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Section Grammar & WritingA卷 单句语法填空1A case of suspected food poisoning in New York has led to 6 high school students _ (send) to hospital.答案:being sent2_ (judge) by the accent,the man must come from the south.答案:Judging3The rare fish,_ (save) from the cooking pot,has been returned to the sea.答案:saved4When I came back from shopping,I found my iPhone _(steal)答案:stolen5The movie originally _ (intend) for children under 12 is now being used to educate adults.答案:intended6_(discuss) many times,the problems were settled at last.答案:Discussed7_ (remind) not to drive after drinking,some drivers are still trying their luck,which is really dangerous.答案:Reminded8Last Sunday,thousands of travelers remained _(stick) inside the mountains in Tibet due to the worst snowstorm in years.答案:stuck9The big fire blocked the stairs,leaving dozens of people _ (trap) on the top of the building.答案:trapped10_ (accustom) to climbing the steep mountain,he had no difficulty reaching the top.答案:Accustomed 阅读理解Many automobile makers present their newest designs at car shows around the world.Many designers seek to create the car of the future.One device that is popular among car manufacturers(生产商) is an autopilot.Autopilot permits a car to drive itself without human control.A recent car show in Geneva,Switzerland also presented other possible designs,including cars manufactured in 3D printers.Rinspeed is a Swiss design company.It showed a vehicle based on the US electric car Tesla Model S, but the Rinspeed car includes a large television and an espresso coffee maker.Frank Rinderknecht is the CEO of Rinspeed.He says he does not want to just sit and watch the steering wheel(方向盘) turn as he rides in a car with autopilot.“I want to ride, I want to sleep, relax, watch movies, news, anything else.So thats the vision which we have.That one day on the boring motorway traffic,you just do anything which makes your life better,” said Rinderknecht.One of the most interesting ideas presented at the show is a car built on a 3D printer.The German engineering firm EDAG designed the car.The body of the vehicle called“Genesis”is printed in one piece from a material called thermoplastic(热塑性塑料)Christoph Horvath is a spokesman for EDAG.“To create a car without the use of any tool.This would be a real revolution for the industry,” said Horvath.EDAG says it based its design on a turtle shell.The company says the design provides the right amount of strength and firmness.Other automakers did not look so far into the future.Czech automaker Skoda presented its “Vision C” model vehicle.The car has an environmentally friendly natural gas engine.Jo Davidson is a company spokeswoman.She says the car releases very low levels of the pollutant gas CO2.Ms Davidson says the “Vision C” plans to be launched in two years.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了日内瓦车展展示出的未来汽车的几种设计。1Why is an autopilot popular among car manufacturers?ABecause it can get a car to drive itself.BBecause it can make a car more modern.CBecause it may let a car fly in the sky freely.DBecause it has a car moving in a particular direction.A解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“One device that is popular among car manufacturers(生产商) is an autopilot.Autopilot permits a car to drive itself without human control.”可知答案。2What do we know about the vehicle called “Genesis”?AIt is designed by the American engineering firm.BThe body of the vehicle is built on a 3D printer.CFrank Rinderknecht is the designer of the car.DThe car was mainly made from the turtle shell.B解析:细节理解题。根据第六段中的“.a car built on a 3D printer.”以及“The body of the vehicle called Genesis is printed in one piece from a material called thermoplastic(热塑性塑料)”可知答案。3What is the common feature of the cars?AThey are all made from thermoplastic.BThey all belong to the cars of the future.CAll the designs are based on a turtle shell.DThey all have environmentally friendly natural gas engine.B解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Many designers seek to create the car of the future.”以及下文的介绍,特别是多次出现的单词design都可以推知,这些汽车都是未来的汽车设想。故选B。4Where can we most probably read this text?AIn an economic report.BIn a short story.CIn a travel magazine.DIn a technology report.D解析:文章出处题。纵观全文可知,本文介绍了未来汽车的几种设计,故应出自技术方面的报告。故选D。 