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Chapter 10 Medication Safety,Vocabulary Preview and Exercise,Read the following words and phrases, relating them to their Chinese equivalents.,pharmaceutical adj. blockbuster n. Vioxx unveiled adj. fanfare n. Merck inhibitor n. arthritis n.,制药的,配药的 (破坏力极大的)巨型炸弹 万络(抗关节炎药) 公诸于众的,除去面纱 喇叭或号的吹奏声,吹牛 默克公司(也译默沙东公司) 抑制剂,抑制者 关节炎,over-the-counter ibuprofen n. naproxen n. rack up bombshell n. beef up pepper v. persist v.,非处方的(药) 异丁苯丙酸(抗炎镇痛药) 甲氧萘丙酸(抗炎镇痛药) 获得(胜利),得(比分) 炸弹,突发而惊人的事物 加强,补充(人数,兵力) 连续质问,接连出击 坚持,持续,rheumatology n. long-simmering a. Celebrex Bextra hype v. unrelenting adj. hum v. jingle n.,风湿病学 长期酝酿的,煨,炖 西乐葆(治风湿性关节炎药) 伐地考昔(镇痛药物) 夸大 不屈不挠的,不宽恕的 哼,嗡嗡叫 广告短歌,广告短诗,ambiguous a. subsequent a. randomized a. double-blind trial placebo n. polyp n. colon n. panel n.,模糊的,不明确的 后来的,随后的 随机的,打乱的 双盲法试验 安慰剂 息肉 结肠 专门研究小组,statistician n. rheumatologist n. reimburse v. provided conj. peptic ulcer pop v. osteoarthritis n. muster n.,统计员,统计学家 风湿病学家 退还,返还,赔偿,报销 如果,假如,以为条件 胃溃疡 服(药),尤指口服 骨关节炎 检验,检阅,subtle a. postapproval a. surveillance n. shrift n. reflective a. withdrawal n.,不十分明显的,细微的 正式批准之后的 监视,监督 忏悔,悔悟,招认,承认 能够反映的 收回,撤退,退回,取消,Fill in the blank of the following sentences with a suitable word in the grid, changing its form if necessary.,1. They pay any repair that need doing to the house and _ by the landlord. 2. The patient should consult his doctor if any of these symptoms _. 3. Unfortunately the instructions were _ and we didnt know which part of the program to run.,unveiled provided hype reimburse fanfare reflective shrift surveillance persist unrelenting subtle withdrawal ambiguous subsequent randomized,are reimbursed,persists,ambiguous,4. The police have kept the nightclub under _ because of suspected illegal drug activity. 5. The main symptom of anorexia is a _ pursuit of thinness by starving yourself.,unveiled provided hype reimburse fanfare reflective shrift surveillance persist unrelenting subtle withdrawal ambiguous subsequent randomized,surveillance,unrelenting,6. All we have to do is to explain the problem to her, _ that shes prepared to listen. 7. Other books are being _ by their publishers, but this one really deserves to be read. 8. The book discusses his illness and _ resignation from the government.,unveiled provided hype reimburse fanfare reflective shrift surveillance persist unrelenting subtle withdrawal ambiguous subsequent randomized,provided,hyped,subsequent,9. The plays message is perhaps too _ to be understood easily by the youngest children in the audience. 10. He was suffering all the classic _ symptoms associated with giving up heroininability to sleep, anxiety, sweating and fever.,unveiled provided hype reimburse fanfare reflective shrift surveillance persist unrelenting subtle withdrawal ambiguous subsequent randomized,subtle,withdrawal,1. _ 2. _ 3. _,Asking, Listening and Watching,A. Write down three questions on the topic which you find interesting to explore.,B. Listen to the audio clip “Side Effects of Cold Medicines” only once and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.,Side Effects of Cold Medicines,1. What did FDA officials say about the risks of cold medicines in children? A. Some doctors dont know how to use cold medicines effectively in children. B. The use of cough and cold medicines is neither safe nor effective in children. C. Some problems appear to result from giving too much medicine to children. D. Worries about the possible risks of cold medicines in children are unfounded.,2. One reason why people take cold medicines more often is that _. A. they are sold without the need for a doctors approval B. they dont contain the same active chemicals C. people dont know the risks involved D. people suffer from colds frequently,3. Which of the following is NOT a warning for parents? A. Do not use cough and cold products in children under two years of age. B. Children should never be given cold medicines that are meant for adults. C. Ask a medical professional about the right kind of product for a child. D. Do not use more than two cold medicines sold in different strengths.,4. When giving a child liquid products, parents should _. A. buy the measuring device at a drug store B. carefully follow the directions for use C. use household spoons instead of other device D. get warnings from the childs health care provider,Key 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B,C. Listen to an audio clip three times and complete the following passage with the words or phrases from the audio clip.,Drug Resistance,During the past five years, drug companies have spent more than $ 17,000 million (1) _ and developing medicines used to treat infectious diseases. However, the WHO says much of that (2) _ could be lost if the problem of drug resistance is not (3) _ quickly. The organization says the problem is (4) _ many deadly diseases. They include tuberculosis, meningitis, malaria and (5) _. Officials say drugs have even become resistant to,researching,investment,solved,affecting,pneumonia,infections (6) _ through sex. The WHO says using too many