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,Unit 1 Bonds of Friendship,Objectives,Part I Video Starter,Part II Text A,Part III Text B,Part IV Additional Theme-Related Activities, Exercises, Exercises,Outline,From studying this unit, students are expected to master certain useful sentence structures as well as the words and expressions that the exercises following Text A focus upon; understand how to build words using the suffix -er; talk and write about friendship and mutual help; and gain familiarity with certain euphemisms employed in the Text.,Objectives,Part I Video Starter,To begin, well watch a video clip and try to grasp its message. Getting to know the words and expressions in the box below first may be helpful.,Part I Video Starter,Video Clip,【Script】,Ask the students the following questions after listening and watching if you have enough time:,What is the gathering for? What are you going to do as expected? 3. What is the chicken soup for the soul today? 4. What is mutual help? 5. Does Chinese culture have such a saying?,A long journey of English learning.,We will have much to learn, to explore, to discover and actualize.,It is mutual help.,It means helping yourself by helping others.,Yes. (助人者,人恒助之。),_,_,_,_,_,How come offering help is echoic? What can we learn from the scientific investigation? Did you happen to help others in a particular way during the last vacation? What is the message you got?,When you help others, that help can be reflected back to you, usually in a mentally healthy way.,Getting active to help others can improve your mental and physical health.,Yes. For instance, I volunteered to care for the elderly in my neighborhood.,To help others is to help yourself.,_ _,_ _,_ _,_,Now that the students have fully understood the Video Starter, you can ask some of them to dub(配音)the video, if time permits. Correct their errors in pronunciation and intonation.,Part II Text A,Help for the Helper Marlena Thompson,According to the title, what is this story most likely about?,Question About the Title,A person who helps others is being helped.,助人者得助 玛琳娜汤普森,Chinese Version,Author: Marlena Thompson is a freelance journalist(记者) and book reviewer(评论家). She has published childrens poetry, short stories, articles, essays and reviews in many publications. Her short fiction and essays have been anthologized(编选集) by such publishers(出版商,出版社) as Jason Aronson, Time-Warner, and in the series Chicken Soup for the Soul.,At age eighteen, I left home in Brooklyn, New York, and went off1 to study history at Leeds University in Yorkshire, England. It was an exciting but stressful time in my life, for while trying to adjust to the unfamiliar surroundings, I was still learning to cope with the pain of my fathers death.,1.离开,Questions About This Paragraph,Why did the author leave home for England at age eighteen? 2) According to the author, why were the initial days in England both exciting and stressful?,She went off to study history at Leeds University in Yorkshire, England.,While trying to adjust to the unfamiliar surroundings, she was still learning to cope with the pain of her fathers death.,18岁那年,我离开了在纽约布鲁克林的家,前往英国约克郡的利兹大学学习历史。那是我人生中一段令人兴奋但又压力重重的日子,因为就在我试图适应陌生环境的同时,我仍沉浸在父亲去世的悲哀之中。,Chinese Version,Brooklyn: one of the five boroughs(行政区)of New York City,New York: the largest city in the United States. It is in the state of New York, which is located in the northeastern United States.,e.g.,Im going off to Chicago next week to visit my uncle. 下星期我要去芝加哥看我的叔叔。 