



Unit 4Section Warming Up & ReadingPrereading.阅读理解AThe “Pink City”, Jaipur, is one of the most beautiful towns of India. There are many things to do and see there. Here are some of them.The Amber FortFacing the beautiful. Maota Lake, the Amber Fort is known for its beautiful Hindu buildings. Generally, it takes three to four hours to enjoy the fort. Shopping for local things and riding the elephant are some of the popular todo things when you are in the Amber Fort.The City PalaceIts a beautiful palace which is now partly used as a museum. It has many courtyards, gardens and buildings. A visit to the City Palace is a great way to know about the royal (王室的) history of Rajasthan. Jaipur Literature FestivalThe Jaipur Literature Festival is a yearly event and takes place every January. People from all over the world including wellknown Indian artists and authors attend the festival. There are cultural shows in the evening.PushkarAlthough this visit requires an extra day, it can be quickly arranged (安排). Pushkar is a small town known for its temples, deserts and camel fairs. Winters are the best time to visit the Pushkar.Elephant Camps Elephant tourism is quite popular in Jaipur. Although it is against by some people, it is helpful for the poor local families and also elephants as they get proper food and shelter in the camps.【文章大意】本文是应用文,话题是风景名胜类。文章主要介绍了印度城市Jaipur一些吸引人的事物。1What may attract visitors in the Amber Fort?A. A famous museum.B. A famous local festival.C. The beautifully built buildings.D. Camel rides along the Maota Lake.解析:C细节理解题。根据The Amber Fort部分中的. the Amber Fort is known for its beautiful Hindu buildings可知答案选C。2What can visitors do in the City Palace?A. Visit the camel fairs.B. Enjoy cultural shows.C. Learn about the history of Indian people.D. Learn about what happened to the Rajasthan.解析:D细节理解题。根据The City Palace部分中的. know about the royal history of Rajasthan可知,人们在The City Palace可以学习到拉贾斯坦邦王室的历史。3Where would a visitor go if he/she is interested in meeting artists?A. The Amber Fort. B. The City Palace.C. Jaipur Literature Festival.D. Pushkar. 解析:C细节理解题。根据Jaipur Literature Festival部分中的People from all over the world including wellknown Indian artists and authors attend the festival可知答案选C。4Who would most probably go to Pushkar?A. People loving visiting temples.B. People wanting to meet authors.C. People loving riding an elephant.D. People wanting to help local families.解析:A细节理解题。根据Pushkar部分中的Pushkar is a small town known for its temples .可知答案选A。BBeing blind is hard. But things were even harder for those disabled kids who were born in a small village in India, where most people thought that kids with disabilities were useless. Srikanth Bolla was one of them. Luckily, Srikanths parents loved their son and refused to give in to social pressure. They encouraged the blind boy to reach for the stars.Srikanth didnt disappoint his parents. The 24yearold young man is the founder and CEO of Bollant Industries, a successful company that makes environmentally friendly packaging.Of course, getting here wasnt easy. As a young boy, Srikanth went to a regular school. But the students and teachers there didnt accept his disability. As a result, the young boy often was largely ignored. Worried about Srikanths study, his parents finally sent him to a special needs school. The young boy soon rose to the top of his class, but he was not allowed to study sciences, because it was believed too dangerous for a blind student. This was a big setback since it meant that he couldnt take the entrance exams for any of Indias top engineering colleges to realize his dream.Not one to give up, Srikanth managed to study in the University of Cambridge in the UK. After graduating with a degree in computer science and business management, Srikanth decided to return to India and devoted himself to helping the countrys disabled people.In 2012, he built Bollant Industries. In just four years, Bollant Industries has become a success with over 450 workers, 70% of whom are physically disabled.Srikanth attributes (把归于) his success to his parents.Though being poor and uneducated, they encouraged Srikanth to realize his dreams and taught him that true happiness comes from helping others.【文章大意】本文是记叙文,话题是人物故事类。一出生就双目失明的Srikanth Bolla在父母精心的抚养和支持下,直面挑战,创建了自己的公司,为家乡的残疾人提供了就业机会。5Why do the disabled kids in the small village lead a difficult life?A. They are often looked down upon. B. They can do nothing for society.C. Their parents are too poor to support them.D. They have no chance to realize their dreams.解析:A细节理解题。根据第一段中的. where most people thought that kids with disabilities were useless可知,在Srikanth出生的村庄,残疾的孩子往往被人看不起。6What happened to Srikanth in a regular school?A. He was the top of his class. B. He made no friends and felt lonely.C. He wasnt allowed to learn science.D. He was encouraged to start his own business.