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Module 1 Bernard Shaws Pygmalion-Section.完成句子1今天天气有点热。It is_ _ hot today.2想喝杯咖啡吗?Would you like_ _ _ coffee?3有些昆虫寿命只有几小时。Some insects have a lifespan of no more than _ _ hours.4他要演奏一个曲子。He is going to execute _ _ _ music.5我们为大家的利益而学会合作。We learned to pull together _ _ _ _ all.6我想这台电视机大概有点毛病。Theres something wrong with the TV set,_ _ _.单项填空1Has the little boy passed _ PE.test?He has tried twice,and the teacher will allow him to have _ third try.Athe;/Ba;theCthe;a Dthe;the2If you live in _ English countryside,you will share your garden with all_ sorts of birds,animals and insects.Athe;/ Ban;the C/; Dan;/3I hear that as many as 150 people were killed in the storm.Yes,_news came as _ shock to me.Athe;the Bthe;a Ca;the Da;a 4My son is lost.Have you seen a boy passing by here?I saw_boy hidden behind_tree over there.You may go and have a look.Aa;the Bthe;the Ca;a Dthe;a5Do you enjoy listening to records?I find records are often _ or better than an actual performance.Aas good as Bas good Cas well as Dgood as 6Anne looks_ in red while green clothes are nice _ Helen.Agood;on Bwell;in Cgood;at Dwell;for7Please say “Hi” to Bob _ me.Ato Bfor Cabout Dfrom8He agrees with us._,his opinion is similar to ours.AThat is to sayBAs a result of COn the other handDIn fact.完形填空I remember vividly the call that changed my life.It was Tuesday,February 18.When the_1_ rang in the kitchen of my Los Angeles,the _2_was Marty Banderas,a literary agent to whom I had sent a draft(草稿) of my novel three weeks earlier.“I have a couple of _3_,”Banderas said.“First,how old are you?”“Im 48,” I replied.“Are you in good _4_?”“Yes,excellent.Whats this about?”“Ive sold your novels_5_one and a half million dollars.” I sat down in _6_.I had written fourteen novels in twenty years,but each one had been _7_ by the publishers.I suppose many people would have been _8_,but not me.Each time,I just _9_ writing another one.My husband advised me to find something else to do,but I refused to_10_ up.Seeing this book _11_ was the best thing that has ever happened to me.Its a mystery story (like all the others) and it was on the bestseller_12_two weeks after publication!I got my first lesson in story_13_from my grandmother.She used to read my stories.She was the one who gave me a _14_ of words.She sparked(激发) my_15_and she has been a _16_ influence on me.I always had stories running through my _17_and as soon as I could write,I_18_them down on paper.I married young and I have three children,but I never stopped writing,_19_novels between doing the diapers(婴儿的尿布) and dishes.Im writing another novel now.Yes,my_20_has changed my life.1A.phone Bbell Cclock Dalarm2A.line Bstep Coutside Ddoorway 3A.novels Bthings CquestionsDproblems 4A.wealth Bhealth Ccondition Dorder 5A.to Bfor Con Din 6A.need Bjoy Csettlements Dshock 7A.rejected Breceived Cdecided Dlost 8A.worried Bencouraged Cdiscouraged Dexcited 9A.couldnt help Bgot down to Cgot used to Dwent on 10A.hold Blook Cgive Dset 11A.sold Bpublished Cprinted Dpassed12A.books Bshops Crecord Dlist 13A.writing Borganizing Ctelling Dreading 14A.use Blove Cmeaning Drespect 15A.hope Befforts Cnovels Dimagination 16A.lasting Bnormal Ccareful Dgeneral 17A.head Bmouth Cvoice Dwork 18A.looked Bput Cbroke Dadded 19A.writing Breading Cdeveloping Dtranslating 20A.friend Bcall Csuccess Dwork .