Mrs. White went off to make me a cup of coffee. 怀特太太去给我冲了杯咖啡。,go off: to leave a place and go somewhere else 离开,Leeds University: a major teaching and research university in the United Kingdom,Yorkshire: a former large county(郡,县)in northern England. In 1974 it was divided into three smaller counties.,e.g.,It took several weeks for me to adjust to the new lifestyle. 我花了几个星期的时间才适应新的生活方式。 Adjust your seat to where you are most comfortable .将你的座位调整到最舒服的位置。,adjust: v. to become more familiar with a new situation; to change sth. slightly to make it more suitable for a new set of conditions 适应,习惯;调整;调节,surroundings: n. (pl.) everything that is around or near sb./sth.环境,e.g.,The villagers live in very pleasant surroundings. 村民们生活在非常宜人的环境中。 These fish can change their color to blend in with their surroundings. 这些鱼能通过变色与周围的环境浑然一体。,e.g.,This essay is about how to cope with stress. 这篇文章是有关如何应对压力的。 Parents should help their children cope with failure. 父母应该帮助孩子应对失败。,cope (with): vi. to deal with a difficult situation successfully 对付,(成功地)应付,While at the market one day, trying to decide which bunch of flowers would best brighten up2 my digs, I spied an elderly gentleman having difficulty holding3 onto his walking stick and his bag of apples. I rushed over and relieved him of the apples, giving him time to regain his balance.,2.(使)增添乐趣,(使)快活起来 3.在方面有困难,What did the author see when she was choosing flowers at a market one day?,Questions About This Paragraph,She spied an elderly gentleman having difficulty holding onto his walking stick and his bag of apples.,2)What did the author do to help the old gentleman?,She rushed over and relieved him of the apples, giving him time to regain his balance.,有一天,我正在市场上琢磨着哪束花最能扮靓我的宿舍,突然瞥见一位老先生又要拄拐杖又要拿一袋苹果,顾不过来。我连忙跑过去帮他拿苹果,好让他重新站稳。,Chinese Version,bunch: n. a group of like items gathered or placed together束;串;扎,e.g.,They ate a whole bunch of bananas. 他们吃了一整串香蕉。 Ive got a bunch of things to do. 我有一堆事要做。,spy: vt. (lit or fml) to see or notice (sb. or sth.) suddenly 发现;突然看见,e.g.,I spied my high school friend in the crowd. 我在人群中突然看见了高中时的朋友。,“Thank you, luv,” he said in that pleasant Yorkshire accent. “Im quite all right now,” he said, smiling at me not only with his mouth but with a pair of dancing bright blue eyes. “May I walk with you?” I inquired. “Just to make sure those apples dont become sauce prematurely.” He laughed and said, “Now, you are a long way from home, lass. From the States, are you?” “Only from one of them. New York.” So began my friendship with Mr. Burns, a man whose smile and warmth would very soon come to mean a great deal to me.,1) Why did the author want to walk with Mr. Burns, the old man? 2) Whats your first impression of Mr. Burns? 3) What would mean a great deal to the author very soon?,Questions About These Paragraphs,She wanted to make sure that he would walk safely back home.,He was kind and loved to smile.,Mr. Burns smile and warmth.,“姑娘,谢谢你!”他用好听的约克郡口音说道。“这下我没问题了,”他说。不仅仅是他的嘴,就连他那双跳动着的明亮的蓝眼睛也在向我微笑。 “我可以陪您走吗?”我问道,“我只是想确保那些苹果不会提前变成果酱。” 他大笑着说:“姑娘,你的家离这儿很远吧。从美国来的,是吗?” “只是从其中一个州过来的,纽约。” 我和伯恩斯先生的友谊就此开始了。他的微笑和热情很快将对我意味深长。,Chinese Version,accent: n. the way in which people in a particular area, country or social group pronounce words 口音,e.g.,Mr. Burns speaks with a strong/heavy Yorkshire accent. 伯恩斯先生操着浓重的约克郡口音。 I could detect a slight Scottish accent in his speech. 我能从他的演讲中听出一点苏格兰口音。,inquire: v. (fml) to ask sb. for some information 询问,打听,e.g.,I inquired about her health.我询问了她的健康状况。 I called to inquire when my car word be ready. 我打电话询问何时能够取车。,sauce: n. 