解析:B推理判断题。根据第三段中的But the students and teachers there didnt accept his disability. As a result, the young boy often was largely ignored可知,在普通学校,老师和同学们不接受Srikanth,他经常被大家忽视,由此可以推知,Srikanth在那里交不到朋友,感到很孤单。7Which of the following can replace the underlined word “setback” in Paragraph 4?A. supportB. difficultyC. fault D. chance解析:B词义猜测题。根据划线单词后面的since it meant that he couldnt take the entrance exams for any of Indias top engineering colleges to realize his dream可知,在印度,失明的孩子是禁止学科学的,这将成为Srikanth Bolla实现自己工程师梦想的阻碍。由此可知,difficulty最接近setback的含义,故答案选B。8How does Srikanth help the disabled people in India?A. He builds schools for them. B. He supports them to study aboard.C. He lets them manage his company.D. He provides job opportunities for them.解析:D细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的. Bollant Industries has become a success with over 450 workers, 70% of whom are physically disabled可知,Srikanth建立了自己的公司, 通过为残疾人提供就业机会的方式来帮助他们。CArcherfish (射水鱼), a species famous for spitting (吐) water to shoot insects out of the air, can recognize one human face from another.In the laboratory, instead of shooting insects, the fish were taught to spit at pictures of human faces showed on a computer screen outside their aquarium.The fish were first introduced to two faces, and taught to spit at one of them in exchange for a food reward. The researchers then tested whether the fish would recognize and spit at the face they had learned from among 44 new ones. And they were right more than 80% of the time. To the researchers surprise, even when they did that with faces that were in black and white, the fish were still able to find the face they were trained to recognize.Telling one human face from another is a surprisingly difficult task. As we all have two eyes above a nose and a mouth, doing so depends on recognizing some extremely small differences. “It has been supposed that this task is so difficult that it can only be completed by higher animals, which have a large and complex (复杂的) brain,” said Newport, whose study was published in the journal Scientific Reports.“But the archerfish were able to do this without having a neocortex, the most recently developed part of the brain. In humans, the neocortex governs our sense and language.”“Fish have a simpler brain than humans and they dont have the section of the brain that humans use for recognizing faces,” Newport said. “Even though, many fish show amazing visual (视力的) behaviors and therefore make the perfect subjects to test whether simple brains can complete complex tasks.”【文章大意】本文是说明文,话题是新闻报道类。一项实验结果表明:射水鱼不仅捕获猎物的方式很特别,而且还能识别人类的面孔。9What were the archerfish asked to do in the laboratory?APick out the face they knew.BShoot the computers from a far distance.CCount the number of faces on the screen.DPick out black and white pictures from colorful ones.解析:A细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句话可知,研究人员训练射水鱼从众多人脸中识别已经给它们看过的人脸,故答案选A。10What can we learn about the archerfish?AThey have a complex brain.BTheir neocortex is very large.CThey belong to higher animals.DThey have excellent eyesight.解析:D推理判断题。结合第四段中的. doing so depends on recognizing some extremely small differences和最后一段中Newport说的话可知,识别人脸需要发现一些很细微的差别;鱼类虽然没有复杂的大脑,但是很多鱼类的视力都很好,这为研究人员提供了很好的研究课题。由此可以推知,射水鱼拥有极好的视力。11What is the purpose of the text?ATo encourage people to protect fish.BTo introduce a kind of fish with special ability.CTo introduce the result of a study on archerfish.DTo show that animals with simpler brains are smarter.解析:C主旨大意题。读通文章可知,作者介绍了一项实验结果:射水鱼能识别人类的脸。.七选五How many times do you wish you had time to pick up a new hobby or skill? Often, you hope to learn something new, but you may never get started. _1_ Many people have such plans, but they just dont get started. The common reason is that they feel they dont have enough time.Hobbies provide a number of important benefits (益处)They provide us with a break from work. _2_ Many hobbies, such as group sports and book clubs, allow us to make new friends. Because of such hobbies, we have a social life outside of our families and classrooms.So weve covered why hobbies are important, but how can we make time? First, find out what you can cut back on. Chances are that you dont want to skip doing the laundry or helping your kids with homework. _3_ Do you spend your weekends on the couch? Chances are that theres more time than you think._4_ It may not sound relaxing for your free time to be on a schedule, but youll be glad that you set aside time for your hobby once youre on a regular schedule. Otherwise, its too easy to put it off._5_ Much of the difficulty in doing something lies in getting started. Even if you dont feel like it, or you have other th


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