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Unit 2 Growing pains,Reading,Home alone,Learning goals,Well know how to read a play; Well understand the main content of the play “Home alone ”; Well get familiar with some new words such as “frightened, starve, deserve, sigh”,1. Have you ever had the kind of experience when your parents had to go away and leave you alone for several days? 2. Can you imagine what might happen if you were left alone?,A play about Daniel and Eric who were left alone at home.,Play,Today well learn an English,How can we read a play ?,Home alone,Please read the reading strategy on page 23 and answer two questions :,What is the play in the form of ?,2. In order to understand a play, what should we do?,Reading strategy,A dialogue,Read the dialogue aloud ; Pay attention to the instructions,Elements of a play,acts scenes Dialogues instructions,(戏剧,歌剧的)一幕 (戏剧的)一场,(电影或戏剧的)一个片断 对话,对白 舞台说明,A play usually consists of several acts(幕), and each act can have several scenes(场).,1. In the form of a _ 2. Read the dialogue_ 3. Remember to pay attention to the _,Reading a play,Reading a normal text,different,aloud,dialogue,instructions,Things we should pay attention to:,Home Alone,Skimming & scanning,Read the play quickly and answer three questions.,Eric, Daniel, Mom and Dad.,Because the room was in a mess. / There was garbage all over the place.,Spot was ill.,Fast reading,1. The boys do not expect their parents to come back so early. 2. Spot, the dog, looks full of life. 3. Daniels parents still think of him as an adult.,F,T,F,Read the sentences below and decide which ones are true (T) and which ones are false (F) according to the play.,like he is starving,thought he could act like,4. Eric does not want to explain to their parents. 5. The boys did not clean the house because they went to the clinic. 6. The mother thinks the father should be stricter with Daniel.,F,T,F,they are too hard,on Daniel.,1. What are the boys doing when their parents come home? 2. How does the room look when the parents arrive home?,They are playing with a soccer ball.,The room is in a mess.,Detailed reading,3. Why are the parents angrier with Daniel than Eric? 4. What is the emergency that Eric wants to tell his parents about?,Because they left Daniel in charge.,The dog, Spot, was sick and they had to take him to the clinic.,The father feels like they have to punish Daniel or Daniel wont respect them.,5. What does the father want to do with Daniel?,Match the main idea of each part.,Daniel and Eric talked about the truth. B. Mom and Dad were angry with their children when they returned from vacation. C. The parents felt it hard to settle their quarrel with Daniel.,Act One,Act Two, Scene Two,Act Two, Scene One,2. Supposed you were one of the two children, what would you do? Would you stay silent or would you offer an explanation to your parents? Which is a better solution in your opinion? 3. What can we learn from this play?,Summary: 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,Daniel and his little brother were_charge of the house and the dog Spot while their parents were_ vacation._(unfortunate), Spot was ill, they had to use the cash/money their parents left them_(take) it to the clinic, _made them have no time to,in,on,Unfortunately,which,to take,to clean the house. When their parents returned home , and found the room was in _mess, with garbage all over, they shouted_Daniel angrily, which made Daniel angry. He ran into his bedroom and shut the door behind him_this made his father angry, _(think) Daniel was rude _them, and wouldnt tolerate his bad behaviour.,at,a,and,thinking,to,Now form a group of 5 students (2 girls and 3 boys). Each group prepares the play for 5 minutes and is ready to perform the play. And the following will help you understand characters better.,Performance,1. Do you think Er


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