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当代学校营销问题,主讲:曾小军,广州大学(中国)-科延大学 硕士预科课程,本学期教学内容、形式,1、理解什么是学校营销; 2、学校营销战略; 3、学校品牌营销; 4、学校关系营销; 5、营销沟通; 6、招生营销。,教师讲解 学生讨论; 案例分析; 学生展示。 (选择教材当中自己感兴趣的内容设计一个专题,制作课件,做一次主题报告,20分钟),专题一:理解学校营销 (School Marketing),一、什么是市场营销? (What is marketing) 市场营销(Marketing)是对那些精心设计的产品或项目的分析、计划、执行和控制,这些产品或项目可以促进机构与其目标市场之间自发的价值交换以实现机构的目标 市场营销包括研究目标市场需要,设计适当的项目与服务,并通过有效的定价、传播和分销来创造、刺激和服务市场。 本质:识别需求、满足、创造需求,Marketing is the analysis, plan, implementation and control of well-designed products or projects which can promote spontaneous value exchanging between the institutions and their target markets to realize the organizational goals . Marketing includes researching the need of target market, designing appropriate projects as well as service and creating 、stimulating and servicing the market through effective pricing, spread and distribution.,需要层次论(马斯洛),自我实现需要,尊重需要,社交需要,安全需要,生理需要,Physiological needs ;Security needs ;Social communication needs ;Respect needs; Self realization needs,理解概念需要把握的几个维度: (Some dimensions to understand the concept),1、交换是市场营销的核心概念 (Exchange is the core-concept of marketing) 人们都有需要和欲望,当人们决定通过交换来满足他们的需要和欲望时,市场营销就存在了。 (海内外公开招聘院长;报考教师资格证) Everyone has his need and desire, once people meet their needs and desires through exchange, marketing exists. 2、营销通过精心策划的产品表现出来,而不是随机的行动。 (Marketing is manifested through elaborate products, rather than random acts ) (苹果手机、轿车),3、营销试图通过满足消费者的需求来吸引他们。 ( Marketing tries to satisfy the requirements of consumers to packing them in. ) (导航、香味、视频通话手机) 4、营销意味着选择一个目标市场,并按照目标市场的需要和欲望来设计产品和服务。 (Marketing means to select a target market, and design products and services according to the market demands.) (课堂讨论活动:枕头营销),5、市场营销组合工具:产品、价格、渠道和促销(广告、公关、人员直销等) The marketing tools :product , price,place and promotion(included advertising, public relations, direct marketing and so on ) (例如,幼儿英语培训项目),二、学校营销的含义与作用 (The meaning and function of school marketing ),指学校经营者与顾客(家庭、学生、社会、组织)进行教育服务产品交换的过程,是学校经营者为了扩大教育产品生产规模,实现其经济利益最大化目的的一个理念和方法。 (学校:卖方市场买方市场) 学校营销作用:学校营销能帮助学校更成功地实现组织目标,提高公众和市场的满意度,吸引更多的资源(包括:学生、拨款、捐赠等),提高组织运行效率。 (国外的绩效拨款、捐赠文化) (关键:设计好教育服务产品),It means the process of education service product exchange between schools operators and customer (such as family, students, society, organization). It is the ideas and methods that school operators aim to expand the production scale of education products, thus maximum economic benefits. The school marketing fuction: school marketing can help schools achieve organizational goals more successfully, improve the public and markets satisfaction, attract more resources (including: students, grant, donation, etc), and improve the operation efficiency of the organization,三、学校营销的特征 (School marketings features),1、学校营销是服务营销 (School marketing is the service marketing) 学校营销的产品是学校提供的教育服务。学校向学生提供教育服务(学校出售教师的专业技能、安排教学计划、提供生活后期保障等);学生以支付学费的方式在学校获得知识技能,完成人的知识的增进,进而积累人力资本,实现由人力资源向人力资本的转变。 (人力资本理论、筛选理论、劳动力市场划分理论) 服务意识+服务质量 service consciousness and service quality,The product of school marketing is the school s education services. The school provides education services to students in the ways of selling teachers professional technique,arranging teaching plan, providing the accommodation . Students gain knowledge and technique ,finish the increase of knowledge to accumulate human capital and realize the transformation from human resources to human capital by paying tuition.,4Ps,7Ps,产品,促销,渠道,过程,有形展示,人员,价格,服务营销,服务营销组合,服务营销组合,2、学校营销产品标准的差异性 (The different standards of school marketing products ) 学校服务产品的生产者(教师)具有差异性 (包括教育理念、学历职称、知识水平、行为模式、表达能力、专业自主性等) 教育服务产品的消费者具有差异性 (气质、性格、能力),School services producers (teachers) are different. (including education concept, academic titles, knowledge level, behavior patterns, expressing ability, professional autonomy, etc.) Education service consumers are different (temperament, character, ability),3、学校营销活动中教育服务产品交易的特殊性 (The specialty of educational service products business in school marketing campaign) 一个人想要购买教育产品的话,他必须具有投资上的冒险精神和自觉精神,对教育服务产品不满意一般很难进行“抗议”、“索赔”,甚至哪怕是离开教师也要受到处罚。 (名校无寒门) 学校作为社会委托机构被赋予了某些特权,它会给学校营销带来机会的同时,也会促使消费者望而却步。 (读博士的艰辛)(不断向你的智力和忍耐力的极限挑战),A man who wants to buy education products, he must have adventurous spirit and spontaneous spirit in investment. In general, there is no “protest” or “claim” when the education service products arent satisfied. Even if leave teachers should be punished. As a social entrusted institution, schools are endowed with certain privileges. It brings opportunity to school marketing but prompts consumers to flinch at the same time. (challenges your intelligence and endurance constantly),4、学校营销服务对象的单一性 (The oneness of the target clients in school marketing) 企业营销可以针对不同的消费群体、消费时空进行。 