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noun and art.,一名词的分类:,名 词:表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称的词,名 词:,可以用数目来计算的名词叫可数名词。可数名词一般有单数和复数两种形式(少数名词两种形式是相同的)。,可数名词:,不可数名词:,一般无法用数目来计算的名词叫不可数名词。不可数名词一般没有复数形式,并且不能用不定冠词a(an)或数词one修饰。物质/抽象/专有名词,名词或名词词组在句子中可以作主语、宾语、表语、定语、 状语、同位语(即除“谓语”以外的句子成分)。,名词的句法功能,The money (主语)in itself meant nothing to him. 金钱本身对他毫无意义。 Keep the medicine(宾语)out of the childrens reach(介词宾语). 把药放在小孩够不到的地方。 She is a famous doctor.(表语) 她是个名医。 My brother is a middle school(定语)student. 我的弟弟是个中学生。 Wait a minute(状语)please.请稍候。 ChangSha, the capital(同位语)of Hunan province is in the middle of China. 湖南省省会长沙在华中,1.1 名词复数的规则变化,(1)复数在后面直接加S map-maps bag-bags (2)以s、x、ch、sh 结尾的,后面加es bus box fox push branch match coach 教练 inch gas ass 驴子 class mass 注:当ch读 k 时,其复数应加s, 如stomach-stomachs (3)辅音字母+ y结尾的词,变y再加ies baby-babies family-families pony-ponies小马 city-cities country -countries,注1:元音字母(就是a,e,i,o,u)+y的名词,直接加s play-plays way-ways valley-valleys 山谷 donkey-donkeys key -keys toy- toys boy- boys guy- guys 注2:以y结尾的专有名词,直接加s. 如he little Marys (4)以f或fe结尾的,变成v再加es. 如 knife ,thief;itself, shelf , leaf ,half, wolf , wife , life , loaf. 为了自己活命,小偷和他的妻子手里拿着刀子和一片树叶 站在架子上把狼劈成两半。,注:以下以f或fe结尾的,直接加 roof-roofs gulf-gulfs 湾 chief-chiefs belief-beliefs proof-proofs safe-safes 保险箱 cliff-cliffs reef reefs 暗礁 brief briefs 纲要 注:handkerchief -handkerchiefs / handkerchieves staffstaffs职员-stafves棒杖 (5) 以辅音字母+O结尾的,多数+es hero negro黑人 tomato potato echo 回声;回响CU buffalo水牛,(北美)野牛 注:以元音字母+O结尾的,以及某些以O结尾的外来词,变成复数只加S bamboo , zoo, radio , tobacoo , two , studio工作室, Piano, kilo,photo ,kangaroo袋鼠 (6)有的名词有两种复数形式。如:zero zeros 、zeroes, volcano cargo (船、飞机、车辆装载的)货物CU mosquito 蚊子C penny的两种复数形式含义有所不同。如:pence(便士的钱数),pennies(便士的枚数)。,1.3 名词复数的不规则变化,1)变元音字母 man-men woman-women foot-feet tooth-teeth goose-geese analysis-analyses 分析 basis-bases基础 parenthesis-parentheses 圆括号 datum-data 数据 formula-formulae/formulas 公式 medium-media/mediums媒介 bacterium-bacteria细菌 louse-lice 虱子 mouse-mice phenomenon-phenomena现象 radius-radii 半径,2)变词尾 child-children ox-oxen(牛),3)单复数同形 fish ,deer,sheep,means(方式), Swiss(瑞士人) Chinese Japanese, works(工厂),crossroads (十字路口),head (牲畜的)头,aircraft species, series系列,等,注1:fishes指不同种类的鱼,people是集体名词“人(民)” peoples指民族 注2:以ese结尾的国籍名词,如Chinese, Japanese为单复数同形,4)有些名词经常以复数形式出现,这些名词中有的表示 由两部分构成的东西(A),有的是以ing收尾的词(B), 也有一些其他的情形(C),,B)belongings 所有物,surroundings 环境,greetings 致敬 doings 行为,savings 储蓄,findings 调查结果,shavings 刨花, earnings 挣的钱,sweepings 扫拢的垃圾。,例如: A)scissors 剪刀, trousers 裤子,pants 裤子,shorts 短裤, jeans 工装裤,compasses 两脚规,scales 天平,glasses 眼镜。,C)contents 目录,arms 武器,fireworks 烟火, overalls 工作服,remains 残余,thanks 感谢, congratulations 祝贺,clothes 衣服,riches 财富,ashes 灰烬, mumps 腮腺炎,measles 麻疹,valuables 珍贵物品, annals 编年史,stairs 楼梯 forces (武装)部队, effects (个人)用品,tropics 热带, dues (交)费 wages工资,riches财富, ashes灰尘 blues 忧郁 exports出口货物 customs 关税 folks家人,5)此外有些名词在一定的词组中一定要用复数形式,例如: take pains 下功夫 present credentials 呈递国书 make arrangements 做安排 make preparations 做准备 give regards to 问候 be at odds with 和不和 sing the praises of 赞颂 give respects to 致敬意 master of ceremonies 司仪 be in high spirits 情绪高 have words with sb. 