antibiotics in (7) _ countries and not enough of the drugs in poor countries can (8) _ to drug resistance. The use of antibiotics in food production also adds to increased drug resistance. Currently, about fifty percent of (9) _ _ _.,spread,industrial,lead,all antibiotic production is used in agriculture to treat sick animals and to increase the size of farm animals,The World Health Organization warns that drug-resistant organisms in animals can be passed on to humans. As a result, the WHO says (10) _ _. The World Health Organization has launched a new plan to halt the spread of drug resistance. It is designed for patients, doctors, hospital officials and health ministers. Its goal is for all of,the use of antibiotics to improve growth in animals should be halted,them to (11) _ _.,support the best use of drugs so that treatments continue to be effective for all patients,D. Watch a video clip “Acid Reflux Drugs ” twice and decide whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F).,Acid Reflux Drugs,_ 1. A new study shows a long-term use of prescription drugs for heartburn and acid reflux may raise the chances of fracturing bones. _ 2. Acid blocking pills like Prilosec and Nexium can be life-savers for patients with chronic acid reflux. _ 3. The patients dont feel acid blocking pills good because they do not solve their symptoms.,T T F,_ 4. New research indicates acid blocking pills are neither effective for patients stomach nor good for their bones. _ 5. People who took PPIs for 5 years were more than one-and-a-half times more likely to have heart attacks. _ 6. PPIs work by blocking the stomach absorbing hydrochloric acid.,F F F,_ 7. Researchers theorize that over time the drugs acid-blocking effect could speed up bone loss. _ 8. The makers of Nexium recommend that the patients should not be concerned about the study findings.,T F,Read and Discuss “A Painful Mistake“ focusing on the following questions.,A Painful Mistake,1. What kind of drug is Vioxx? What is it used for? 2. Why did more than 20 million Americans take Vioxx at least once? 3. Why did Merck announce that it pulled Vioxx off the market? 4. How did patients on Vioxx respond to the recall of Vioxx? 5. What other doubts did the recall of Vioxx raise? 6. When did the earliest sign of Vioxxs side effects surface?,7. What do many doctors feel about a lot of expensive pain-killers? 8. What are the patients on Vioxx advised to do? 9. What else, instead of Vioxx, may provide substantial relief for patients with arthritis or osteoarthritis? 10. Why is it very so important to continue to monitor the safety of a medication even after it has been approved?,11. What lesson should FDA draw from the recall of Vioxx? 12. What lessons should drug companies draw in terms of clinical trials of new drugs?,Reading Comprehension,Complete each statement or give a short answer to each question in no more than six words according to the article.,1. More than 20 million Americans took Vioxx at least once because of _ _. 2. An independent panel concluded that taking Vioxx would increase the risk of suffering _. 3. The recall of Vioxx reminded the public of _ about the benefits of the whole class of COX-2 inhibitors.,an aggressive, multimillion-dollar marketing campaign,a heart attack or stroke,a heart attack or stroke,the long-simmering doubts,4. Many doctors felt that a lot of expensive pain-killers were being hyped far beyond _ _. 5. The earliest sign of Vioxxs side effects surfaced just a year after _. 6. Subsequent studies, particularly a careful research conducted by Merck, showed the clear evidence of _ _ taking Vioxx.,their medical value,the FDAs approval,cardiovascular problems in the subjects,7. Whether younger or older, the patients taking Vioxx are advised to _ _. 8. The patients with arthritis or osteoarthritis may also _ from other anti-inflammatory drugs or through gentle exercises like Tai Chi, yoga or walking. 9. One of the painful lessons is that it is very important to continue to _ _ even after it has been approved.,consult their doctors about further treatments,find substantial relief,monitor the safety of a medication,10. Most clinical trials of new drugs are _ _ because people who have more than one disease are excluded.,not very reflective of the real world,Complete the following passage with a proper phrase or sentence from the list below the passage.,Over-the-counter Convenience Comes with Risk,A. ignored important safety information on the label B. sold without a prescription anywhere in the world C. allows patients more control over their care D. purchased only with the doctors prescription E. approved for over-the-counter use,1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _,F C A E,F. decreases the chance of serious complications G. untreated the actual cause of their symptoms H. overlooks chronic symptoms and signs I. becomes far more complicated J. read carefully the warnings on the label,5. _ 6. _ 7. _,B I G,Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each comprehension question.,Are Old Drugs Better than New?,1. Why, in the