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专题二 单项填空(复合句和并列句),返回目录,疑难档案,1. 先行词为all时,其后要用that引导的定语从句,不可用what引导的从句。 When her father came back, she told him all that had happened. 句中that had happened为定语从句修饰all,而what只能引导名词性从句,不能引导定语从句,所以上面的句子不可说成“she told him all what had happened”,但可以说“she told him what had happened”,这时“what had happened”为宾语从句作动词told的宾语。 2. 先行词为way时,定语从句不可用how引导。可有下面三种形式:,复合句和并列句,返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句,I dont like the way in which you laugh at her. I dont like the way that you laugh at her. (用that替代 in which) I dont like the way you laugh at her.(可省略that),返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句,4. 在suchas(像那样的)和the sameas (和一样的)这类表达中,as是作为关系代词引导一个定语从句,在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语。 Do not trust such men as praise you to your face.不要信任当面讲你好话的那种人。(as代替such men,在定语从句中作主语) Do not read such books as you cannot understand. 不要读你看不懂的书。(as代替such books,在定语从句中作understand的宾语) We are facing the same problem as we did years ago. 我们面临着和数年前同样的问题。(as代替the same problem,在定语从句中作代动词did的宾语),返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句,5. 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,应注意关系代词所代替的先行词是单数还是复数形式,以便确定定语从句的谓语是用单数还是复数形式。 He is a successful manager in a company that sends mail all over the world. The lesson we can learn from Chuck and all the others who have unusual friends is that friends are teachers. 6. as可作关系代词引导非限制性定语从句,as代替前面整个句子的内容。 He married her, as was natural. ,返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句,上句中的as代替“He married her”这一内容,这时也可用which,但as引导的这种非限制性定语从句还可以前置和中置,而which引导的非限制性定语从句则不能。如: As was natural, he married her. (as引导的非限制性定语从句前置,as代替“he married her”) The meeting, as often happens, became very noisy. 会议非常吵闹,这种事常常发生。(as引导的非限制性定语从句中置,as代替“The meeting became very noisy”) 7. 注意非限制性定语从句前不可加引导并列句的并列连词,如and,but等。,返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句,The weather was very good, which we hadnt expected. (不可说“and which we hadnt expected”) 8. 注意不可用引导名词性从句的what来引导非限制性定语从句。 Sheila couldnt come to the party, which was a pity.(不可说“.what was a pity”) 9. “介词+关系代词”结构中介词的选用: 选用这种结构中的介词,其标准是这个介词在从句中能与后面的某部分(主要是动词)以及前面的先行词之间构成一种合理的、完整的搭配关系。应特别注意关系代词是替代前面的先行词。如:,返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句,1) This is the house in which I was born. 其搭配关系为:I was born in which (which即the house) 2) He is the boy with whom I went to school. 其搭配关系为:I went to school with whom(whom即the boy) 3) The old Olympic Games from which the modern games came began around the year 776. 其搭配关系为:the modern games came from which(which即 the old Olympic Games) 4) In Barcelona the Chinese team got 16 gold medals, of which 12 were won by women.,返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句,其搭配关系为:12 of which were won by women (which即the 16 gold medals) 10. 关系代词whose也可用于“介词关系代词”这一结构中。 Mr.Green, with whose son I work, called at my house last night. 格林先生昨晚拜访了我家,我和他儿子在一起工作。 注意:上句不可用人称代词所有格或名词所有格来取代 whose。 11. 在非限制性定语从句中,基数词,以及一些表示数量的不 定代词,如most,all,both,each,none,several,some,few, many等,可与of which(指物),of whom(指人)连用。介词of,返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句,表范围。注意这种非限制性定语从句前不可加并列连词and。 We have learned five lessons, none of which is difficult. 我们已经学了五课课文,其中没有难的。 Our department has 90 teachers, 15 of whom are professors. 我们系有90名教师,其中15名是教授。 此外,形容词最高级以及名词也可与“of which / of whom”连 用。如:She takes care of ten children, the youngest of whom is only three years old. 她照看10个孩子,其中最小的只有3岁。 We live in a large room, the windows of which (= whose windows),返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句,face south. 我们住在一间大房间里,房间的窗户朝南。 12. where可作介词from的宾语来引导非限制性定语从句。 We went up to the roof, from where we had a good view of the procession. 我们爬到屋顶上,从那里看游行很清楚。 13. It作形式宾语代替宾语从句的用法: 1)一些可带形容词或名词作宾补的动词,如find,think, make等,可用于此句型。