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Section Welcome to the unit & ReadingLanguage Points 品句填词1In China,its bad _(举止) to talk with your mouth full.答案:manners2Li Xin even doesnt know the test of TOFEL,however,she _(假装) that she has studied economics in an American College for four years.答案:pretends3If you are late for class,you should _(道歉) to the teacher either at the time or after class.答案:apologize4I didnt mean to keep you waiting here for a long time.But there are several traffic jams on the way.Can you _(原谅) me?答案:forgive5Those who _(背叛) their countries will be hated by all the people.答案:betrayed6He felt_(内疚的) about not visiting his parents more often.答案:guilty7Old people tend to be very_(敏感的) to cold.答案:sensitive8They were having an _ (争论) about whose turn it was to do the cooking.答案:argument 单句改错1You should have the courage to admit have broken the window._答案:第二个have改为having2When the boss came in,the workers pretended to work hard on their machines._答案:work改为be working3In truth,if you want to keep pace to the development of the society,you should be absorbed in your work rather than waste your time._答案:第二个to改为with4It never occurred to her to ask anyone for help when she was with trouble._答案:with改为in5Who can guarantee that he will keep his words?_答案:words改为word 完成句子1真幸运,我获得了800米比赛的金牌。你肯定受过严格的训练。I was lucky to win a gold medal in the 800metre race.You_ tough training.答案:must have gone through2如果这样的话,你做了些什么来种植这些植物?_,what did you do to grow these plants?答案:If so3汤姆昨晚在晚会上玩得很愉快。他的确玩得很愉快,杰克玩得也很愉快。Tom had a wonderful time at the party last night._ and _答案:So he did;so did Jack4我买了一辆新车,约翰也是。I have bought a new car,_ I have bought a new car._,too.答案:so has John;John has bought a new car5在这样的情况下,我不得不这样做。I _ so under these circumstances.答案:cannot help but do 课文语法填空()Secrets and liesIn Sarahs letter,she told Annie that she and Hannah had been best friends since primary school.They were both very hardworking and got good grades at school.One day,they had a 1._(surprising) math quiz.2._ it was easy,Sarah got the 3._(low) grade in the class!The next day Sarah found almost everyone in the class knew it.She was so angry 4._ Hannah because she only told Hannah the secret.Hannah said someone must 5._ (spy) on them in the washroom,but Sarah didnt believe her explanation and couldnt forgive her.()A friendship in troubleIn Andrews letter,he said he and his best friend Matthew were in the school football team.Last week they played 6._ another school.The other team was superb and they really had to focus.In the match Matthew couldnt keep pace with the game so they lost the game.7._ this reason,Andrew got angry with Matthew and said that he had not tried hard enough.Matthew got annoyed,8._(say) it wasnt his fault and that Andrew shouldnt talk to him in that manner.They quarreled and it turned into a horrible 9._(argue) at last.Because Andrew disliked 10._(see) his team lost,he made some cruel remarks during the argument.Since they argued,they had stopped talking to each other.Andrew felt awkward.答案:1.surprise2.Though/Although3.lowest4.with5have been spying6.against7.For8.saying9argument10.seeingA卷 单句语法填空1. He had a good disguise,but as soon as he spoke he betrayed _(he)答案:himself2. That student admitted _(cheat) in the math exam,promising that he would never do that again in the future.答案:having cheated3. He pretended _ (read) an important paper when the boss entered.答案:to be reading4. George is going to talk about the geography of his country,but Id rather he focused more _ its culture.答案:on5. Its bad manners _ (speak) ill of someone in his absence.答案:to speak6. Mary often argues _ her friends about small things angrily,which sometimes makes them very unhappy.答案:with7. The child was told to _ (apology) for being rude to his mother.答案:apologize8While we cant change the body typewe are born with,we cant blame our genes _ making us fat.答案:for9. Every time he sees people _ trouble,he always lends them a hand.答案:in10Supply has to keep pace _ increasing demand.