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Unit 7 Topic 1 SectionC【学习目标】1.学习关于物体形状的单词2.学习描述物体形状、颜色、尺寸和用途的句型3.学会根据物体的外形概括其特征【预习达标】1 Read 1a and answer. (1)What is the present for kangkangs birthday? (2)What color is it? 2 Read and translate飞机模型 再猜看一看 正确_恐怕_ 正方形_长方形 三角形 圆形 椭圆你给康康的生日礼物是什么?你的礼物是什么形状的?它是黑白相间的。_我明白了。_它像什么?它之前像什么?它之前像花吗?它有多长?他有多宽?我们用它来做什么?【学习流程】自学指导1.词汇:present, shape, circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, centimeter, football2.短语:just now, have a look 3.句型:Whats the shape of ? = What shape is ? How long is ? How wide is ? What do we use it for ? It must be a pencil-box. What is it like? I get it.合作探究1.对于物体长宽高提问的句型概括总结2.use的用法(1)_(2)_(3)_展示提升A:What shape is it?B: Its a/an A: How long is it?B:Its.centimeters longA: How wide is it?B: Its centimeters wide A: What do we use it for?B: We use it to. 【当堂检测,点击中考】1根据汉语提示完成句子.(1)Tomorrow is your birthday. How do you (计划)celebrate it? (2) was the yesterday?(昨天几号) (3) Whats this? -It a (给的礼物)my friend Jane. (4) I (恐怕)I cant go swimming with you . (5) We want to buy an Mp4 to give him _(惊喜). 2 选择最佳答案。 (1)-Sally, whats your present? -Its round. A the shape of B a shape of C the shape for (2) -What your dog one year ago?-Very small. But now its very big. A was ; like B is; like C looked ; like .(3) - is the Great Wall? -3 5 metersA How long B How wide C How old(4)-Eden, where were you ?-I was in the library. A now B ago C just now (5)-Xuming, whose purse is this ?-It be Toms .His student card is in it. A must B can C may(6)-What do you use the Mp4 -We use it to listen music. A of; for B for; to C to; 3根据汉语补全句子。2. 你的礼物是什么形状的。Whats your present? is it?(2) 我们用它做什么?用来放铅笔,尺子,橡皮等等。-What do we it ? -Weit pencils ,rulers , erasers and (3) 刚才它是什么形状?是方形的。-What shape it . -It a .(4)它刚才像一朵花吗? 不,不像。它像一个星星。 Was it like a flower ? No, . It was a star. (5)它有多长?24厘米长。- is it?-Its 24 . 4书面表达。假如今天是你的生日,你朋友为你买了一个MP


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