town,usually,well,plays,studies,wants,Science,Maths,Lets retell(复述). Gao Shan. But Wang Bing . He is writing . Tom. He studies.He usually. He,too.,Lets do a survey:,A:Who is your good friend? B:She/He is A:What subjects does she/he study at school? B:She/He studies ,and so on. A:Does she/he study . B:Yes,she/he does.No,she/he doesnt. A:What does she/he usually do( on). B:She/He usually .,等等,Write a short passage about your good friend.,_ is my good friend. He/ She is _. He/ She lives in _.He/ She studies_. He/ She likes _. He/ She usually _ on_.,Homework:,1. Retell part A. 2. Write an e-mail about your friend to your teacher.,复述,路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。屈原 读不在三更五鼓,功只怕一曝十寒。郭沫若 学习必须与实干相结合。泰戈尔 学而时习之,不亦说乎?孔子 鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。李苦禅 求学的三个条件是:多观察、多吃苦


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