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How to Make a Good Impression,Lead-in,课文,小结,预习,写作,Click here,Now lets watch a video clip and please pay attention to the man and the woman.,To be continued,in the first place / from the expression on the mans face / be far from / in the second place / the mans tone / also give away his feelings,1. What is the mans impression about the woman in the video?,Lead-in,随 笔,Tips,Tips,The factors for can boil down to the following: to begin with / feel surprised at the sight of / ones untidy hair (wearing) / feel uncomfortable about / the way one speaks / match ones status / feel upset about / ones table manners / make a lot of noise / teach one how to walk / walk without a single sign of grace,Lead-in,2. What makes the man form such a terrible impression about the woman?,随 笔,Tips,Tips,Lead-in,3. What can you learn from the video?,随 笔,Tips,begin to impress others / you get together with / reveal faster what kind of person you are than / the way you present yourself / the clothes you wear / the looks you have / the expression your face shows / the tone in which you speak / the manners in which you behave,Tips,Pre-reading Activities,Body Language,复合听写,Body language is an important part of communication that, according to at least one study, constitutes around 55% of what we are communicating. If you wish to communicate effectively, it makes sense to understand how you can use your body to say what you mean.,随 笔,How to make good use of your body language,As is known to all, your body language plays an important role in impressing others, but how? Your positive image can be achieved through the appropriate clothes you wear and the well-dressed hairstyle you keep. And the improvement of your image should be also focused on the way you stand, the way you approach others, and the way you display your abilities. Furthermore, it is better to learn lessons,复合听写,随 笔,For more,from others success and failure in this aspect. If you find someones ideas and charm glow with the help of their gestures, for example, keep in mind where they come in; but when you find someones gestures add nothing but dullness to their speech, see to it that such a thing will not happen again to yours. And best of all, be sure to learn how to apply your skills of “eye contact and facial expressions” to where you show respect or liking for the views of others, and where you feel confidence in yourself.,复合听写,随 笔,How to make good use of your body language,Compound Dictation,You will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S8 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from S9 to S11 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Now listen to the passage.,背景知识,For more,随 笔,Compound Dictation,A man honestly tries to make a good impression. What is the result? The result merely is that his friends, in the S1 _ of their minds, set him down as a man who tries to make a good impression. If much S2 _ on the result of a single interview, or a S3 _ of interviews, a man may conceivably (想象得出地,可以了解地) force another to accept an impression of himself which he would like to S4 _.,privacy,depends,couple,convey,背景知识,随 笔,Compound Dictation,But if the receiver of the impression is to have time at his S5 _, then the giver of the impression may just as well sit down and put his hands in his S6 _, for nothing that he can do will S7 _ or S8 _ in any way the impression that he will ultimately give. S9 _ _;,disposal,pockets,influence,The real impression is, in the end, given unconsciously, not consciously,背景知识,随 笔,modify,Compound Dictation,and further, it is received unconsciously, not consciously.S10 _ _. And it is immutably (不变地,永恒地) fixed beforehand. S11 _ _.,It depends partly on both persons,There can be no final deception,背景知识,随 笔,Text Study,课文分析,New Words & Expressions,课文阅读,随 笔,变化;sing.