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范文,未来的交通工具会是什么样呢?请以Vehicles in the future 为题,写一篇英语短文。 1. 未来的交通工具不仅方便而且舒适. 或许可在水、陆、空使用。 2. 未来的交通工具可能具有惊人的速度,使得人们可以在短时间内去到任何想去的地方。 3. 它们可能具有很多特殊功能和高度智能化,可以自我控制、还节能环保。 4. 它们或许把交通和娱乐结合起来了,不但可以就餐,还可以唱卡拉OK。,(一),高度智能化 be highly intelligentized 自动控制 operate themselves automatically 节能环保 environmentally friendly 把和结合起来 associate.with combinewith,使得某人能 allow sb to do sth enable sb to do sth. 不但而且 not only., but also both and.,参考句型,It is likely/possible that Perhaps/ Maybe/ Posiibly/ Most likely/ Probably +句子。 What surprises us most is that. Surprisingly,. I imagine that Whats more, . On the other hand, ,参考范文,Vehicles in the future will bring human beings not only convenience but also comfort. It is likely that they can be used on the land, under the water or in the air, allowing people to be able to reach anywhere they like in a short time. On the other hand, most likely they will have many special functions and be highly intelligentized.,I imagine that they can operate themselves completely automatically and are environmentally friendly, too. What surprises us most is that they will perhaps associate transportation with entertainment, making it possible for People to have meals and sing Karaoke in the vehicles.,(二),请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇介绍揭阳的短文。(用5个句子表达所给内容) 【写作内容】 揭阳位于广东省东南部,东邻汕头和潮州,西接汕尾。 占地面积约5240平方公里,人口约为641.24万人 。 揭阳历史悠久,有2200余年。 自然资源丰富,是一个旅游胜地。 人民善良勤劳,努力建设一个更美好的家园。,表达位置 is/lies in(/on/by) is located/ situated (/on/by) 东邻,西接 , withon the east and on the west. Eg. 这个城市位于河的两侧。 The city lies across the river.,表达面积 covers an area of takes up. 表达人口 has a large/small population. has a population of. The population ofis,表达历史 has a long history of. is a place/country with a long history. dates back to回溯到 The old town dates back to the late seventeenth century.,表达资源特色 be rich/ wealthy in. be famous /well-known for. 风景名胜 tourist attractions places of interest tourist resorts,Sample writing,Jieyang lies in the southeast of Guangdong province, with Shantou and Chaozhou on the east and Shanwei on the west. It covers an area of about 5,240 square kilometers and has a population of about 6,412,400. Jieyang is a city with a long history, which can date back to more than 2,200 years ago. It is rich in natural resources and has many places of interest. People here are very kind and hard-working, trying to build a more beautiful homeland.,如果你有美国朋友来深圳参观,请你简要介绍深圳。内容包括: 地理位置:中国南部,南海之滨,毗邻香港; 气 候:温和,雨量充沛,阳光充足; 居民特点:自从南宋就有移民移居深圳,建市以后数量巨增; 面 积:总面积近两千平方公里,盛产荔枝等; 其 他:深圳高楼林立,干净整洁,高科技产品世界闻名。 参考词汇: 滨海的 coastal 南宋:Southern Song Dynasty 南海: South China Sea移民:immigrant 高科技:hi-tech / high technology 荔枝 litchi,Located in the south of China, Shenzhen is a coastal city on the South China Sea, close to Hongkong. It has a mild climate, with adequate rain and sunshine. There had been immigrants flowing into the Shenzhen area since the Southern Song Dynasty and the number has been increasing after it was established as a city. The city covers an area of about 2000 square kilometers and is rich in fruits like litchi. Shenzhen has quantities of tall buildings and clean streets, and it is famous for its hi-tech products.,(三) 有的同学在课堂上里总感觉很疲倦,没有充沛的精力来学习。现在请必根据下面的提示,写一篇英语标题短文,告诉你的同学怎样才能在课堂上保持充沛精力。标题自己拟。,晚上保持充足的睡眠,睡觉前20分钟不要看书; 一定要吃早饭,不要空腹进教室; 要培养自己对学习的兴趣,因为兴趣是最好的老师; 要积极参与课堂活动; 课外锻炼可以使身体健康,精力充沛。,How to Keep Enough Energy for Class Study Many students are worried about how to keep enough energy in class to study lessons well. The reasons for it are various. Here are some ways to keep energetic in class. First, you should have enough sleep at night and take a nap at noon if necessary. Dont read 20 minutes before you go to bed. Second, never go to school without eating anything and be sure to have breakfast. Third, because interest is the best teacher, you should try to develop your interest in the,lessons. Whats more, its very important to take an active part in class activities. Only in this way can you never feel tired. Lastly, a good health is the base of rich energy, and take more sports will make you healthy. In a word, enough sleep and more exercise make one energetic in class!,(四) My favorite robot of the future,My favorite robot of the future is a handsome boy named Jack who has a square face, two big eyes, a big mouth and very smooth skin. Jack does well in singing as well as in playing basketball. He is my best friend. He is intelligent and can speak both Chinese and English. He understands me and cares for me. He provides me with companionship,when I am lonely, encourages me when I am frustrated, listens to me when I want to talk, and teaches me to stay modest when I make great progress. He shares my joys and sorrows as well. He can even help me with my studies. We often sing together and play basketball together. He always reminds me to cherish what I have and learn to lead a happy, balanced and meaningful life.,假如你是一个导游,请根据以下要求向你的游客做一个简短的报告。 