(苏教牛津版)五年级英语下册课件 unit3 _第1页
(苏教牛津版)五年级英语下册课件 unit3 _第2页
(苏教牛津版)五年级英语下册课件 unit3 _第3页
(苏教牛津版)五年级英语下册课件 unit3 _第4页
(苏教牛津版)五年级英语下册课件 unit3 _第5页
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Hobbies,FUN WITH ENGLISH,5B Unit3,常熟市实验小学 戈向红 Changshu Shiyan Primary School Ge Xianghong,The first period Part A,Show my hobby to you:,I like collecting bookmarks .,A. what you have B. what you do C. what you like doing,C. what you like doing,h_bb_,hobby,o,y,复数形式:,hobbies,单数形式:,like doing something like+动词ing形式 喜欢做某事,sing - singing play - playing cook - cooking draw - drawing climb - climbing stand - standing watch - watching,have - having skate - skating write - writing dance - dancing,sit - sitting jog - jogging run - running swim - swimming,动词后面加ing的三种形式:,like doing,Quick Review 快速复习,-ing,1,2,双写尾字母-ing,3,collect-collecting,cook-cooking,grow-growing,take-taking,make-making,Can you try?,I like,cooking. taking photos. reading books. making model planes. growing flowers. dancing. swimming. ,What do you like?,5B Unit3,Learning tip:读前 1. 根据课题预测课文内容,Hobbies,1.Who are talking about the hobbies ?,2.What hobbies are they talking about ?,Learning tip:读中 2. 根据-wh问题抓主要信息,Who are talking about the hobbies ?,Question 1,Question 2,What hobbies are they talking about ?,Ben,Mike,Yang Ling,Whats Bens hobby ?,Whats Mikes hobby ?,Whats Yang Lings hobby ?,Bens hobby is collecting stamps. He has many beautiful stamps. He is showing them to his classmates.,He likes collecting stamps.,Whats Bens hobby ?,He likes .,a stamp,am,collect,e,集邮,many,stamps,许多,Bens hobby is collecting stamps. He has many beautiful stamps. He is showing them to his classmates.,Lets read:,show to,class,mate,He is _ them _ his classmates, _and _.,Mike,Yang Ling,+,his stamps,showing to,What stamps do they like?,What stamps do they like?,Ben likes,Mike likes,Yang Ling likes,this ship stamp.,Chinese stamps.,these flower stamps.,What stamps do they like?,a ship,Whats the secret (动词like有什么变化吗)?,当主语是第三人称单数(如he, she, my brother, 人名, )时,动词要有变化,一般情况在后面加-s,_ Chinese stamps.,_ this ship stamp.,_ these flower stamps.,Ben likes,Mike likes,Yang Ling likes,Question 2,What hobbies are they talking about ?,Whats Mikes hobby ?,Whats Yang Lings hobby ?,Whats Bens hobby ?,?,?,Mike,Yang Ling,Listen and circle:,collecting stamps,taking photos,growing flowers,cooking,making clothes,collecting stamps,taking photos,growing flowers,cooking,making clothes,Mike:Yes, I do. I like taking photos.,Y L: No, I dont. I like making clothes.,I can make pretty dresses for my doll.,Ben:Do you have any hobbies, Mike?,Learn to ask and answer:,Ben:Do you like cooking, Yang Ling?,Are there sb. elses hobbies? 课文还谈到其他人的爱好了吗?,Bens brother,Mikes sister (Helen),collecting stamps,cooking growing flowers,自读课文 在书上圈出其他人的姓名和爱好,animal stamps,grow flowers,cook,She cooks nice food and grows beautiful flowers.,Summary of Part A (1),Who?,What?,请介绍文中五位同学的姓名和爱好:,Bens hobby is _ stamps. He has _ beautiful stamps. He is showing them _ his classmates. Bens brother _ colleting animal stamps. Mike likes _ photos. But Helen doesnt. She likes _ and growing flowers. She _ nice food and grows beautiful flowers. Yang Ling likes _ clothes. She can make pretty dresses _ her doll.,Summary of Part A (2),colleting,many,to,likes,taking,cooking,cooks,making,for,Learning tips:读后 4. 归纳总结本课你学到什么?,如何询问对方的爱好 如何介绍他人的爱好 如何猜测他人的爱好,What have you learned from the text?,Yes, I do. I like.,Lets talk,Yes./No. He likes.,Do you have any hobbies?,He likes . Right?,Hobbies,Im Hattie. Im a teacher. I like collecting bookmarks and making friends. Look, this is my husband(丈夫).He likes traveling (旅游). And this is my son. He likes listening to music.,Lets write,Hobbies,Im _. Im a _. I like _. Look, this is my _.He likes _. And this is my _. She likes _.,Lets write,Homework,1. Listen and read Part A. Try to finish the passage and give it to your English.,Show my name card to you,Name: Colour: Subject: Food: Animals: Hobby:,Hattie,white,English,cakes,pandas,reading,like doing something like+动词 喜欢做某事,Mike:Yes, I do. I like taking photos.,Y L: No, I dont. I like making clothes.,I can make pretty dresses for my doll.,Ben:Do you have any hobbies, Mike?,Ben:Do you like cooking, Yang Ling?,Learn to ask and answer:,Mike likes taking photos.,Yang Ling likes making clothes.,Ben likes collecting stamps.,1. I _ reading. (like) 2. Ben _ collecting stamps. (like) 3. She _ nice food. (cook),用所给动词的适当形式填空:,like,likes,cooks,Lets try,Whats the secret你发现like的小秘密了吗?,当主语是第三人称单数(如he, she, my brother, 人名, )时,动词要有变化,一般情况在后面加-s,I like Chinese sta


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