范围;U射程,New Words & Expressions,课文分析,课文阅读,随 笔,New Words & Expressions,课文分析,课文阅读,随 笔,New Words & Expressions,课文分析,课文阅读,随 笔,New Words & Expressions,课文分析,课文阅读,随 笔,Text Reading,词汇学习,课文分析,随 笔,How to Make a Good Impression,Para. 1 Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them. Consciously or unconsciously, we show our true feelings with our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes, causing a chain of reactions, ranging from comfort to fear.,句型,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,Para. 2 Think about some of your most unforgettable meetings: an introduction to your future spouse, a job interview, an encounter with a stranger. Focus on the first seven seconds. What did you feel and think? How did you “read” the other person? How do you think he read you?,句型,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,Para. 3 You are the message. For 25 years Ive worked with thousands who want to be successful. Ive helped them make persuasive presentations, answer unfriendly questions, communicate more effectively. The secret has always been you are the message.,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,Para. 4 Others will want to be with you and help you if you use your good qualities. They include: physical appearance, energy, rate of speech, pitch and tone of voice, gestures, expression through the eyes, and the ability to hold the interest of others. Others form an impression about you based on these.,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,Para. 5 Think of times when you know you made a good impression. What made you successful? You were committed to what you were talking about and so absorbed in the moment you lost all self-consciousness. Para. 6 Be yourself. Many how-to books advise you to stride into a room and impress others with your qualities. They instruct you to greet them with “power handshakes” and tell you to fix your eyes on the other person. If you follow all this advice, youll drive everyone crazyincluding yourself.,句型,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,Para. 7 The trick is to be consistently you, at your best. The most effective people never change from one situation to another. Theyre the same whether theyre having a conversation, addressing their garden club or being interviewed for a job. They communicate with their whole being; the tones of their voices and their gestures match their words.,句型,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,Para. 8 Public speakers, however, often send mixed messages. My favorite is the kind who say, “Ladies and gentlemen. Im very happy to be here”while looking at their shoes. They dont look happy. They look angry, frightened or depressed. Para. 9 The audience always believe what they see over what they hear. They think, “Hes telling me hes happy, but hes not. Hes not being honest.”,句型,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,Para. 10 Use your eyes. Whether youre talking to one person or one hundred, always remember to look at them. Some people start to say something while looking right at you, but three words into the sentence, they break eye contact and look out the window.,句型,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,Para. 11 As you enter a room, move your eyes comfortably; then look straight at those in the room and smile. Smiling is important. It shows you are relaxed. Some think entering a room full of people is like going into a lions cage. I disagree. If I did agree, I certainly wouldnt look at my feet or at the ceiling. Id keep my eye on the lion!,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,Para. 12 Lighten up. Once in a staff meeting, one of the most powerful chairmen in the entertainment industry became very angry over tiny problems, scolded each worker and enjoyed making them fear him. When he got to me, he shouted, “And you, Ailes, what are you doing?” Para. 13 I said, “Do you mean now, this evening or for the rest of my life?” There was a moment of silence. Then the chairman threw back his head and roared with laughter. Others laughed too. Humor broke the stress of a very uncomfortable scene.,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,Para. 14 If I had to give advice in two words, it would be “lighten up”! You can always see people who take themselves too seriously. Usually they are either brooding or talking a great deal about themselves.,词汇学习,课文分析,Text Reading,随 笔,Para. 15 Take a good hard look at yourself. Do you say “I” too often? Are you usually focused on your own problems? Do you complain frequently? If you answered yes to even one of these questions, you need to lighten up. To make others comfortable, you have to appear comfortable yourself. Dont make any huge changes; just be yourself. You already have within you the power to make a good impression, because nobody can be you as well as you can.,句型,Main Idea of the Text,If you want to make a good impression, keep in mind the secrets as follows: you are the message; be yourself at your best; use your eyes; and lighten up.,How to Make a Good Impression,Structure of the Text,The passage is made up of 15 paragraphs, and, according to the pattern“introduction-suggestion”the author employs in his writing, it can be roughly divided into two parts.,Part II,Part I,词汇学习,课文阅读,For more details,随 笔,Paras. 