答案:with 阅读理解Many teenagers play sports or go out with friends in their spare time. However, Amalia Tobias is different because she spends her free time helping others.A few years ago, Amalia started the “Family Promise Club”. The group belongs to Family Promise, a national organization that calls on volunteers to offer care to the homeless. After volunteering for several years, Amalia found that Family Promise guests are not much different than her own family.Amalia thought young people could make a positive difference. She brought a few of her friends to volunteer at Family Promise. There, the teens played with the children and read books to them. The teens also helped serve the meals that had been given by others. One of Amalias friends described it as the most unforgettable experience he had ever had.This inspired Amalia to start the Family Promise Club. Amalia saw that her friends were happy after they volunteered because it gave them a sense of community.Rachel Isralowitz, another student member of the club, remembered her firsttime volunteering. She said, “The kids seemed to be enjoying themselves a lot. I was also very happy afterwards because there was lots of fun.”Still, Amalia knew that starting the new club was a risk.“What if no one else comes besides me and my friends?” she wondered. At the first meeting, Amalia told the other students, “A Family Promise guest may be in an unfortunate position, but that doesnt mean that he or she is any less of a person than we are.” Amalia was happy to see that students in all grades take an active part in the club.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。为了让更多的人关注、帮助无家可归的人,Amalia Tobias成立了Family Promise Club。1Which of the following can best describe Amalia?AShy. BCaring.CStubborn. DEasygoing.B解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的“Amalia Tobias is different because she spends her free time helping others”可知,caring“体贴人的;关心他人的”最能形容Amalia。2What made Amalia start the Family Promise Club?AThe childrens need for love.BThe importance of reading books.CHer friends experiences as volunteers.DSome suggestions from Family Promise.C解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的内容以及第四段的“This inspired Amalia to start the Family Promise Club.”可知,Amalia的朋友们作为志愿者的经历使得Amalia产生了建立Family Promise Club的想法。3What did Rachel Isralowitz think of volunteering?AIt made her popular among kids.BIt helped her make more friends.CIt was a winwin situation.DIt gave her a sense of safety.C解析:推理判断题。根据第五段可知,Rachel Isralowitz认为志愿者活动既帮助了他人,同时也给自己带来了快乐,是一个双赢的局面。4What might be the best title for the text?AFamily Promise ClubBThe Value of VolunteeringCHappiness Is a State of MindDA Girls Voluntary ExperienceA解析:标题归纳题。本文讲述了Amalia Tobias成立了Family Promise Club的过程,用Family Promise Club作标题最合适。 完形填空Good friends mean a lot in our life.I used to have some friends who I could _1_It was my 4th grade in the elementary school that I had my two friends Nina and Nancy.I had known them since the first grade and we had gotten along quite well.Now the memory of their appearance is still _2_ in my mind.The following year I went to a new school.I was shy and didnt _3_ much.The first day I made no new friend and I felt _4_The next day right after school as we were waiting for our school _5_,I felt someone _6_ on my hair,so I quickly turned,“Why did you do that?”“Im sorry I was stretching.”Giving her a(n) _7_ look,I turned around without saying anything.I had seen my teachers eyes _8_ as I didnt want to get into _9_Then I felt a _10_ on my shoulder and turned around again.“What is it?”“Well umm.I have seen you for the first time.For the reason that I was _11_ yesterday I was wondering if youre a new student.”I nodded _12_ and she smiled “Welcome to De Zavala Primary School! Im Alondra,nice to meet you!”Then the school bus came and we got on.And thats how it all _13_She was a warmhearted girl _14_ she introduced me to new people and I made a lot of new friends! And I swore I would _15_ them because they saved me from the _16_ and they didnt even know.One day,when we were in the 8th grade,Alondra told me she had always wanted a best friend and then I _17_ along.I felt so _18_ to hear about it.Now Im in the college and I _19_ have many friends: Logan,Mari,Amold,Maggie,and those whose _20_ you dont know.1A.go withBget alongCput up withDcount onD解析:第一句说“朋友在我们的生活中意味着很多”,故此处指“我过去有一些可以依赖的朋友”。