同某人吵架, in rags衣衫破烂, It is good manners to do sth.有礼貌做某事。 Winter sports 冬季运动 civil rights 公民权利 High heels 高跟鞋 current affairs 时事 Road works 道路工程 give ones best wishes to,(6) 复合名词的复数形式 主体词的复合名词将主体词变为复数 looker-on- lookers-on 旁观者 passer-by- passers-by 过路人 daughter-in-law -daughters-in-law 媳妇 father-in-law- fathers-in-law 岳父 没有主体词的,在词尾加S grown-up-grown-ups 成年人 good-for-nothing-good-for-nothings 饭桶没用的人 go-between(s) 中间人 drawback(s) 缺陷 由man和woman构成的复合名词,两部分都要变复数。 man teacher-men teachers Woman doctor-women doctors,(7)有些名词形式上虽是单数,意义上却是复数 cattle 牛(总称) people 人民 police 警察 public 公众 有些名词及一些学科名词形式上是复数,意义上却是单数 news 消息 politics 政治 physics 物理,(8) 可以具体化的抽象名词 surprise, knowledge, success, failure, pleasure, interest, joy, help, honor, exercise; time ,experience ,life 等。 这类名词如果仅仅表示“概念”,是不可数名词, 但如果表示具体的人或事,特别是前面出现形容词修饰时,就成了可数名词,前面需加冠词。如 He answered in surprise. 他吃惊地回答。(不可数名词) He suddenly appeared on a rainy night, which was a great surprise to us. (令大家吃惊的事情) (可数名词) 。 life is hard . Were living a happy life under the leadership of the Party .,A knowledge of English is a must in international trade. Would you like to have a walk(swim, bath, talk)with me? It is a waste of time reading such a novel. She made an apology to her mother for her wrong doings.,(9) 有些和数词连用的名词,表示复数时仍保持单数形式: two dozen eggs 两打鸡蛋 three score and ten 七十 forty head of cattle 四十头牲口 three hundred ducks 三百只鸭子 ten thousand trees 一万棵树 two million dollars 两百万美金,但:dozens of eggs, hundreds of ducks.等外, 注意下面说法(有些数词后的名词用单数) Shes only five foot two.她身高五英尺二寸。 Shes five feet(foot) tall.她身高五英尺。 The ticket costs only two pound(s) fifty.票价只两镑半。 Five pound of potatoes, please.请拿五磅土豆。 The engine was fifty horse power. 这台发动机有五十匹马力。,1.6 不同国家的人的单复数,名称 总称(谓语用复数) 一个人 两个人 中国人 the Chinese a Chinese two Chinese 瑞士人 the Swiss a Swiss two Swiss 澳大利亚人the an two Australians Australian Australians 俄国人 the Russians a Russian two Russians 意大利人 the Italians an Italian two Italians 希腊人 the Greek a Greek two Greeks 法国人 the French a Frenchman two Frenchmen 日本人 the Japanese a Japanese two Japanese 美国人 the Americans an American two Americans 印度人 the Indians an Indian two Indians 加拿大人 the Canadians a Canadian two Canadians 德国人 the Germans a German two Germans 英国人 the English an Englishman twoEnglishmen 瑞典人 the Swedish a Swede two Swedes,advice (建议), furniture (家具), clothing (衣服),money,fun (乐趣),grass, housework / homework(家庭作业), information(息),rice , equipment (装备),health , wealth , paper(纸), sugar(糖), work(工作), fruit(水果), medicine,harm(损害), news(新闻), progress(进步), luggage /baggage traffic(交通), trouble(麻烦), weather(天气) courage, poverty, milk, butter, 等,常考的不可数名词,(二) 不可数名词 一般说来抽象名词, 物质名词 , 专有名词为不可数名词,,(1)抽象名词 表泛指或用在介词后的抽象名词不与冠词连用 但当抽象名词表示具体的东西时,可用作可数名词且词义 发生变化,,主要类型如下 1) 抽象名词表示具有某种特性、状态、感情情绪的人或事。 