1-2This part tells us what time you make the most important impression on others or others leave the most important impression on you.,Main Idea of Part I,Devices for Developing It,The author introduces the topic by listing and questioning.,Part II,Part I,词汇学习,课文阅读,For more details,随 笔,How to Make a Good Impression,Paras. 3-15 This part answers the question of how to make a good impression on others: You are the message; be yourself; use your eyes; and lighten up.,The author employs listing, exemplification and deduction to give a detailed explanation for the four secrets.,Main Idea of Part II,Devices for Developing It,Part I,Part II,词汇学习,课文阅读,For more details,随 笔,How to Make a Good Impression,Summary,1,English Equivalents of Chinese,2,Creative Application of Typical Expressions,3,Further Application of Typical Patterns,短语活用,句型应用,English Equivalents of Chinese,随 笔,consciously or unconsciously,range from. to.,an encounter with a stranger,to “read” the other person,to make persuasive presentations,to hold the interest of others,to (be) base(d) sth. on,to follow all this advice,to drive sb. crazy,to do sth. with ones whole being,English Equivalents of Chinese,短语活用,句型应用,随 笔,to match ones words,to believe what one sees over what one hears,three words into the sentence,to break eye contact,to look straight at sb.,to lighten up,to become angry over tiny problems,to roar with laughter,to break the stress,to take a good hard look at,Creative Application of Expressions,to make an impression on sb.,to be committed to,to be absorbed in,at ones best,to have within one the power to do sth.,句型应用,词组互译,随 笔,lessons learned from / the value of,知 识 链 接,给某人留下印象 认为; 觉得 使某人铭记,to leave an impression on sb. to be under the impression that to impress sth. on/upon sb.,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,Back,The lessons learned from social contacts impressed on me the value of honesty.,句型应用,词组互译,社交中的经验教训加深了我对诚信的认识。,随 笔,devote all ones love to/public spotlight/the focus of sth.,专心致志于;承诺 献身于, 专心于 专心于, 致力于,to commit oneself to to devote oneself to to bend oneself to,几十年以来,老人来把自己的爱都献给了无家可归的人,现在他成了公众关注的焦点。,Back,Having devoted all his love to the homeless for decades, the old man now becomes the focus of public spotlight.,知 识 链 接,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,句型应用,词组互译,随 笔,be occupied with/not distract sb.,正做着, 正忙着 沉溺于 忙于(做某事),to be engaged in to be indulged in to be occupied with,他正忙于准备期中考试,请别让他分心。,Back,He is now occupied with preparing for the mid-term exam, so please dont distract him.,知 识 链 接,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,句型应用,词组互译,随 笔,with at ones worst/be at ones wits end,With all the things at their worst, she was at her wits end what to be done next.,to be at ones prime to be at ones worst to be at ones wits end,处于全盛时期 处于最差状态 无计可施,由于事情都糟透了, 她对下一步该怎么办束手无策。,Back,知 识 链 接,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,句型应用,词组互译,随 笔,to have within one the impulse/pressure/ will/ambition to do sth.,心里有做某事的冲动/ 压力/ 愿望/ 雄心壮志,有时候,正是我们心中拥有的追求幸福的愿望引领我们走向成功。,it is that/the will one has within one to do sth./ lead sb. to success,Back,Sometimes, it is the will we have within us to seek for happiness that leads us to success.,知 识 链 接,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,句型应用,词组互译,随 笔,Further Application of Patterns,词组互译,短语活用,随 笔,A large body of research/evidence/ study/facts/data shows/proves/ suggests/indicates that,If/Even if/though sb. did (even) sth., he/she needs (doesnt need) to do sth. else.,Sb./Sth. does sth. My favorite is the kind who/that,escape from reality/drive one into,Facts show that escape from reality will drive you into much more pain.,例 句 与 图 片,事实表明逃避现实会使你更加痛苦。,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,Back,词组互译,短语活用,随 笔,long for/bathe oneself with ,I have been longing for a wonderful life. My favorite is the kind in which people bathe themselves with truth, kindness and beauty.,我一直渴望着一种美好的生活。我最喜欢用以作例证的是人们沐浴着真、善、美的那种生活。,Back,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,例 句 与 图 片,词组互译,短语活用,随 笔,suffer/injustice/not need to/give oneself up,即使生活中遭遇过不公正的待遇,你也不必自暴自弃。