酱,调味汁,e.g.,sweet-and-sour sauce 糖醋酱 tomato sauce 番茄酱,As we walked, Mr. Burns leaned heavily on4 his stout and gnarled stick. When we arrived at his house, I helped him set his parcels on the table and insisted on lending a hand5 with the preparations for his “tea” that is, his meal. I interpreted his weak protest as gratitude for the assistance.,4.斜靠;依赖,依靠 5.出力帮助,助一臂之力,1) How did Mr. Burns manage to walk back home? 2) After arriving Mr. Burns house, what did the author insist on doing for him? 3) How did he react to her offer?,He leaned heavily on his stout and gnarled stick.,She insisted on lending a hand with the preparations for his meal.,He didnt protest much.,Questions About This Paragraph,一路上,伯恩斯先生吃力地拄着他那粗大多节的拐杖。到他家时,我帮他把包裹放在桌子上,并坚持帮他备“茶”也就是他的晚餐。他没有执意拒绝,我把这当成是对于我提供帮助的感激。,Chinese Version,lean on: to rest against or on sth. for support; to depend on 斜靠;依赖,依靠,e.g.,She leaned her head on his shoulder. 她把头靠在他的肩上。 Its good to have people to lean on in hard times. 在困难时期有人能依靠真好。,parcel: n. 包裹,e.g.,a food parcel 食品包裹 I will take the parcel to the post office tomorrow morning. 我打算明天上午去邮局寄包裹。,lend (sb.) a hand: to help sb. do sth., esp. sth. that requires physical effort 给予帮助,助一臂之力,e.g.,I lent him a hand with these parcels. 我帮他拿这些包裹。 Could you lend me a hand in the kitchen? 你能否帮我做点厨房里的活?,preparation: n. an action taken to become ready; the state of being ready for sth. that will happen 准备工作;预备(状态),e.g.,He didnt seem to have done much preparation for the speech. 他似乎没有为这次发言做很多准备。 Preparations for the conference are well under way. 这次会议的准备工作正在进行 之中。, his “tea” that is, his meal.: In many parts of Scotland, Wales, the English Midlands, and Northern England, tea (sometimes called “afternoon tea” or “high tea”) means the evening meal.,interpret: vt. to decide what the intended meaning of sth. is; to explain the meaning of sth. 把理解为;诠释,说明,e.g.,I interpreted his smile to mean agreement. 我把他的微笑视为赞同的表示。 Its hard to interpret these statistics. 这些数据很难解释。,gratitude: n. the state or feeling of being thankful 感激之情,e.g.,He sent me a present to show his gratitude for my help. 他给我寄了一份礼物以感谢我的帮助。 I dont know how to express my deep gratitude. 我不知道该如何表达我深深的谢意。,After making his tea, I asked if it would be all right if I came back and visited with6 him again. I thought Id look in on7 him from time to time, to see if he needed anything. With a wink and a smile he replied, “Ive never been one to turn down8 an offer from a good-hearted lass.”,6.拜访(尤指闲谈聊天) 7.顺便拜访;短暂拜访 8.拒绝,Why did the author want to come back and visit with Mr. Burns again? 2) How did he respond to her offer?,Questions About This Paragraph,She wanted to see if he needed anything.,With a wink and a smile he replied, “Ive never been one to turn down an offer from a good-hearted lass.”,做好晚饭之后,我问他以后能否再来拜访他。我打算时不时来看看他,看他是否需要什么。他冲我眨了眨眼,微笑着答道:“我从来都不拒绝一个好心姑娘的提议。”,Chinese Version,turn down: to refuse an offer or request 拒绝,e.g.,Mike turned down the job offer. 迈克放弃了这个工作机会。 I felt so hurt when Mary turned down my invitation. 玛丽拒绝了我的邀请,我感到很伤心。,I came back the next day, at about the same time, so I could help out9 once more with his evening meal. The great walking stick was a silent reminder of his infirmity, and, though he never asked for help, he didnt protest when it was given. That very evening we had our first “heart to heart”, Mr. Burns asked about my studies, my plans, and, mostly, about my family. I told him that my father had recently died, but I didnt offer much else about the relationship Id had with him. In response10, he gestured toward the two framed photographs on the end table next to the chair. They were pictures of two different women, one notably older than the other. But the resemblance between the two was striking.,9.