如: 抽象名词(不可数) 具体化(个体名词,可数名词),(2)物质名词 是不可数名词, 但表示数量或种类之多时,可以用作可数名词。,(3)专有名词 -单个单词形式的专有名词无复数,不与冠词连用; 与普通名词构成的专有名词前用冠词。 ),注1:有些单词既是可数名词又是不可数名词,但是所含 意义不同(u代表不可数名词,c代表可数名词),adventure,beauty,coffee /drink,difficulty,experience,expression,practice,success,u 冒险,c 奇遇,u 美丽,c 美人,u 咖啡/饮料,c 一杯咖啡/饮料,u 困难,c 难事,u 经验,c 经历,u 表达,c 表情,词语,u 实践,练习,c 习惯、常规做法,u 成功,c 成功的人或事,u青春,c一个青年人,u危险,c危险的事物或人,注2:单复数形式分别表示不同的意义,1.,time,时间,times,次数,时代,倍,2.,3.,wood,木头,woods,森林,sand,沙子,sands,沙滩,paper,纸,papers,试卷,论文,报纸,iron,铁,irons an iron,脚镣,手铐,cloth,布,clothes,衣服,4.,5.,6.,熨斗,glass,玻璃,glasses,玻璃杯/眼镜,water,水,waters,大片的水,海域,work,工作,works,工厂,著作,工程,force,力量,forces,军队,good,益处,goods,货物,manner,态度,manners,礼貌,7.,8.,9.,10.,11.,12.,ruin 13. ruins,废墟,14,brian,brians,脑,脑力,智能,毁灭,spirit,精神,spirits,心情,情绪酒精,content,内容,contents,目录,green,绿色,greens,蔬菜,13.,14.,15.,look looks pain pains custom customs statistic statistics,fur furs fog fogs frost frosts sweat sweats,看,脸色,容貌,痛苦,辛苦,努力,风俗,关税,毛皮,皮衣,皮制品,一场场雾,统计资料,统计学,雾,(2)物质名词是不可数名词,但表示数量或种类之多时, 可以用作可数名词。如:,物质名词有形或数的相应物体,有单、复数。,物质名词有前置后置修饰时,前面要使用不定冠词。,(3)有复数形式的不可数名词,如:some coffee一些咖啡,a coffee一杯咖啡,three coffees三杯咖啡, some drink一些饮料, a drink一杯饮料,three drinks三杯饮料, his hair他的头发,a few grey hairs几根白发, glass玻璃,a glass一只玻璃杯。,have breakfast The road is covered with snow. have a wonderful breakfast They have a heavy snow every year. Time and tide wait for no man. We had a wonderful time last night.,如:Use your brains, please. They have smoothed away the difficulties. Have you made preparations for tomorrows meeting? Many thanks for your kindness. No pains, no gains. After many failures, they finally succeeded.,有些抽象名词往往以复数形式出现,起到一种丰富语言感情色彩或 强调某种特殊状态的作用。,有些物质名词以复数形式出现,表示数量之多,范围之广。如: The boy burst into tears at the bad news. The rising waters did a lot of harm to the crops. The stone bridge broke down in heavy rains.,一般不分单复数,若要表示数量,要加适当的单位名词或单位名词词组。 注意:,1.有些物质名词要根据上下文来决定是可数还是不可数,He ate a chicken. 他吃了只鸡 I dont like chicken. 我不喜欢鸡肉 A glass is made of glass. 玻璃杯是由玻璃制成的,2.有些物质名词在表示不同类别时可以用复数,3.有些抽象名词可以用复数形式来表示具体的事物,4.专有名词一般只用单数,但有时也用复数,5.不可数名词常用of词组来表示数量,tea 茶-teas 各种茶 fruit 水果-fruits 各种水果 fish-fishes各种鱼,difficulty 困难-difficulties 困难的事,难做的事,the Smiths 史密斯一家,a piece of paper, two pieces of paper a little rice , plenty of bread,名词作定语要注重习惯搭配。,常见的习惯搭配归类如下:,(1).表示分类意义的名词作定语。,woman driver,女司机,telephone number,电话号码,school education,学校教育,baby speech,婴儿语,coffee cup,咖啡杯子,air pollution,空气污染,(2.)表示时间,地点、称呼等的名词常直接作定语。,summer camp,夏令营,street light,路灯,village people,村民,book store,书店,Noble Prize,诺贝尔,(3). 表示目的、手段、原料、来源、所属等意义的名词作定语。,milk bottle,奶瓶,lunch room,午餐室,shoe store,鞋店,straw hat,草帽,tooth brush,牙刷,stamp collection,集邮,(4).名词直接作定语时,通常用单数形式。,Lets stop by the book store (书店) on the way home.,(5).man, woman, gentleman作定语时可以用单数和复数两种形式,但必须随所修饰名词的数而定。,He said that two women doctors (女医生) would come to our village the next day.,(6).某些常用复数的名词, 1)当它们用作定语时也须用复数形式。