go with与相配;get along相处;put up with容忍;count on指望,依赖。2A.cleanBblankCfreshDinvisibleC解析:我从小学一年级就认识这两位朋友,所以现在她们的长相在我脑海中仍然记忆犹新(fresh)。3A.eatBtalkCknowDgainB解析:因为我害羞,所以我说话少。4A.goodBangryCboredDlonelyD解析:因为在这个新学校的第一天我没有交到一个朋友,所以我感到很孤独(lonely)。5A.doctorBdinnerCteacherDbusD解析:根据第三段最后一句中的“the school bus came”可知答案。6A.pullBpushCcatchDputA解析:pull on拉;push on推动;catch on流行,理解;put on穿上。此处指有人拉自己的头发。7A.angryBcoldCfriendlyDexcitedC解析:对方已经道歉,于是我一言不发地只是友好地看了她一眼。8A.closeBwidenCnarrowDbrightenB解析:由于我没有说话,老师感到很惊讶,眼睛睁得很大。9A.agreementBdangerCtroubleDtouchC解析:get into trouble陷入困境。10A.knockBtap CstrikeDbeatB解析:“轻拍肩膀”只能用名词tap。11A.absentBlazyCbusyDstrangeA解析:因为我昨天没来,所以我不知道你是否是新来的学生。12A.anxiouslyBattentively CnervouslyDsincerelyD解析:别人问话,应该真诚地点头。13A.wentBappearedCbeganDworkedC解析:和Alondra认识后,在新学校我的新生活开始了。14A.whenBwhyCasDhowC解析:此处as意思是“因为”。15A.care forBthank forCsend forDseek forA解析:care for喜欢;thank for因为而感谢;send for派人去请;seek for寻找。此处指“我很喜欢我的新朋友们”。16A.happinessBlonelinessCpovertyDfearB解析:前文提到,作者在新学校的第一天由于没有朋友,感到很孤独。现在有了新朋友,当然不再孤独。17A.cameBmarchedChurriedDgotA解析:Alondra告诉我之前她一直想要找到一个最好的朋友,没想到那时我出现了。18A.honoredBstableCuneasyDsadA解析:听了她的话,我感到很荣幸。19A.evenBjustConlyDstillD解析:现在我在上大学,仍然有很多朋友。20A.charactersBnamesCfriendsDgradesB解析:除了列举的朋友外,还有些你不知道他们名字的朋友。B卷 阅读理解AWe have met the enemy,and he is ours.We bought him at a pet shop.When monkeypox,a disease usually found in the African rainforest,suddenly turns up in children in the American Midwest,its hard not to wonder if the disease that comes from foreign animals is homing in on human beings.“Most of the infections(传染病) we think of as human infections started in other animals,”says Stephen Morse,director of the Center for Public Health Preparedness at Columbia University.Its not just that were going to where the animals are;were also bringing them closer to us.Popular foreign pets have brought a whole new disease to this country.A strange illness killed Isaksens pets,and she now thinks that keeping foreign pets is a bad idea.“I dont think its fair to have them as pets when we have such a limited knowledge of them,”says Isaksen.“Laws allowing these animals to be brought in from deep forest areas without stricter control need changing,”says Peter Schantz.Monkeypox may be the_wakeup_callResearchers believe infected animals may infect their owners.We know very little about these new diseases.A new bug(病毒) may be kind at first.But it may develop into something harmful(有害的)Monkeypox doesnt look a major infectious disease.But it is not impossible to pass the disease from person to person.1We learn from Paragraph 1 that the pet sold at the shop may _Acome from ColumbiaBprevent us from being infectedCenjoy being with childrenDsuffer from monkeypoxD解析:细节理解题。由文章第一段可知,该宠物可能患monkeypox。2Why did Isaksen advise people not to have foreign pets?AThey attack human beings.BWe need to study native animals.CThey cant live out of the rainforest.DWe do not know much about them yet.D解析:细节理解题。由第二段Isaksen说的话可知,她认为目前人们对国外的宠物了解得太少。3What does the phrase “the wakeup call” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?AA new disease.BA clear warning.CA dangerous animal.DA morning call.B解析:词义猜测题。根据最后一段内容可知monkeypox可能给人们“一个警示”。4The text suggests that in the future we _Amay have to fight against more new diseasesBmay easily get infected by diseases from dogsCshould not be allowed to have petsDshould stop buying pets from AfricaA解析:推理判断题。由文章最后一段可知,这种病毒的出现只是一个警告。未来可能会出现更多的新的疾病。