完形填空Most stress is internal(内在的), caused by the way in which we relate to the world and events and people around ourselves.Stress is _1_ when there is a disconnection between our _2_ and our reality.When reality falls short of an expectation, it _3_ disappointment and that causes stress.For example, let us say you drove your car to work today,your car was _4_ in the nearby parking lot, and you would leave _5_ today at 5: 00 pm.You probably had an expectation that your car would be right where you _6_ it when you got to the parking lot this afternoon.Well, what if you were to _7_ at 5: 00 pm.that your car had _8_? I would imagine most of us would feel some _9_ if our car had been stolen!But, what if you returned to the parking lot this afternoon and your car was _10_ where you left it this morning? You would insert (插入) the key and drive away.Would you _11_ stress over finding your car where you left it? No.Because when expectation and reality _12_,you dont feel stress._13_ most of us will experience those larger _14_ in life, they are typically few so that our bodies have a _15_ to cope(应对) and recover.Rather, it is all the little disappointments that will really build up our stress.The _16_? Bring your realities up to your expectations.How? Through _17_ daily planning.Make sure that you plan to do the little things you want and expect to be done _18_ all the things you “haveto”do during the day.Build a daily action list that _19_ both the “havetos” and the “wanttos”Prioritize(排序) this list and handle them in the order of their _20_ to you.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。当期望与现实脱节时, 人们就会感到压力。有效的日常计划可以帮助减轻压力。1A.reducedBmanagedCcausedDplacedC解析:由上文.caused by the way.可知,此处是说什么情况下会“导致(caused)”压力。2A.dreamsBexpectationsCfactsDplansB解析:由下文中的When reality falls short of an expectation.causes stress.可知, 当我们的“期望(expectations)”与现实脱节时就会导致压力。3A.createsBshowsCfollowsDavoidsA解析:当现实没能达到期望时, 就会“产生(creates)”失望, 从而导致压力。4A.repairedBparkedCproducedDwashedB解析:由下文中的parking lot可知, 你把车“停(parked)”在附近的停车场。5A.homeBschoolCclassDworkD解析:由上文中的you drove your car to work可知, 此处指下午五点“下班(leave work)”。6A.gotBpassedCleftDmissedC解析:早上上班把车停放在停车场, 那下午下班自然是期望你的车就在你“停放(left)”的地方。7A.discoverBpredictCimagineDadmitA解析:由上下文可知,此处是说“如果你下午5点发现(discover)怎么办”。8A.startedBdisappearedCstoppedDclosedB解析:由下文中的our car had been stolen可知, 如果你发现你的车“不见了(disappeared)”呢?9A.stressBfrightCpainDcalmnessA解析:发现车被偷, 我们中的大多数人会感到“压力(stress)”。10A.especiallyBprobablyCexactlyDsimplyC解析:由上文中的right where you.it可知, 你的车“正好(exactly)”就在你早上停放的地方。11A.realizeBfaceCrecognizeDexperienceD解析:由下文的feel stress可知, 此处表达的意思与其一致, 所以用“experience stress”, 表示“感到压力”。12A.add upBmatch upCshow upDmix upB解析:由下文中的you dont feel stress可知, 期望与现实“相吻合(match up)”。13A.UnlessBSinceCWhenDWhileD解析:由下文中的they are typically few可知, 前后句之间是让步关系, 故用“尽管(While)”。14A.changesBchallengesCdisappointmentsDfailuresC解析:尽管我们大多数人在生活中会经历那些较大的“失望(disappointments)”15A.rightBwishCsystemDchanceD解析:但是这样的失望通常很少, 所以我们的身体有“机会(chance)”应对和恢复。16A.resultBprocessCgoalDsolutionD解析:由上下文语境可知, 此处指“解决办法(solution)”。17A.effectiveBcasualCnewDimmediateA解析:“有效的(effective)”日常计划可以使得现实与期望达成一致。18A.as forBin case ofCinstead ofDin addition toD解析:由下文中的both the “havetos” and the “wanttos”可知, “除了(in addition to)”你需要做的事情, 保证做一些你想做的事情。19A.separatesBintroducesCincludesDcontributesC解析:此处承接上一句, 作者建议列一个每日行动单, “包括(includes)”你需要做的事情和你想做的事情。20A.necessityBimportanceCtimeDsizeB解析:由上文中的Prioritize可知, 按照“重要性(importance)”的先后顺序来处理这些事情。B卷 阅读理解AAccording to the Greek branch of WWF,the brown bear is in danger in our country.Its population is about 100150 bears.We find it in Central and Northern Pindos and also in Western Rodopi.Another species in danger, not only in Greece but also all over Europe,is the lynx(山猫),the biggest European feline.Very few lynxes live now in Greece because of the hunting for their fur and because of the damage they cause in stockbreeding(畜牧业)We find them in the mountain range of Pindos and in forests in the Northern borders of our country.The Mediterranean seal is the most threatened mammal in Europe.It has disappeared from the European coasts of the Mediterranean Sea and thats why Greece is very important for its protection.The main reasons for its disappearance are the damage of its living areas,the killing by fishermen because of the damages it does to their nets,the lack of food and the pollution of the sea.Animal in danger in Europe is also the wolf.Greece is one of the European countries where the wolf seems to be found in a satisfying amount.But still,they are not more than 500.The wolf lives in almost the whole mainland, except Peloponnisos from where it was disappeared during the 40s decade.It_also_lives_in_the_mountains_of_Sterea_Hellas,_but_there_isnt_a_permanent_population_there.The deer, the biggest vegetarian animal in Greece,is under an immediate danger.Because of the exaggerated(过大的) hunting its populations are minimised and today there are very few left only in the peninsula(半岛) of Sithonia, the mountain range of Rodopi and Parnassos.1Where does the brown bear live according to the passage?ASterea Hellas.BSithonia.CEastern Rodopi.DPindos.D解析:由第一段最后一句可知,大棕熊的栖息地在Northern Pindos和Western Rodopi。2Which is the biggest vegetarian animal in Greece?AThe brown bear.BThe Mediterranean seal.CThe wolf.DThe deer.D解析:由文章最后一段第一句可知,希腊最大的食草动物是鹿。3Which of the following is NOT the reason for the Mediterranean seals disappearance?AThe living habits.BThe damage of its living areas.CThe killing by the fishermen.DThe lack of food and the pollution of the sea.A解析:由第三段第三句可知,地中海海豹消失的主要原因有生存地的破坏,渔民的猎杀以及食物短缺和海水污染。4What can we infer from the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph?AIn Sterea Hellas there are still many wolves living there.BWolves only visit Sterea Hellas at times.CIn Sterea Hellas people still hunt wolves for furs.DIn Sterea Hellas wolves live a good life.B解析:由画线句子可知,这些狼只是不时地去那里居住,斯特瑞亚哈拉斯地区的山脉并不是它们永久的居住地。