,arms production,武器生产,a goods train,货车,clothes shop,服装商店,savings bank,储蓄所,communications satellite,通讯卫星,foreign languages department,外语系,plastics industry,塑料工业,sales department,营业部,Sports meeting,运动会,Learning Skills Center,学习技巧交流中心,Beijing Foreign Languages Institute,北京外国语学院,The Boys Club,男孩俱乐部,jobs cut,就业率下降,(8).表示类别时名词直接作定语还是用所有格作定语一定要严格遵守习惯。,a peasant family / boy (peasant习惯直接作定语),a workers family (worker习惯用所有格作定语),(9).两种定语有时并存但意义不一样。,the womans driver,这位妇女的司机,girl friend,女朋友,the girls friend,女孩的朋友,women drivers,女司机,(7).单位名称、报纸、广播、电视等的标题中经常出现复数名词作定语,2)数词+名词作定语时,这个名词一般保留单数形式。 如: two-dozen eggs 两打/(二十四个鸡蛋) a ten-mile walk 十里路 two-hundred trees 两百棵树 a five-year plan. 一个五年计划,a middle aged woman a one eyed man a ten- storied building a three-legged table,(10).名词作定语强调被修饰成分的内容或职能,与其同根的形容词作定语则强调特点或属性,Gold watch,金表(指手表是含金的),Golden watch,金色的表(指表是金色的,但不一定含金),名词的所有格,(1)表示有生命的东西的名词,所有格一般在名词后加“s”,其构成形式如下:,一般名词后加“s”。,例如:my brothers bag,以-s或-es结尾的复数名词的所有格,只在名词右上方加“”。,例如:the workers club childrens day,以-s结尾的专有名词所有格,若以读音z结尾,一般可在名词右上方加“”,也可加“s”,其读音分别为z、iz。,例如:DickensDickenss book,但若不以读音z结尾,则仍用“s”。,例如:Rosss book,复合名词所有格的词尾“s”加在后面名词之后。,例如two sons-in-laws photos,如果一样东西为两个人共有,则只在后一个名词加“s”;如果不是共有的,两个名词后都要加“s”。,例如:Jane and Marys room(共有) Janes and Toms books(不共有) =Jane s book and Toms book,在表示“某人家”、“店铺”的名词所有格后面,一般省略它所修饰的名词。,例如:,at the doctors,在诊所,to my uncles,到我叔叔家,at the barbers,在理发店,at Mr. Greens,在格林先生家,at the tailors,在裁缝店,起修饰作用的名词如不表示所有关系,通常不用“s”。,例如:,room number,coffee cups,若仅表示一种类别或类型,名词往往用单数形式。,book club,word order,student life,例如:,the gate of the school ,the window of the room,(3)有些表示时间、距离、国家、城市、团体、机构等无生命东西的名词,也可以加“s”来构成所有格。,例如:,Chinas industry,the stations waiting room,ten minutes walk,todays newspaper,(4)当表示所属物的名词前有冠词、数词、不定代词或指示代词时,常用“of+名词s”的形式来表示所有关系。of后面的名词般都表示人,不能表示物。,例如:,that book of Li Mings ,two friends of my brothers,a few friends of Li Mings,(5)复合名词或短语,s 加在最后一个词的词尾。 如:a month or twos absence,(2)表示无生命东西的名词,通常采用of+名词的结构来表示所有关系。,高考试题 1. If this dictionary is not yours, _ can it be? A. what else B. who else C. which elses D. who elses 2. -Im sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was very tired. -There is no _ for this while you are on duty. A. reason B. excuse C. cause D. explanation 3. “I dont think its my _ that the TV blew up. I just turned it on, thats all, “said the boy. A. error B. mistake C. fault D. duty 4. We all know that _ speak louder than words. A. movements B. performances C. operations D. actions 5. My parents always let me have my own _ of living. A. way B. method C. manner D. fashion 6. The new law will come into _ on the day it is passed. A. effect B. use C. service D. existence 7. For the sake of (为.