,Back,Even if you once suffered injustice in life, you dont need to give yourself up.,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,例 句 与 图 片,词组互译,短语活用,随 笔,Paragraph Writing,Conclusion,Writing Pattern,写作实践,For more,Topic,A topic-based statement is supported by a list of things or examples (1, 2, 3, 4, 5,.),随 笔,Writing Pattern,Topic: The paragraph begins with a general statement about what is to be discussed in this paragraph.,A further topic-based statement, if necessary, is followed by another list of things or examples.,Conclusion:A conclusion is usually made from what is discussed in the paragraph.,A topic-based statement is supported by a list of things or examples.,For more,写作实践,随 笔,Example: The secret to making a good impression has been that you are the message. (Topic) Others will want to be with you and help you if you use your good qualities. (A topic-based statement) They include: physical appearance (Example 1), energy (Example 2), rate of speech (Example 3),For more,写作实践,随 笔,pitch and tone of voice (Example 4), gestures (Example 5), expression through the eyes (Example 6), and the ability to hold the interest of others (Example 7). Others form an impression about you based on these. (Conclusion),写作实践,随 笔,Writing Practice,写作模式,Detailed Outline: Topic: A Strong Enthusiasm for Sports on the Campus A Topic-based Statement: Many kinds of sports occur on our university grounds. List of Examples: football/basketball/racing/baseball/ tennis/swimming/high jumping,Directions: Look at the outline and the sample paragraph of a topic-based statement supported by a list of things.,For more,随 笔,Much to our delight, students enthusiasm for sports builds and builds. (Topic) Take a close look at their leisure activities in the afternoon and you will find more and more different sports occur on our university grounds. (A topic-based statement) Students are engaged in activities like football, (Example 1) basketball, (Example 2) racing, (Example 3),Sample Paragraph,写作模式,随 笔,For more,写作模式,随 笔,and even baseball. (Example 4) Many other students are enjoying sports such as tennis, (Example 5) swimming, (Example 6) and high jumping. (Example 7) In the long run, I am sure much improvement will be found in their health, thus making it possible for them to put more of their energy into studies. (Conclusion),Sample Paragraph,Directions: Write your own paragraph of a topic-based statement supported by a list of things on one of the following topics which have been given details that you can use.,For more,写作模式,随 笔,1. Detailed Outline: Topic: Body Language in our Life A Topic-based Statement: Our life is rich with body language. List of Examples: election/family party/conference/ seminar,For more,写作模式,2. Detailed Outline: Topic: How to Improve your English A Topic-based Statement: There are many ways to improve your English. List of Examples: read extensively/listen to English materials/read text aloud/practice oral English/ write English diary,随 笔,3. Detailed Outline: Topic: A Healthy Campus Life A Topic-based Statement: The current campus life in China needs improving. List of Examples: a deep-rooted custom of cheating in exams/a habit of indulging in dining and drinking/a blind pursuit of online pleasure/a trend of seeking a romantic life/a parade of individual wealth/a trend of looking down upon the poor students,写作模式,随 笔,For more,写作模式,随 笔,A Further Topic-based Statement: I feel an urge to promote a healthy campus life in China. List of Examples: everyone values study over anything else/no one cheats in exams/all the students seek for a life of good taste,写作模式,随 笔,Reference Paragraph,For more,Much evidence shows that a healthy campus life does a lot of good to students growth. (Topic) In this light, our current campus life in China needs improving. (A topic-based statement) Just think about some of our practices: a trend of looking down upon the poor students, (Example 1) a habit of indulging in dining and drinking, (Example 2) a,写作模式,随 笔,deep-rooted malpractice of cheating in exams, (Example 3) a parade of individual wealth, (Example 4) a blind pursuit of online pleasure. (Example 5) All of the above are far from expected, so I feel an urge to promote a healthy campus life. (A further topic-based statement) My favorite is the,Reference Paragraph,For more,End,写作模式,随 笔,kind in which everyone values study over anything else, (Example 1) no one cheats in exams,


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