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,微创与开放手术治疗I-II度腰椎滑脱症,历史沿革,来自希腊语: spondylo(椎体)和Listhesis(滑移)集合而成。 1782年 Herbinlaux最先描述了腰5椎体前滑脱病例。 1854年 Kilian首先定义脊柱滑脱症(spondylisthesis):“一椎体在另一椎体上部分或完全的滑移”。 1957年 Taillard将脊柱滑脱症定义为“由于关节突间连续断裂或延长而引起椎体与其椎弓根、横突和上关节突一同向前滑移。”,流行性病学,Fredrickson BE, et al. The natural history of spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1984, 500 participants,Jacobsen s Degenerative Lumbar Spondylolisthesis:An Epidemiological Perspective. spine. 2007, 4151 participants ,M :1533、F:2618 254cases(11.1%),M(1.5%):F(5.9%),M(0.7%):F(1.2%),Kalichman L,Kinm DH, Li L, etal. Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis.Prevalence and Association With Low Back Pain in the Adult Community-Based Population. spine. 2009, 3529 participants ,CT :11.5%,腰椎滑脱的Wiltse分型,Wiltse LL,Newman PH, MacNab I. Classification of spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis. Clin Orthop,1976,117:23-29.,腰椎滑脱程度(Meyerding分型,1932),Meyerding HW. Spondylolisthesis: surgical treatment and resultsJ. Surg Gynecol Obstet, 1932, 54: 371-37,I,II,III,IV,V,症状,马尾综合症,滑脱进展,Labelle H, Mac-Thiong JM, Roussouly P. Spino-pelvic sagittal balance of spondylolisthesis: a review and classication Eur Spine J,2011,滑脱进展,申勇.中国矫形外科杂志 ,2005,40y,43y,45y,滑脱进展,滑脱进展主要因素,PI BMI Angle of lordosis Bilateral pars defects,Jacobsen s. spine. 2007, Labelle H, Eur Spine J,2011 Beutler WJ, Spine,2003,PI,手术治疗指征,持续或反复发作的腰腿痛、间歇性跛行, 严重影响日常生活, 经合理的非手术治疗 ( 3个月或 3个月以上 ) 无效者; 神经功能障碍进行性加重者; 出现大小便功能异常者,手术与非手术治疗,2-4年随访,LDS手术疗效优于非手术,开放性手术,开放手术,优点 学习曲线短 显露充分、视野大,缺点 椎旁肌肉损伤多 住院时间长 出血多 创伤大 风险高,微创手术,微创手术,优点 创伤小 住院时间短 出血小 术后疼痛轻 康复快 并发症少,缺点 学习曲线长,难掌握 对手术者技术要求高,手术难度大 要求手术者有良好的三维解剖知识 需要专用器械,增加手术成本 暴露不充分,视野小,微创 VS 开放:腰椎滑脱?,Open,Mini,Who is best?,(PLIF)微创 VS 开放: 长期疗效,(PLIF)微创 VS 开放: 长期疗效,(TLIF)微创 VS 开放: 疗效,Conclusion: Minimally invasive surgery(TLIF) for severe SDS(I-II grade) leads to adequate and safe decompression of lumbar stenosis and results in a faster recovery of symptoms and disability in the early postoperative period.,(PLF)微创 VS 开放: 疗效,Conclusion: The MIS-PLF utilizing a percutaneous pedicle screw system had less invasive, less postoperative pain, rapid improvement of several functional parameters compared to conventional open-PLF. This superiority in the MIS-PLF group was maintained until 2 years postoperatively, suggesting that less invasive PLF offers better mid-term results in terms of reducing low back pain and improving patients functional capacity of daily living.,(PLF)微创 VS 开放: 疗效,(ALIF+TLIF)微创 VS 开放:并发症,Conclusion: MIS(ALIF+TLIF) had less blood loss, less need for transfusion in the perioperative period, and a shorter hospital stay than open(ALIF+TLIF), but the length of surgery, intraoperative uoroscopy time, malpositioned instrumentation on postoperative imaging, and postoperative complications, including pulmonary embolus and surgical site infection no difference.,(P/TLIF)微创 VS 开放:感染率,Conclusions: In this multihospital study, the MI technique(P/TLIF) was associated with a decreased incidence of perioperative SSI (27 4.6% vs 150 7.0%, p = 0.037) in 2-level fusion. There was no significant difference in the incidence of SSIs (38 4.5% vs 77 4.8%, p = 0.77) between the open and MI cohorts for 1-level fusion procedures.,(PLIF)微创 VS 开放:多裂肌损伤,微创 VS 开放:多裂肌损伤,微创 VS 开放: 费效分析,CONCLUSIONS: MIS TLIF resulted in reduced operative blood loss, hospital stay and 2-year cost, and accelerated return to work. Surgical morbidity, hospital readmission, and short- and long-term clinical effectiveness were similar between MIS and open TLIF. MIS TLIF may represent a valuable and cost-saving advancement from a societal and hospital perspective.,微创 VS 开放:住院时间短、费用少,(TLIF)微创 VS 开放: Meta分析,Mini-TLIF VS mini-ALIF:疗效,Mini-TLIF VS mini-ALIF:疗效,MALIF,MTLIF,Mini-TLIF VS mini-ALIF:疗效,Conclusions:Considering the clinical and radiological outcomes in both groups, the authors recommend that instrumented mini-TLIF is preferable at the L45 level, whereas instrumented mini-ALIF migh


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