着想) her daughters health, she decided to move to a warm _. A. weather B. temperature C. season D. climate,D,B,C,D,A,A,D,8 Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his _- A ability B force C strength D mind 9 I am sure Daivd will be able to find the library -he has a pretty good _of direction. A idea B feeling C experience D sense 10. _is more useful than gold . Irons B. Iron C. An iron D. The iron 11. -what can I do for you ? -I d like to have a _of China Daily. A. piece B. sheet C. lot D. copy 12.These days I hire two _in my house . man servant B men servant C man servants D men servants,D,C,B,D,D,13. Mr Smith is a friend of _. Marys mothers B. Marys mother C.mothers of Mary D. Mary mothers 14._desks are in the same room. Johns and Susan B. John and Susans C .John and Susan D. Johns and Susans 15.- Where did you spend last weekend ? -At _. A.Mr Greens B Mr Green C the Mr Greens D the Mr Greens 16. One day Crusoe walked along _ towards his coat . the sand B. the sands C. sand D .sands 17. Toward evening ,_ came , which made things even worse . cold rain B .cold rains C. the cold rain D.a cold rain 18. The Chinese are _ brave and hard working people. A .the B. a C. / D.one,A,D,A,B,D,B,12.No news _good news. A is a B.are C.is D.has E.have 13. Maths still _ very difficult for me , though I have done my best. A .looks B. seems C. is D .are 14. The great wall of China runs across _ China like a huge dragon. the north B. north C.northern D.north of 15. You are to gather at the _at 8:00 tomorrow morning . schools gate B. School Gate C. Schools Gate D .school gate,C,B,B,= the north of China,D,冠 词,1. 冠词的泛指和特指用法,泛指是指首次提到的,不限定的人或事物。特指是指在上文已提到的人或事物,或是指被限制性修饰语在其后加以限定意义的人或事物也可以是指说话者双方心目中所默认的特指的人或事物。,冠词的泛指和特指用法可归纳为下表:,单数可数名词一定要用冠词,复数可数名词不可数名词,a(n),the,泛指单一,每一,任一事物,指类别,特指,上文提到过的事物,被限制性修饰语所限定的事物,说话双方所默认的事物,世界上独一无二的事物,指类别,the特指,零冠词,上文提到过的事物,被限制性修饰语所限定的事物,说话双方所默认的事物,泛指的一些事物,指类别,不定冠词修饰可数名词其意思为“一个”; 定冠词可修饰可数/不可数名词,往往表特指其意思相当于“这个”, 单数可数名词只要不用在抽象化的语境中,一定要加冠词(或者加不定冠词,或者加定冠词)。这时不妨可用“一个”或“这个(种)”来检验。,(1)-Have you seen _ pen? I left it here this morning. -Is it _ black one? I think I saw it somewhere. A. a; the B. the; the C. the; a D. a; a,(2)Most animals have little connection with _ animals of _ different kind unless they kill them for food. A. the; a B. /; a C. the; the D. /; /,D,B,许多人都持相同的看法,在当前国际贸易交往中,英语知识是必备的知识,Many people agreed that a knowledge of English is a must in international trade today.,(2)不定冠词a(n)用于有形容词修饰的一日三餐前。,我每天早晨上班前吃点简单的早餐。,Before I go to work every morning, Ive a light breakfast.,(3)不定冠词a(n)用于有形容词修饰的季节、日期前。,车祸是7月底的一个星期天发生的。,The traffic accident happened on a Sunday towards the end of July.,(1)不定冠词a(n)用于有或没有形容词修饰的抽象名词前。,21不定冠词a(n)的几种特殊用法,(4)不定冠词a(n)用于序数词前,表示一次,又一。 用于形容词最高级前无比较级含义。“非常”,再学一门语言是多么重要啊! 这是一本很有用的书。,How important it is to learn a second language! This is a most useful book.,否定比较级表达最高级意义时,常借助于不定冠词a/an. - what do you think of the film? -Oh , 我从没看过这最糟糕的电影。,Ill never seen a worse one.,(5)不定冠词a(n)表示“per”的意思。,他的月收入是1000元。,His income is one thousand yuan a month.,(6)不定冠词a(n)用于有goodgreat many修饰的名词复数前。,我参观过长城好多次。,Ive visited the Great Wall a good many times.,(7)不定冠词a(n)用于形式为复数,但意义仍为单数的名词前。