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Unit 4Section Warming Up& ReadingLanguage Points.单句语法填空1These dead ducks should be_buried (bury) immediately since they arent fit to be eaten.2Lily had to call a taxi because the box was too heavy to carry all the way home.3They were extremely (extreme) sad at the thought of their missing dog.4When she heard about the news that her father had died, she burst out crying (cry)5The big fire lasted for four hours and all the buildings along the street were destroyed (destroy)6These old people have experienced all kinds of sufferings (suffer) in their difficult times.7Three reporters (report) from the local evening news will come to cover the event this afternoon.8The medicine seems useless (use) to his illness because he still remains poor in his health.9All the listeners were greatly shocked (shock) when they heard the terrible news on radio.10It is reported that five miners (mine) got buried in the mine when the accident broke out.11However, millions (million) of students in developing countries have little or no chance for qualified English language education.12Many important events (event) happening in our university are recorded in the book.阅读理解The light is swaying (摇动). The building is shaking. A woman with a baby in her arms is trying to open the door, but fails. Finding no way, she rushes into her bedroom and there they survive the earthquake.In a factory building, as the workshop floor swings under the terrible shaking, workers run for safety. Some hide under the machines and survive, but others who try to run outside are killed by the falling ceilings.These scenes, played by actors and actresses, are from a film of science education making a split second decision shown the year 2011 on China Central TV to mark the 35th anniversary of Tangshan earthquake on July 28.By studying actual cases in the earthquake areas and scientific experiments, experts found that buildings remain untouched for the first 12 seconds of an earthquake.In this short time, one has the best chance of surviving an earthquake by staying near the inside walls, in bedrooms and under beds, experts concluded in the film.“Earthquake_seems_to_catch_the_lives_of_those_who_run.” said many survivors in the earthquake areas, describing how their friends were killed on the doorways or along the stair steps as they tried to get out of the building.Their advice was proved in the film. “Take a hiding place where you are rather than run, unless you are sure you can reach a safe open place in ten seconds.”【文章大意】地震发生时山摇地动,你能跑出去吗?跑不出去怎么办?是盲目地跑出去好,还是冷静地采取自救措施会更好?本文通过影片的片段,介绍了地震发生时如何冷静地应对。1The word “survive” appears in the passage several times in different forms. It probably means “_”Aremain alive afterBbe frightened byCfight againstDtry to get out of解析:A词义猜测题。全文多处提到,采用其他逃生方法的人大多被砸死了,而没有跑,躲起来的却幸存了下来。2What does the underlined sentence “Earthquake seems to catch the lives of those who run.” in Paragraph 6 mean?AEarthquakes like the people who run.BThose people who try to get out of the building would probably lose their lives.CYou should stay still in an earthquake.DPeople who run in an earthquake must die.解析:B句意理解题。结合上下文可知在地震中试图跑出建筑物的人更容易丧生。3Which is the best way to take in an earthquake?AYou must run down the steps as fast as you can.BYoud better not move and lie on the floor at once.CYou should find a place and hide in it within 10 seconds where something is strong enough to hold against the ceilings.DYou have to cry for help.解析:C推理判断题。由文章最后一句“Take a hidingplace where you are rather than run, unless you are sure you can reach a safe open place in ten seconds.”可以得出结论。