authors view, do many patients prefer newer drugs to older ones? A) Newer drugs are often more effective than older ones. B) Newer drugs in most cases have less adverse effects. C) They usually do not respond well to older drugs. D) They are often misled by hyped advertisements.,2. Saying “I must sound like a stick in the mud”( in Para.2), the author probably means that _. A) he is actually meticulous in prescribing drugs B) he mistrusts the information conveyed by advertisements C) he vindicates the FDAs restrictions against direct advertising D) he persists in using freebies and trial samples from drug companies,3. The basic reason for safety problems associated with new drugs is that _. A) drugs with serious side-effects have not been recalled immediately B) drugs with life-threatening effects cause only insignificant numbers of deaths C) the drugs arent adequately studied before being marketed to the public D) the FDA has lifted its restrictions against consumer-directed advertising,4. How did the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association react to the study result? A) They marketed their products more aggressively. B) They disagreed and argued about the study result. C) They published more additional benefits of new drugs. D) They reluctantly recalled most of the news drugs.,5. Which of the following message should patients take to heart according to the author? A) Dont ask your doctors to prescribe new drugs for your condition. B) Dont believe what advertisements say about benefits of new drugs. C) Dont assume that newer drugs are necessarily better than older ones. D) Dont forget that common drugs may have a lot of adverse reactions.,Key 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C,1. Why do many patients prefer newer drugs to older ones for their condition? 2. What role should a doctor play in deciding medication for a patient? 3. What should a drug company do in order to promote unbiased clinical trials? What should a drug company do if a clinical trial reveals data that does not reflect highly on a drugs performance? 4. What are the responsibilities of the media in disseminating message about new drugs to consumers? 5. What lessons can drugmakers and the FDA learn from the recall of Vioxx?,Further Topics for Discussion and Oral Presentation,V. Language Practice,A. World-building Study the Prefixes, Suffixes and Roots in the following grid, and then provide the corresponding word based on word-building blocks and the given definition.,Prefixes dys-: abnormal (不正常的) Suffixes -al: of, relating to, or characterized by (的,与有关的,具有特性的) -algia: pain (疼痛) -ia: disease; pathological or abnormal condition (疾病;行为异常或失常的状态),-ic: of, relating to, or characterized by (的,具有特性的) -itis: inflammation (炎症) -oid: resembling (类似) -ology: science; study (科学;研究) -or: one that performs a specified action ( 做某一种特定事情的人或物),Roots arthr(o)-: joint (关节) oste(o)-: bone (骨) pept(o)-: digestion (消化) pharmac(o)-: drug, medicine (药),1. Pain in a joint or joints 2. Inflammation of a joint or joints 3. Disturbed digestion; indigestion 4. One that inhibits, as a substance that retards or stops a chemical 5. A noninflammatory degenerative joint disease marked by degeneration of the articular cartilage, hypertrophy of bone at the margins, and changes in the synovial membrane,arthralgia arthritis dyspepsia inhibitor osteoarthritis,6. Of, relating to, or assisting digestion 7. Of or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists 8. A place where drugs are sold 9. Of or resembling rheumatism 10. The medical science that deals with the study and treatment of rheumatic diseases,peptic pharmaceutical pharmacy rheumatoid rheumatology,C. Complete each of the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English, using the words and phrases in the grid.,1. Never take someone elses medication. You dont know if it will _ (与你的药相互作用), the dose may be wrong for you, or you may be allergic to it. 2. _ (多亏及时的营救), all the passengers injured in the car crash have been out of danger.,rack up thanks to take issue with beef up be attuned to be inundated with deal with switch to account for at once reflective of interact with,interact with your medications,Thanks to the prompt rescue,3. The show _ (已取得365场演出佳绩) and been seen by about five million fans at home and abroad. 4. He used to play golf but he _ _(转向网球以便得到更多的运动).,rack up thanks to take issue with beef up be attuned to be inundated with deal with switch to account for at once reflective of interact with,switched to tennis to get more exercise,has racked up 365 performances,5. A good nurse has to _ _ (适应病人的需求). 6. Although I _ _ (在许多话题上不同意我父亲), I respect his opinion.,rack up thanks to take issue with beef up be attuned to be inundated with deal with switch to account for at once reflective of interact with,be attuned to the needs of his or her patients,take issue with my father over many subjects,7. Our training program _ _ (大大地提升了效率和动力) among the new employees. 8. Every call to the advice service _ _ (由心理顾问来处理).,


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