将于5月2日,星期天去参观广州动物园。 请于星期天早上7点在白天鹅宾馆大门口集中。 行车到动物园大约花50分钟的时间。 4. 广州动物园有50年左右的历史,有各种各样的动物,还有稀有的大熊猫,扬子鳄等. 5.请自带食物,穿舒服的鞋子。,(五),5月2日,星期天 on May 2nd, Sunday 星期天早上7点 at 7 oclock on Sunday morning at 7 am on Sunday 行车50分钟 It will take us 50 minutes driving there./to get there. Well spend 50 minutes drving there. 白天鹅宾馆大门口 at the gate of the White Swan Hotel,有50年左右的历史,有各种各样的动物,还有稀有的大熊猫,扬子鳄等 has a long history of fifty years or so, with all kinds of animals, including the rare pandas , the Chinese alligators and so on. 自带食物,穿舒服的鞋子 bring food with you bring food yourself wear comfortable shoes,参观 make a trip to go on a tour/trip to visit 集合 gather 注意 keep/bear in mind make sure that be sure to do,Hi, everyone. May I have your attention please? We will go on a tour / make a trip to the Guangzhou Zoo on Sunday, May 2nd. Please gather at the gate of the White Swan Hotel at 7 am on Sunday. It will takes us about fifty minutes to drive there. The Guangzhou Zoo has a long history of fifty years or so, with all,例文一,kinds of animals in it, including the rare pandas , the Chinese alligators and so on. / , among which there are the rare pandas , the Chinese alligators and so on. Please keep in mind to bring food with you and make sure (that) you wear comfortable shoes.,Hi, everyone. May I have your attention please? On Sunday, May 2nd, we will visit the Guangzhou Zoo, which has a long history of 50 years or so. There we can see all kinds of animals, including some rare animals such as pandas, Chinese alligators and so on. Those who want to go please gather at the gate of the White Swan Hotel at 7:00,例文二,on Sunday morning. It will takes us 50 minutes to get to the zoo. Be sure to take some food with you and wear comfortable shoes because we will do a lot of walking. Thats all. Thank you!,(六),合作开办杂志专栏,表达建议,Dear Mr. Green, I am very excited to learn that we are going to start a magazine together. It is indeed a wonderful idea and everyone hopes for its success. I would like the magazine to have three columns: News, Teachers Advice and Students Voice. From the News column we can learn about what is going on in both of our schools while in Teachers Advice, our teachers can give us such help as we may not be able to get in the classroom. Students Voice will allow us to freely express our thoughts and feelings about our lives and studies. I believe that this magazine will surely strengthen our ties, and I am looking forward to reading it. Yours faithfully, Li Hua,(七) 基础写作,假设你是李华, 两周前在某商场买了一架数码相机,但使用两次后就出现了问题。 请根据以下要点给商场经理写一封信, 要求尽快解决问题。 1. 你去商场要求修理相机,销售员说不是质量问题,而是你使用不当造成的。 2.事实上你使用时很小心,你认为损坏不是你造成的。 3.销售员坚持维修要付费,多次与他商量都没有结果。 数码相机:digital camera,Dear Sir or Madam, I bought a digital camera in your store two weeks ago, but unfortunately it doesnt work now, although Ive only used it twice. I brought it back to the store to have it reparied, but the salesman said that there was no manufacturing flaw in the camera, and that it was broken because I hadnt used it properly. I paid a great deal of money for the camera, and on the two occasions when I used it, I was extremely,范文,careful not to damage it. Therefore in my opinion, I didnt cause the problem myself. Ive been back to the store several times, but they continue to insist that I pay for the repair. I wish to draw your attention to this matter.,I bought a digital camera in your store two weeks ago, but was very disappointed to find it failed to work the third time I wanted to use it. Immediately I went back to the store to get it repaired, but the salesman said that the problem didnt result from the quality but that I hadnt used it properly. In fact, I had dealt with it very carefully and it cant be my fault. What annoyed me most is that the salesman insisted that I pay for the repair, regardless of my constant requests for free service.,范文II,主要原因是. The main reason is that. One of the main reasons is that. Another reason is that It is because .,(八)基础写作 论考试作弊问题,个人看法 In my opinion, . As far as I am concerned, Personally, . As for me, .,考试越来越多 There are more and more exams, some of which are too difficult for us. We have more and more exams, some of which are too difficult for us. 