帮助干活;帮助(某人)摆脱困境 10.作为对的答复,1) What did they talk about in their first “heart to heart”? 2) How would you describe the two women in the two framed photographs?,Questions About This Paragraph,They talked about the authors studies, the authors plans and mostly about the girls family.,One was notably older than the other, but the resemblance between the two was striking.,第二天,我几乎在同一时间又来到他家,再次帮他做晚饭。那根粗大的拐杖地默默提醒着我他很虚弱。虽然他从不主动要求帮助,但也从不拒绝。就在那个傍晚,我们第一次进行了“推心置腹”的交流。伯恩斯先生询问了我的学习、计划,而他问的最多的是我的家庭。我告诉他,我的父亲最近刚刚去世,但是没有太多提及我们父女的关系。听完我的讲述,他指了指椅子边的小桌子上放在相框里的两张照片。照片上是两个不同的女人,一个比另一个年纪大很多。但是,她们俩有着惊人的相似之处。,Chinese Version,help out: to help sb., esp. by sharing the burden 帮忙干活;帮助(某人)摆脱困境,e.g.,My husband helps out with the housework and childcare. 我的丈夫帮助我做家务、带孩子。 My parents helped us out when we were short of money. 当我们缺钱时,我的父母援助了我们。,“heart to heart” (or heart-to-heart): a serious conversation between two people, usually close friends, in which they talk honestly about their feelings,the end table: a small table placed at the side of a couch(睡椅)or armchair(扶手椅), often with a lamp on top,mostly: ad. mainly 主要地,e.g.,The singers in the band are mostly teenagers. 乐队里的歌手大多是十几岁的年轻人。 The story is mostly true. 这个故事的绝大部分是真实的。,relationship: n. 关系,e.g.,Scientists have established the relationship between lung cancer and smoking. 科学家们已经证实了肺癌和吸烟之间的关系。 The two families have a close relationship. 这两个家庭关系密切。,in response (to): as a reply (to sth.) 作为对的答复,e.g.,Everyone laughed in response to his joke. 他说完笑话后所有人都大笑起来。,gesture: v. to make a movement with ones hand or head to show sth.用手(或头的动作)示意,e.g.,He gestured toward the phone and asked, “Would you mind calling room service and ordering me a sandwich?” 他指了指电话问:“你能否打电话给客房服务部,帮我要一个三治?” Linda opened the door and stepped aside gesturing for me to walk in first. 琳达打开门,然后站到一边示意我先进去。,frame: vt. to fix a border around (a picture, photograph, etc.), often with glass in front of it 给(画、照片等)装镜框,e.g.,We had our wedding pictures framed. 我们给我们的结婚照装上了镜框。 I plan to get that photo framed. 我打算给那张照片装镜框。,“Thats Mary,” he said, indicating the photograph of the older woman. “Shes been gone for six years. And thats our Alice. She was a very fine nurse. Losing her was too much for my Mary.” I responded with the tears I hadnt been able to shed for my own pain. I cried for Mary. I cried for Alice. I cried for Mr. Burns. And I cried for my father to whom I never had the chance to say good-bye.,Who are the two women in the photographs? What happened to them? 2) For whom did the author cry after hearing Mr. Burns words?,Questions About These Paragraphs,The older woman was Mary, Mr. Burns wife. The younger one was Alice, their daughter. Both of them had passed away.,She cried for Mary, for Alice, for Mr. Burns and also for her father to whom she never had the chance to say good-bye.,“那是玛丽,”他指着那位年长女人的照片说,“她已经走了6年了。那是我们的艾丽斯,她是个很好的护士。失去她对于我的玛丽来说打击太大了。” 听到这里,我流下了不曾为自己的痛苦而流过的眼泪。我流泪是为玛丽,为艾丽斯,为伯恩斯先生,也为我那没来得及与之道别的父亲。,Chinese Version,indicate: v. to point to sth.; to show that sth. is true or exists 指向;指示;表明,显示,e.g.,an arrow indicating north 一个指北的箭头 These statistics indicate quality problems. 这些数据表明存在质量问题。,shed: vt. (esp. lit) to cause to flow out; pour out 使流出,e.g.,I shed a few tears at the touching moment. 在这感人的时刻,我流下了眼泪。 So much blood has been shed in this war. 有许多人在这场战争中流血牺牲。