BMany times when children make a mistake,starting with breaking a window while playing football or skipping classes and ending with stealing something or fighting with another child,parents are always blamed by the society for not having known how to educate their offspring(后代)The situation is not that easy to explain.Parents always look for the best interest of their children and many times they are ready to take measures only for their sake.They know their children are suffering when they are obliged to stay indoors or when they have no money,but they have to teach them a lesson so that they wont repeat the same mistakes over and over again.When a child realizes that his father is talking seriously about him not being allowed to do something,he understands the gravity(严重性)of his deeds and he knows he will think twice before making the same mistake again.These are the cases of the responsible parents,who suffer when they see that their children are not happy but who resist the temptation of forgiving them so easily so that they realize the gravity of their actions not only at present but also for the future.On the other hand there are parents who always find excuses for their childrens behavior,who never consider they make mistakes or if they just do what they call “childish” things lacking importance.When you buy your children everything he has ever dreamt of or when you tell him he can wear a necklace even if he is only 13,he will become so spoiled that he wont take into consideration anything of what you are telling him later on.He will get to the point when he steals from the house or from a shop so that he can afford to buy cigarettes or drugs.5What does the author imply in the first paragraph?AIt is the parents who are to blame when their children make mistakes.BChildren are easy to make mistakes.CIt is not always right to blame parents when their children make mistakes.DEducating their children is the responsibility of the parents.C解析:推理判断题。作者在第一段中列举了孩子常犯的一些错误,社会上经常因为孩子犯错误而责备他们的父母,作者认为这种做法是不正确的。第一段最后一句提示了答案。6According to the author,if a child makes a mistake,the parents should _Ateach the child a lessonBunderstand the child and forgive him or herCnot make him or her stay indoorsDnot forgive him or her at allA解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“.but they have to teach them a lesson so that they wont repeat the same mistakes over and over again.”可知答案。7We can infer from the passage that _Aparents attitude towards their childrens mistakes affects their childrens behavior greatlyBparents excuses for their childrens behavior make no difference to their childrenCchildren are hard to educate if they often make mistakesDparents who make excuses for their childrens bad deeds are not good parentsA解析:推理判断题。根据第三段内容可以推测父母对孩子所犯错误的态度对孩子行为的影响很大。8The purpose of writing this passage is to _Atell us it is normal that children make mistakesBshow parents how to deal with the children who make mistakesCmake us know why children often make mistakesDgive some advice on how to forgive the children who make mistakesB解析:写作意图题。本文重点说明父母应该怎样处理孩子所犯的错误才能让孩子在今后避免再犯类似的错误,才能让他们意识到自己所犯错误的严重性。所以作者的意图是告诉父母应该怎样对待犯错误的孩子。 七选五It takes time to really get to know someone, but first impressions often determine whether someone is willing to spend more time learning about you. In fact, peoples first impressions are made within seven seconds of meeting someone new.1._Show respect. People want to feel respected before they show you the same respect. 2._ Be sure to treat everyone around you well, because it shows a lot about who you are.Be enthusiastic. 3._ Dont be afraid to show that you are interested in someone. In fact, people often see passion(激情) as a charming sign of strength and inspiration. Showing your enthusiasm by smiling or using friendly humor will make you seem easygoing.4_ Body language is as important as your words to first impressions. Make sure your posture is good, make strong eye contact(眼神接触) and try to express your interest in others.Try to avoid the bad days. If something unfortunate happens, you dont have to follow a scheduled meeting on the day. 5._ Let them know you dont want unfavorable things to affect them. Itll show your ability to communicate effectively.AMake others comfortable.B


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