4What does the writer mainly talk about in the passage?AChina Central TV Station made a wonderful film.BIn an earthquake many people died miserably.CThe experts did some important experiments.DTo run or not to run in an earthquake, which is the right way?解析:D主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了地震发生时,最好的逃生方式是什么,是往外跑还是找个安全的地方躲起来?.完形填空Rhubarb was kept by my family two years ago. She was very _1_ to everybody. She would wag (摇摆) her _2_ to show welcome no matter _3_ someone came to the house. Besides, she got along well with Willie, an older dog in the house. Though dying to _4_, she was very respectful to Willie and left him alone when he felt _5_ and needed rest.Willie was not very well and _6_ about a year later, but I believe Rhubarbs being there helped him keep going for longer than if he had been alone. _7_, the strange thing about Rhubarb was that she almost never _8_ from then on. She even only made a little crying sound when seeing a bone (骨头) and getting _9_.One hot night, we went to bed with the windows open and the _10_ unlocked. At about 3:00 am, woken by Rhubarbs barking, I _11_, walked out of the bedroom and found Rhubarb coming toward me. I turned on all the _12_ and noticed the door to the kitchen was open. Then I saw the door of the house was also open. I _13_ locked all the doors, and went back to bed.The next day, I was _14_ to learn that several houses had been _15_ just the night before. Most people had _16_ their wallets. Mine was right next to the door with hundreds of _17_ and some important items in it, but Rhubarb had scared the _18_ away before he could take it.Rhubarb lived to be almost 12, but that night was the only time she barked after Willies death. Fortunately, she never saw the need to _19_ us of any other danger. We loved her like a member of the _20_ and still miss our sweet dog now.话题:宠物【文章大意】养狗不但能给主人带来很多乐趣,关键时刻还能起到防贼和保护财产的作用。1A.honestBcoldCfamiliar Dfriendly解析:D根据后面的to show welcome可推断,这条狗对每个人都很友好。2A.tail BheadCtongue Dface解析:A根据常识可知,狗高兴时会摇尾巴。3A.where BwhatCwhen Dhow解析:C不管什么时候有人来屋子里,它都欢迎。4A.eat BplayCtalk Dwalk解析:B根据上下文语境可知,虽然这条狗很想和另外一条狗玩,但是如果那条狗想休息,它也会尊重它。5A.frightened BsadChungry Dtired解析:D根据后面的needed rest可知,如果这条狗累了想要休息,Rhubarb也会尊重它。6A.escaped BdiedCleft Ddisappeared解析:B根据后文的after Willies death可知,Willie死了。7A.However BThereforeCOtherwise DMeanwhile解析:A前文讲Rhubarb的存在对延续Willie的寿命起到一定的帮助作用;后文讲Willie死后Rhubarb出现的变化;前后有转折关系。8A.jumped BcaredCbarked Drecovered解析:C有趣的是,Willie死后,Rhubarb几乎不再叫了。9A.relaxed BbusyCgrateful Dexcited解析:D根据seeing a bone以及通过常识可知,狗看见骨头会变得兴奋。10A.doors BcarCsuitcase Ddrawers解析:A根据后文几扇门被打开的语境可知,作者睡觉的时候并没有把门锁上。11A.waited BroseCstood Dsat解析:B被狗叫吵醒后,作者起身查看。rise意为“起身、起床”。12A.televisions BcomputersCphones Dlights解析:D根据后文的noticed the door to the kitchen was open可知,作者打开灯看见门是开着的。13A.bravely BsecretlyCquickly Dhappily解析:C作者看见门开着,所以迅速锁好所有的门后,回去接着睡觉。14A.disappointed BsurprisedClucky Dpleased解析:B作者知道有盗贼晚上光顾了几家很惊讶。15A.broken into Bburned downCwashed away Dpulled down解析:A第二天作者惊讶地得知,头一天晚上,有盗贼光顾了几户人家。16A.recognized BfoundClost Dhidden解析:C因为有盗贼闯入,所以人们的钱包丢了。17A.cards BphotosCmessages Ddollars解析:D作者的钱包里装了好几百美元,还有一些重要的东西。18A.thief BworkerCowner Dneighbor解析:A根据后文的before he could take it可知,盗贼未能得逞就被Rhubarb给吓跑了。19A.remind BwarnCinform Dcure解析:B幸运的是,再也没有遇到需要Rhubarb向我们发出危险警告的时候。20A.group BclassCfamily Dteam解析:C作者把Rhubarb当作家庭中的一员。.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均限一词。2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。When my classmate Li Feng became member of our class, he wasnt good at English. He could hard say anything when he was asked to answer questions with English by our English teacher Miss Green. But yesterday, when Miss Green asks him to answer a question again, he answered them very well. I was surprising. After class, I asked him how he improved his English so greatly. He said


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