经典重现1Leonardo da Vinci _ birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free.Ais said to be buyingBis said to have bought Chad said to buyDwho said to have bought 2The education system rather than the teachers _ to answer for the heavy burden on the students.I agree.I hope the reform being carried out in our province at present will bring about the _ results.Aare;desired Bis;desiredCare;desiring Dis;desiring 3When will you be through with your work,Jones?_?My boss usually finds something for me to do at the last minute.AWho knowsBWould you help me CI beg your pardonDAnything the matter 4Learn how to manage time properly_.I will.Ill be trying my best,mum.Aon your behalfBon your own account Cin your interestDfor your own favor 5Lets go for a walk in the garden._,but I need to do the washingup.ANo,thank you BThats rightCGood idea DNot at all6What I need is _ book that contains _ ABC of oil painting.Aa;/ Bthe;/Cthe;an Da;the 7Washing machines made by China have won _ worldwide attention and Haier has become _ popular name.Aa;the B/;aC/;the Dthe;a 8It is often _ that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.Asaid Bto sayCsaying Dbeing said参考答案.1答案:a little2答案:a cup of3答案:a few4答案:a piece of5答案:for the good of6答案:I dare say.1解析:本题考查序数词前用不定冠词的用法。第一空特指体育测试,用定冠词;句意:他尽管两次都未通过,但教师允许他再考一次。a序数词表示“又,再”。答案:C2解析:第一个空特指英国的乡村,用the;表种类的复数名词sorts,kinds等前不用冠词。答案:A3解析:第一个空特指上面提到的“多达150人在暴风雨中丧生”这一消息,用the ;第二个空填a,a shock是抽象名词具体化,表示一种具体的令人震惊的事。答案:B4解析:第一个空用不定冠词表示后者曾见过一个男孩,不一定是问话者所要找的;第二个空为特指,表示“那儿的那棵树”,用“the”。答案:A5解析:意为“跟一样好”。句意:你喜欢听录音带吗?我发现录音带常常和原声唱效果一样好,或者更好一些。答案:A6解析:well一般指“身体好,天气好”,不合题意。句意:Anne穿着红色的衣服很美,然而Helen穿着绿色的衣服很不错。答案:A7解析:请你代我向某人问好应用say “Hi” to sb.for me。句意:请你代我向Bob问好。答案:B8解析:句意:他同意我们的看法。也就是说,他的观点与我们的相似。答案:A.1解析:前面提到了“记得一个电话”。call是“电话”之意,当然下文仍然指当电话响的时候我正在厨房里。答案:A2解析:line 仍然指“电话”,具体指打电话的人。答案:A3解析:从下句可知有几个问题要问。问题要用questions;novels(小说)、things(事情,东西),不符合语境。答案:C4解析:in good wealth“富有”;in good health “身体状况良好”;in good condition“状况良好”;in good order“秩序井然,状态良好”。根据上下文,这里是问身体状况。答案:B5解析:句意:我把你的小说卖了一百五十万美元。答案:B6解析:句意为:我听了这一好消息很是震惊(shock)。答案:D7解析:因为以前写的小说一直都被出版社拒绝(reject)。receive“收到”;decide“决定”;lose“丢失”,不符合语境。答案:A8解析:句意:很多人都会泄气。答案:C9解析:get down to doing “开始着手做某事”。承接上文意思,这句说:每次被出版社拒绝后,我不灰心,开始着手写另一本。答案:B10解析:固定短语give up。 本句意思是“丈夫建议我做点别的事情,但我不放弃”。答案:C11解析:see sth.done;句意:看到这本书被出版了,这对我来说是最好的事了。 答案:B12解析:bestseller list“畅销书名单”。指这本书被列入了畅销书之内。答案:D13解析:讲故事用“tell”。答案:C14解析:句意:祖母给我讲故事,这让我喜欢上写小说。答案:B15解析:祖母激发了我的想象力。hope“希望”;effort“努力”;novel“小说”;imagination“想象力”。答案:D16解析:lasting“持久的”;normal“正常的”;careful“仔细的”;general“一般的”。句意:祖母对我有持久的影响。答案:A17解析:head“大脑”;mouth“嘴”;voice“声音”;work“工作”。句意:“我”大脑中总是有故事。答案:A18解析:put down 意为write down(记下,写下)。look down“看不起”;break down“坏了”。答案:B19解析:develop novels “展开故事”。答案:C20解析:指我写小说这件事的成功改变了我的一生。friend“朋友”;call“电话”;work“工作”,不符合语境。答案:C.1解析:sb.is said to.相当于It is sai


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