如: I think it important that we should keep calm.,返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句,我认为我们保持冷静是很重要的。 2)一些固定的说法: We owe it to you that there wasnt a serious accident. 全靠你才没发生严重的事故。 She took it for granted that her son would study medicine. 她想当然以为她的儿子会学医。 14. 动词doubt后的宾语从句的连词: 1)在否定句和疑问句中用that。 Can you doubt that he will win? 你能怀疑他会赢吗? I dont doubt that you are honest. 我并不怀疑你的诚实。,返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句, 2)在肯定句中可用whether,if或that。 I doubt whether / if / that he will come. 我怀疑他是否会来。 15. 连接代词what的三种用法: 1)含有疑问意义 Do you know what he is worried about? 你知道他担心什么吗? 2)含有感叹意义(修饰名词) They stole what little money we had. 他们偷走了我们仅有的一点点钱。 3)表示“所的” What I enjoy most is swimming. 我最喜欢的是游泳。 ,返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句,what表此类意思时常在从句中作宾语(如上句),但也可作主语和表语,应掌握好此用法。 George Washington was born in a rich family in what is now the state of Virginia.乔治华盛顿出生于现为弗吉尼亚州的一个富裕家庭里。(what在宾语从句中作主语) The city is different from what it was ten years ago. 这座城市与十年前不一样了。(what在宾语从句中作表语) 16. 连接代词whatever, whoever, whichever的用法 这些合成词具有强调作用,whatever相当于anything that; whoever相当于anyone who;whichever表示“(某特定范围中的)随,返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句,便哪个,无论哪个”。 Whoever told you that was lying. 不管这话是谁对你说的,他都是在撒谎。(Whoever told you相当于Anyone who told you) Whatever you want is fine with me. 无论你要什么我都没意见。 (Whatever you want相当于Anything you want) 17. 一些词,如immediately,directly以及the moment,the minute,the instant也可引导一个时间状语从句,相当于as soon as的意思。 I didnt wait a moment, but came immediately you called. 我一刻也没等待,你电话一到我就来了。,返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句, Well leave the minute youre ready.你准备好了我们就走。 18. 一些含有time的名词短语,如every time,each time,next time,by the time等,以及the day,the year,the morning等,也可引导一个时间状语从句。 Next time you come,please bring your composition. 你下次来,请把你的作文带来。 He left Europe the year World War II broke out. 他是在二战爆发那年离开欧洲的。 19. while引导让步状语从句 while也可引导让步状语从句,意义上相当于although,但只能位于,返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句,句首。 While I understand your point of view, I do not share it. 我虽了解你的观点,但不敢苟同。 20. as引导让步状语从句 as也可导让步状语从句,意义上相当于although,但须将从句中的某部分置于句首: 1)表语(形容词、分词、名词)as 主语连系动词 Old as I am, I can still fight.(Although I am old,)我虽老,但仍能战斗。 Child as he was, he knew what was the right thing to do.,返回目录,疑难档案,(Although he was a child,) 尽管他还是个孩子,他懂得该做什么。 注意:as引导的这种让步状语从句中作表语的名词前置时,该名词前不用冠词,如不说A child as he was, 2)状语(副词)as 主语实义动词 Bravely as they fought, they had no chance of winning.(Although they fought bravely,) 他虽然他们打得很勇敢,但是没有可能获胜。 3)实义动词(以及所带的状语)as 主语其他助动词 Try hard as he may, he never seems able to do the work,复合句和并列句,返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句,satisfactorily. 虽然他尽了力,但他的工作总做得不尽如人意。 21. wh-词ever和no matterwh-词引导让步状语从句 no matter与who, what, which, where, when以及 how连用,可引导让步状语从句,表示“不管;无论”,相当于相应的whoever, whatever, whichever, wherever, whenever, however引导让步状语从句。如:You cant come in, whoever you are.(=,no matter who you are.)不管你是谁,都不能进来。 Whatever you say, I wont believe you.(=No matter what you say,)不管你说什么,我决不相信你。,返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句,Whichever day you come, well be pleased to see you. (= No matter which day you come,) 无论你哪一天来,我们都欢迎。 However fast you drive, I always feel safe with you. (= No matter how fast you drive,) 无论你把车开得多么快,和你在一起我总是感到安全。 注意:引导名词性从句时,只能用wh- 词ever。如: It is unwise to give a child whatever he wants.孩子要什么就给什么是不明智的做法。(whatever引导宾语从句,不能说no matter he wants) 22. like引导方式状语从句,返回目录,疑难档案,复合句和并列句,like表“像”这类意思时,通常作介词用,但现代英语中like可作为连词引导一个方式状语从句,意义上相当于as 或as if。like的这种用法常见于口语中。如: Shes doing the work like/as I want her to. 她在按我所要她做的那样做。 He sat there smiling like/ as if it was his birthday. 他面带笑容坐在那儿,好像过生日似的。