学校营销的对象是单一学生集合体或者是按不同年龄层次的集合体。,Enterprise marketing can conduct according to the different consumers, consumer time and space. The object of school marketing is a single students collection or aggregation with different ages.,5、学校营销目的的双重性 (The dualism of school marketings aim) 企业营销目的:追求利润的最大化 学校营销的目的: 不仅要追求人的“知识增值”,也要追求学校内部的经济利益即实现学校的“资本增值”。 (哈佛大学校长选拔,主要依据就是筹款能力),The aim of enterprise marketing is to pursue the maximization of profit. School marketing goal is not only pursuing the knowledge accumulation, but also pursuing the economic interests for achieving the school capital increase. (The selection of Harvard Universitys President mainly basis on candidate s fundraising ability),四、学校营销理念构建 (The construction of school marketings philosophy),1、生产的观念 (Production concept) 为了满足人民群众日益增长的教育需求,学校要不断扩大教育产品的生产规模,提高教育生产效率,为社会提供更多的优质教育资源,让更多的人群接受教育。 (择校的根源:优质教育资源的短缺),In order to satisfy the peoples growing education needs, schools need to expand the production scale of education products, improve production efficiency, provide society with much more good quality education resources and let more people acquire the education.,2、产品的观念 (Product concept) 学校必须从师资、校舍、教学设备、校园文化环境等方面生产出优质教育服务,并建立自己的教育品牌。,Schools must offer good quality education services by improving the teachers profession, school buildings, teaching equipments , campus cultural environment and establish their own education brand.,3、推销的观念 (Selling concept ) 改变“好酒不怕巷子深”、“皇帝的女儿不愁嫁”等观念,基于激烈的市场竞争、生源危机、就业危机,建立学校推销的理念,提高学校工作的主动性。,Schools need to establish the selling concept and improve their works initiative according to the fierce market competition, the students crisis and the employment crisis.,4、营销的观念 (Marketing concept ) 根据市场调查结果,正确地确定目标市场的欲望和需要,并比竞争对手更有效地满足顾客的欲望和需求。,Identify the desires and needs of target market properly according to the result of market research and meet their desires and needs more effectively than competitors.,学校营销实操: 先进的教育理念,(School marketing skills() : advanced educational notion ) (1)教育的人本化从“目中无人”走向“以人为本” (Man-centered education-from “with ones nose in the air” to “people foremost ” ) 一切为了学生,为了一切学生,为了学生一切 撤掉讲台 “教室”改为“课室”,(2)教育的人性化尊重人格 严慈相济 (Human-oriented education-respecting personality and attaching equal importance to both severity and kindness ) 国外毕业典礼“人性化”体现Foreign graduation ceremony shows humanity “要像尊重上帝一样尊重我们的孩子” (夸美纽斯)Respect our children the same as the god (Newcastle) 尊重不等于放纵,要严而有度,严而有方Respect is not equal to indulgence, but it is strict and regular.,(3)教育的博爱化-涵养师爱(亲近/理解/期望/奉献) (Philanthropy-oriented educationfostering teachers love(including amiability , understanding , expectation , devotion ) 对学生的一种亲近感 Close to students 对学生的一种理解感(半杯水理论) Understanding (1/2 cup water theory) 对学生的一种期望感(皮格马利翁效应)(标签理论) Expectation (Pygmalion effect) (Labeling theory) 教师努力奉献的热情 Teacherss devotion enthusiasm,(4)教育的个性化-因材施教 扬长避短 (Personalization education-teaching according to the students ability , and making best use of the advantages and bypassing the disadvantages) 传统教育“批量化”生产、“全科发展”;注重“标准化”考试,遏制创新思维的发展。 Traditional education aims to teaching students in the same way and improving their knowledge in all subjects, focus on standard test, curb the development of innovation. (诺贝尔奖无缘中国) Chinese people havent own the Nobel Prize. 现代教育鼓励发展“特长”,提倡天才教育 Modern education encourages to develop students talent, advocates genius education.,(5)教育的法制化 (Law-based education ) 保护学生的受教育权(“停课”“劝退”) Protect students education rights (class suspension, drop out of school) 保护学生的人身权(体罚、辱骂) Protect students body rights (corporal punishment, abuse) 保护学生得到公证评价权(成绩、评优) Protect students rights to get justice evaluation (grades, awards) 保护学生私有财产权(收缴、撕毁) Protect students private property rights (capture, tear),(6)教育的服务性-服务学生 服务人民 (Educational service-serving for students and people ) 教育服务贸易推动教育市场竞争 Education service trade promotes the competition in education market. 提高服务意识与能力去争取生源、质量 Improve the service consciousness and ability to seek for more students with quality.,(7)教育的公平性-爱满天下 一视同仁 (Educational equalityloving all the students , acting fairly to all men ) 课堂“三个世界”的划分: Class can be divided in “three world“ : -第1世界:教师都喜欢 The first world: the classes that all teachers like. -第2世界:部分教师喜欢 The second world : the classes that some teachers like -第3世界:教师都不喜欢(重点关注) The third world: the classes that all teachers do not like,能力的差异:Ability Di


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