不用功,懒惰 Some of us are too lazy and dont work hard at their lessons. Some of us dont make enough efforts to work at their lessons.,取悦 please 作弊不对,违反校规 It is wrong to cheat in exams, because it breaks the school rules. As for me, I dont think it right to cheat in exams, because I am not in favor of students cheating in exams, because,要诚实,努力学习 We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examination.,My Opinion on Cheating in Examination It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school. As students, we have more and more examinations at school, some of which are too difficult for us. On the other hand, some of us are lazy and dont work at their lessons. So when taking exams , they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.,In my opinion, it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of school. We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examination.,基础写作,你听说你的朋友Mary最近生病了,你写信去问候她并祝她早日康复。 内容: 1. 病因可能是只顾学习,忽视身体锻炼。 2.多参加体育运动,每天至少运动一个小时。 3.锻炼身体不是在浪费时间 4.健康的身体能提高学习效率,(九),学生作文,Personally, your illness may result from studying too much in the daily time and lacking exercise. Doing exercise isnt a waste of time. A healthy body can improve your study efficiency. I advise you to do more sports which can help to improve your health. Above all, you need to do at least an hours exercise every day after your recovery.,参考范文,I know that you are devoting all your energy to study. But I just want to say exercise is as important as study. Doing ecercise can refresh your mind instead of wasting your time. So I hope you can take at least one hours ecercise each day after you recover from your illness. Only when you have a strong body can you keep on studying without feeling uncomfortable and study more effectively.,基础写作,你们班召开主题班会,要求你做一个题目为“The Secret of Success”的发言。请根据下面的提示写一篇演讲稿。 1.成功的诀窍在于勤奋,在于有目标,有理想; 2. 要有恒心和毅力去实现自己的理想; 3.要不怕失败,失败是成功之母,成功者善于从失败中吸取教训,获得最后的成功; 4.只要有决心,就一定会成功 注:勤奋的 diligent 恒心 perseverance,(十),在于 lies in 目标 ambition/ goal 理想 dream 成功的诀窍在于勤奋,在于有目标,有理想; The secret of success lies in diligent working, having ambitions and dreams.,恒心 perseverance / persevering 毅力 determination / determined / a strong will 实现自己的梦想 realize/ achieve your dream make your dream come true 要有恒心和毅力去实现自己的理想. We should try to realize our dreams with great perseverance and determination. We should be determined and persevering enough to achieve our dreams.,不怕失败 Dont be afraid of failure. Failure is not fearful. 失败是成功之母 Failure is the mother of success. 成功者 winner 吸取教训 learn a lesson from / learn from,只要 so long as 范文: First of all, we must be diligent and have a goal on which success is based. Then we should be determined and persevering enough to achieve our dreams. Since failure is the mother of success, it is not fearful. Success always stays with those who can learn from failure. So long as we have determination, we will succeed in the end.,读写任务范文,Some grown-up children refuse to take care of their old parents while they themselves are living a comfortable life, despite the fact that the law and social morality require them to do so. We cant ignore that some young people always complain that they face lots of pressure with caring for elders. However, this couldnt be the excuse of not taking care of their aging parents. In my opinion, we, our government and our society can do as follows.,Firstly, our government should adopt more effective measures to make the elders have enough money for their living so they can live a happy life free from anxiety and worry. Secondly, for the young, never make your parents feel lonely. Spending more time with your parents is what the elders want most. Thirdly, the whole society and community should provide necessary space for the elders to take some activities.,All in all, creating an atmosphere where the old are cared and respected depends on the effort of the whole society. We must try to guarantee them a peaceful and content life.,(十一) 如何写建议信,常用句型:,It is my pleasure to offer you some advice on I am writing to express my views concerning You have asked for my advice on and I will try to make some suggestions. I would like to suggest/ recommend that In my opinion, it would be wise to take the following action:,I think it would be more beneficial if you could When it comes to such a situation, I would like to suggest that you should I wonder if you have considered the following. As to I suggest that you should In the end, I will be very glad if you find my suggestions useful.,Thanks for reading my letter. I hope you will consider my suggestions. I believe you will take my advice into account/ consideration. I hope you will find these proposals/ suggestions practical/ useful/ helpful.,写作任务 I:,李华准备到外企求职,必须具备一定的英语水平。他写信来询问你怎么学好英语,请发一封e-mail 告知他学英语的方法。 提示: 1 养成良好的学习习惯(如. ) 2多看英语电视和电影;扩大词汇量(enlarge your vocabulary); 3 要有自信;多讲,多用,不要怕出错。(have confidence in yourself) Dear Li Hua, Im glad to


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