,返回目录,考点预测,复合句和并列句,1The conference is the beginning of a new journey,which will be long and hard but _ aims we know. Aits Bhis Cwhich Dwhose,【解析】题干中的but连接两个并列的定语从句:which willbut whose aims。 关系代词which指代“the new journey”;关系代词whose指代“the new journeys”。,D,【答案】,2Wed better not prepare fish for dinner.Our guest doesnt like it _ I know.,返回目录,考点预测,复合句和并列句,Aas well as Bas soon as Cas long as Das far as,【解析】as far as 可引导一个程度状语从句,表示“据;就”,常见的说法有:As far as I know;As far as I can see;As far as I can remember等。as long as引导一个条件状语从句,表示“只要”,D,【答案】,3He has made another wonderful discovery,_ of great importance to science. ,返回目录,复合句和并列句,Awhich I think it is Bthat I think is Cwhich I think is DI think it is,【解析】关系代词which引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰discovery。 在这个非限制性定语从句中,主语是关系代词which,谓语是is of great importance,I think是一插入语。注意:you think,I believe,we are sure等短语可作为插入语放在定语从句的关系词之后。又如:The blind girl reached her hand to the person who she thought was her mother.,C,【答案】,考点预测,返回目录,复合句和并列句,4It will be two months _ Jane leaves school.She is going to be a doctor. Awhen Bbefore Cthat Dsince,【解析】主句中的it指时间,before引导时间状语从句。“It will be two months before”表示“要两个月后才”,B,【答案】,5The professors works will show you _ can be used in some other ways. Ahow you have observed,考点预测,返回目录,复合句和并列句,Bthat you have observed Cthat how you have observed Dhow what you have observed,【解析】句中how引导一个宾语从句,宾语从句中的主语是“what you have observed”,谓语是“can be used”。what引导的名词性从句在一个从句中作主语的情况很常见。,D,【答案】,6 I still have some doubt _ I can go to his birthday party though he has invited me several times.,考点预测,返回目录,复合句和并列句,Athat Bwhether Cwhere Dwhy,【解析】whether在句中引导一个同位语从句,说明名词doubt的具体内容。在肯定陈述句中,名词doubt后面的同位语从句用whether引导;在否定句和疑问句中,名词doubt后面的同位语从句用that引导。,B,【答案】,7The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on _ it grows best in its climate and soil. Awhen Bwhat Chow Dwhere,考点预测,返回目录,复合句和并列句,【解析】在what引导的宾语从句中,it(指the country)作主语,grows(及物动词表“种植”)为谓语,what作grows的宾语。该句的意思为“一个国家的主食主要取决于这个国家的气候和土壤最适合种植什么”。,B,【答案】,32Thinking_you know_in fact you dont is a terrible mistake. Athat;what Bthat;that Cwhat;that Dwhat;what,考点预测,返回目录,复合句和并列句,【解析】本句的主语是ing分词短语“Thinking that you know what in fact you dont”;谓语是“is a terrible mistake”。在主语部分中,thinking的宾语为that引导的宾语从句;在that引导的宾语从句中,“what in fact you dont(know)”这个从句作动词know的宾语。,A,【答案】,8The headmaster came back with the message_ the president was coming to our school. Awhen Bwhich Cthat Das,【解析】 that在句中引导一个同位语从句,说明前面的名词,考点预测,返回目录,复合句和并列句,message的具体内容,应注意该从句并非定语从句,所以不能用关系代词which引导。,C,【答案】,9He said he could solve the problem,_I found impossible. Abut Bwhile Cwhich Dwhat,【解析】句中which引导一个非限制性定语从句,关系代词which代替主句中“he could solve the problem”,同时在定语从句中作found的宾语。,考点预测,返回目录,复合句和并列句,C,【答案】,10It was in the mid-1980s that cartoons began to take off in China,_ there were only pictured-story books. Awhen Bfrom where Cbefore which Dwhere ,【解析】本句中“It was that”是一个强调句式;“before which there were only pictured story books”是定语从句,修饰the mid-1980s。before which可理解为“before the mid-1980s”。,C,【答案】,考点预测,返回目录,复合句和并列句,A,【答案】,11John made up his mind to give up his job when he was told all _. Ahis boss had said Bwhat his boss had said Cof his boss had said Dabout his boss had said ,【解析】不定代词all后面常接一个关系代词that引导的定语从句(本句中的that在从句中作had said的宾语被省略)。应注意all后是不可用what引导的名词性从句的。关于选项C和选项D,介词的宾语是名词或代词,而不是一个主谓结构。,考点预测,返回目录,复合句和并列句,A,【答案】,12Great changes have taken place in this village and it is no longer_ it was. Awhat Bthat Cwhen Dwhere,【解析】what在句中引导一个表语从句。“it is no longer what it was” 意为“不再是过去的样子了”。这可作为一种固定表达来掌握,如:Our school is not what it was.我们学校不是过去的样子了。注意这时不可用that代替what,因为that引导名词性从句时既无词义,也不在从句中充当句子成分。,考点预测,返回目录,复合句和并列句,A,【答案】,13George Washington was born in a rich family in _is now the state of Virginia. Awhat Bwhere Cwhich Dthat,【解析】 what在句中引导一个宾语从句,作介词in的宾语。句中空格部分为宾语从句的主语,而where是连接副词,不可在从句中作主语;that引导名词性从句时不在从句中起句子成分作用,所以


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