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Unit 2 How often do you exercise? Section A单项选择。1._ does Linda watch English movies? Once a week.AHow often BHow many CHow far DHow long2.What _ your mother_ on weekends? She usually goes shopping.Ais;do Bdoes;do Cdo;does Ddo;do3.May I put the books in the box? Im afraid not. The box is _.Aold Bnew Cfull Dexpensive4.Sport News is my fathers favorite _ and he watches it every night.Aprogram Bmovie Cbook Dnewspaper5.Would you like a cup of tea? No,thanks. I _ drink tea.Aever Bstill Chard Dhardly 6.How often do you dance? I dance _ a week.Aone or two Bonce or twice Conce and twice times Dtwo and three times7.What does Lisa do at home? She usually _ the Internet to watch movies.Ause Bused Cuses Dwill use8.Becky is a good student. She _ late for school.Ais never Bnever is Cis always Dalways is9.Does your sister often go shopping? _.She has no time.AYes,she did BNo,she didnt CYes,she does DNo,she doesnt10._? Five times a week.AWhere is the music club BWhen do you go to the music clubCHow often do you go to the music club DHow do you go to the music club 11.Whats on the table,Lucy? There is _ television._ television is very old.Aa;A Ban;An Ca;The Dan;The12.Who will go to the _ for teeth cleaning with you,Jim? My mother.Apoliceman Bdentist Cartist Dmusician13.Alex wants his brother _ the mountains with him this weekend.Aarriving Bto arrive Cclimbing Dto climb14._does he do sports every day? He does sports for two hours every day.AHow many BHow often CHow long DWhat time15.Helen was so excited at the news that she could _ say a word.Aever Balmost Calways Dhardly16.An apple a day is good _ your health. Afor Bof Cat Din17.How often do the students do sports? _.AFor two hours BIn half an hour CAn hour ago DTwice a day18._ of the students were in the classroom. They all went to the music club.AMany BSome CAny DNone19._ the work is very hard,he still tries to do it himself.AAlthough BAs CIf DBecause20.Are you late for class? _.AYes,never BYes,sometimes CNo,ever DNo,usually .完形填空。Teenagers are always stressed out now. They are often too busy to think about their diets and exercise. The truth is that healthy_16_,along with regular exercise is the only way to keep fit.During your teenage years,_17_ is important to give your body the energy it needs.50% of your calories(卡路里) should come from rice,_18_,vegetables and fruit. You also need to _19_ a lot of water,six to eight glasses a day._20_ water will improve your skin and give you _21_ hair.Exercise can help to make you look good,feel good and be healthy. Scientists suggest that_22_ should spend at least 30 minutes exercising every day.When you exercise,your body produces_23_It makes you _24_ and energetic. It can even help you _25_ better at night and let you pay more attention when you study in the day.16.A.cooking Bthinking Cdrinking Deating 17.A.she Bit Che Dyou18.A.exercise Bbread Cair Dtime 19.A.eat Bdrink Ctaste Dfeel20.A.Some BLittle CEnough DAny 21.A.healthy Bbad Cdry Dugly22.A.teenagers Bworkers Cdoctors Dadults23.A.nothing Banything Ceverything Dsomething 24.A.relaxed Btired Cworried Dsurprised 25.A.play Bsleep Cdrive Dwork 阅读理解。Having an exercise plan is important,but you should always ask your doctor for advice before starting it. Keep in mind that you can not have too much of a good thing:over exercising and exercising in a wrong way can hurt your body. The following suggestions can help you avoid(避免) this.Warm up before exercise. This helps to prepare your body for activities. Its especially important in the morning.Cool down after exercise. Rather than stop immediately,do a few light activities to avoid aches and pains later.Exercise with your limits(极限)Build up slowly. Never try to exercise when you feel painful. If you dont listen to your body,you will hurt yourself.Avoid being thirsty. Water is important to keep your normal temperature during exercise and prevent(预防) tiredness.Wear sports shoes. These shoes can keep your feet safe and prevent you from being hurt.16.The writer gives us _ suggestions in the passage.Athree Bfour Cfive Dsix17.Before you start your exercise plan,you should _.Amake up these suggestions Bask your doctor for advice Cfind your health problems Dhave a careful health exam18._ is especially important before exercise in the morning.AWarming up our body BCooling our body downCDrinking enough water DPutting on sports shoes19.The third suggestion can help us to _.Aprepare for our activities Bavoid aches or pains laterCkeep normal temperature Davoid hurting ourselves20.This passage mainly tells us _.Ato warm up before exercise Bhow to keep healthyChow to exercise in a right way Dnot to exercise too much (B)Health is very important. How can we stay healthy?Look at the three children. Theyll tell you what helps them stay healthy.Zhang Wei:What helps me stay healthy?Well,I like fruit and vegetables. I eat a lot of them. I dont eat unhealthy snacks like chips. Chips make me fatI hate that!I am also on the badminton team. My teacher has me practice a lot. All that exercise helps me stay in shape!Susan Brown:My mom helps me stay healthy. She always makes me go to bed early on weekdays. So I feel ready for school in the morning. My mom also gives me a lot of work around the house. Sometimes I dont like that,but I still do it all. The work keeps me busyits like exercise!I like any kind of exercise.Wang Gang:Well,I go swimming in the summer and skating in the winter. I dont watch television very much. I read books. I learn a lot in this way!I also drink a lot of milk. Milk helps bones(骨头) become strong. All these things keep me healthy and happy.21.Whats the passage about?AHow to study hard. BHow to be healthy. CHow to eat every day. DHow to stay busy.22._often practices playing badminton.ASusan Brown BZhang Wei CWang Gang DSusan Browns mother23.Who helps Susan Brown stay healthy?AHer mother. BHer teacher. CHer friends. DHerself.24.Wang Gang usually gets a lot of knowledge by _.Areading newspapers Bwatching TV Clistening to his teacher Dreading books25.Which of the following is TRUE?ASusan loves eating apples. BWang Gang likes milk. CVegetables are unhealthy.DZhang Wei never exercises. .任务型阅读。 阅读短文,并按要求完成2630题。Surfing the Internet is popular now. Many students really like surfing the Internet. Why do they like surfing the Internet? Here are the reasons and some other information given by four students.Tom:I like playing online games(在线游戏)I want to play after school every day,but my parents are very strict with me.I can only play games on Sunday afternoon for two hours.Bill:Surfing the Internet helps me a lot in learning English. I listen to English programs on the Internet,such as the BBC and VOA.I do that for an hour every day. So my English is pretty good.Ann:I enjoy reading articles on the Internet. I can learn a lot. My writing skills are improving a lot.I_surf_the_Internet_twice_a_week_for_an_hour_each_time.Kate:I like surfing the Internet because it helps me with my school subjects. When I meet some things that I cant work out,I can ask for help on the Internet. It helps me get good grades. So my parents always let me surf the Internet when I want to.26、27题完成句子;28题简略回答问题;29题找出并写下全文的主题句;30题将文中画线句子译成汉语。26Many students really like_27Tom wants to play _after school every day.28How often does Ann surf the Internet? _29._30._.词语运用。1.My parents always (go)to work early. 2.Jodie often (exercise)in the park.3.How often do you clean your room? (two)a month.4.How often she (visit)her parents?5.What is (she)favorite sport? 6.Jenny eats junk food (one)a week.Most people want to keep healthy. There are four people in my family. My grandfather _31_(exercise) every day. He eats enough vegetables a day,b_32_ he hardly ever drinks milk. And he always watches TV every night.B_33_ he can know quite a lot of news around the


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