,一千英里是相当远的距离。,A thousand miles is a good distance.,(8)不定冠词a(n)用于一些原来是动词的名词前,晚饭后,让我们围着操场散步吧!,Lets have a walk around the playground after supper.,(9)有一些抽象名词:advice(忠告),behavior(行为),fortune(运气),fun(娱乐),information(情报),progress(进步),damage(损害),harm(伤害)等,即使被形容词修饰,也不加不定冠词。,一次性行为特别名词化的动词前:have/take a look at ,have a talk / swim / test,go for a swim /walk ,come to an end , have /take a rest,11)a用于姓氏前表示某个只知道名字而不不熟悉的人。 A Mr Liu is waiting to see you outside. 12) 在某些句型中可加a It is a pity that you have missed the chance. It is a shame / a pleasure / a honour for sb. to do sth. 13)a/an 用于说明事物的同一性质、特点、程度或大小,表示“相同”之意,相当于the same . we are nearly of an age . Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚。,卡尔马克思就怎样学好外语,提出了许多建议。,Karl Marx gave us some advice on how to learn a foreign language well.,(13)用在某些固定词组中。,A few, a little, a lot of, a bit, a couple of, all of a sudden(突然), as a matter of fact(实际上) in a hurry(匆忙的), in a word(简言之), have a good time(玩得愉快), do sb. a favour(帮忙), pay a visit to(访问), as a rule(惯例), as a whole(总之), in a day or two(一两天), in a way(在某种程度上), of a size(大小相同), have a word with sb.(与交谈), make a living(谋生), take ( a ) pride in(自豪), take a walk(break, bath, seat)(散步(休息、洗澡、就座), a great deal of(大量), be a pity(遗憾), have a cold(headache, fever)(感冒(头痛、发烧), many a(许多), catch a cold(感冒) a piece/kind /number /set / pair / of take a seat /a train/ a bus .,2.2 定冠词的用法,定冠词the与指示代词this,that同源,有“那(这)个“的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。 1)特指双方都明白的人或物: Take the medicine. 把药吃了 2)上文提到过的人或事: He bought a house. Ive been to the house 他买了幢房子。我去过那幢房子。 3)指世上独一物二的事物: the sun, the sky, the moon, the earth 4)单数名词连用表示一类事物, the dollar 美元;the fox 狐狸; 或与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人: the rich 富人; the living 生者。,5)用在序数词和adj/adv最高级,及形容词only, very,same等前面: Where do you live? I live on the second floor. 你住在哪?我住在二层。 Thats the very thing Ive been looking for. 那正是我要找的东西。 6)与复数名词连用,指整个群体: They are the teachers of this school.指全体教师) They are teachers of this school. (指部分教师) the two of us =2 / two of us 2 7)表示所有,相当于物主代词,用在表示身体部位的名词前: She caught me by the arm 她抓住了我的手臂。 8)用在某些由普通名词构成的国家名称、机关团体、阶级、等专有名词前: the Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国 the United States 美国,用于表示海洋、河流、山脉、群岛;报纸、杂志、书籍、会议、条约、信仰等名词前。 The Atlantic 大西洋 the Thames 泰晤士河 The Alps 阿尔卑斯山 the Changjiang (Yangtze) The Yellow Sea the Book of Poetry 诗经 注意: Life 生活周刊 Times 时代周刊 News Week 新闻周刊 含有Mount ,Lake , Cape 等表示孤岛、独山,湖泊的名词前不加定冠词。 Lake Baikal 贝加尔湖 Mt. Fushi 富士山 Mt. Ali 阿里山 但中国湖泊名词前却加定冠词。The Dongting Lake 也可用Lake Dongting Bay 海湾在专有名词后时不加定冠词。 Jiaozhou Bay 胶州湾,9)用在表示西洋乐器的名词之前,但汉语拼音的乐器前不用冠词。 She plays the piano. 她会弹钢琴。 play erhu 10) 用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示”一家人”or“两夫妇“ : the Greens 格林一家人 (或格林夫妇) 11) 用在表示方向、方位名词前 介词短语中加 Birds come back from the south in spring Lead to th


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