,I visited with Mr. Burns twice a week, always on the same days and at the same time. Whenever I came, he was seated in his chair, his walking stick propped up11 against the wall. Mr. Burns owned a small black-and-white television set, but he evidently preferred the books and phonograph records for entertainment. He always seemed especially glad to see me. Although I told myself I was delighted to be useful, I was happier still to have met someone to whom I could reveal these thoughts and feelings that, until then, Id hardly acknowledged to myself.,11.将倚靠在;把支于,1) How frequently did the author visit with Mr. Burns? 2) What did Mr. Burns prefer to do for entertainment? 3) What was the author happy about?,Questions About This Paragraph,Twice a week.,He preferred reading books and seeing photograph records.,She was happy about being useful. She was happier still to have met someone to whom she could reveal hidden thoughts and feelings.,我一星期拜访伯恩斯先生两次,总是在固定的日子、固定的时间。每次去时,他总是坐在椅子上,拐杖靠在墙上。伯恩斯先生有一台小的黑白电视机,但是他显然更喜欢在闲暇时读书和听唱片。看见我,他总是显得特别高兴。虽然我对自己说能助他人一臂之力我很高兴,但是让我更加欣慰的是遇见了一个能够让我向之倾吐内心模糊不清的思想和感觉的人。,Chinese Version,prop up: to lift and give support to sth. by putting sth. else under or against it 将倚靠在;把支于,e.g.,He fetched a few cushions to prop up her head. 他拿了几个垫子来支撑她的头。,evidently: ad. in a way that is easy to see 显然,明显地,e.g.,He was evidently shocked by the news of the accident. 显然,这起事故让他十分震惊。 Evidently the manager doesnt want to see me. 经理显然不想见我。,While fixing the tea, I told Mr. Burns how terribly guilty I felt about not having been on speaking terms with12 my father the two weeks prior to13 his death. Id never had the chance to ask my fathers forgiveness. And he had never had the chance to ask for mine.,12.不同某人说话 13.在之前,Why did the author feel terribly guilty?,Question About This Paragraph,She felt terribly guilty about not having been on speaking terms with her father the two weeks prior to his death.,准备晚饭时,我告诉伯恩斯先生自己心里觉得万分内疚。在父亲去世前的两个星期里我因为和他闹别扭没跟他说话。我再也没有机会请求父亲的原谅,而他也没有机会请求我的原谅了。,Chinese Version,guilty: a. having or showing a feeling of shame, of having done sth. wrong 愧疚的;负罪的,e.g.,You must have done something wrong, because youre looking so guilty. 你一定做错了什么事,因为你看上去非常内疚。 I feel so guilty about forgetting my mothers birthday. 我因为忘记了母亲的生日而深感愧疚。,not be on speaking terms with sb.: to be refusing to talk to sb. 不同某人说话,e.g.,Maggie was no longer on speaking terms with any of her family after the conflict. 那次冲突以后,麦琪不再理睬家里的任何一个人了。 Tom is selfish and rude. I dont want to be on speaking terms with him anymore. 汤姆又自私又粗鲁,我再也不想和他说话了。,prior to: before a particular time or event 在之前,e.g.,The paper will need to be submitted one month prior to the conference. 论文必须在会议开始前一个月提交。 The will was made two days prior to his death. 遗嘱是在他去世前两天立的。,Although Mr. Burns talked, he allowed me the lions share14. Mostly I recalled him listening. But how he listened! It wasnt just that he was attentive to what I said. It was as if he were reading me, absorbing all the information I provided, and adding details from his own experience and imagination to create a truer understanding of my words.,14.最大份额,1) Who did most of the listening? 2) How did Mr. Burns listen to the author?,Questions About This Paragraph,Mr. Burns.,He listened attentively. It was as if he were reading her, absorbing all the information she provided and adding details from his own experience and imagination to create a truer understanding of her words.,虽然伯恩斯先生也说,但大多数时间他都让我说。我记得他通常是在倾听。但他听得如此专注,不仅仅是在全神贯注地听我说话,简直就是在阅读我,吸收我提供的所有信息,并将自己的阅历和想象融入其中,从而更加准确


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