BCan you believe everything that you read? It seems as if every day,some new articles come out about a new discovery or this or that.For example,water is bad for you,or good for you.The answer depends on which scientific study has just come out.People seem to not be able to decide which food items are healthy,how the pyramids were constructed,and why the dinosaurs disappeared.When we look for answers we can find findings from various researchers and scientists.But how trustworthy are they really?As far back as 1726,Johann Beringer was fooled by his fellow scientists into thinking he had made an amazing discovery.The fossils(化石) of spiders,lizards,and even birds with the name of God written on them in Hebrew were unlike anything that had been found before.He wrote several papers on them and was famous for these only to have it revealed that they were planted by jealous colleagues to ruin his reputation.When an early human being called Piltdown man was discovered in 1912,scientists at that time were wild with excitement over the meaning it had for the theory of evolution.There were hundreds of papers written about this Piltdown man over the next fifty years until it was finally discovered to be a complex hoax(骗局)The skull of a man had been mixed with the jawbone of an orangutan(猩猩) to make the bone of the Piltdown man.The next time you read the exciting new findings of a study of the best scientist,do not automatically assume that it is true.Even qualified people can get it wrong,either on purpose or not.While we certainly should not ignore scientific research,we do need to take it with a grain of salt.Just that it is accepted as the truth today does not mean it will still be trustworthy tomorrow.【解题导语】人们由于对许多东西不了解,所以依赖科学家。然而并非所有的科学研究成果都是真实可信的。5What CANNOT we learn from Paragraph 1?AMost people do not totally believe in scientists theory as before.BScientists still dont reach an agreement on how the pyramids were built.CDifferent scientists have different opinions on the same question.DThere are some new discoveries being made public almost every day.A解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第二句It seems as if every day,some new articles come out about a new discovery or this or that.可知D正确;根据第五、六句可知B、C正确,故答案选A。6The excited scientists at first thought that the Piltdown man _Awas in fact a complex hoaxBwas a great scientific inventionCwould contribute to the theory of evolutionDwould help people learn about orangutansC解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的.scientists at that time were wild with excitement over the meaning it had for the theory of evolution.可知C为正确答案。7The author may agree with the idea that_Ascientific research is important although there may be wrong findingsBmethods of scientific research should develop with timeCtruths of science will never be out of timeDonly famous scientists are trustworthyA解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的While we certainly should not ignore scientific research,we do need to take it with a grain of salt.可知A项正确。CDo you know what to do if you see a bird with a broken wing in your backyard, or a hurt raccoon(浣熊) by the side of the road?Use your phone!Its never a good idea to touch a wild animal or to try to help one without professional guidance.The animal might be dangerous to you,and you could cause further injury without meaning to.Thats why the wildliferescue organization Animal Watch has created a new mobile app.The app helps users find the right solutions for animals that need urgent(紧急的) care.Animal Help Now uses your phones GPS to find where the animal is located.Then the app asks questions about the animal:Is it wild or raised by humans?Is it a pet or a farm animal?Could the animal put humans in danger?Based on the location, the time of day, the type of animal, and the injury, Animal Help Now will suggest a care provider thats right for your situation.For wild animals, the app might suggest a nearby rescue facility that specializes in wounded wildlife.Or it might point you to registered care takers who nurse animals that have been hurt in the wild back to health.For pets or farm animals, the app lists the nearest veterinarians(兽医) who care for the type of animal that has been injured.“The app is designed to work even when you dont have cell or Internet access, ”Animal Watch director Dave Crawford tells National Public Radio.“So whether youre driving through a remote area on the eastern Colorado plains, hiking a trail in Rocky Mountain National Park, or simply passing through a dead zone on your way to work, youll still be able to immediately find the help you need.” For now, Animal Help Now works only in Colorado, where Animal Watch is based.But the organization hopes to include information for users across the country.【解题导语】本文主要介绍了Animal Watch组织开发的一款手机应用软件,该软件可以通过人们所提供的受伤动物的信息来帮助人们拯救这些动物。8If you help injured ani


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